A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career.
Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger companies, a manager may only recommends such action to the next level of management. The manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
a) A manager should and must be proactive with verbal and written communicator skills, including good, active listening skills.
b) A manager should take all the details of the project end to end and decide what work need to be done. Recruit, interview and hire the best people.
c) Divide the work in modules and assign the work to team members and keep track of what everyone in the team is doing. Make sure the team gets their work done.
An individual who works as manager has to face daily two types of Environment namely Internal Environment and External Environment.
Under Internal Environment:
Internal structure: A manager has to work in the internal structure of the organization.He cannot behave independently.he has to follow procedure code set by the Organization.
Infra structure: A manager has to work under the Infrastructure given to him by the organization.He cannot misuse the resources allocated to him.
Value system: A manager has to practise strong value system and behave impartial with all of his colleagues to maintain friendly relation.
Timings: A manager has to be disciplined and punctual so that he can become role model not only for subordinates but also for organization.
Nature of product : a manager had to perform tasks related to nature of product ,which is needed by the company.
Organizational structure: A manager in an organization has to follow structure as designed by the company. He can only report to the immediate boss as designed in the organizational structure.He cannot over lead his immediate boss.
Hirerachy: A manager in organization has to follow hirerachy so that there will be smooth functioning of the individuals,subordinates, Seniors Heads. If Hirerachy is not followed , relationship between top ,middle and supervisory management effects the growth of company.
Department centralization:
A manager who works in a centralized department cannot involve and interfear in other department.
External Environment:
Micro environment
Macro environment
Customer: A manager has toface various customers of the company.he has to stasify the needs as required by the customer.
Social and cultural Environment:
A manager has to follow the socialcustoms,beliefs and tradition inorder to maintain harmony among Individuals.
Dealer: Manager has to face many dealers of the organization.he has to negiotate with them not only in price , and aslo in coordinating them to satisfy the customers.
Technological Environment:
A manager has to update Knowledge of Technology changes so that effective use of technology yield good results for the organization.
Supplier: manager has to deal with suppliers who provide raw materials for manifacturing goods .
Economic Environment: A manager has to act according to the economic conditions of organization.
Banks: Manager has to make payments through banks to all dealers,suppliers.
Political and Legal Environment: A manager has to face all political and Legal issue related to organization and also rules set by Government.
Financial institution:manager has to deal with financial Institutions like LIC,Banks which finance organizations.
International Environment: A manager has to observe FDI 's coming to the country and also observe MNC competitors for his organization inorder to maintain sustainbility
Natural Environment: NATURAL disaster like earthquakes, TSUNAMI,Fire catching accidents hamper the growth of MNC economically.
General role and responsibilites of Manager:
According to Henry mintzberg study on nature of Managerial work ,he identified ten basic roles performed by managers and classified them under
Interpersonal skills
Informational skills
Decisional skills
Interpersonal roles are as follows
A manager is a figure head. This role is necessary because of the position occupied. It consists of such duties as signing certain documents required by law and officially receiving visitors.
A manager's works as a leader that is hires, trains, encourages, remunerates, and Judges the subordinates.
A manager serves as Liasion outside contacts such as the community, suppliers and others and organization.
Informational roles found by Mintzberg include the following,
1) As Monitors, managers gather information inorder to be well informed
2) Managers are disseminators of information flowing from both external
Internal sources.
3) Managers are spokes persons or representatives of the organization.
They speak for subordinates to superiors and represent upper management to subordinates.
The decisional roles are as Under
Managers as Entrepreneurs are initiators, innovators, problem discoverers and designers of improvement project that direct and control change in the organization.
As disturbance Handlers, managers react to situations that are Unexpected, such as mass absenteeism, resignation of subordinates or losing of customers.
Managers are resource allocator.
Managers are negotiators. At Times, this role can be partially delegated; however, managers assume it when conflicts arise.
In addition managers in any organization work with eachother to establish the organization's long range goals and to plan how to achieve them. They also work together to provide one another with accurate information need to perform tasks. Thus managers act as channel of communication within the organization.
The brief description of these managerial roles and responsibilities shows that managers must "change hats" frequently and must be alert to the particular role needed at given time. The ability to recognise the appropriate role to be played and to change roles readily is a mark of an effective manager.
five major challenges that we facing in terms of human resources and human resource management.
Managing Knowledge Workers
Essentially, here we are looking at different kind of people who does not obey the principles of management for the traditional group. This boils down to higher educational qualifications, taking up responsibilities at a lesser age and experience, high bargaining power due to the knowledge and skills in hand, high demand for the knowledge workers, and techno suaveness. The clear shift is seen in terms of organization career commitment to individualized career management. Managing this set of people is essential for the growth of any industry but especially the IT, BPOs and other knowledge based sectors.
