Importance of leadership and management styles

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1023

The management style does also matters in the proper functioning of the origination. The management style of the organization management is such that it have the following characteristics which are transformational, charismatic, authentic, servant, dynamical, adaptive, strategic.


The industry's focal point is for skills, learning and workforce development. The works with industry employers to understand their current and future workforce needs to help develop and maintain the supply of a safe, skilled and effective workforce that is critical to the continuing success of the UKCS and global supply chain it supports.

Works crosswise all industry employers to comprehend the skills and workforce issues they are in front of whether they are company specific, sector or technically specific or industry wide.

Comprehensive consultation and engagement with industry employers enables the organization to pinpoint industry expertise to address and deliver against industry's skills and workforce needs. To facilitate this, it engages with the following:

Executive Officers

Company Enablers(ACE)

Technical or Functional Specialists (TOF)

Leadership qualities

The leadership of the organization is democratic and has given all the rights to the employees to participate in the betterment of the organization.

The company leadership should have the following leadership qualities

Task structure

Leadership and employment relationship

Positioning power inside the organization

The leadership of the organization participates in the telling, selling, participating and delegating in the organization matters

Companies across the oil and gas industry supply chain invest heavily in their people. The company specific services enable the adoption, tailoring and implementation of industry best practice.

The work with industry employers to develop, audit and approve company specific competence management systems, as well as providing competence mapping

Technical or Functional Specialist Groups:

The organization working with Technical or Functional Specialist Groups:

The TOF groups allow understanding skills and workforce issues that are specific to niche oil and gas industry disciplines. The groups work collectively and collaboratively to address these issues and facilitates this by offering practical and professional support, including:

Develop materials to raise the awareness and exposure of TOF disciplines

Develop industry training standards relevant to TOF disciplines

Develop industry entry routes focused at TOF disciplines

The works with the sectors trade associations and work groups to identify where it can support and help address current and future skills issues. This is formalized by agreeing the actions that are required, scoping projects and working as a collective to find the resources that can deliver against sectoral needs.


If your organization is interested in participating in the the Modern Apprentice Scheme, the following links will be of interest. To find out more about the experiences of former apprentices, visit


The organization is fully committed to provide the proper benefits to the employment of the organization for the betterment of the organization.

Participation in the Modern Apprenticeship scheme can help make your organization more productive and competitive by addressing your skills gaps directly whilst supporting the development of a new generation of highly skilled and motivated technicians.

The organization is committed to provide the equal opportunity employment to the employment of the organization and make available a turn-key tune-up that includes:

Recruitment and advertising

Demand forecasting

Management of accommodation

One to one mentoring/monitoring of performance

Management of assessment workshops

Management of quality delivery

The employees getting the satisfactory benefits from the organization will result in the dedication of the employees towards the organization. The every individually when get satisfy from the organization's benefits will do their duties with full responsibility.



For testimonials from those who have completed their apprenticeship..


The staffing and teaching of technicians as well as alumnae are critical to developing and retaining, the work requires us to pass the challenges of the world's most energy to be taken. Mix on and off-the-job trainees with skills that work best for our company to grow and allows knowledge and experience allows ourtechnicians will be transferred over and extended. Program to attract and train new technicians, while reducing the burden on employers and developers to offer a very effective and efficient service.

The organization had created the learning programs for the organization's employment to get trained and do better job for the organization in the proper and well trained environment.

The employers of the organization are doing their duties with full dedication and attention. The employment of the organization is doing well as they are provided by the benefits duly under the job satisfaction criteria.

Petroleum Open Learning of the organisation

The organization is committed to provide the training and development programs for which the better performance of the organization makes sure in all respect. Petroleum Open Learning provides the upstream oil and gas industry with little cost, stretchy Selflearning and to improve technical skills and knowledgein workplacetraining and performance improvement. Industry experts to continuetechnical education modules to modify the workplace to ensure that they reflect the changing needs

Learning courses are offered in processing technology in Petroleum, Technology of Oil and Gas, Electrical engineering in Oil and Gas which are used by candidates in more than thirty countries .Barriers to learning are removed by open learning processes which gives the candidates an opportunity to choose where and when they study. So the students do not face the problems like traveling, accommodation, time and work etc. are taken off and the prospects of learning increases. The issue of examination is no more an issue as they can be taken anywhere at any time.


Conclusively we can say that organisational behaviour of the organisation is a behaviour on which the fate of the organisation is standing and the future can be depicted, the leadership plays its role and the employment does their duties, the mangers manages their work and customers get satisfied.

The leadership is responsible for the functioning of the organisation and the management to build the internal environment of the organisation. The employment of the organisation participates in the on-going projects of the organisation.

However, finally it can be said that the organisational behaviour is satisfactory as it is fulfilling the proper leadership demands and the employment benefits are well defined and the management is working properly.