In this literature survey I envisage to talk about Computer crime which is a common and famed topic all over the world today. Why people need computers? People need computers to matter in the world passing and storing information to each other and the need for power to control information. Therefore, people with the right talents an expert computer user could find out everything about a person and leave no trace that they were there. Miserably, some people who know a lot about computer technology advisably break the law because they believe they can get away with it. The laws dealing with the legal use of computer technology have been improving, and tracking criminals is becoming somewhat easier to do. Nonetheless, through the use of computer technology cyber criminals are still finding remunerative ways to hide themselves from the law. Because some computer users have abused computer technology to commit crimes, such as computer hacking, cyber stalking and identity theft more resources should be allocated to combat these types of crimes.
The report will contain with very exposition four chapters. First chapter will contain details about type of computer crimes. In second chapter there will be some real life circumstances for each types of computer crimes which are stated in chapter one. Chapter three will be apart for tips to overcome from computer crimes, whether prevention or protection and for constate about commitment of law against computer crimes. Final chapter will contain the conclusion of the whole report.
Computer crimes are a huge defect all over the world with approximately the earliest years of people started contrives information technology as accustoms. Although the technology has thrived extensively the threat of computer crimes to the privacy of human life has not reduced yet. Computer crimes circumscribe a broad range of potentially illegal activities harassing the authorities which are protecting the law of each and every country. Although the experts come over with various resolutions, the computers criminals find innovative ways of distract technology users.\\
As a wont when we hear the word "computer crime", we normally think of illegally entering in to computer or misuse of internet moreover think of depraved pictures available on the Internet. But computer crimes diffuse in to a huge area. Basically computer crimes can categories in to three major types of criminal activity with computers:\\
1. Unauthorized use of computers.\\
2. Creating or releasing a malicious computer program.\\
3. Harassment and stalking in cyberspace. \\
Computer is only a lure which is use to do crimes. The computer crimes are also same as other crimes involving without computers or internet. For example,
\item The crimes which form using a computer, a scanner, or a printer for duplicity or deceptive is the same crime as using an old-fashioned printing press with ink. \\
\item Hacking in to a hard disk with proprietary information stored inside is the same crime as stealing a briefcase that contains papers with proprietary information. \\
\item Using the Internet or online services to solicit sex is similar to other forms of solicitation of sex. \\
No matter the position of the crime whether is it simple or massive, being a victim of computer crime is a tragedy. So the most effective way is to avoid before being a victim of crime making the computer less commodious to use by criminals. It is more successful than prosecution of perpetrators of computer crimes and doing remedy to your computer after a crime has committed.
\chapter{What are Computer Crimes?}
Computer crimes allude to the unconventional use of information technology, information systems, or even misuse of computer accessories or electronic spoof where the persevering is to damage, delete or alter the data present in the computer or the information system.\\
\section{Various Types of Computer Crimes}
Computer crimes can be divided in to three categories such as;\\\\
1. Unauthorized use of computers.\\
2. Creating or releasing a malicious computer program.\\
3. Harassment stalking in cyberspace. \\
\subsection{Unauthorized use of computers}
Criminals can use data unconventionally in four ways.\\
1. Computer voyeur.
Trustworthy or proprietary information are read or most commonly copies by the criminal, but data is neither deleted nor changed. \\
2. Changing data.
Unauthorized change of data. For example, change a grade on an examination result sheet. \\
3. Deleting data.
Deleting entire file or files from the hard disk having the purpose of sabotage. For an example deleting the details of a lawsuit.\\
