Lack Of Awareness To The Proper Meals Health Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 4487

The lack of awareness to the proper meals and the fast pace of life have supposed to be created a negative impact on nutritional health as this bad habit is been formed by snacking or eating between the meals. This occurrence of snacking is not a modern trend, which also can be looking back in the past history, when the eating was frequent and habitual. Wherein with time-to-time accepting the modern lifestyle, snacking also got accepted as in survey an average adult consuming snack 6.5 times per day. Snacking for both children and adults plays a valuable part in nutrition ingestion. It is vital to understand the detailed of nation's snacking in order to determine; when, where and what they snacking on in the day, the role of nutritional diet and it positive and negative impact of health and healthy and nutritional snack which influence its positive factor.

It is not simple to make an effortless evaluation on snacking habits as the quantity consumed or distributions across the day is not possible judge and explain by many studies. Eating affair can be defined as largely pedestal on social or cultural standards of timing and size. Eating events are generally one of the most vital meals of the day like for e.g. breakfast, lunch and dinner, and comparatively smaller in structure then meals prepared eating moments is commonly described as snacks. The meal which is consumed usually other than main meal times which is supposed be foods or beverages the term is known as snack.

The snacking habit is based on regular basis which was conducted through survey in UK which says most of the UK population snack on a usual daily basis. According to this survey which was conducted in 2001 by IGD (Institute of Grocery distribution) consumer unit says regularly 88% of adults snack on daily basis most frequently at home or at work. As with the summation of 1.7 events as meals and 4.8 events of non meals instance of total 6.5 events of food consumption is on average regularly in adults. There is only increased in snacking amongst the adults by 21% because of in-home intake snacking events and key timings for snacking events of adults are bedtime and elevenses. There are some data exists on typical child diet and commonness of snacking habits which appears to be relatively high where 89% of adolescent eat at least one snack per day. Among adult, the fruits eaten 39%, chocolate and sweets 38%, biscuits and cakes 36%, crisp and nuts 32% are the most commonly eaten snake by adults. Snacking provides a noteworthy nutritional contribution in converse to popular observation done too many people diet. ((Eds.) 2003)

In this world the attribute of teenage life is considered to be snacking and grazing from long time. Though adults nevertheless were teenager, will grow into an adult which emphasize on snacking pattern persuade energy and nutrient intake in adults. Young adult on a particular note than other age group consume sweetened beverages (i.e. coke). Young adult age of 19-24 like to eat snack like chips and soft drinks and fruits and vegetables other protein like cereals are enjoyed less in the daily routine. One of the most important factors for encouraging young adult is snack food marketing and advertising which is the most successful industry from decade. These promotional activities involves huge outlay for producing impressive presentation for attracting different age groups with bright eye-catching picture and advertising , seen everywhere from glossy magazine and vending machines to buses.(The British Dietetic Association Ltd 2003)

Problems from Snaking Habits and Habits to Amend:

Various factors are responsible for poor nutrition dietary and unhealthy snacking habits they are:

Overeating: one of the most and the major common and hazardous dietary habits. It is normal and usual, to eat more than the usual, as in festive juncture or parties. Obesity is one of the major concern of overeating which leads to many other disease. Due to overeating stress causes on digestive region and on other organs because of overconsumption of food which leads to overworking and weakening of those area. To discover the missing nutrient and to correct nutrition deficiency the problem need to deal at the level at which it arise.

Undereating: anorexia nervosa and bulimia are medical term which one of the major concerns associated with undereating, in recent year. Anorexia means "lack of appetite" which can often seen in fat people, models etc. as they often concern about obesity. Skipping meals, eating less food, undereating all these forms leads to poor nutrition and creates problem of deficiency in proteins, vitamins of minerals etc. Other symptoms include lack of energy, weakness, and skin problems.

Eating late: Daily hectic schedule is the most common issue in today's world. For physical relax food often act as tonic. After a busy schedule and mental activities, eating meal which goes to our digestive system, eating light in the day and feeling hunger in night and eating main meal in evening in the suitable pattern. Eating late creates both mental and physical pressures which make our busy schedule lethargic. A good routine from morning breakfast, lunch and evening dinner will help to digest well and give an energetic morning.

