Is cholesterol a bad molecule

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1798

If yes than why does our liver produces about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day? Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in the cells in the body. There are different forms of cholesterol that can be found in the body, but not all cholesterol isn't harmful.

The molecular formula of cholesterol is C27H45OH . Cholesterol has a four ring structure that is known as hydrocarbon ring and this structure also applies to all steroids. Small region of cholesterol is soluble in water as it has the hydroxyl OH group, but the rest the molecule is fat soluble. Cholesterol is known as amphipathic as it has polar (hydrophilic) that attracts to fats and no polar (hydrophobic) that doesn't attract water.

All cholesterol consists of lipoprotein. ( )Lipoprotein are many lipids and protein joined together and are insoluble due to large amounts of glycerides and cholesterol. However it is soluble due the phospholipids and protein that covers the lipoprotein. There are two main forms of cholesterol. To being with there is low density lipoprotein as they are often called bad cholesterol. They transport cholesterol from the liver to the body where it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that can form deposit or plaque. Over a period of time the plaque can block the blood flow, therefore causing arteriosclerosis that is the clogging and hardening of the arteries. Thrombosis can also occur. This is the formation of blood clot when the cholesterol breaks away. The blood colt that occurs in arteries is called arterial thrombosis and that also occurs in veins is called venous thrombosis. Both arteriosclerosis and thrombosis can lead to heart attacks or strokes. On the other hand there is a good form of cholesterol that is known as high density lipoprotein. They help to remove cholesterol from the inner walls of the arteries and cells and transport it back to the liver, where it is either broken down or passed from the body as a waste product.

There are other small cholesterols like very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). It is mostly made up of triglycerides and small amounts of cholesterol and proteins. Triglycerides are a type of fat that the body uses to store energy and also give energy to muscles when needed. They can be found dairy products and meat. The role of very low density lipoprotein is to transport this type of cholesterol to the peripheral tissue and is also a bad form of cholesterol. Slightly larger cholesterol than VLDL is the intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL). They are called intermediate because they are between very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein. Compared to VLDL the amount of triglycerides is smaller, but they have more phospholipids and cholesterol than LDL. Chylomicrons another form of cholesterol is the largest that are made in the intestine from foods that contain fats. This is then absorbed by the GI tract and travel in the bloodstream. It becomes a big problem when someone consumer high amounts of low density lipoprotein and low amounts of high density lipoprotein.

Many people think of cholesterol always a bad think, but it's not what they think. To stay health your body would need cholesterol and that's a fact. As well as having a dark side of cholesterol it also has many important functions that benefit the human body. Cholesterol is found in the cell membrane of a cell. It role in the cell membrane is to protect the integrity and the cells need cholesterol. In order to produce important certain things in the body cholesterol is required as it is the starting material to produce vitamin D, hormones and helps the gall bladder to produce bile acid. Without cholesterol there wouldn't be Vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced when the sunlight hits underneath the skin where there is fat. It makes bones and teeth strong and healthy. Bile acid is a fluid that is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. It is required during digestion in the small intestine for it to absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E and K). It also removes waste products. Hormones like oestrogen and testosterone are produce and cholesterol is also involved in the nervous system as it helps nerve cells to send messages. However, it doesn't mean its all right to have large amounts of fatty food in our diet that has cholesterol, but our body needs small amounts of it. Its only is a problem when we have too much cholesterol then we need.

