This paper discusses a systems approach to the delivery of healthcare, taking care of the caregiver, a process-based quality management system, and patient safety quality management tools.
Knowledge management is defined as the art and science of changing or transforming data and information into useful knowledge.
Knowing what to fix is the first step in quality improvement. We must know what is wrong, and have the ability and resources to fix it. An organization is a system within itself. All systems have inherent active failures, like an act of omission or commission, and latent failures, like a hazardous condition or flawed process designed into policies, protocols, and procedures, which, in the correct sequence of events, will allow the system to fail. Healthcare is a complex system comprised of multiple subsystems, each of which operates independently and creates a ripple effect throughout the entire organization.
Systems have interactions at the interface of various processes. The more interfaces there are, the more complex the system, and the more opportunities there are for error. Complex processes are more prone to fail than simple processes, thus increasing the occurrence of an unplanned and undesirable event. In a November 1998 presentation, Don Berwick, MD proposed--if the probability of success in a one step process is 99%, likelihood of error is 1%. Similarly, 25 steps, 22%, 50 steps, 39%, and 100 steps, 63%.
A Systems Approach to the Delivery of Healthcare
Health and Human Services, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, CMS, JCAHO, NQF, and the Leapfrog Group, all have requirements for the healthcare system and its caregivers. Sixty days after the January 24, 2003 publication of the final rule in the Federal Register, hospitals, to comply with the Conditions of Participation, are now required to meet the standards described in the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Program (QAPI). There is a need to document knowledge of processes that require improvement, methods to achieve improvement, and ways to measure outcomes of the change. To comply, all hospitals will need an event reporting system. The need for e-Health IT, CPOE, EMR, and other health information systems continues to grow.
A systems approach integrates human resource solutions with organizational needs and priorities. Systems' thinking enables us to see the 'whole picture' and recognize that everything we do is interrelated. An event in one part of the system affects all other parts of the system. Every system has driving forces and restraining forces that upset the steady state, or equilibrium. Driving forces, like the QAPI, alter a steady state. Restraining forces hinder movement toward a desired goal, e.g., restrictions on the quality of care for an HMO patient are greater than for a PPO patient. Although a system in equilibrium is predictable and safe, every system is in a constant state of change.
The Importance of Taking Care of the Caregiver
Reducing vulnerability to the threat of medical errors is the most effective way to achieve patient safety. An effective patient safety event reporting system should demonstrate trust-based processes between the caregivers themselves, and between the caregivers and the administration. It should be non-punitive and proactive in eliminating defects and minimizing variation. For caregivers to speak up, the identity of the reporting party must remain confidential, and resulting remedial action must be disseminated throughout the system.
A Patient Safety Event Reporting System should be designed to demonstrate a measurable increase in patient safety, analyze events, and lower operational costs. It should mitigate the potential for harm, increase caregiver and patient satisfaction, and enhance process-based quality management and performance improvement. Variation in care provided and failure to disseminate evidence-based best practices are factors leading to preventable medical errors. Currently, we must reduce variation in medical practices and provide evidence-based medicine, yet minimize the potential for the occurrence of medical errors, and provide better medical care and service to our patients. Health care providers and students in medicine, nursing, and pharmacy who make better use of systems and systems thinking can create change. Caregivers must be part of the solutions to patient safety problems.
A Process-based Quality Management System for Healthcare
Quality system goals are to develop, implement, maintain, and continually improve the healthcare quality management system to enhance patient safety and satisfaction, prevent errors, and increase workflow effectiveness and efficiency. Meeting industry healthcare requirements and standards will reduce variation and waste.
Tools for Patient Safety Quality Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the integration of knowledge-based systems (KBS) and expert systems (ES). KBS provides computer-based automation of logical reasoning. It uses AI techniques to perform deductive and inductive reasoning.
Detection solutions involve data mining techniques that include neural networks, decision trees, decision tables, naive Bayes, and clustering methodologies. Data representations that maximize the power of discrimination between good and bad events (pattern-related enhancement) are used. The segmented forecasting model uses a mature or frequently done event model, and a new or sparsely done event model that uses rules derived from specific domain knowledge. Complex indicators are implemented to define potential incidents. Specific techniques are utilized to build clusters characterized by risk density, i.e., potential incidents.
Early recognition/detection of conditions, action, and lack of action that have the potential to cause medical errors are essential. Key activities are classification: analysis, segmentation, correlation, clustering of the data and information and forecasting: descending trends and behaviors from clustered data.
Fundamental components of a healthcare delivery system are analyzed and modeled. Relationships and interrelations between components are analyzed and classified. As events are reported over time, patterns of similar characteristics emerge.
The "detection real-time solution" classifies good action, uncertain action, and bad action. Qualitative results obtained are shortest delays in detection, efficient use of signals, ease of change, adaptive, and have robustness in time. These solutions have structural flexibility in merging between data learning and specific knowledge with a reasonable level of false positives and effective management of signals.