Managing Technological Challenges
In every arena organizations are getting more and more technologically oriented. Though it is not in the main run after the initial debates, preparing the work force to accept technological changes is a major challenge. We have seen sectors like banking undergoing revolutionary changes enabled by technology. It is a huge challenge to bring in IT and other technology acceptance all levels in organizations.
Competence of HR Managers
As it is more and more accepted that lot of success of organizations depend on the human capital, this boils to recruiting the best, managing the best and retaining the best. Clearly HR managers have a role in this process. Often it is discussed about lack of competence of HR managers in understanding the business imperative. There is now a need to develop competent HR professionals who are sound in HR management practices with strong business knowledge.
Developing Leadership
It is quite interesting to note that there is less importance given to developing leadership at the organizational level. Though leadership is discussed on basis of traits and certain qualities, at an organisational level it is more based on knowledge. The challenge is to develop individuals who have performance potential on basis of past record and knowledge based expertise in to business leaders by imparting them with the necessary "soft skills".
Managing Change
Business environment in India is volatile. There is boom in terms of opportunities brought forward by globalisation. However this is also leading to many interventions in terms of restructuring, turnaround, mergers, downsizing, etc. Research has clearly shown that the success of these interventions is heavily dependent on managing the people issues in the process. HR has a pivotal role to play here.
Our Company was incorporated as"Micromax Informatics PrivateL i m i t e d " on March 29, 2000 in New Delhi, under the Companies Act, 1956, as amended (the "Companies Act") with the
Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana( "RoC " ). Subsequently, our Company became a public limited company pursuant to a shareholders‟ resolution dated
June 26, 2000 and the name of our Company was changed to „Micromax Informatics Limited‟ pursuant to a fresh certificate of incorporation from the RoC on August 3, 2001.
Registered Office: Block A, Plot No. 21/14 Naraina Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi 110 028, India; Tel.: +(91 11) 4979 0020; Fax: +(91 11) 4979 0010; Corporate Office: #697, Udyog
Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon 122 015, Haryana, India;T e l . : +(91 124) 400 9600;F a x: +(91 124) 400 9603;W e b s ite : www.micromaxinfo.com
Role of HR manager with respect to Organization EMRI
The overall organisational manpower requirement and recruitment process is driven by the vacancy requisitions rather than a budgeted plan towards recruitment. The vacancies are raised based on the Organization growth plans. Critical vacancies are raised by HR Manager and are monitored by the HR recruitment personnel for Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned vacancies.
The Resource Request Form is raised by HR manager
TO: Manager - HR DATE: ___________________________
FROM: DEPARTMENT: ___________________
DATE: _________________
Openings may arise within an organization when an employee resigns, retires or is involuntarily terminated. The staffing/ manpower need may require an additional regular monthly paid employee, an hourly paid employee, a part-time employee, or an independent contractor.
HR department personnel
The HR department checks if the vacancies for which Resource Request Formraised is sanctioned or unsanctioned. Sanctioned vacancies are vacancies which are budgeted during annual Manpower planning.
If the vacancies for which Resource Request Form is raised are Sanctioned Vacancies, HR validates the Job description. In case Job Description doesn't exist, it is developed. Resumes from Database Search, Employee Referral, Advertisement in Different media and from Recruitment agencies are matched against the requirement. And resumes are short listed.
If the vacancies for which Resource Request Form raised are not sanctioned, HR sends it for CEO's approval.
Short listed candidates resumes are sent to HR MANAGER by HR department personnel. After the resumes are approved by HR MANAGER, the process is taken forward by HR personnel.
HR manager
Once the HR MANAGER approves the Resumes of the candidates. HR Interviews, Technical interviews and personal Interviews are conducted.
HR interviews are conducted in person and also by phone. In the HR interview, communication Skills, Attitude, Willingness to work, current CTC are evaluated. Technical interviews are conducted by HR manager on relevant technical skills. Written Tests, preparation of PPT Presentation are also included in the same.
Resumes of the candidates who clear all the rounds are sent to CEO by HR MANAGER for approval, based on the criticality or significance of the role. On approval from the CEO, Offer letter is given to the right candidate.
After the candidate accepts the offer letter, Background check and medical check up for fitness is done. Once the candidates clear Back ground check and Medical Check up for fitness, Date of Joining is intimated. Candidate is sent for Induction after joining.
In case candidate doesn't accept the offer, review is done on rejection reasons by HR recruitment personnel and HR manager. After review, the revised offer can be made once again to the candidate or the process is terminated.
