How Performance management is done in pioneer steel

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 4775


I am going to explain how performance management is done in PIONEER STEEL,

Which is my fathers company. Were I had gain my two year of work experience from Pioneer Steel and I like to give a brief intro on this company.

Pioneer is a company in the forefront of mild steel manufacturing in Hyderabad, Andrah Pradesh. It is lead by team of technocrat entrepreneurs having over three decades experience.

Pioneer manufactures a premium quality TMT bar using it's newly setup automated rolling mill with German based "TURBO" Technology for quenching & tempering.

Pioneer "TURBO" TMT is a new generation, high strength steel having superior properties such as welding ability, ductility and bendability meeting highest quality standards.

Engineer's Choice, Builder's Pride is not just a slogan at Pioneer but is a reality. Following stringent quality processes we at Pioneer ensure that what reaches to the Engineer's & builders is nothing but 100% steel. It's a statement defining the strength of satisfaction what we deliver, not just the strength in TMT.

Pioneer TMT owes its success to a committed and highly skilled workforce who give their best to the company and ensure that high quality standards are maintained. Our ultra modern manufacturing facilities include a fully automatic rolling mill complex and a facility to manufacture raw material for the finished product from our Furnaces. The superior quality and unmatched durability of Pioneer "TURBO" TMT has created rapidly increasing demand among quality conscious consumers.

What is performance management?


"Performance management can be defined as a systematic process for improving organizational performance by developing the performance of individuals and teams. It is a means of getting better results from the organization, teams and individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, standards and competence requirements. Processes exist for establishing shared understanding about what is to be achieved, and for managing and developing people in a way that increases the probability that it will be achieved in the short and longer term. It is owned and driven by line management."(Armstrong, Michael, 2006)

1. Assess the links between team performance and strategic objectives

"A team is a group which has developed to the stage where it is able to perform effectively as a group, each member adopting the role necessary to work with others, using complementary skills." (Needham, Harris et al, 1995)

Team Performance accelerator

Taken from

Strategic objectives are used to operationalize the mission statement. That is, they help to provide guidance on how the organization can fulfill or move toward the "high goals" in the goal hierarchy-the mission and vision. As a result, they tend to be more specific and cover a more well-defined time frame.

Here we see that team performance and strategic objective has to move on simultaneously because suppose if you have any strategic objective but without any team support then it is very difficult to achieve and fulfill the goals of the organization.

Hence the team performance and strategic objective are more important in an organization because the organization objective can only be achieved by the full involvement of the team members in the objective given to them by the organization, which can be as well as be more effective for the individuals objective in an organization. The objective should be clear like SMART weather it is with an individual, team or group

Specific: It provides a clear message, what needs to be achieved.

Measurable: The objective must measures progress against fulfilling the objective.

Appropriate: The vision and mission of the organization must be consistent.

Realistic: The target must be achievable in the organization and opportunities in the environment must be challenging but feasible.

Timely: The organization must set a time frame to achieve their objectives.

After all, as the economist John Maynard Keynes once said, "In the long run, we are all dead!"

Team performance and strategic objective linked with each other

Organisation objectives (Strategic)

Team objectives (Operational)

Own objectives (Individual)

For example, pioneer steel ensure that everyone understands their contribution to organizational goals and each individual should understand what is expected of them and has the skills and support to achieve the organizational objectives.

Linking of objectives with an effective communication through out the organization and they encourage their line managers to make a good relationship with the individual based on their trust and empowerment.

Evaluate tools and techniques available to set team performance

Tools and techniques of team performance management

Performance and development reviews

Many organisations without performance management systems operate 'appraisals' in which an individual's manager regularly (usually annually) records performance, potential and development needs in a top-down process.

For example, In pioneer steel if they want to give review to team performance they look at the past performance, on the basis of that they make development and improvement plans, and the performance and development review meetings are set.

Learning and development

Employee development is the main route followed by most organisations to improved organisational performance, which in turn requires an understanding of the processes and techniques of organisational, team and individual learning.

For example, in this pioneer steel has started a learning events, by which individuals can be encouraged to think about how and in which ways they want to develop.

