Information Technology And Peripheral Devices Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 1537

What is Information technology? Information Technology is no longer a business resource; it has become the business environment. Information technology is the one of many device managers use to face with change. Information technology is include by computer science and telecommunication for the storage, capture and transmission of information to submission. As well, Information Technology is technological of the hardware and software necessitate for the processing of information and data.

What is Peripheral devices? Peripheral devices is the accessories for all of the computer. For example mouse, keyboard, speaker, external hard disk, externalCD-Rom or DVD Rom, webcam, printer and many more. As well, all of the peripheral devices can make us easy to bring and keep it. All the peripheral devices are very useful for our computer.

Where were you save or keep data?you can save and keep data in internal hard disk, pendrive, external hardisk and DVD/CD disc.Storage is a term for describe the location where is the data or information can be save and keep it in constant. As well, the data and information can use for future.

Define Question1

Peripheral devise is the input and output devices that is connected to the computer external example : scanner, printer, mouse, keyboard, speaker, external hardisk, webcam, printer and many more. All of this accessories can be place like CD-ROM , internal modem and external the scanner, printer and Pen drive. Their functions is very useful to the computer.

Another one peripheral device that is control the position of the pointer or cursor on the display screen. The mouse, it is a small thing you can roll along a hard on the flat surface. Its name is derived from the device's shape and look like a mouse, its has a connecting wire that can imagine to be the tail of mouse. When you are moving the mouse, the pointer on the computer display screen will follow it to the same direction. The pointer usually appears as an arrow, although it changes shape depending on the application . The mouse is used to move the pointer to a particular place on the display screen or to point to little symbols, or icons. Mouse include at least one button and sometime have three, it have different functions depending on the program is running. Some new mouse also contain a scroll wheel for scrolling through the long documents .

The point on the display screen, move mouse across desk to guide pointer to desired spot on screen. The pointer assumes different shapes, such as arrow, hand or I-beam, depending on the task you're performing. The purpose is to execute commands move objects, insert data, or similar actions on screen. Press and quickly release left mouse button for select an item on the screen. Double-click is mean quickly press and release left mouse button twice, is to open document or start a program.

As well, the mouse is important for (GUI) graphical user interfaces because can simply point to the and objects or options and click a mouse button. Some applications are often called click and point programs. The mouse is also useful for the graphics programs that allow to draw pictures by using the mouse like a pencil, pen, eraser and paintbrush.

There are three basic types of Mouse:

The first one is mechanical. It has a metal or rubber on the underside that can roll in all the direction. As well, mechanical sensor is within the mouse to detect position the ball is rolling and move the screen pointer accurate.

The second one is optomechanical, it look like same with the mechanical mouse, but it is detect by the optical sensor.

And the last one is the optical. The optical is uses the laser to detect the mouse directions. The optical mouse have no mechanical moving parts. They respond more quickly than the mechanical and optomechanical mouse, but they are also more expensive.


Keyboard is similar a set of typewriter that qualify you to enter data into a computer. The computer keyboards are same like the electric typewriter keyboards but include additional key. A keyboard is basically a board of key. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is the one primary input device use with the computer. The keys of a keyboard are often classified as following:

Punctuation keys is: comma, period, semicolon, and so on.

Alphanumeric keys is: letters and numbers

Special keys is: arrow keys, control keys, caps lock key, num lock key and scroll lock key.

The normally layout of numbers, punctuation, and letters is called as a QWERTY keyboard. Because, QWERTY keyboard name from the first six letters which is in the top row of the keyboard. The computer keyboard have many manufacturers imitate but all the keyboard are no standard. Actually there are three different computer keyboard, the original computer keyboard have 84 keys and the AT keyboard, also have 84 keys, but the enhanced keyboard is the one have 101 keys. Beside these keys, IBM keyboards inlcude the following keys: Page down and Page Up, End, Pause, Insert, Print screen, and Caps lock, Scroll lock, Num lock. The functions keys is shift key, control key and return key.


Printer is a output device. It is produces text and graphics on paper. Printer provide one of the principal forms of computer output. The printer has two connection. One , which relays signals from the computer, goes to the back of the PC, where it connects with the motherboard. The other is a power cord that goes to a wall plug. The black and white printers are cheaper than the colour printers, and fast printers cost more than slow ones.

\There are many different type of printers and distinguished as impact or non-impact.

Impact printer:

Impact printer that forms images or characters is work by striking an inked ribbon to leaving an image or text on paper. A dot-matrix printer include the print head of the small pins to strike an inked ribbon against on the paper, to form images and characters. Print head are available with 9,18,24 pins but the 24 pin head is the best quality. The draft quality can print by the dot-matrix printers, a coarser-looking 72 dpi and near-letter-quality, a crisper looking 144 dpi. The machines usually can print 40-300 characters per second and also can handle graphics as well as text.

Only the impact printers are the desktop printers that can use the multi-layered forms to print a carbon copies. But the adverse effects, is when the print head striking the paper they will produce noise sound. Nowadays such printers are more usually used with mainframes than with personal computers.

Nonimpact printers:

Nonimpact printers is quieter and faster than the impact printers. Because it is no print head strikes paper. Nonimpact printers form images and characters without direct physical contact between the printers often used with paper and microcomputers. The two types of nonimpact printers usually used with microcomputers are inkjet and laser printers.

Laser printers like a dot-matrix printer, the laser printer is creates images with dots. But, as in a photocopying machine, these images are produced on a drum, treated with a magnetically charged ink like toner, and then transferred from drum to paper. Laser printers are still sometimes called page printer, because they print one page at a time.

Page description language is a software for the laser printers . This software is tell the printer how to lay out the printed page, and it supports any fonts. The laser printer comes with one or two types of page description language. Its postscript and (PCL) printer control language. In desktop publishing, post script is the preferred printer control language. Laser printers have their own (CPU) computer system unit, (ROM) read only (RAM) random access memory, commonly 8 megabytes. Your printer will need more memory when you need to print out the graphics-heavy colour documents.

System Unit

System unit is mean all instructions flow through the components in this box such as power supply, central processing unit, fan, heat sink, video card, modem, sound card, ribbon cable, motherboard, CD-ROM, hard drive, power card, floppy drive, zip drive, extra case fan and more. The system unit of a traditional desktop PC has a fairly large foot print, which means it takes up a lot of desk space. Tower units stand vertically and can be tucked away under a desk. Many manufacturers are moving toward selling tower units or slightly shorter minitower units only.


The monitor display your program and data visually and connects to a graphics card inside your computer. The monitor's resolution must match that of the card. Most monitors can display in several dots-per-inch (dpi) modes, from 640x480 up to 1280x1024 or more; dot pitch should be as small as possible. Also, the graphics card contains its own RAM which may be described as VRAM, DRAM, or EDO RAM; make sure you have enough; particularly if you plan to run multimedia applications. A graphics card also displays images more quickly using what's called 64-bit PCI local bus video, and will handle multimedia better if it supports 3D graphics. Most new system now adhere to this minimum standard.