Graduate Program Coordinator

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 941

Dear Students,

Congratulations on gaining a place to study at the Adelaide Campus of Carnegie Mellon University. I expect that the majority of you have never visited Australia, so can imagine that your emotions range from being excited to anxious as you begin to think about the practical aspects of temporarily leaving your family, friends and employment. It is a huge step, but one that I know you will find rewarding (if not challenging at times!)

My job as the Graduate Program Coordinator is to provide you with as much information needed to successfully organise your stay in Adelaide. Some of you have already been in contact with your Buddies. Most are international students who are graduating in December, and who had to make the same decisions that you are now facing regarding preparing for the next 12 months. Others are part-time local students who are keen to extend the hand of friendship to make your stay here as happy as possible. If you haven't heard from your Buddy, chances are they are busy working towards particular deadlines, so you may like to send them an email introducing yourself, even if at the moment you have no particular questions to ask. Your Buddies have been invited to provide you with as much information as you require regarding living and studying in Adelaide. Specific questions about the academic details of the course should be directed to the Graduate Program Manager Ms Irina Ferouleva. Her email address is: [email protected] .

Health Insurance

If you are an AusAID recipient the University will purchase your OSHC Worldcare Health Insurance, which you will be able to upgrade to family cover should your family be invited to join you after the first Mini (12th March 2010). It is the University's recommendation that students give themselves a few weeks to settle in to their new environment and to adapt to the academic pressure of the course before families join them.

Perhaps you are still thinking about purchasing your health insurance. If that is the case please click here: . If you click on ‘OSHC Quick Quote Online' you will be able to purchase your health insurance and print off a temporary certificate which can be included with your visa application. If this is the option you choose please enter ‘CMU, Torrens Building, 220 Victoria Square, Adelaide. S.A. 5000 as your local address. Your Membership card will be sent to me and I will be able to hand it to you during Orientation.

Please note that if you have received a CoE which states that you do not have health insurance, the certificate is adequate proof of purchase. There is no need for a new CoE to be created (which would put you at the bottom of the visa pile again!).


Some of you are well on the way to organising short-term or long-term accommodation. The following are suggestions - if you have seen this list before please go to the end where I have listed new options which have become available.


Gosse International Student Residence

2 Highgate Street


Ph: 83579386

Highgate Lodge

40 Cheltenham Street


Ph: 8331 0866 (140 $ pw)

Elm Tree Lodge:

4 Gladstone Street


Ph: 8372 2500 (175 $ pw)

BackPack Oz (The Guesthouse Only)

144 Wakefield Street


Ph: 1800 633307

Semaphore House: (118 to 180 $ pw)

Midway Apartments

Good for short-term leases (1 week +):

Contact person: Mr. Kym Matheson ph: 0412937102

Some of the current students are looking for boarders or flatmates and have asked me to forward the following details to you:

Birkenhead -

1 bedroom available in a house owned by Edward Humeniuk who is a part-time MSPPM student. The house is 3 minutes from the train station and a 15 minute walk to the beach. If you are interested please contact Edward by email: [email protected] to find out more.

Brooklyn Park -

Suit female Muslim student looking for short-term accommodation. Please contact Adilah Hudzari by email: [email protected] . Adilah is a full-time student from Malaysia who is enrolled in the MSPPM (5 semester track) course. $54/per week + utilities.

Adelaide -

Please go here: . Sandaruwan Fernando is a current student is looking for someone to take over his lease from the 18th December - the end of January 2010 when it can be renewed. Sandaruwan's email address is: [email protected] and he is currently living at Unihouse with his wife and baby son. The rent is $270/month.

Walkerville -

suitable for female student. One bedroom and share bathroom (with one other female) in family home owned by Tim Muecke who is a part-time student enrolled in the MSIT course. Please contact Tim if you are interested in finding out more. His email address is: [email protected]

Glandore -

large bedroom, own bathroom, share kitchen, laundry and living areas, use of garden. There is broadband access via cable and reverse cycle air conditioning. 10 minutes by public transport to the University. $100 per week. Please contact Yvonne Gibbon: [email protected] (Yvonne is a friend of the Business Manager at this campus).

In addition to this, I am currently liaising with Student Living Australia regarding a special rate for students wishing to stay at iPad Apartments. I will forward this information to you as soon as it has been finalised.

Should you wish to contact Student Living Australia (our contact person is Jess King) please type ‘Carnegie Mellon University Student' in the message line which will ensure that your enquiry is dealt with promptly.

Once you have arranged your accommodation please send me your Australian address.

Thank you,