Rigid diet: This inflexibility is often created by certain taste and preference of an individual behaviour. Most often found in youth, teenager and elder people. Everyone should eat all form of food to absorb nutrients. The people who just keep themselves too few foods give them lack of freshness and energy.

Emotional eating: stress and psychological troubles are some of the issues. With hunger we create our own diet we need to plan balance diet if we are overweight and we need to include calories and eat more food to gain weight. Stress, sadness, frustration etc also create bad health so should learn to deal with them.

Liquid and Eating: drinking liquid with meal is not a good practice, as it can make more difficult to break food as the liquid can weaken the digestive juice. A small quantity of water or drinking water before or after meal is much better for digestion. As water helps in weight loss and keep functioning our body. Milk is a food, not a beverages, also taken with meal, coffee and tea are also enjoy by people, which also a meal. (Haas 1992)

Conversely, the present study attention on snacking and nutrition diet activities and behaviour focuses on day-to-day increasing and decreasing to potential overall dietary quality and healthy snacking programmes. This brief study on snacking habits of adult from age 18 to 24 is to make available the data regarding to the snacking habit of young adults. This research about snacking habits contains nutritional diet information and various pattern of eating skill of young adults.

This investigation include basically in five points on snacking habit among Adults:

1. Literature Review: This part speaks and includes the concern between the earlier researchers with the one that is present. It is presented with well appropriate expressions. The piece of information is fact basis rather than judgment basis.

2. Methodology: This part has been used for collecting data and inquiring information from various sources. It comprise of objective of the study, sample and size targeted, the measures to gather the reply tempo of various participants.

3. Discussion: Analysis and Result: This part is been explained graphical representation of the various facts and data collected to examine the objective drawn and represent the result.

4. Conclusion: after conducting all procedures and drawing result this part helps you in drawing conclusion.

Literature Review

Snacking: over a past decade, eating pattern of children and youth has seen some dramatically changes. It is important to teach and encourage healthy eating habits among the young age as these habits formed during the teenage and continuous to adulthood. The term refers to consuming food and beverage between the meals. It is possible to increase or decrease the whole dietary quality, reckoning upon the type of snack been consumed.(Woodruff et al. 2006)

Young Adult: the snacking habits and their behaviour of the young adults from 18-22.

The major public health problem around the world is obesity and overweight. About half of the percentages of people in the world are fat and overweight. Due to poor diet and physical laziness, obesity has reached to a disease level around the world. The quality of life get weaken because of obesity. The determining factor of food consumption patterns and sequent weight increase are different. Home economic, physical activity level and demographic characteristics of household are the aspects included in determinants. Disinhibition and self-control are e.g. of psychological factor which affect the individual preference. Where for preference, object and attitude, emotion play a vital role of food of individual choices. With social and culture factor jointly, Religion factor is one factor which affect the individual taste and preference of their food. Snacking is highly common in European countries. With this as the obesity level increase, it increases with unwanted health and forms ill health like diabetes, certain types of cancers and cardiovascular disease. Weight gain and the obesity occurrence can be avoided by the indirect contribution the of attitude towards the food, like example, liking and disliking, cooking and shopping, fast food and nutrition food related factors. Such factor can prevent from the prevalence of obesity and overweight.(Pérez-Cueto et al. 2010)

It was indicated that the suggested amounts of whole grains, vegetables, calcium and fruit was consume less than the amount of unnecessary sugar-sweetened beverages and high-fat, high-sodium foods was consumed by the adults. This was a concern contributed to excess overweight because excess weight gain will increase future risk for budding of chronic diseases. For this the quality research was done to observe time limit is vital pressure on dietary intake young adults. With change in age from adolescence to young adult from 18 to 25 responsibilities may aware the time scarcity. This awareness involves several characteristics i.e. meal arrangement, organising, preparing, and background of meal. For example with growing age the young adult might feel pressure by busy activity while eating food; swiftly eating in car; restricting meal preparation at home; or restricting social relation at dinner. Adolescents and young adult who are engage time more in preparation of meal have good diet, suggested by some previous done research.(Larson et al. 2009). Weight gain and poor diet are symptom of regular intake of fast food. This is important to see the involvement to deal with food intake as switching from adolescence to young adults. For this symptom further effective examinations were made to see great trend in fast food restaurant and factors affecting the behaviour growth of young people to adulthood. As the EAT survey and the data examine by them was that the intake was superior among the young adult reported that total energy, fat energy, saturated fat energy, sodium, french fries, and beverage were higher in comparison to those who reported moderate and low fat intake of fast food.(Larson et al. 2008)

