Human Caused Environmental Disaster Engineering Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 2617


The Exxon Valdez oil spill is happen in Prince William Sound, Alaska. On that time the vessel was traveling from Valdez, Alaska to Los Angeles, California. The oil spill extended 470 miles southwest from Bligh Reef and this consider the most devastating human caused environmental disaster [1] in human history. In this report we focus on few things, like how the refinery industrial process and operation. How the oil spill is occurs at Prince William Sound, Alaska and the consequences bring to the environment, economic impact and ecosystem response to the oil spill.

Based on this report can understand the affected by the oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. What action Exxon Mobil will takes after this disaster.


On March 24, 1989, the tanker Exxon Valdez from Valdez, Alaska to Los Angeles, California was grounding. Follow the record, the ship was from Trans Pipeline terminal and departed at 9:12 pm March 23, 1989. Expert ship pilot William Murphy was hired to maneuver the 986-foot vessel. The captain of the vessel is Joe Hazelwood. Helmsman Harry Claar was steering. After passing through Valdez Narrows, Captain Hazelwood took over the wheelhouse because of the pilot Murphy left the vessel. Because the shipping lanes was obstruct with small icebergs, so Claar got permission form Coast Guard to go out through the inbound lanes. After sometimes Hazelwood left Third Mate Gregory Cousins is in control the wheel and Able Seaman Robert Kagan at the helm. The Third Mate Gregory Cousins give instruction to turn back into shipping lanes. At that time, Claar was replaced by Helsman Robert Kagan. Cousins and Kagen failed to turn back into shipping lanes and this made the ship ran aground on Bligh Reef at 12:04 am March 24, 1989[1]. Both of them was giving six hours off duty before starting his 12 hours watch. Then the ship struck Bligh Reef The oil spilled Approximately 11 million gallons -- the equivalent of 257,000 barrels or 38,800 metric tonnes barrels was wasted when the oil tanker struck at Prince William Sound's, Bligh Reef[1]. In this incident Exxon Valdez involved more personnel and equipment they ever did in any other spill in U.S history.

The location of Prince William Sound's remote location, the only transport can reach there is helicopter, plane and boat. Because of transport problem providing meal, fuel, others resource and transportation is severely taxed this made the industry and government existing plan. The region affected by oil spill is habitat for sea otters, salmon, seabirds and seals. Wildlife is severely affected by the oil spill, estimates 100,000 of 250,000 seabird immediate effect included the death, 2,800 sea otters, 12 river otters, 300 harbor seals, 247 Bald Eagles, 22 orcas, up to 22 killer whales and the destructions of billions of herrings eggs and salmon[2]. Even today the scientists still continue to study and analysis about the affected shoreline and how the ecosystem responds to.

Aim and objective of Exxon Mobile Corporation

Exxon Mobil Corporation is consider the world's premier petroleum and petrochemical company. For more than 30 years Exxon Mobil has promoted its Standards of Business Conduct. The ExxonMobil's objective is to maintain a consistent focus on being an industry leader in asset performance, business efficiency and in maximizing shareholder value.

For shareholders, Exxon Mobil committed to enhancing a long term plan on investment dollars. The Exxon Mobil will running the business profitably and responsibly, to ensure sure all shareholders to be rewards with superior returns [3].

Objective for customers, Exxon Mobil will offering good service and high quality products. The Exxon Mobil also will consistently satisfy the customer need and to be innovative and responsive [3].

Objective for employees, facing in many competitive Exxon Mobil commit provide exceptional of workforce, so can stand in a valuable competitive edge. To have this advantage, Exxon Mobil need to hire and retain the most qualified people and send for the training and development, so can maximize the opportunities for success. Besides that, Exxon Mobile also committed to all employees have safe work environment and will characterizes by open communication, trust and fair treatment [3].

For communities, Exxon Mobile commit to maintain high ethical standard and also will respect local and national cultures, to be a good citizen in all the place around the world, obey all applicable laws, regulations and rules. As we all can see Exxon Mobil are dedicated to running safe environmentally responsible operation in all work place [3].

2) Refinery industry process and operation

Crude oil is liquid and formed deep under the surface. This crude oil is contains hundreds of different types of hydrocarbons and all mixed together. Before it can be used for fuel, the hydrocarbons need to be refined first and each types of the hydrocarbons also have anything useful. Fortunately there is a easy way to do this separate, this is what oil refinery industry [Image 1] work. Crude oil arrive oil refinery its journey does not end here, there is many process need to do in the factory [4][Image 2].

Basically refining is carried out in three main steps.