The recommended amounts of cholesterol vary as it depends on the reference, but as we get older it is important to monitor the level. According to the America heart association blood cholesterol should be around 200mg/dl or less, therefore the risks of having heart diseases will be reduced or having a value about 240mg/dl or more will defiantly increases the chances of having heart diseases. But different countries will have slightly different recommendation. It is important to make sure that we keep checking our cholesterol level by meeting with the local G.P. Performing a cholesterol test is quite simple. In order to take the test the person should first not consumer any food or liquid expect water if needed for about 12 hours before carrying out the test normally in the morning to get accurate results. However, unless the doctor says not to medication taken regularly should not be stop. The person's skin would first need to be cleaned with antiseptic before inserting the needle in one of the veins to collect small amounts of blood. The small area of the skin is covered with pressure wrap to stop the bleeding. Checking your cholesterol levels can be also be done at home by first purchasing a cholesterol monitoring system if one finds it more convenient then going to the G.P. The sample is taken to the laboratory, where the blood sample is separated. Further test on cholesterol can be calculated. One having a medical history or having a high level of cholesterol further tests can be done with a complete profile of lipoprotein that includes LDL, HDL, VLDL, IDL and chylomicron. Often, high level of cholesterol is linked to high level of LDL

There are two types of fats; saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats have a single carbon bond and are solid at room temperature. Foods that contain saturated fats are butter, cakes and meat. Having high saturated fat in the diet can increases the amount of cholesterol, but a diet that has high amounts of unsaturated fats can reduces the level of cholesterol circulating in the blood. Unsaturated fats have a double C-C bond and at room temperature they are liquid. Since our body can't manufacture unsaturated fats they are said to be essential fatty acids. Foods that are rich in unsaturated fats are nuts, seeds and oily fish that has omega 3. There are also monounsaturated fat like olive oil that have one double bond and polyunsaturated fats that have more two double bonds and corn oil. Both of them are good for the body and can help to reduce cholesterol. According to the food standard agency men should have 30g or less per day and women should have about 20g or less per day. Our body doesn't also need trans fat are another form of fat and are also liked to high cholesterol. They are formed when hydrogen is added to oils that makes them more solid

Food isn't the only factor that can develop heart diseases. Having a family history of heart disease is another factor as genes are passed down from the parents and on to the offspring. So if our parents have high cholesterol one should also take care as the chances of them having high level would be higher than other as they age. Gender and age is another factor, which nothing can be done. As men and women get older the level of cholesterol tends to increase. Before a women approaches menopause they have lower cholesterol level than men even being the same age. So you could say that women may have a slight advantage over men. But after this period the low density lipoprotein tends to increase. Exercising often can rise the good cholesterol high density lipoprotein, but inactive can increase bad cholesterol low density lipoprotein.


Well what is being done to help the public to fight against cholesterol? Today, there many products that contain certain things that help to reduce the level when taken often and are advertised in many media. They would contain things like plant sterols that are naturally found in small amounts in fruits, vegetables and nuts. They reduce the amount of cholesterol being absorbed in the small intestine before it passes into the blood stream. There are other products that have plant sterols and stanols, such as yoghurt drinks like Benecol and margarines like flora pro activity. Other products like cereals contain whole grain. They have small amounts of fat and they people to feel fuller for longer. Consuming whole grain as part of a low fat diet can also help to maintain a healthy heart. There are a range of cholesterol tablets which can be taken for those who level are really high to lower the LDL level. The common prescribed medications are Statins and niacin. Statin works by blocking the enzyme in the liver. This enzymes is controls the amount of cholesterol being produced, and without this enzymes the blood cholesterol level will be reduced. Another medication is niacin. This is a vitamin B that is found in foods like .. in small amounts. But in high amount it can reduce LDL and triglycerides and could also raise HDL levels. These medications are taken regularly and many medication comes with some minor side effects like stomach upset, muscle pain/weakness and liver abnormalities. As well as children being educated in school they are also being persuaded to have a healthy life through the media. Recently, there has been a scheme called "change 4 life" that helps children by choosing a healthy approach in like life. They help children to be active and having healthy meals by advising range of fun activities for children to do with other members of family.

As we come to know cholesterol has its ups and downs. Even we don't' have control over genetics we should still try to minimise cholesterol level through our lifestyle. Scientist are still researching other effective safe medications to help people live longer and to maintain the cholesterol level. Others are looking in depth into genes that control the cholesterol and how are they are regulated. But for the mean time remember that our chooses in life depends on our health.