Graphical Password Authentication To Overcome Password Hacking Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3636

IN the market today there are many authentication systems in the networking world which can give the security to keep data securely. The Graphical password is the modern authentication system is introduced which works with the set of images and these set of images should keep in a particular order by the user to enter in to the system. These graphical passwords are embedded with the images in graphical user interface. Previously the password is meant to be only text based with the alpha numeric characters in it and allowing the user to enter in to the system.

The system was best during the olden days as days passed then everything in this world everything turned to accessed by the online or else through the computer systems and then the computers were equipped with the password and the authentication became mandatory for those data because to keep them securely. The main problem with the password is the password is very hard to remember when the password is set very hard to guess by someone other, and if the password is set very easily then it can be hacked by the others very easily. So the other option many networking companies and authentication providers are looking for the graphical passwords. But there are still some issues with this graphical password system also. Hence in this paper there is a new technique proposed by which all the issues can be resolved.

And the main criterion of this method is to give hard time to hackers while entering in to the closed secured system. The example of this method is stated in this way if there are 100 images in the each page of the graphical interface and if there are minimum of 8 pages then there will be 100*8 images and if the hacker wants to penetrate in to this system he needs to try for some 10 to 20 quadrillion times and in the real world it is not possible. In this paper there will be discussion on several methods and drawbacks on the several methods. And lastly new method for graphical password is introduced. It takes 0.1 seconds to for selection of each image in the real world if this the example then for the quadrillion times of the password image selection this needs millions of years to penetrate in to the system. All this makes this technique as unique and protects data from all the hacking forces. (Abstract)

Keywords - Network Security, Hacking, Authentication, Graphical Password.


The Authentication of the system or the computers need the passwords or else any other medium such that it allows only those persons to access the account and stops entering the unknown persons to enter account and hack the account by accessing other accounts illegally. The authentication is mainly concerns with the security issues between the human and the computer and also the issues with the interaction between human and computer. The major focus of the authentication is to protect the data from the others [1]. A password is used to allow only the person who knows it in the ancient times. But as the days went on the need of password has increased enormously and now a days the password is used to access the data bases of the servers, the banking accounts, to check the emails, read newspaper online, to access the network and even for entering in to the desktop application. The password authentication also moved to several electronic devices such as PDA's and Mobile phones.

In all existing authentication methods the passwords are strong and the passwords have because an existing need by which data can accessed and there are drawback issues with the password they are the password can be easily forgetting, the password can be stolen by someone else, the weak password and there are many more issues with the conventional password system and these conventional password can be easily break by the hackers to steal the secure information or the data by which it causes lot of loss to the person who secured his information by all these days [1]. And thus there is a need of strong authentication method by which data can be secured easily and the data cannot be modified or else cannot be hacked by someone else.

And by seeing all these issue the graphical password have been proposed. The graphical password is totally different from the regular conventional passwords. The graphical passwords are going to deal particularly deal with the pictures rather the text based passwords. The humans have the ease particularly towards the pictures than the data or the text. The human can remember the password which is graphically represented because when text based is compared with the graphical the rate in which human can forget the password is more with graphical notation. The pictures are easy to remember than the text and it has been proved by the psychological theories on the humans. And in humans particularly they are passionate toward

the images and they can even easily remember the random images. And the concept of graphical notation of password got started from this point [2]. And the graphical password issuance is the main method going to be evolved in future days. And this going help the whole research oriented works to be flourished.


The Current methods of the authentication are divided in to the three main categories.

Authentication based on knowledge.

Authentication based on Biometrics.

Authentication based on tokens.

The Authentication based on the knowledge is widely used technique in both text based and image based. The picture based technique is also again divided in to two more sections they are recall based or the recognition based techniques. Using the recall technique asks the user to produce the authentication technique on the images which the user created when they made the registration. And the recall technique revolves around the images to set in a particular order from the bunch of the images which selected by the user on the time of the registration. And these two techniques are mentioned in such a way that they uses the knowledge of the human to select from the set of images. And this makes the work of the human easy with protection of password.

Another Authentication based on biometrics deals with the authentication techniques and this technique uses the body part recognition such as the finger prints as one of the biometric technique. Iris scans as one of the bio metric techniques and the recognition of the face as another bio - metric recognition. And these are techniques which were not used regularly in the present market today and they exhibits unique abnormal features which makes this bio-metric technique as one of the finest technique than the recall and recognition based techniques and it will has certain good features which also makes it is widely used in the world [2]. But there are certain draw backs for this technique they are they are very expensive and the identification of the biometric process is very slow and the biometric process is very often unreliable.