2.1) Steps 1 - Separation

This process is done in a large tower called distillation tower [4][Image 3] , the vapor and liquid mixture then fed into the bottom section of the tower, this feed section is the hottest place in the distillation tower. The temperature can reach until 750 degrees Fahrenheit. Inside the large tower the temperature was heated, and then the crude oil will into fractions based on their boiling point. The tower inside contain a number of trays, so when the crude oils is being heated the liquids flow down the tower and the gasses up[Image 4]. The lighter materials are removed in the upper section of the tower and the heavier materials are withdrawn from the lower section [5].

2.2) Steps 2 - Conversion

This conversion process is very important, the main purpose of this process is to covert oil into high valued gasoline. Inside crude oil contain hundred of hydrocarbons, the longer the carbon chain the heavier the product. By using some chemical like Fluidized Catalytic Cracker (FCCs), Cokers and Hydrocrackers, this problem can be solve, we can make the long carbon chain into short carbon chain or put the chains together.

So by using the FCC to convert gas oil into a mix of Liquidified Petroleum Gas(LPG), gasoline and diesel. But even that also the reactions required a lot of heat, the FCC reactor operates at about 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Inside the refinery the heaviest material in Vacumm Tower Bottom(VTB) or resid. Because of this heavy material has too many contaminants to process in the FCC, so some of the resid will sold to the paving asphalt market. In this condition, need to use Delayed Coker to convert heavy material into more valuable products. This Delayed Coker will use high temperature to break the hydrocarbon chains. By using this Delayed Coker also can produce low valued petroleum coke.

But in some oil refinery industry, the Delayed Cokers and FCCs are supplemented by Hydrocracking [5][Image 5]. The function is almost same to the FCC and this Hydrocracker will produce some product with low sulfur. This process is carried out two stage, at first stage is to reduce the amount of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen impurities, second stage is to continue the process of cracking [5][Image 6]. In Hydrocracking, the catalyst stays in one place then the gas oil passes over the catalyst, then the reaction take place at high temperature in presence of high concentrations of hydrogen. In this process, light liquid products will send to Catalytic Reforming and others liquid products can use directly into jet fuel and diesel.

There is another one process is Catalytic Reforming[5][Image 7], the main purpose of this process is to increase the octane number of gasoline blend components and generate hydrogen. Because in the same length carbon chains can have very different octane numbers, based on the shape of the chain. The straight chains or paraffins have low octane number and while rings or aromatics have high octane numbers. When in high temperature the catalyst will reform the paraffins into aromatics and some of the aromatics produced will sent to petrochemical manufacturers.

2.3) Step 3 - Purification

The products are ready for purification, which is sulfur removal. This is done by the Hydrotreating, this process is converted the heavy molecules into lights ones. In this process, the unfinished products contacted with hydrogen will under heat and high pressure, this is because of the presence of catalyst and the resulting in hydrogen sulfide and desulfurized product. By using the catalyst, it will accelerates the rate of the sulfur removal reaction occurs and the sulfur removal meeting the environmental standards and quality specifications. Second method of purification, which is the form of hydrogen sulfide through extraction. Hydrogen sulfide can be produces by desulfurization through hydrotreatment or extraction. The sulfur recovery will converts hydrogen sulfide to sulfur and water. So the rest of the sulfur will sold to the refinery by product.

3) Risk in oil spill disaster and pollution

That is multiple factors have been identified as contributing to the incident. Exxon shipping company failed to repair the raycas radar system, which would have indicated to the third mate an impending collision with the Bligh reef. Besides that, the U.S. Coast Guard was failed to provide an effective vassel traffic system to the ship [6][7].

When the incident happens the third mate failed to properly maneuver the vessel, possibly due to fatigue or excessive workload. Besides that, Exxon shipping company failed to supervise the master and provide a rested and sufficient crew for Exxon Valdez [6][7].

When the incident happens the skipper was drunk, he was below the decks, sleeping off his bender. As a skipper he violates the rule of morality, he should take fully responsible on this incident with deserved a punishment [6][7].

4) Consequences of all the hazards of the oil spill disaster

Crude oil was heavily oiled shoreline, dead and dying wildlife. Many people felt was a severe environmental insult to a relatively pristine, ecologically important area to many species of wildlife endangered elsewhere.

4.1) Economic impact

The recreational sport fishing losses, these losses was estimated based on the impacts of the spill on sport fishing activity, the number of sport fishing trips, the number of anglers, the species fished for, the length of the trip and the area fished. For 1989 the loss was estimated to be between $0 and & 580 million dollars; for 1990 the range was $3.6 million to $50.5 million dollars[7].

