The term of cyber crime and computer crime has to deals with a lot of problem in his scope, while looking at it in different ways. In this present time, everyone is depending on telecommunication technology where are used almost for everything now.
As a businessmen and government come to rely on computer, so do criminal. Due to the cyber crime and computer crime more and more, So there is no wrong in saying it will keep increasing as there is network internationally, making it accessible to computer criminals.
The computer crime act and it is expected that repeated adjustment and modification will be required to reflect feature technological advancement and development by looking of relevant software types such as Trojans, viruses, spyware, adware and malware. There by, there will be difficulty in recognizing the crime by legislative body and law enforcement agencies.
The first cyber crime was in 1820 that occurred all In Asia, specifically India, China, and Japan. It is not surprising because the first form of computer is Abacus which has been around since about 3500 B.C. Because of how long cyber crime is, as day's passes, it is getting worse and worse.
By looking at cyber crime and computer crime I started by asking myself… What are the differences between them? They look alike, why? And why do they look the same? Are they talking about the same thing? So what should I say about them.
But to my surprise I concentrated on it, I found out the only similarity is that they deal with computer. Below are their definitions:
Cyber crime is can be defined as criminal activities that commit on the internet either as a tool or target victim. These criminals who commit such crimes use a number of method, considering their objective and skills by downloading illegal music, videos and stealing of million on the net are all cyber crime. We have to understand that cyber crime is not only stealing millions from online banks even non-monetary offence by creating and spreading of virus on other computer or even using private information on the internet.
The classification of cyber crime can be categorized into tree different groups. There are as follows:
Cyber crime against individual: These are occurring among the person and their property of and individual, through a logical ways such as cyber stalking, spamming, Email spoofing, cyber defamation and harassment via emails.
Cyber crime against organisation: This is happen among the government and a firm by using unauthorized access over computer system without knowing of the owner and also send logic bomb so that it will crashes all dependent programme viruses trafficking.
Cyber crime against society: This are basically affect the people of the society especially a young children such as pornography, forgery land and polluting the youth through indecent exposure.
Computer crime can be defined as a situation whereby by data on computer is accessed without permission. It does not mean that the data in the computer is have to be modified or as result got loss or even modified. It is even ague that the worst type computer crime is that which occurs without any indication that your data has been accessed.
Computer crime is mostly done by hackers and crackers. They have now realized that if such crime are organized, their will be ease stealing and low level of risk (mean they will be caught easily).it is even rumoured that government organisation are involve in hacking into computer system. Which we cannot talk about because it is a topic on it is own.
Hackers: This is an unauthorized access to computer system or network. Whereby describe as people who use computer as hobby by creating game and computer programs.
Hackers get a negative name in the year 1980, s. now in the present days, hacking has gotten name for a lot of crime such as stealing, fraud and so on.
Example: "some Russian hackers known as Russian Business Network stole 10's of millions of Dollars from US Banks and are still at large, the FBI are still investigating the case"(Bobbie Johnson, The age 'Russian hackers stole from US Bank'. Dec 25, 2009. ) (1).
Pharming: This can be form as another way of fraud. But it is just like phishing, pharmers do not depend on their victims believing in massage, the send it directly to the link. They create links that can redirect to their site just by you click the link. What the do is that they steal real information for them to successful. Pharmer are very difficult to catch because they do not leave any trace and not rely on their victims accepting a message.
This is when someone creates a false identity using other people's information. By using the persons name, social security number, birthday or even using some ones international passport or IC card to create to create new credit cards or collect loans which will go straight to the owners record.
E-mail Bombing: This is the kind of activities where are referring to send a large number of email victims, it may occur by an individual, a company or even mail server. Finally it will cause all the resulting into crashing.
Virus/Worm Attacks: These are programs that attack themselves to a computer on a file and circulate themselves to other file and other computer. They are usually affect the data of computer by deleting it worms unlike like virus it does not need to attach themselves to the function, which will continue repeated till all the available space on the computer memory.
Crackers: This is the act of criminal who breaks someone else computer, by passes the computer password and security license or in another breach the security of computer. A cracker can be doing this because the challenge is there and also try to make business.
Web Jacking: This can defined as a term of offence where by the hacker gain access and control over the web site of another. He may even change the information of the website. This may do for satisfying political objectives for the money.
Pornography: This is the act of nudity. Pornography is the one of the major disadvantage of the internet in the world. There by it is affect the world in a very high way.
When we look as child pornography, you will find out that there are a lot of cases related to it. However some people visit online chat room just to lure children into having sex. It is illegal to lure or tick a small child into any sexual activities. For example chatting with fourteen to fifteen years old girls over the net then suggestion a meeting is a very illegal conduct. FUTURE OF CYBER CRIME IN ASIA
In Asia, the case of cyber crime is high because of the population in the continent and the exposure of the Asians to computer. About 85-90% of Asians have access to computers.