4. Denying service to authorized users.
By sending large amounts of junk e-mail ("mail bomb") in one day or by having the computer execute a malicious program that puts the processing unit into an infinite loop unauthorized user can deny the use of authorized user.\\
The most famous ways of unauthorized use of data are hacking and phishing.\\
Hacking is the activity of out doing the security plausibility of a computer or an information system in order to obtain an illegal access to it.\\
Phishing is the activity of attempting to procure sensitive information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by decoying as a trustworthy source like emails.\\
\caption{Unauthorized access by damage cause }
\subsection{Creating or releasing a malicious computer program}
Malicious computer programs are divided into the following classes\\
\item Viruses
A computer program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into the other programs stored in a computer. It may be benign or have a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory.\\
\item Worms
A computer worm is a self-replicating programme. Using computer network it send copies to other nods.\\
\item Trojan Horse
Non-self-replicating programme that appears to perform a desirable function for the user but instead facilitates unauthorized access to the user's computer system.\\
\item Logic bomb
Hidden code instructing a computer virus to perform some potentially destructive action when specific criteria are met.\\
\subsection{Harassment stalking in cyberspace }
Normally, the harasser intends to cause emotional grief. Harassment may include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels. Cyber-stalking is someone who uses the internet, email or other forms of electronic communication devices to constantly threaten and harass another person. The most victims are women and most of the stalkers are men. The victim usually knows the stalker, and the stalker's motivations for these crimes are based on wanting to control the victim.\\
\subsection{Bad affects of computer crimes}
Annually each and every community spends billion and billion dollars in terms of conserving against computer viruses, spy ware, pc theft, and data loss. This detriment is along the business side of the money being lost and also the money that is being spent by the government to combat the cyber criminals that have more sophisticated technology. \\
It comes to more serious crimes like cyber stalking; cyber stalking started to become a problem as more children and women were being affected by this type of computer crime. This is because children and women are the most common group of people that are new to the internet, so they are inexperienced about how to safely surf web and protect their personal information from other users. Though cyber stalkers may have difference characteristics with each other and to their victims, like being the opposite sex or even living in a different part of the world, they can also have the commonalities with their victims as well
In the business point of view the affects are varied. One of the main effects of cyber crime on a company is a loss of revenue. This loss can be caused by an outside party who obtains sensitive financial information, using it to withdraw funds from an organization. It can also occur when if the business is using e-commerce site Valuable income is lost when consumers are unable to use the site.\\
Another major effect or consequence of cyber crime is the time that is wasted when IT personnel must consecrate great portions of their day handling such incidences. Rather than working on productive measures for an organization, many IT staff members spend a large percentage of their time handling security breaches and other problems associated with cyber crime.
In cases where customer records are compromised by a security breach associated with cyber crime, a company's reputation can take a major hit. Customers whose credit cards or other financial data become intercepted by hackers or other infiltrators lose confidence in an organization and often begin taking their business elsewhere.
Due to the measures that many companies must implement to counteract cyber crime, there is often a negative effect on employees' productivity. This is because, due to security measures, employees must enter more passwords and perform other time-consuming acts in order to do their jobs. Every second wasted performing these tasks are a second not spent working in a productive manner.\newpage
\chapter{Real examples for computer crimes}
\section{A case of Phishing}
One financial Institute registered a crime stating that some persons have perpetrated certain acts through misleading emails ostensibly emanating from ICICI Bank's email ID. Such acts have been perpetrated with intent to defraud the Customers.
The Investigation was carried out with help of those emails received by the customers of that financial Institute and arrested the accused, the place of offence was searched for the evidence. There one Lap Top and Mobile Phone was seized which was used for the commission of the crime.
The arrested accused had used open source code email application software for sending spam emails. He has down loaded the same software from net and then used it as it is.
He used only VSNL emails to spam the email to customers of financial Institute because VSNL email service provider do not have spam box to block the unsolicited emails.
After spamming emails to financial Institute customers he got the response from around 120 customers of which 80 are genuine and others are not correct because it do not have debit card details as required for e-banking.
The financial Institute customers those who have received his email felt that the email was originated from the financial Institute bank. When they filled the confidential information and submitted that time said information was directed to accused. The information of the form will be submitted to the web server. Then server will send he data to configured email address and in this case email configured was to the accused email.
This crime has been registered u/s U/Sec. 66 of IT Act, sec 419, 420, 465, 468, 471 of I.P.C r/w Sections 51, 63 and 65 of Copyright Act, 1957 which attract the punishment of 3 years imprisonment and fine up to 2 lacs rupees which accused never thought of .
\section{Unauthorized access to a computer system}
Roman Meydbray, the former Information Technology Manager of Creative Explosions, Inc., pleaded guilty to gaining unauthorized access to the computer system and email of his former employer, Creative Explosions, Inc., a Silicon Valley software development firm. Mr. Meydbray entered a guilty plea before United States District Judge Jeremy Fogel to one count of unlawful access to stored communications and one count of unauthorized access to a computer and recklessly causing damage.
According to court documents, within two weeks of his termination, Mr. Meydbray gained unauthorized access to the computer system of Creative Explosions from his San Jose residence. During this unauthorized access, Mr. Meydbray deleted an e-mail server domain, accessed the e-mail account belonging to the president of Creative Explosions, and made configuration changes to the mail servers that caused e-mails to be rejected. A federal search warrant was executed at his residence and his computer was seized in the investigation.
The maximum statutory penalty for each count of unlawful access to stored communications and causing reckless damage on a computer is five years in prison, a maximum fine of 250,000 dollars or twice the gross gain or loss whichever is greater; a three year term of supervised release;
and 100 dollars mandatory special assessment.