After this incident happen on Alaska the number of the resident is decreased and non-resident vacation and pleasure visitor traffic in the spill-affected area due to lack of available visitor services. At that area facing severe labor shortage situation in the visitor industry throughout the state due to traditional service industry workers seeking high-paying spill clean-up jobs. Some more because the affected areas related to oil spill fifty-nine percent of business are reported cancellations and due to the oil spill 16% the reported business was less than expected[7].

4.2) Ecosystem respond to the spill

These spills bring a huge impact for the environment and affect the animal population level. When the spill hit the coast it was in spring season, marine life like zooplankton and phytoplankton was beginning to bloom, herring returning to spawn and fish salmon fry starting emerge from gravel beds in fresh water streams. Peak pupping season for sea otters, sea lions, seals, and these marine mammals will concentrate in coastal water to eat herring fish, krill and salmon fish. Soon, the migratory birds began nesting [8].

This impact of oil spill, more seabirds and marine mammals will die compare the situation with any others oil spill and this all information are well documented [9]. The sea birds Dr. Michael Fry said that, the Exxon Mobil spill killed mostly ten times as many birds as any other U.S. or European oil spill. Over 30,000 carcasses of 90 species of birds, half of million birds died [10].

There is few long term impact happen. First, because of oil spill remaining biological exposures and become population impacts. Second, seabird and mammals population will be delayed of sub lethal does compromising health, reproduction and health. Third, is interaction cascades and effects of trophic, these all transmit impact well beyond the acute-phase mortality. Forth, is biogenic habitat by organisms that is important for environment. Example like rockweed Fucus gardneri[Image8], this water plant is a very important physic structure for biogenic habitat provider, but because of oil spill these plant was affect.

5.0) Improvement and change in the management system

After the environmental disaster like Exxon Valdez oil spill, all scientists who monitors the oil spill parts in Prince William Sound wanted to study the shoreline's ecological recovery[11].

Now days the U.S Coast Guard monitors fully-laden tankers via satellite when they pass through Valdez Narrows and exit Prince William Sound at honchinbrook Entrance. Besides that, when the tanker passing through the entire sound they will arrange two escort vessels accompany each tanker. The company also specially trained marine and station at Bligh Reef and aboard the ship for 25 miles out of the 70 miles transit though the sound. This is make sure the weather navigation is firmly established. By the year 2015, congress enacted legislation required that all the tanker in Prince William Sound be double-hulled structure[11].

The company also increase the ability of skimming system, so when oil spill they can remove the oil from the water faster. In year 1989, even the oil have been skimmed up but there is no place to put the oil-water mix. But today, there is seven barges are available with a capacity to hold 818,000 barrels of recovered oil[11].


Oil Company like Exxon Mobil should take fully responsible on this accident. They should realize the effect of oil spill can be devastating for animal, people, marine life and environments for a long, long time. Considering this, the Exxon Mobil manager should be give some recommendation and suggestions, this is ethical and professional responsibility of a company. A proper system should have to educate all employees about this time the oil spill consequence on animals, humans and environment. So they can understand and play their part in preventing oils spills. The company also should send employees for this formal training regarding in this matter. The management people also should administer the implementation of oil spill and think out some idea to prevention strategies and action.

Last but not least is the company already have contingency plan, but rarely practically test such plan. Contingency plans need to test and see if they still effective or not. Now days technology and environmental changes occur, such plans should be use latest techniques to control oil spill. The oil spill prevention and control procedures must be formally defined and follow these steps can more efficiency stop oil spill from happening.


1)History Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council,'What happen since',

2)Advertiser 1999,World: Americas Exxon Valdez: Ten years on,Thursday, March 18,

3)Exxon Mobil Coporation,'Guiding prinsiles',11 Apr. 2009,'.

4)Exxon Mobil Coperation,

5)Aritcle written by: Heather Wansbrough,

6)Article by Raunekk, Edited & Published by Haresh Khemani, Mar 14, 2010,

7)The Encyclopedia of Earth, Lead Author: Cutler Cleveland, Published date: June 9, 2010,

8)Alaska Fish & Game Magazine. July-August, 1989. Special Oil Spill Issue,

9)Peterson, C.H., et al, "Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill". Science 302:2082-2086, 2003.

10)Piatt, J.F., C.J. Lensick, W. Bulter, M. Kendziorek, and D.R. Nysewander. 1990. Immediate impact of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on marine birds. Auk 107:387-397.''.

11)Exxon Mobil Coporation,"'.