Objectives and performance standards

Objectives (some organisations prefer to use 'goals') describe something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and organisations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets to be met (such as sales) and tasks to be completed by specified dates. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals.

For example, this tool help pioneer steel in getting their goals done in overall purpose like targets need to be set for each performance area, for example, increase 'sales by x per cent', 'reduce wastage by y per cent' and also the response of meeting is fast.

Team Measures To management performance effectively, individuals should know on what basis their performance would be measured. Measures should be transparent and applied fairly across the organisation.

For example, in pioneer steel Individual team member contribute to the team through involvement in cross team projects and also Support for other individuals to achieve their objectives and participation in cross organisation initiatives by providing timely input.


Performance management is often linked with performance-related pay (PRP), although by no means all organisations claiming to use performance management have PRP.

PRP is an important element in many performance management schemes because it is believed to motivate; Here pay systems are team-based pay, a kind of PRP for teams; and contribution-related pay which means paying for results plus competence, and for past performance and future success.

Performance may be used to determine all or some aspects of pay.

360 degree feedback

360 degree feedback became increasingly talked about in the 1990s, if not widely used. It consists of performance data generated from a number of sources, who can include the person to whom the individual being assessed reports, people who report to team colleagues or others in the organisation and internal and external customers. It can also include self-assessment.

For example, 360 degree feedback is used in pioneer steel as part of a self-development programme, and it provide a more rounded view of people, with less bias than if an assessment is conducted by one individual

1.2 Assess the value of team performance tools to measure future team


Teamwork is the workplace success factor that relies on the interdependence of each team member to ensure the team's overall performance is meeting or exceeding its goals. A team is an integral unit, working toward organizational objectives and goals, rather than an aggregate of individuals working on independent goals. Teamwork within organizations continues to be a necessity for business success. The Profiles Team Analysis is a team building tool designed to help you maximize the effectiveness of your company's brain trust, through careful analysis of the team's dynamics.

Profiles Team Analysis gathers information about team members in five essential areas, does an analysis of the data and produces an insightful report that increases the team's likelihood of success.

This system helps you benefit from more effective teams. Teambuilding is an art that overcomes differences in style, personality, and other potential areas of conflict, but even when a team functions in total harmony, it may not achieve its goals.

For example, what if none of the team members has a characteristic necessary for a project's successful completion. Profiles Team Analysis presents information about the team's leader and its members that improve the teams balance, effectiveness and performance.

Profiles Performance Indicator Management Reports give you a tremendous advantage in developing the potential your employees bring to the job. Reports are filled with specific, individualized management suggestions for working more productively with each person you manage. Morale gets a terrific boost because your communication with employees is personalized. They feel your attention is customized to their needs, their personality and their best interests. The improvement in communication and work motivation leads to significant gains in productivity as more individual, departmental and organizational objectives are reached.

As an added bonus, the Profiles Performance Indicator has a second report, an Individual Report, to provide your employees with valuable feedback. It gives them information and ideas for professional growth. The report is also their guide to better communication and cooperation with co-workers. It helps them understand their on-the-job attitudes, emotions and behaviors.

A big employee payoff comes in building relationships, improving work performance and increasing job satisfaction. Results are immediate! The Profiles Performance Indicator is the right management tool for your organization. It's an "Everybody Wins" system that pays big dividends.

2. Analyse how to determine required performance targets within teams against current performance.

First of all in my organization our business and the way the business works depends on the way the business runs and the aims and goals that a team should achieve but the biggest advantage in our organization is that our employees are well trained and we also see to it that the team is performing in a positive way as It will help the organization in achieving the aims of the organization. The current peroformance of an organization would be known when the actual results are shown in an organization. In our organization the aim of the company is that the targets that are set should be achieved and than such results are compared with the current performance of the organization. They are also some tools that are required for such measurement of team performance. Many tests can be taken and trainee induction can be done to the employees in an organization. Employees should also be aware about their performance and this has to be done in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Current performcnce is a major tool that can be used in an organization as it is only than the target and goals in clearly defined. In our organization there is a need for perfomacne evaluation and this invludes about the way the work is done. There are various tests and tools that measure performance

To monitor and assess how your employees are performing, it's useful to set out clear objectives, ideally with quantifiable performance targets. This will help ensure your employees understand what you expect of them. Involving staff in agreeing objectives can ensure they are more motivated to meet them and can help identify better ways to carry out tasks. Putting performance measurement systems in place can be an important way of keeping track of your business' progress. It gives you vital information about what's happening now and it also provides the starting point for a system of target-setting that will help you implement your strategies for growth.