\section{Suicide due to Harassment}
Megan Meier had lived in nearby Dardenne Prairie her childhood, with her parents and sister.
From the third grade Megan had been under the care of a psychiatrist. She had been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and depression and considered herself overweight. She was described by her parents as a girl who enjoyed spending time with her friends and family.
The account through which the bullying of Meier took place purportedly belonged to a 16-year-old male named "Josh Evans." However, Lori Drew, the mother of a former friend of Meier, later admitted creating the MySpace account with her daughter and Ashley Grills, Lori Drew's 18-year-old employee. Several people contributed to running the faked account, including Drew. Witnesses testified that the women intended to use Meier's e-mails with "Josh" to get information about her and later humiliate her, in retribution for her allegedly spreading gossip about Drew's daughter.\\
Soon after opening an account on MySpace, Meier received a message supposedly from a 16-year-old boy, Josh Evans, but actually sent by Lori Drew using a fabricated account. Meier and "Josh" became online friends, but never met in person or spoke. Meier thought he was attractive. Meier began to exchange messages with this person. This person claimed to have just moved to the nearby city, and did not yet have a phone number.
After some days the tone of the messages changed, with Drew saying that she do not know if she want to be friends with her anymore because she has heard that she is not very nice to her friends. The last message sent by the Evans account read: "Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you." Meier responded with a message reading "You're the kind of boy a girl would kill herself over." The last few correspondences were made via AOL Messenger instead of Myspace. She was found 20 minutes later in her bedroom closet; Megan had hanged herself. Despite attempts to revive her, she was pronounced dead the following day.\\
\section{Unauthorized use of Wi Fi }
A Michigan man who used a coffee shop's unsecured Wi-Fi to check his e-mail from his car finally faced up to five years in prison. \\
Each day around lunch time, Sam Peterson has driven to the Union Street Café, park his car and without even entering the coffee shop check his e-mail and surf the Net. His ritual raised the suspicions of Police Chief Andrew Milanowski, who approached him and asked what he was doing. Peterson, do not has realized that his actions constituted a crime. Peterson just said that he knew that the place had Wi-Fi and he just checked his e-mails using it.\\
Neither Donna May, the owner of the Union Street Cafe I didn't know it was really illegal.But ostensibly prosecutors were more than aware of the 1979 law, which was revised in 2000 to include protections for Wi-Fi networks. \\
However, Peterson would not be going to prison for because he has no prior record. Peterson will have to pay a 400 dollers fine, do 40 hours of community service and enroll in the county's diversion program. \\
\section{ Amy's Story }
As Amy already using internet at the public library and school her mother gave permission to sign up for Internet service at home although she was fifteen-year-old.
Her mother had found out that Amy had been sharing many personal conversations with Bill, whom she had met in an online chat room. They discussed her desire to live her life differently. Bill was sympathetic to Amy's dreams and desires. By getting to know and sympathizing with her concerns or fears, Bill was able to break down her inhibitions.\\
One day Amy did not come home one night. Her mother felt something was wrong. So she began a search of Amy's room and found a note saying she is going on a trip. At the same time Amy was at the bus station on the telephone with Bill. He was saying that if she goes home he will get caught by police. Amy felt constrained to keep him from getting arrested.
Amy's mother quickly complained to the police and the detectives had found out that Bill's address was a computer dating service.\\
However the police had found out them and Amy refuse to go home until they rescue Bill. So the things happened as her wish because the police could not take an action as Amy did not went by force. Three weeks later this man came to Amy's home and Amy slipped out with him and he assaulted Amy in a motel.\\
Bill was convicted and sentenced to a year-and-a-day term in federal prison. Bill was released to the United States Probation Office where he was placed on probation for three years.\\
\chapter{Ways of Prevention}
\item Security the electronic data processing environment
\item Assert
\item Security
\item Law enforcement and legal training
\item Victim cooperation in reporting computer crime
\item International security of information system
\item Security the electronic data processing environment
The most common way of preventing cyber crimes is using a password. To access an online computer service or Internet service provider one needs both a user name and password. As the user names are easy to guess, one must be especially careful with the password.
As it is too easy for automatic programs to sequentially try all combinations of characters in a password of only 1, 2, 3, or 4 characters. It is important to make the length of the password at least five characters. In short passwords, use at least one upper-case letter, at least one lower-case letter, and at least one digit. A five-character password composed of only random lower-case letters has about 8Ã-106 possible combinations, but a five-character password composed of both upper- and lower-case letters and the ten digits, all chosen randomly, has about 776Ã-106 possible combinations. To make a long password, use a concatenation of two words, each with at least five characters, perhaps separated by one digit. It is so much risky to use the name, the name of spouse or the pet, the nick name, home telephone number, date of birth, NIC no or sequences of letters on a keyboard and sequences from the alphabet.