Obesity and overweight caused by the contribution conquered by the trend of increased eating regularity and plagiaristic energy from beverage. The consumption sweeten beverage was 70 to 140 kcal/day and daily eating frequency by 3.9 to 4.5 times/day of adult men and women increased by doubled during 1977-79 and 1994-96. Energy intake during this period in men was 268 kcal/day and in women was143 kcal/day. Sweetened carbonated beverages is the single largest and regularly consume source of energy by 95% of Americans populations diet. Approximately 21% of Sweetened beverages accounted by US population. The trend is not entirely autonomous of eating regularly and beverage intake. Energy obtained through snacks was more from sweetened beverage that is 11.6%, and in comparison to meal that is 6.1% during 1994-96 phases. The contribution of daily snack energy increased up to "9.1% between 1977-1978 and 1994-96". The consumption has increased due to ready to access, delicious, inexpensive energy-yielding beverages; the other reason contributing towards these increment snack and beverage is the increase in the standard of living and the acceptance in society. The weak dietary are due to low satiety value of beverages concluded that rather than substituting for other energy sources, the beverages contributed energy towards eating events. The major point of problematic attention are the snacks taken as regular snacks as they are likely to moderate intake at subsequent eating events. Consumption of these sweetened beverages as regular snacks may lead to energy-balance related problems. Their consumption at meal times may add extra energy. According to a study, about 75% of beverages are pre-prandial. When taken with a meal their low satiety property leads to greater intake between or across meals.(Mattes & Campbell 2009)

Over the year numerous of people has increased with the problem of obesity. It is likely that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and roughly more than 700 million obese people around the world by 2025, as per the World Health Organisation. It is doubtful to explain the obesity disease completely through genetic factor, as this specific genetic has increased more rapidly since the occurrence of obesity. For increasing happening of obesity environment factor almost certainly responsible. According to the survey may be it is because of the changing lifestyle pattern with decreased in meals structure and increased in snacking intake. This survey is also applicable to those countries that are experiencing the nutrition changeover. As the snacking habits increased at the same time there was a raise in the frequency of obesity. The large quantity of standard diet come developed countries from snack food. The daily total energy intake from snack is consumed by USA adults are 17.7% which is approx equal to 350 kcal/day. Even in other countries Snacking is creating an impact and getting popular in countries in the Mediterranean area. Snack sales are being increasing and went upto 57% in Italy, 58% in Spain, and also increased by 18% in the UK. 1.5 snack/day is being consumed by Portuguese youth and also increased across all age groups in 1995/96 and 1998/99. Likewise trend also increasing in Spain, Catalonia, were in snacking increased from 9% to 36%. Snack food incline to be energy compact and of slightly nutritional value. The high energy density snack such as sweet, bakery items and chocolate reported to be consumed more by adults according to the survey. Likewise, also energy compact items cakes, salty snacks and cookies are popular snack among US children and adults. Extra energy intake such as between meals snacking on obesity can be determined as possible effect. Recent narration illustrate that issue do not recompense energy intake after snacking, particularly for individuals, snacks consumed on an irregular basis.(Bes-Rastrollo et al. n.d.)

A major second leading and primary unnecessary and early cause of death worldwide by major effect of cardiovascular diseases and cancer by smoking. Smoking remains an extensive practice, among youngster, worldwide and highly and steady, although evidence collected on its danger. Early uses of tobacco, start smoking in early age are bigger risk of becoming addicted, and turn to heavy smoker and die early. It was projected that young smoker skip their breakfast which is critical as it comprises of vitamins and minerals for daily energy intake as compared to non-smoker who likely to eat more breakfast, fruits etc. then regular smoker, which seem to be highly risky for excepting smoker. Among adult from 20-24 of age, male 36% and females 31% smoked every day, and adolescent 22% and 18% male and female respectively, out of which 12% and 7% are high addicted smoker. Skipping meals and trying to lose weight through smoking was reported by women despite of their age.(Gisle et al. 2009)

The aim of the study is to observe the environment and lifestyle preferred by young adults in consumption of snacking intake and to conclude who it is affecting their nutritional diet, and their habits. To boot, this report purposes to analyze whether snacking is related with a higher regularity of meal skipping, and more distinctively, which snacking environment anticipate meal skipping.