Token based system of authentication has the often unreliable status which can even makes the system complicated and the process uses the password or the pins in the tokens which also used for the authentication and the process is largely used in the modern technology which can easily enhance the process by the similar way. Once the way or the method of the technique is released and it made to have its own authentication way of the technique which also enhances the performance by the crucial ways of the techniques and the way in which it has been proposed by the user and the operator and the easy way in which the enhancement is proposed will have the performance degradation in the near future.

Recongition based techniques

The hash technique of the visualization is been proposed with the scheme of the authentication by which the authentication is going to become one of the efficient process with the best help of the technique. Then now the discussion is going to be start on the three methods which are disused earlier and they are going to be explained in the clear and merely consistent way full approach by which the real authentication using the graphical passwords have been retrieved .

The first scheme with the graphical password scheme has the several debugging issues included within it. The recognition based technique is indulged with the set of images and the set of images will be placed in the graphical user interface and from those set of images the user will select randomly certain number of the images and these images were found in the regular way in which all the required set of images will be responded in order to get the random wise some of the images [3].

And the user will select some pictures from the set of images and these set of images were locked for ever after the confirmation that the user has to select these particular images only always to get the correct order of the images and those images have been collectively supervised and the regular passable data is been given in the regardless of the creation to get the operation. The user has to give the particular password as selecting certain number of images every time to get cover all the techniques which were enhanced by the particular way by which data can be used and the collective data can be used for the user to get login in which the pictures were to be given the standard passion able way for which the data will be secured in the network with the particular security issues in which the random images were selected for getting in to the system and these random selection is first done by the user while making the registration. And the user will have only 3 chances to get in to the system with the correct order of the pictures if the pictures were arranged in the incorrect order the pictures has to be given random selection for the another node of data [4].

Figure 1: Recognition by random image selection

The second technique will going to be discussed with the certain number of examples and methods which were used in it and the technique is usually consists of the particular way in which the predication will going to be released and the method name which we used here in this technique are "shoulder-surfing resistant graphical password scheme" and this scheme has major recognition over many of the techniques regarding its unique features by which the data enhanced and featured with all other schemes [5].

The shoulder surfing method is another method which is used to get for the graphical password technique. This technique works in this manner the graphical way in which the data will be retrieved is going to be en large the maximum possible certainty of the task which will be elaborated with the maximum tasks used in order to make the possibility of the task even better and make the much better performance in using the solid state disks [3] [4] [5].

There are lots of images debugged in a graphical interface by which it makes the hacker to get lot of trouble in order to make the task hard and in order to complete the task it also makes the hard time which cannot give the way in which the hacker can get correct order of the pictures or images. There are nearly 1000 objects and those all objects are crowded in such a way that recognition of those objects is very hard to make out [6]. There is an algorithm behind the shoulder surfing the shoulder surfing also has several tasks behind the modular phase in which the task can be completed very fast. The user when detects with the order of three objects at a while and then if it taken out with correct order. Then the account inside can be accessed and the whole data in which the data can be accessed is with the usage of the graphical scheme.

The most important task in which the data can be retrieved is shoulder surfing. To be authenticated many of the tasks can be used in the while performing the tasks. The user needs to make out the particular three to four objects from the bunch of objects present in the field. The whole task in which the data can be accessed and the data can be used is very crucial in the shoulder surfing method [6]. The advantage of the shoulder surfing is the data and the password is very small phrase. The repeating of the shoulder surfing process may lead to the complex alignment of the objects. The login to the system will become very slow which leads to the drawback of the shoulder surfing. And this method is complicated to understand by the user.

Figure 2: Shoulder-surfing scheme

Another method in which the objects are been detected same as the shoulder surfing is with the pass objects. The pass objects will consists of the set of images with the face of person either male or female and the data can be accessed in this order in which the eyes and iris detection of the images are taken and retrieved in such a manner that they are accurate in the order of the resistant algorithm the corresponding string method pictures as pass objects. The pass objects are the images of the different human pictures. The set of images have the eyes and the eyes have retina which can make the iris detection. The iris detection is very hard to implement this can implemented by using the lab view or Mat lab [7]. The extended approach of the alpha numeric code with the different strings and the extended forces can the method can make the still forces and the user can memorize it in many text strings by which the technique suffers from the many drawbacks and these drawbacks are related to only text based password allocation.

Figure 3: Pass faces Technique

The graphical mechanism of the password for the mobile devices is also having a technique with the password mechanism. The Password has the set of images nearly up to 30 images and each image has certain allocated value and the image which is choose has the particular value and this value are used for opening the file. The file is in the file of the text and allocation is possible with the task completion in regular methods. The allocation has the task of completing the data to be written with the element of the idea and the images of the thumbnails [7].