By using a spam blocker we can prevent from unwanted messages, such as fraudulent emails and phishing emails which are getting to the inbox. Most Internet providers provide a spam blocking feature.\\
Most common way of preventing viruses is having adequate anti-virus software and also need to make sure to regularly update anti-virus software and do a once-a-week scan to locate and eliminate any malware, spyware, viruses and other problems.\\
E.g.: McAfee, Norton Anti-Virus, Stopzilla \\
Since everyone will download executable software from the Internet and everyone uses e-mail, everyone should have a good anti-virus program running on their machine.
Some times the user should disable anti-virus program before installing new software, because an anti-virus program will likely object to the installation of any new software. It is important to enable the anti-virus software after install new software.
Keeping the firewall always turned on is important to prevent from hackers. Firewall protection feature, which is a digitally created barrier that prevents hackers from getting into the computer system. \\
Another way of preventing from computer crimes which we do not use commonly is encrypting important but compromised data. Avail encryption software; make the data unintelligible to anyone who tries to hack into your computer system.
Be cautious of providing personal information to a website which is not familiar before. Especially if those websites ask for name, mailing address or bank account number.
When doing online shopping it is important make sure that do it on a secure website, like those with a URL that starts with "https" and/or have a TRUST or VeriSign seal. Otherwise it may be a fraud to submitting credit card information and other personal information.
Using parental control software that limits the types of sites the user can gain access to is wise thing to do to monitor the online activities of children. They should only have access to a computer located in a central area of your home and you should regularly check all browser and email activity. \\
Establishing a free e-mail account at Yahoo, Hot-Mail, or some other provider, and use an alias for that account for casual on-line activities is one of the ways of preventing computer crimes. We can simply close that account and chose another alias if someone tries to harasses or stalks.
Giving out the real name, address, city, telephone number, or other identifying information to a stranger in a chat room, computer bulletin board, or other public place will be making easier to contrive a computer crime. \\
\chapter{Ways of protection}
\item Background \\
\item The development of national law\\
\item The international of crimes law\\
Conclude the risks and identify weaknesses of the computer system and analyze the online and operating platforms to determine what is at risk is important. If a critical customer or accounting data is linked to the Web it is more important to get steps to protect the system from crimes.
Making sure of antivirus and antispyware programs are up to date if there are multiple personnel on the computer systems and also make sure they change their passwords every two months.
If a computer virus or an invading hacker deletes your files, or either one corrupts your files it is essential to have a backup of data which had stored in the hard drive. It can cost thousands to recover such data if you don't take the simple step of regularly backing it up. \\
Backups also offer protection from more common threats such as accidental deletion of a file by an authorized user or failure of a hard disk drive. The easiest way to restore the computer may be to reformat the hard drive and then copy files from a recent backup. Making a backup is a chore that takes anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour. It depending on the amount of files copied to the backup medium and the speed of the backup device. But most users do not make backups as frequently as they should. The interval between backups should be determined by the amount of data files that you can afford to lose.\\
There are several ways of making backups\\
\item A full backup of all of the files at least twice each year, and immediately after completing a major project.
\item An incremental backup of only those files that were changed since the previous incremental backup.
\item An archival backup: a full backup of all of my files to newly formatted media.
If the only threat was a computer virus or attack by a hacker, it would be adequate to store all of the backup media in the same room as the computer. Because there are also threats of fire or flood one should also make a backup for offsite storage, such as in the safe deposit box at a bank.\\
In order to protect the data of the computer system of a company it is important to get the help of technical expertise. An expertise can help make sure of having the right systems in place for protection and recovery. If the company has a team of workers it is important to require personnel to sign a security agreement. This written statement should mention that they will actively participants in helping to maintain a secure online environment. \\
\chapter{Rules and regulations to prevent from computer crimes.}
\section{Computer Crimes Act }
This act was recently enacted and certified by the Speaker as the Computer Crimes Act No. 24 of 2007 as the advancements are being made in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Sri Lanka. This legislation is the result of numerous contributions from sources such as the CINTEC Law Committee, a Sub-Committee of the Law Commission and the Ministry of Justice.\\
The rapid growth of ICT raises fundamental questions regarding storage of confidential information, privacy, data protection and crime. Computers are not only targeted for crime but are also important instruments used in the commission of other offences such as theft, fraud, forgery, damage, deletion of business information and sabotage of computer facilities. The act was enacted to provide a better way of life for society. The Sri Lankan Computer Crimes Act No. 24 of 2007 primarily addresses computer-related crimes and hacking offences. \\
The first class of offences in the Computer Crimes Act criminalizes attempts at unauthorized access to a computer or any information held in any computer and doing same for the commission of any other offence. The Act also contains provisions which state that any person who intentionally or without lawful authority carries out a function which has the effect of modification or damage or potential damage to any computer or computer system or computer programme shall be guilty of an offence. \\
According to the act the punishable crimes are as follows; \\
\item Impairing the operation of any computer, computer system or the reliability of any data or information held in any computer.