When you look at the situation related to cyber crime, the biggest mistake people make is saying or believing that cyber crime will not get worst. The rate at which cyber crime is progressing is truly overwhelming. We cannot rely on the current law and technical protection available because they are not sufficient.
Everyday new ways of cyber crime are being explored by the doers but no laws are being introduced. In order to tackle the problem and keep cyber crime in check, we have to think on how to protect our servers from being attacked. If we observe the recent trends, certain educated guesses about the future can be made without difficulty because of radical era.
In china, 25% of major cyber crimes are Internet frauds. China itself has 300 million web users. China has the world's highest population. In Manila, Philippines-"crimes which are committed via computer rose sharply last year" says (Philippines National Policy, PNP 2007, Philippines cases reported in 2006, National press, Philippines) (2). In 2007, 1,843 cases were reported almost tripling 527 crimes reported in 2006.
Virtually cyber crimes are on the rise especially in Asia. So, without doubt cyber crime is on the negative side and on the fast lane.
To control cyber crime in Asia or to prevent it, it's a very big task to do regarding the population of the people who have access to computers. So it is very hard to believe that it will subside. When this scams are done to certain individuals, the victims sometimes have no idea who to report the case to. Mostly they feel ashamed to report this sort of scams and also they feel that the lost are too small so they can just spare themselves the shame. The greatest or highest place were computer are used to the maximum limit is Asia.
The chart shows the rate number of committed cyber crime in India from the year 2005-2006, and it is also mention the incident separately in different ways.
In the year of 2005 Data theft has the highest rate in committed crime by 32, then the next highest is Email abuse was 26, unauthorised access was 16, Data alteration was 14, Virus was 6, then the least is Denial of service and the most least is others with 2.
In the year of 2006, the Data theft is also the highest in committed crime with 34, and then follows by Email abuse with 19, unauthorised access with 21, Data alteration with 17, Virus with 4, the least is was the other with 3 and the most least is Denial of service 2.
That was a case done by some Chinese students who hacked into Google which happened just few months ago, Due to that they caused a lot of loss to Google" (Cyril Stober, DAILY TRUST, Over 10 million dollars stolen from Google', 20 January, 2010) (3). These are just done by college students, what if it was done by some dangerous Black hat hackers?
Recently it happens in Indian in 11 September 2009. Some employees gained the confidence of the customer and use their pin number to commit fraud. They got this under the helping the customer out of difficult situations. On that matter the employee copy down number and immediately gone out to cyber café and accessed the customer account for about $3, 50, 00 at the Citibank. This problem will be tackle by collecting employee's national ID and national data base where name can be referred. This it will prevent them from committing such type crime in a society and employee would be scare from commit fraud or even such kind of criminal's activities.
Also in Korea, a man got that score code of a population game and sold it to people. So the people made copies if the game sold it at a discount there by causing a lost to the company.
CEO was arrested in December 2004. It is happed were their found in selling a CD with objectionable material on the website in Delhi market. The police of Mumbai and Delhi were took action on realise bail. This uncloses as what kind of difference between internet services and contend provider. This was worried and blame about that, he was the service provider and not content provider. These was released many issue regarding on how the police tackle the cyber crime and a lot of education is available.
The prevention on cyber crime is has to be always better than cure, because it take certain precaution while operating the net.
To prevent cyber stalking avoid disclosing any information pertaining to one person. This is a good as disclosing your identity to stranger in public place.
The user should be better use a security programme that give control over the cookies and send information back to the site, so that it may lead to protect the cookies from damage.
The web site owners should watch traffic and check any irregularity on the site by putting host based intrusion detected device on servers may do this.
The police as a whole are not training to tackle this sort of criminals. These are crime ware are prevented by using technology method only. For instant when you look at the book of cyber crime or related to cyber crime and the laws behind it, you will discover that all the book about is looking the criminal up when caught to a time of period to one to five years, in prison maximum.
Internet Service their have to provide a high level of security at their server, in order to keep their client secure from all types of virus and malicious programs.
The government should have to provide the criminals like hackers and crackers to help them in solution on how to tackle the other criminals. This will be easier for the government because the criminals know about the crimes and then the government fine suitable job, so that it will protect them from commit a crime.
Parent should use content filtering on computer to protect children from gambling watching pornography and other obscene materials or restrict them from carry out illegal activities on internet.
Sites should also created it will trickle offender to give their details. Let take for example "Honey net", this is a site which is design to give offender access through various level of security agreeing at each stage that they aware of the content and indicating their intent. They will eventually find themselves facing law enforcement message which reads "Gotcha" and detail have been recorded.
As we discussed about cyber crime and computer crime, it deals with uncountable problems and there are a lot of cases in Asia. As I have said, in order to prevent cyber crime around Asia, government should implement code of conduct in which an individual should be furnish as a committing such a crime as example 5 years in jail.
The service providers should able to have a very good security for their servers, which can stop perpetrators in installing malicious programs into other people computers.