Research Method: the approach used is descriptive in nature. It gives use the current states of the study like in this case whether the young adults have a nutritious diet or whether they are consuming non-healthy diet (snacking). This study investigates about the changing lifestyle between the young adults snacking habits, poor dietary, poor nutrition intake, and to develop their patterns as the time transforming.

Sampling plan: the research focus on design of sampling plan done by the unit, size, and procedure of targeting population that is large or small as the scope of study. The study focus on young adults both male and female age 18-22. The data has been collected from various regions.

Questionnaire: this research is done through questionnaire which consists of 6 questions which include closed end question and open end question. The questionnaire consist of different set of questions such where the individuals asked to tick one option and can also draw their conclusion on their option, multiple type of option where they choose what option they prefer. The questionnaire also includes scale based from 1 to 5 which the individuals agree.

Description of Questionnaire:

How would you rate your desire toward eating?

Rate accordingly, whether the individual is satisfied with your current diet.

This part speaks about whether the young adult are addicted of the use of alcoholic beverage, smoke or use of tobacco.

In this part individual were asked will they change their eating habits for their betterment or it will be hard to change their eating habit in their busy routine life.

This part of the question comprise of scale based on 1 to 5 where young adults were requested to state their intensity of agreement over 21 several dynamic such as whether they eat breakfast, is emotion effect their eating habit, are they influenced by promotion and buy food product from vending machines, amount of diet acquire, whether they eat vegetarian food because they think meat can affect their health or overweight they, whether they plan their meal for the coming week, finishes the whole package until is done, do they eat for their comfort level, are they snack all the time(snacker), do they eat a proper meal(lunch/dinner) or they eat ice cream, candy, cookies in place of meal. Do they snack in night, whether they eat more in bad mood, snack twice or thrive in a day, or when they are board then they eat, do they snack in house, are there eating habits routine, whether they eat three times a week in restaurant.

Objectives of research

To examine the relations between obesity, Food-Related Lifestyles and eating behaviour, dietary intake among the young adults.

To see generally the interest in health, organic product and quality feature which is linked with 'not being obese'.

To examine the approach concerning about the common nature of meals, whether eating habits are routine and meal uniformity in young adults.

To study the pressure of timing of eating, the desire of fast food and the frequent energy intake during changeover from adolescence to young adult..

To study the young adults are getting addicted to the use of smoking and tobacco and making hazard health.

Data Analysis Methods

Mean: The Mean is calculated by adding all the given observed result in the set and then dividing it by the number of units.

Medium: The middle number is known medium. The middle observed outcome when arranged in order

Mode: The mode is the value which is has the most occurrences in a data set or the mode which happens most frequent.

Standard Deviation: spreads out the data points are the measure of standard deviations. A set low and high standard deviation with most of the data points centred on the average.

Range: the variation between the highest and smallest possible value in known as Range.(ltcconline n.d.)

Software used

The result was taken from young adults eating habits and lifestyle by using cross-sectional data by surveying at different region. The data was collected by different individual from the region and analyzed through SPSS 1.6.0 software. Snacking and other behaviours has been figure out by descriptive data

Discussion: Data Analysis and Result

alcoholic beverages



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent



















Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent



















Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































skipping meals



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































routine habits



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































eating comfort



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent































Analysis of questionnaire on the basis of their mean, median and standard deviation

The mean of the hunger reported by individual is 1.5273, median in1.0000, standard deviation is .66261, 56.4% of the individual contribute says their hunger is good, 34.5% answered their hunger is fair, 9.1% says their hunger is poor.

The overall nutritional background of their current diet is, 16.4% has excellent, 29.1% has very well, 41.8% are satisfactory, 9.1 have poor diet and 3.6% are unsure about their current diet context.

The individual who prefer alcoholic beverage is 52.7% in this some individual are regular intake of 300ml of alcohol and 1.4727 is the mean, median is 1.0000 and standard deviation is .05386, in this 47.3% are the individual who do not prefer alcohol.