This guide sets out the business benefits of performance measurement and target setting. It shows you how to choose which key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and suggests examples in a number of key business areas. It also highlights the main points to bear in mind when setting targets for your business.

Discuss the need to encourage individual commitment to team performance in achievement of organisational objectives

The individuals play an important role in the functioning of the organization. The members of an organization must be induced, coerced or forced to participate in it. People participate in the organizations when they are going to gain something out of them. For example the desire for remuneration in cash or kind, prestige, the desire to show the skills already acquired etc represent some of the motives of the people in participating in organizations.

People tend to identify themselves with the organization in which they participate. There is a close affinity between people's motives on the one hand and their identification with the organization on the other. The degree of their identification with the organization depends on the nature and intensity of the motives for participating in them. The individual's identification with the organization is stronger if a number of individual needs are satisfied in it, the organization goals are perceived as shared, the prestige of the organization is perceived to be the greater, there is greater frequency of interaction in the organization and there is less competition within the organization.

The individual motives play an important role in the fulfillment of organization goals. People cannot work in organization without any motives, purposes or thinking. They do not work in an automatically or mechanically or in impulsive manner. An individual contribution is said to have attained equilibrium when it is able to maintain the continued contribution of all its participants -members and others by providing them various kinds of inducements to work for its success. Equilibirum may be achieved at various levels. It may change over time. The scope of the organization's activities may remain constant or may grow or diminish at another level.

Relate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to the achievement of the organisational objectives

Delegation is the process of giving decision-making authority to lower-level employees. For the process to be successful, a worker must be able to obtain the resources and cooperation needed for successful completion of the delegated task. Empowerment of the workforce and task delegation is closely intertwined. Empowerment occurs when upper-level employees share power with lower-level employees. This involves providing the training, tools and management support that employees need to accomplish a task. Thus, an enabled worker has both the authority and the capability to accomplish the work. Although authority can be delegated, responsibility cannot-the person who delegates a task is ultimately responsible for its success. The assigned worker is therefore accountable for meeting the goals and objectives of the task. Effective delegation can benefit the manager, the employee, and the organization. Perhaps the most important benefit for the company is a higher quality of work. Delegation can improve quality of work by allowing the employees who have direct knowledge of products and services to make decisions and complete tasks. Quality can also improve through enhanced employee motivation. Employees may do a better job because they feel a personal accountability for the outcome, even though responsibility ultimately rests with the individual who made the delegation. Motivation should also be enhanced as delegation enriches the worker's job by expanding the types of tasks that are involved in it.

Mentoring is a technique for allowing the transmission of knowledge, skills and experience in a supportive and challenging environment much like coaching. The same skills of questioning, listening, clarifying, reframing and many of the same models are used. However, mentoring relationships can be much more long term, for example in a succession planning scenario a regional finance director might be mentored by a group level counterpart where they might learn the basics of dealing with the boardroom, presenting to analysts, challenging departmental budgets, etc all in a supportive environment. Mentoring relationships work best when they move beyond the directive approach of a senior colleague telling it how it is, to one where both learn from each other. This is particularly productive when there is a gender or ethnic dimension to the relationship. An effective mentoring relationship is a learning opportunity for both parties.

There is some confusion about what exactly coaching is, and how it differs from other 'helping behaviors' such as counseling and mentoring. Broadly speaking, professionals defines coaching as developing a person's skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, hopefully leading to the achievement of organisational objectives. It targets high performance and improvement at work, although it may also have an impact on an individual's private life. It usually lasts for a short period and focuses on specific skills and goals.

Although there is a lack of agreement among coaching professionals about precise definitions, these are some generally agreed characteristics of coaching in organisations:

It is essentially a non-directive form of development.

It focuses on improving performance and developing individuals' skills.