Most of the existing authentication schemes for mobile communication are static in nature and principally
dependent on strength of authenticating identifiers for users identity. The acceptance of all the transactions of a
user under a single authentication level, is most vulnerable. We propose a novel transaction based authentication
scheme(TBAS) for mobile communication using cognitive agents. The proposed approach provides range of
authentication by dynamically deploying authentication challenges based on mobile transaction sensitivity and users
behaviors. The method has been simulated using the Agent Factory framework for cognitive agents generation and
their communication. The performance analysis and the simulation of the proposed system shows that, there is a
considerable reduction in security cost compared to regular session based authentication schemes. By combining
transaction based authentication with behavior analysis the authentication attacks can be effectively identified.
Keywords: mobile communication; security; authentication; mobile transactions; cognitive-agents
Mobile communication and services over emerging wireless technologies provide anyone, anytime and
anywhere access. Increased importance in mobile telecommunication and dominance of data communication
promoted large segment of users to accept the mobile data communication as a part of their
day-to-day activities. However, the wireless medium has certain limitations over the wired medium such
as: open access, bandwidth insufficiency, complex system functioning, power confinement, and relatively
unreliable network connectivity. These limitations make it difficult to design efficient security schemes
for authentication, integrity and confidentiality. Wireless networks and the current generation of 3G
networks have a packet switched core which is connected to external networks such as the Internet,
making it vulnerable to new types of attacks such as denial of service, viruses, worms, channel jamming,
unauthorized access, eavesdropping, message forgery, message reply, man-in-the-middle attack, session
hijacking, etc., similar to the Internet [2]. Out of many security issues of mobile communication, the focus
of this paper is designing an effective, dynamic and intelligent decision based authentication technique
for mobile communications.
Mobile Authentication
Authentication is a process to identify a mobile user(MU), in order to authorize him/her to use
system resources for specified purposes. Authentication involves negotiating secret credentials between
prover and verifier for protecting communications. The primary aim of any authentication protocol or a
scheme is "verifying the linkage between an identifier(usually claimed by the individual, but sometimes
observed) and the individual [3]." Introduction of many value added services in mobile world, has
triggered exorbitant growth of mobile users population, and many of these services demands a stringent
authentication mechanism to ensure that legitimate users are using the network and services.
Most of the existing authentication schemes may be broadly classified into three categories [4]: 1.
application level authentication, where the user enters the application level data such as user-ID, password,
PIN's, OTP's or some times bio-metric information as the basis for authenticating communications between
the endpoint device and the service provider's server. 2. device level authentication, in which the end
systems, which may be servers or client devices, stores some form of secrets used by cryptographic
algorithms running on these systems. These secrets are either of type shared or unshared, which could be
bound to hardware in use, for e.g., cryptographic key bound to the SIM of a mobile device. 3. network
level authentication, will enable the exchange of session keys based on the public/private key pairs of the
two mutual authenticators.
Device based authentication protocol is one of the common type of authentication practiced by mobile
based application service providers [2]. Here, it is essential to register the device in advance to use the
service. Even though the authentication mechanism looks stringent, it does not be able to detect service
misuse from compromised mobile devices. It also indirectly limit the users freedom of changing the device
at his/her will, which is very common in a mobile environment.
Authentication services effect QoS in several ways. The public/private-key based authentication mechanisms
consume more time and power due to the computational complexity of encryption and decryption
of data [5]. To achieve efficiency in authentication, challenge/response authentication mechanisms based
on secret keys are widely used in wireless networks.
However, in these mechanisms, the credentials of the mobile user(MU) are encrypted and transmitted
hop-by-hop for remote verification among authentication servers, which increases the overhead of communication.
The extended waiting time will influence the QoS parameters such as authentication cost,
delay and call dropping probability. In order to improve the security and efficiency during authentication,
several schemes are proposed, focusing on the design of lightweight and secure authentication protocol
[6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Most of the systems proposed are static in nature, by providing common scheme of
authentication irrespective of the sensitivity of the communication. As a result of this, the authentication
protocols fail to establish relationship between correct identifier and correct principal. This leads to a
situation, where the correct identifier submitted by incorrect principal is validated and authenticated to
get the services.
Various attacks have been developed to defeat a single-factor application level authentication, to name
a few: social engineering; passphrase guessing; phishing; pharming; Trojans; malware; etc. [11], [12],
[13]. To overcome this a two-factor authentication at application level was introduced, which combines
something that a user knows with something he or she possesses, but it is not foolproof, since the failure
modes for different authentication factors are largely independent [3], for example, the proper working
of mobile device is independent of the user remembering passphrase or PIN. Further the session level
implementation of a two-factor authentication makes the user remain authenticated for the duration of the
session, i.e., until they log off or close the browser. But it is a catch-all approach, meaning users will be
kept authenticated regardless of type of transactions those are performing, it attributes the same level of
risk to all transactions available to the user.