29.1% of the young adults do the regular intake of smoke, 5 to 6 cigarette daily and 70.9% are the individual who do not prefer smoking. Mean is 1.7091, median is 2.0000 and .45837 is the standard deviation.

It was asked in the questionnaire that if not compulsory, is the individual are ready to change their eating habits, 25.5% are ready to change and 74.5% do not want to change their habits. Mean is 1.7455, median is 2.0000 and standard deviation is .43962

38.2% and 12.7% of the individual disagree for the fast food breakfast on the way to their work 23.6 neither agree nor disagree, 21.8% and 3.6% are strongly agree for the consumption of fast food breakfast. Mean is 2.4000, median is 2.0000 and standard deviation is 1.29957.

34.5% are participate neither agree nor disagree that their emotion affect on what and how much they eat, 10.9% and 36.4% strongly disagree and 7.3% and 10.9% agree that it affect their eating. Mean is 2.7091, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.11675.

27.3% neither agrees nor disagrees for using low fat product, 10.9% and 29.1% strongly disagree and 21.8%and 10.9% are the individual who strongly agree. Mean is 2.9273, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.18407.

25.5% strongly disagree that while eating they see the portion size of their food, 30.9% neither agree nor disagree, 16.4% and 12.7% strongly agrees that they see the portion size of their food. Mean is 2.4545, median is 2.0000 and 1.13559 is the standard deviation.

30.9% neither agree nor disagree that they buy from vending machine 18.2%, 21.8% strongly disagree and 16.4% and 12.7% strongly agree buying from vending machine. Mean is 2.8364, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.27314.

14.5%, 12.7% strongly disagree that of they are busy they will snack in the of place lunch, 18.2% neither agree nor disagree, 36.4% and 18.2% strongly agree that they will skip lunch if they are busy.

29.1% and 21.8% strongly disagree, 16.4%, 14.5% individual say that they do not eat meat regular as they think it is healthier for them and 18.2% neither agree nor disagree. Mean is 2.6545, median is 2.0000 and standard deviation is 1.43008.

30.9% neither agree nor disagree that they plan their meals for the coming week, 30.9% and 12.7% strongly disagree planning their meals and 23.6% and 1.8% strongly agree. Mean is 2.5273, median is 3.0000 and 1.21495 is standard deviation.

12.7% and 27.3% are the individual who do not eat for their comfort, 23.6% neither agree nor disagree and 27.3% and 9.1% strongly agree that they eat for their comfort. Mean is 2.9273, median is 3.0000 and 1.19961 is standard deviation.

20% of the individual neither agree nor disagree that they are a snacker, where other individual strongly disagree are 14.5% and 27.3% and 27.3% and 10.9% individual strongly agree. Mean is 2.9273, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.25984.

29.1% and 27.3% are the participate who do not skip their dinner for eating cookies, candy bar or ice creams, while 20% neither agree nor disagree and 20% and 3.6% strongly agree that they might skip their dinner. Mean is 2.4182, median is 2.0000 and 1.21245 is standard deviation.

38.2% are the individual who neither agree nor disagree of planning their meals, they just eat fast food, 14.5% and 23.6% strongly disagree, individual who agree are 23.6% and 10.9%. Mean is 2.9273, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.23009.

27.3% neither agree nor disagree skipping meals, 14.5% and 23.6% strongly disagree and 23.6% and 10.9% strongly agree. Mean is 2.9273, median is 3.0000 and standard deviation is 1.23009.

25.5% neither agrees nor disagree that their habit are not routine, 16.4% and 25.5% strongly disagree and 20%, 12.7% strongly agree. Mean is 2.8727, median is 3.0000 and 1.27736 is standard deviation. (Appendix 2)


By this research, it is concluded that the dietary habits of young adults 18-22 are found with poor diet. It has been looked that changing from adolescence to adulthood have change their food-life style and eating behaviour, the youth consume smaller amount healthy food, skipping meals, adopt unhealthy habits like smoking, use of tobacco, and consume more unhealthy practices, snacking consuming which includes high fat, sugar or salt in a large proportion. The overall approach is to encourage healthy snacking and regular physical activity in daily routine to reduce the risk from obesity and overweight to influence overall health status by such disease heart disease, cancers, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, breathing problems, increased surgical risk and depression. This study will help young adults in choosing nutritious diet and healthy habits for reducing risk which would have cost in afterwards life.

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