Personal issues may be discussed but the emphasis is on performance at work.

Coaching activities have both organisational and individual goals.

It assumes that the individual is psychologically well and does not require a clinical intervention.

It provides people with feedback on both their strengths and their weaknesses.

It is a skilled activity which should be delivered by trained people.

Evaluate a team performance plan to meet organisational objectives

It aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization ideally,performance management involves all employees including tasks such as enhancing employee development and aligning workers with strategic business goals, performance standards and goals are the basis from which employee performance is measured the written performance appraisal should reflect how well the employee performed against defined job responsibilities and previously established goals and objectives, what is mbo management by objectives mbo is a systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and to attain the best possible results from available resources it aims to increase organizational performance by aligning, case studies on employee performance and organizational goals,performance management is an ongoing process for employees for example setting goals monitoring the employee s achievement of those goals sharing feedback with the employee evaluating the employee s, mbo aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization ideally employees get strong input to identifying their objectives time lines objectives time lines for completion etc mbo includes ongoing tracking and fee, what future plans or goals should be identified at the performance appraisal for the individual how does this fit in with the plans and goals of the organisation, strategic management process aligning organizational goals to job functions, the impact of integration of organizational learning culture into performance appraisal system on the employee performance organizational commitment

3. Assess the process for monitoring team performance and initiate changes where necessary

Team Performance Management is focused directly on the achievement of the team's key business objectives. It bridges the gap between the team building 'enablers' and business performance results. It removes the reliance on 'faith' - the need to believe that team building works before investing in it - and establishes a direct connection between collective behaviors and team performance.

Team Performance Management is predicated on the following three principles:

Team Behaviors are different to Individual Behaviors. Most competency frameworks include "teamwork", but these usually refer to what an individual does within a team, not what a team does collectively together. Eg: whilst all the individuals in a team can behave in trustworthy ways, this does not guarantee that the team will build trust together - this is also dependent on other factors such as the environment they work in, or the team processes they use for communicating, deciding, rewarding, etc.

The behaviors that make a team successful vary - from team to team and from time to time. Eg: the profile of behaviors that makes a design team successful is different from the profile that makes a financial audit team successful. And if the design team is using a top-down approach, for optimal performance, it needs to change its behaviours once it gets beyond the outline design and starts work on the detailed implementation of the ideas.

Team behaviors can be changed using a team performance management process. In essence, performance management involves establishing behavioural goals, measuring current behaviors to identify the gap between the current and desired behavior profile, and then planning, implementing and monitoring changes in order to close that gap. There are both similarities and significant differences between performance management processes for individuals and teams.

Evaluate team performance against agreed objectives of the plan

Many organizations struggle with how to tell if their teams are effective. Others who are just starting teams or have had working teams for some time wonder what type of new or follow-up training they should provide to the teams in order ensure effectiveness. Both needs can be met by developing a method of evaluating the teams.

Each team should participate separately in the evaluation process and it would be best if the individual member's participation were anonymous so members do not feel pressured to rank everything as going well. Anonymity will aid honesty in the process. A process without honesty will neither yield valuable information nor help lead to the desired results.

The easiest and quickest method for individual evaluations is a form-based survey. A standard form will provide a way to continually monitor the team needs on a quarterly basis. A good standard evaluation will also make it easier to compare teams since all teams will be measured in the same way for training purposes. A good team evaluation form will ask questions about team roles, meetings, and group performance with numbered rankings to determine training needs. An example ranking could be 1 for team always does this, 2 for often does, 3 for sometimes, 4 for occasionally does, and 5 for never does this. For individual team growth, the evaluation form may also include space for questions specific to the type of team, such as project completion issues or work team attitudes and behavior.

Asking questions about the team and assigning ranks will help to determine if additional training is needed. If the example ranks above were used, then where the team ranks a question at a very high number, this would indicate a need for immediate training in this area. If the rankings are very low numbers, then additional training may not be needed or can wait until the team decides it is needed. For a middle ranking, the team does need some training, but the need is not as immediate unless the ranking changes.

Evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to meeting strategic objectives

When addressing our Team Goals and achievements in a Team Building Workshop, it is useful to begin with a fresh look at your Team purpose and where it fits in the Organisation purpose. It is also important to identify the Organisation's strategic goals and the goals the Organisation have given the Team, as this is our context.

The objective in a Team Building Workshop then is to ask ourselves -

How well placed are we to achieve our Team Goals?

What are our strengths as a Team? What have we got to achieve these goals?

What is blocking, or preventing us from achieving?

What do we need to improve or develop to achieve success?

Teamwork is the way we work together to achieve our goals. It includes our values, attitudes, relationships, and Team processes. The key to removing blocks and moving forward in a Team is to identify what PROCESS can we use to improve on this issue? There will always be a Team process that will improve relationship issues, effective work practices or blocks to high performance. This will give us a good objective framework to identify where we are, and where we want to be.

In the Team Building Workshop, the Team can -

Review and assess their current Stage of Team Development

Identify their future vision, where we want to be as a Team. This involves both a vision and clearly identified goals.

Identify clear short term goals, the next steps we must achieve to move them to the next level

Plan how we will do this, strategies and actions to achieve those next step

4. Determine influencing and persuading methodologies to gain the commitment of individuals to a course of action

An employee is the most person in an organization and he works hard and accomplisehes the goals as well as the goals of the organization. He is an asset to the organization. There is a strong tendency for managers and supervisors to blame employees for employee performance problems. Certainly, employees may not have the knowledge, skills, motivation, or aptitude to perform effectively, but managers should consider the possibility that they themselves may be contributing substantially to employees' inadequate performance. The law of effect suggests that managers should examine their own behavior when questioning the causes of poor employee performance.

Managers seldom recognize the dramatic impact their actions have on subordinates. The same supervisors who admit they themselves are different under a new manager still minimize the impact they have on those below them. We are often more readily aware of the influence other people have on us than the influence we have on others.

Given the importance of supervisory behavior on subordinate performance, supervisors would do well to practice mirror management -- before blaming employees for inadequate performance they should first examine how their own behavior may have contributed to the problem.

Managers influence employees

Managers influence employee behavior in two ways: by what comes before the behavior the antecedent and by what comes after it the consequence. Antecedents get us going and consequences keep us going.

An antecedent is a person, place, thing, event, or situation coming before a behavior that encourages one to perform that behavior. Behavior in a general sense includes overt actions, thoughts, and feelings. Some of the more common antecedents used in business are goals, objectives, priorities, accountabilities, policies and procedures, standards, meetings, and rules.

4.1 Discuss the impact of individual dynamics, interests and organisational politics on securing the commitment of individuals to a course of action

An employee is just not a part of the organization but also he is the blood and thought of an organization. He is involved in day to day affairs of the organization. In an organization there exist a lot of politics, which is good and bad in an organization. This can create a positive impact in an organization and also can be harmful if not taken in a right way. Politics is present in all organization irrespective of where it is. how big an organization. Office politics refers to the use and manipulation of situations, power and people to secure their position, gain from the situation, let others down or even increase their own power, image and status within the organisation. The results or the benefits can be tangible or intangible, depending upon the situation. Politics at workplace is a game can be played equally well by a single player or teams together, can result in the interest and benefit of the organisation or go against it, can benefit those who don't play or can throw them out of the organisation. It is a double edged sword which can either create a happy, dynamic and improved environment at the workplace or can destroy it. Politics at workplace is often hard to resist and be away from. It compels and makes you compete. Although a part of all the organisations across the world, the politics at workplace has taken the more advanced and dangerous form in India, where the people staying away from it are being seen as a threat. Office politics has made employees good actors, hiding the facts and even true self from their own colleagues and organisation and being hypocrites for their reasons.


In performance management it shows how important an employee is and what impact it has in an organization and how it effects the organization. An employee should overcome politics in an organization. Organisation is where an employee shows his parformace. The employees utilize the resourses and it creates and atmosphere where in an employee gains self-confidence and an employee must know how he should contribute to an organization. Employees gets motivated and in my organization I am going to motivate the employees so that my goals are realized and the aims are achieved and my employees goal should be similar to that of the organization which is difficult but achievable.