\item Destroying, deleting or corrupting or adding, moving or altering any information held in any computer.
\item Making use of a computer service involving computer time and data processing for the storage or retrieval of data.
\item Introducing a computer program which will have the effect of malfunctioning of a computer or falsifies the data or any information held in any computer or computer system (e.g.:- viruses, worms, etc).
New regime for the investigation of offences has introduced by this act.
The Act empowers the experts with specific powers, such as visiting the scene of crime for purposes of investigation, to access and examine computer systems and data or information held in a computer. The Act also provides for the retention and preservation of information required from computer devices for the purpose of carrying out investigations. In carrying out
investigations the law prescribes that legitimate business activity using computers should not be hindered and that strict confidentiality should be maintained in respect of data and information.
The introduction of the concept of experts to the Act together with other provisions was necessary to ensure that the skilled task of accessing a computer is done only by a person who has the competence to perform an efficient detection while at the same time ensuring that the computer hardware and software is not damaged.
The Computer Crimes Act helps achieve this objective, enabling bona-fide users of technologies to operate in a better environment than before. \\
\section{Electronic Transaction act }
This Act shall be construed consistently with what is commercially reasonable under the circumstances and to give effect to the following purposes;\\
\item To facilitate electronic communications by means of reliable electronic records.
\item To facilitate electronic commerce, eliminate barriers to electronic commerce resulting from uncertainties over writing and signature requirements, and to promote the development of the legal and business infrastructure necessary to implement secure electronic commerce;
\item To facilitate electronic filing of documents with government agencies and statutory corporations, and to promote efficient delivery of government services by means of reliable electronic records;
\item To minimize the incidence of forged electronic records, intentional and unintentional alteration of records, and fraud in electronic commerce and other electronic transactions;
\item To help to establish uniformity of rules, regulations and standards regarding the authentication and integrity of electronic records; and
\item To promote public confidence in the intergrity and realibility and of electronic records and electronic commerce, and to foster the development of electronic electronic commerce through the use of electronic signatures to lend authenticity and intergrity to correspondence in any electronic medium.
\section{Intellectual Property act}
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) is responsible is responsible for implementing the Department's national strategies in combining computer and intellectual property crimes worldwide. The Computer Crimes Initiative is a comprehensive program designed to combat electronic penetrations, data thefts, and cyber attacks on critical information systems. CCIPS prevents, Investigates, and prosecutes computer crimes by working with other government agencies, the rivet sector, academic institutions, and foreign counterparts\\
%\section*{\bf Conclusions }
Usage of computers internet and other telecommunication medias has shown a rapid growth in society today. Exclusive of from providing a better way of life for society the rapid growth of above areas has raises fundamental questions of computer crimes. Computer Crime has become a very large issue in our society today. Computer crimes allude to the unconventional use of information technology, information systems, or even misuse of computer accessories or electronic spoof where the persevering is to damage, delete or alter the data present in the computer or the information system.
Because computers are found in just about every home and office now, criminals are becoming smarter. They are moving from convenience stores to the Internet and computers, trying to rob you blind.\\
Criminals' lack of respect for the property or privacy of other people is the embryonic issue in most computer crime. Sometimes the criminals or perverse have pleasure in being able to destroy valuable information belonging to strangers. Most of the time they get an illegal financial gain and also vengeance, jealousy, hatred course to occurrence of computer crimes.\\
Closure that society must recognize the seriousness of computer crime and demand more austere punishment and regulations for such criminals.
At least after a crime happens we have to think of that the criminal did everyone a favor by calling attention to lapses in security of computers when a criminal perpetrates a crime and get solution for that.\\
Make the user's computer less adequate and comfortable to use is the most of the really effective steps that a computer user can take to avoid being a victim of crime. Each user must balance for himself or herself how much security is enough especially by measuring the rate of crimes which faced with daily annoyance and the rare occurrence of attacks. Furthermore, the user must be aware that a adjudicated and creative criminal can defeat nearly any security measure, so complete security is not possible. Even if the victim behaved in an imprudent way, a victim never invites a crime. \\
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