Transaction-based authentication schemes are
Related Works
Some of the research works conducted in the area of
application-level security schemes to implement dynamic
security solutions are mentioned here.
An adaptive encryption protocol is proposed in
Reference [22] based on the fractal framework. This
protocol dynamically chooses a proper encryption
algorithm based on the application-specific requirements,
and device configurations. The awareness of
network variations at the application-level, helps in
intelligent adaptation of encryption protocol. The
dynamic self-adaptive security model using agents
is proposed in Reference [23]. The main idea of
this model is regarding security management as a
dynamic process, security policy must adapts dynamic
of network intrusion. It consists of circular actions:
security analysis, and configure, real-time inspect,
give an alarm and respond, audit and evaluation.
The selective encryption for multimedia content is
proposed in Reference [24]. An optimal security level,
is chosen based on the cost of the multimedia information
to be protected, and the cost of the protection
itself. If the multimedia to be protected is not that valuable
in the first place, it is sufficient to choose relatively
light level of encryption. On the other hand, if the multimedia
content is highly valuable or represents government
or military secrets, the cryptographic security
level must be the highest possible.
Location based encryption proposed in Reference
[25], builds on established cryptographic algorithms,
and protocols in a way that provides an additional layer
of security beyond that provided by conventional cryptography.
It allows data to be encrypted for a specific
place or broad geographic area, and supports constraints
in time as well as space. It can be used with both
fixed and mobile applications, and supports a range
of data sharing, and distribution policies. Another
work on data encryption for mobile users based on the
location is proposed in Reference [26]. The location
coordinates is incorporated during the data encryption,
the receiver is able to decrypt the data only when the
location coordinates matches with its current location.
The Reference [27] proposes a conceptual framework
for context-based security systems. Contextbased
security aims at adapting the security policy depending
on a set of relevant information collected from
the dynamic environment. As the environment evolves,
the context change, thus, security policies dynamically
change in order to cope with new requirements. The
Reference [28] suggested the negotiating security technique
across multiple terms of transaction, such as terminal
types, service types, user's preference, and the
level of sensitivity of information. An adaptive security
model is proposed in Reference [29], which dynamically
adapts the security level according to a set of
contextual information such as terminal types, service
types, network types, user's preferences, information
sensitivity, user's role, location, and time, usingMAUT
(Multi-Attribute Utility Theory), and simple heuristics
in order to support secure transactions in the heterogeneous
The enterprise portal research area focuses on the products and infrastructures associated with
the development and deployment of enterprise portals. Gartner defines an enterprise portal as a
Web software infrastructure providing access to, and interaction with, relevant information assets
(information/content, applications and business processes), knowledge assets and human
assets, by select targeted audiences, delivered in a highly personalized manner. Enterprise
portals may face different audiences, including employers (business-to-enterprise), customers
(business-to-consumer) and trading partners (B2B). Intranets and extranets relate to the
enterprise portal topic, as well.
Gartner enterprise portal research covers trends, technologies, product functionality, market
developments, vendor strategies, and best practices for deployment and management, product
and vendor selection, and portal acquisition and deployment cost analysis. Our research also
addresses the relationship of enterprise portals to other technology areas, including, but not
limited to, enterprise mashups, CRM, social computing, business process management (BPM),
ERP and supply chain management (SCM).
The portal market experienced strong growth during this decade, despite negative economic
cycles during this time frame. Gartner clients continue to express high interest in enterprise
portals, even though the enterprise portal concept and the primary technology enabling it have
reached maturity. Enterprise portals reflect a type of enterprise Web site, as well a type of
technology used as the foundation for an enterprise Web presence. Portals are used by
enterprises, but portals also are relevant to the consumer Internet. Many companies that revisit
their Web strategies implement portal technologies aimed at providing an externally facing Web
presence. Internet megaportals, such as Yahoo, Microsoft Network (MSN) and Google, are highprofile
examples of portals in a consumer Web context. Social networking, social tagging, wikis,
blogs and personal home pages are examples of Web 2.0 functionalities that frequently were
found early on in the consumer Web, which enterprise vendors providing horizontal portal
offerings now claim to provide. Although the primary focus of this research is enterprise portals, it
also will track technology developments among megaportals that will affect enterprise portal
software and deployment patterns, such as advancements with end-user mashups.
Many, but not all, enterprise portals are built using a portal product that is based on a portal
container, or a software suite that includes portal functionality. A portal product is a packaged
software application that is used to create and maintain enterprise portals. These products can be
used to design vertical or horizontal enterprise portals.
Although software-as-a-service (SaaS) vertical portals have been popular in several industries for
several years, 2008 marked greater interest in SaaS and in cloud-based portals for horizontal
portal deployments. Alternative approaches from the classic horizontal portal container approach