One of the drawback with the since the images in this set are nearly equal to 30 count the number of numerical should be up to 30 and the count will be equal to the 30 the numbers which are equal to that number will make the password to long and this makes the password to get the composed size of the sets with the images in such that it will be expanding the image size of the alphabet [8].

The images are the division of the single image in to multiple images. The images are randomly cut in such a manner that it has unique pixels in each image with the regular set of the pixel images which can cause the password technique to elaborate in to the regular picture. The combined compose alphabets enrollment stage must enter the registered images in the correct sequence. The combined new sequence alphabets will form the big size of the alphabet image.

Figure 4: Password Mechanism Technique


The proposed technique which allows the user to write his own password on the screen which is provided by the software in graphical user interface and the interface technique with the authentication of the DAS which is the secret for the data to draw in the sequential order and user with asked to draw the regular picture on the 2 dimensional GUI grid. The grid has the both x and y co-ordinates and the stored picture asked for the re draw of the picture in the regular sentence in which has the reasonable length and the passwords the sorting order is in 4 X 4 grid method [7][8].

The text based DAS has less size than the regular password on the 2 dimensional screen [9]. The drawer touches all the grids in the sequence which registered for the registration. The Further more analysis for this technique which is elaborated in the scheme will show the scheme of the 'Draw-A-Secret' and this scheme works as per the predictable data and the characteristics with the passwords choose which are in the regular squares in which the data is kept in the regular passwords which are started and ended with the either with the letters or else with the password strokes and numbers in common [9] [10].

Figure 5: Pass point System Image

The system which is 'Pass Point' is the better idea which eliminates the boundaries which are pre-defined and the images in the arbitrary pictures are selected with the certain ease which can make the following words to be predefined and the words to be organized in regular passion and the user can click the image on any certain place by which the image will creates some of the pre-defined and these creates the pixels and the pixels were calculated with the technique in the hundreds and thousands of the image points [10] [11] [12].

The tolerance is the main aspect used in the creation of the pictures with the regular and allocated portion of the discretization method. The main idea on the pass point system is that in the image there will be many image points. That is nothing but it consists of many people or else objects embedded in it. This makes the image to be acted in this way. That user has to check all the points which are interesting when making the registration. Then the user selects one or two points in the image so that so those points will acts as the password and user has to click on the regular points to enter in to the system whenever the user want to check-in [11] [12].

V.Proposed System - Graphical Authentication of password

The user will be given the set of images to select from the server provided by the software. The local host will asks user to select the theme or the sequence of the pictures which are given to him. After the image is selected by the user the image will be distorted. The image which is distorted cannot be in the original form anymore. This makes the user to be in selective while making the levels of security issues. The Various themes which are provided and the graphical word authentication is also will be enhanced with the presence of the particular methods of which it can be re written.

The passwords and the length reasonable sentence which is stored in the picture and these will have the co-ordinates of the X-Y axis. The hacker will not detect the images selected by the user as it has the unique way in which the data cannot be submitted and retrieved for the new scheme and the image of the database and the user when logins in to the system the user need to have the protected password which can make image comparable with the original and makes matches to allow the website surfing and all the data with the identity and surfing of the website.

This method can be implemented by the hardware and the software requirements and the software to be developed by the efficient new schemes.

1- "Delphi programming language".

2- "Microsoft operating system (XP)".

The graphical authentication has to deal with picture and they have these specifications to be for the memory and the images where the requirements of this images are stated in the below. The implementation of authentication can be done with these requirements:

"PC with high performance processor"

2- "DDR Memory minimum 512 MB"

"HDD for large data stored"

Figure 6: The proposed Login Interface


The Graphical Passwords are gaining enormous interest in the public from previous several years. It is treated as a regular alternative of the conventional passwords. The main agenda of the graphical passwords is that people will remember the graphical passwords in better way than the conventional passwords. The whole research done in this paper states that breaking in to conventional password is possible but breaking in to graphical password is very difficult to perform.

The research also states that using the graphical passwords it makes the work of the hackers very hard even if they use the "Brute Force Attacks", "Dictionary Attacks", "Spyware Attacks" and "Other Attacks. There are drawbacks even in the graphical passwords they have to be overcome these all issues like deploying the shoulder surfing correctly to eliminate vulnerability. And the graphical passwords are not yet fully suitable for the techniques to implementable. And lot of research has to be done in future to get the full maturity in the schemes or techniques also which are useful. The future work will be an enhanced work with working on all the methods using the random set of images with different pixels in it.


I would like to acknowledge my sincere thanks to my professor Dr. Mario Garcia. He encouraged my work always which helped me in writing this research paper in better way. And Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi also helped me in working on this paper by providing all facilities and infrastructure