Management Organization Structure:-
Our Company was incorporated as"Micromax Informatics PrivateL i m i t e d " on March 29, 2000 in New Delhi, under the Companies Act, 1956, as amended (the "Companies Act") Naraina Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi 110 028, India; Tel.: +(91 11) 4979 0020; Fax: +(91 11) 4979 0010; Corporate Office: #697, Udyog
Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon 122 015, Haryana, India;T e l . : +(91 124) 400 9600;F a x: +(91 124) 400 9603;W e b s ite : www.micromaxinfo.com
Top-level managers, or top managers, are also called senior management or executives.
These individuals are at the top one or two levels in an organization, and hold titles such as: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operational Officer (COO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chairperson of the Board, President, Vice president, Corporate head.
Often, a set of these managers will constitute the top management team, which is composed of the CEO, the COO, and other department heads. Top-level managers make decisions affecting the entirety of the firm. Top managers do not direct the day-to-day activities of the firm; rather, they set goals for the organization and direct the company to achieve them. Top managers are ultimately responsible for the performance of the organization, and often, these managers have very visible jobs.
Top managers in most organizations have a great deal of managerial experience and have moved up through the ranks of management within the company or in another firm. An exception to this is a top manager who is also an entrepreneur; such an individual may start a small company and manage it until it grows enough to support several levels of management. Many top managers possess an advanced degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration, but such a degree is not required.
Some CEOs are hired in from other top management positions in other companies. Conversely, they may be promoted from within and groomed for top management with management development activities, coaching, and mentoring. They may be tagged for promotion through succession planning, which identifies high potential managers. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Levels.html#ixzz1JyWDhHdB
1.Anita Goel, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary.in Micromax
2. Rahul Sharma, is an Executive Director in Micromax
3. Sumeet Kumar, is the Chief Technical Officer in Micromax
4. Vikas Jain, is an Executive Director in Micromax
Top-Level Managers Responsibilities:
Basic supervision.
Career planning.
Performance feedback
Middle-level managers, or middle managers
are those in the levels below top managers. Middle managers' job titles include: General manager, Plant manager, Regional manager, and Divisional manager.
Middle-level managers are responsible for carrying out the goals set by top management. They do so by setting goals for their departments and other business units. Middle managers can motivate and assist first-line managers to achieve business objectives. Middle managers may also communicate upward, by offering suggestions and feedback to top managers. Because middle managers are more involved in the day-to-day workings of a company, they may provide valuable information to top managers to help improve the organization's bottom line.
Jobs in middle management vary widely in terms of responsibility and salary. Depending on the size of the company and the number of middle-level managers in the firm, middle managers may supervise only a small group of employees, or they may manage very large groups, such as an entire business location. Middle managers may be employees who were promoted from first-level manager positions within the organization, or they may have been hired from outside the firm. Some middle managers may have aspirations to hold positions in top management in the future. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Levels.html#ixzz1JyWb5fZW
Aditya Sheel, General Manager-Human Resources in Micromax
Sudhir Gaur, National Sales Head in Micromax
Pooja Verma, General Manager in Micromax
Vikas Sahni, General Manager-Export Sales in Micromax
Ritesh Arora, General Manager-Testing in Micromax
Ashwani Kumar Dagar, General Manager-Retail & Organized Trade in Micromax
Pratik Seal, General Manager-Marketing in Micromax
Jitender Panjwani, General Manager-Logistics & Warehouse in Micromax
Vikas Kumar, Vice President-Middle East & Africa in Micromax
Middle-Level Managers Responsibilities:
Designing and implementing effective group and intergroup work and information systems.
Defining and monitoring group-level performance indicators.
Diagnosing and resolving problems within and among work groups.
Designing and implementing reward systems that support cooperative behavior.
Like the guy from the show "The Office."
First-line managers or supervisors.
These managers have job titles such as: Office manager, Shift supervisor, Department manager, Foreperson, Crew leader, Store manager.
First-line managers Responsibilities
First-line managers are responsible for the daily management of line workers-the employees who actually produce the product or offer the service. There are first-line managers in every work unit in the organization. Although first-level managers typically do not set goals for the organization, they have a very strong influence on the company. These are the managers that most employees interact with on a daily basis, and if the managers perform poorly, employees may also perform poorly, may lack motivation, or may leave the company.
In the past, most first-line managers were employees who were promoted from line positions (such as production or clerical jobs). Rarely did these employees have formal education beyond the high school level. However, many first-line managers are now graduates of a trade school, or have a two-year associates or a four-year bachelor's degree from college. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Levels.html#ixzz1JyX6pKvi
Total staff in Micromax
No of persons