In this day and age many people are unaware of the dangers or rather the existence of global warming. The current students are well aware of this problem because of the great measures the education systems of the world has taken to ensure that. The logical inference that can be made from that fact is that the leaders of this era want the children, who are the future leaders of the world, to fully understand the gravity of the environmental problem that the world is currently facing. Also, they want the children to start looking for a viable solution to curb global warming.
In this article a few questions will be answered relating to the global warming problem and the application of green chemistry and other methods to solve this crisis.
Firstly, what is global warming? The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English defines global warming as 'the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants' [1]. Simply put, the overall temperature of world is increasing and will continue to do so if we don't do something about it.
Before we start looking for a solution to solve a problem, it is best to know what the problem is. In this case it is the greenhouse gas.
It is an established fact that greenhouse gases are major contributors to the global warming crisis. There are a few major forms of greenhouse gases, namely carbon dioxide, methane, fluorinated gases and nitrous oxide.
Firstly, it is important to understand what exactly a greenhouse gas is. Well, a greenhouse is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation that is usually emitted by the sun and stays in the atmosphere before being broken down. A greenhouse gases ability to cause an effect on global warming is decided by their ability to absorb infrared radiation and their half-life in the atmosphere, when both of these factors are taken into consideration their potential effect on global warming can be determined.
A generally accepted fact is that fluorinated gases such as Chlorofluorocarbons, CCl2F2 (CFCs) or Hydrofluorocarbons, C2H4F2 (HFCs) are the most potent form of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Even though they are found in lower concentrations than other greenhouse gases, they account for almost 14% of the global warming gases.[2]These fluorinated gases are used as refrigerants, coolants, propellants and for other industrial processes. For example, HCFs are used in air conditioners, refrigerators and as propellants in medicinal aerosols.
Following that is the dinitrogen oxide, N2O, also known as nitrous gas, is relatively potent greenhouse gas. It is usually used as an oxidiser in rocket motors and an internal combustion engine. This is done to give a particular vehicle, be it a car or rocket, an extra boost of energy to thrust it forward. It is also more popularly used as an aerosol propellant, which is in our everyday cooking spray and paint spray. However, the production of dinitrogen oxide from the usage of synthetic fertilisers or animal fertilisers in agricultural soils is the major contributor to the rise in global warming. The use of nitrogen based fertilisers such as these may not only increase the crop production but also creates a favourable condition to denitrification which causes nitrous gas to be produced. Due to the wide availability and cheap cost of these fertilisers, it is used massively in farming causing large amounts of nitrous oxide to be produced and emitted to the atmosphere. Furthermore, extensive and poorly controlled use of animal wastes as fertilisers can lead to a high level of dinitorgen oxide gas emission.
Methane, CH4 is said to be 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide, CO2. Not many people realise it, but the major methane contributor to the environment is rice agriculture. Methanogenesis, a process that causes the formation of methane by microbes known as methanogens, occurs in the humid and water logged soil of rice paddies. As the need for food resource increases in the world, the production of rice increases and this indirectly causes the release of massive amounts of methane. Ruminants, animals which regurgitate, chew and digest food, are also a cause to the presence of methane gas in the air. Methane is produced in the guts of ruminant animals due to the methanogenic microorganisms. The methane is then released when the animal exhales, undergoes flatulence or produces manure. Methane is also produced in landfills and during the burning of biomass as by-product.
Lastly and most importantly, there is the carbon dioxide, CO2. It is the most emmited gas in all of the greenhouse gases. Even though it has a much lower potency compared to other greenhouse gases, its ability to cause global warming lies in the amount of the gas released into the atmosphere. It is an understatement to say that massive amounts of carbon dioxide are released every year. According to 4th Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, 'The global atmospheric concentration of CO2 increased from a pre-industrial value of about 280 particles per million (ppm) to 379 ppm in 2005'. Carbon dioxide gas emissions are higher than ever and there is little being done about it. Most of the carbon dioxide gas that relates to global warming is anthropogenic. Carbon dioxide are released by countless number of sources, fossil fuel combustion being the largest, followed by industrial processes such as manufacturing of cement, iron, steel, limestone and amny others.
Basically how these greenhouse gases contribute to global warming is that, when there is a large volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and methane is in the air, they lead to the absorption of infrared radiation that is being reflected back into the atmosphere. These infrared radiation are from the Sun, they travel into the Earth's atmosphere and then is reflected by the surface. When the infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases there will be an increase in the atmospheric temperature. The more the concentration of green house gases or higher their potency to absorb infrared, the faster global warming will occur.
Now after understanding fully what causes global warming, the first question is what my role as a student and a teenager in tackling global warming.
To answer this question we must see the problem that exists in not only teenagers but also the general population. The problem is none other than laziness. Inherent laziness creates an individual with no fear to the implication of their actions and no love for their environment.
Laziness, as crude as it may sound does contribute to the lack of action taken by an individual in solving the global warming issue. For example, take recycling; it is one of the most cited ways to help in overcoming global warming. As it easy as it may sound how many people in this world, or rather in this country actually recycle? How many, take time to separate their daily wastage into a pile of plastic, glass and paper? How reuse containers and glass bottles? How many bring their own bags to the supermarket and refuse plastic bags?
The number of people who do that are overwhelmingly low. It's the sad truth that even if it costs zero ringgit and takes up a fraction of time in their everyday life, they still won't recycle, reuse, bring their own bags to the supermarket or do anything that will contribute to save the environment.
The answer to what is my role in tackling global warming is pretty simple; stop being lazy and start taking action.
For starters, a person can start turning of lights and unplugging appliances when not in use. Electrical appliances still suck energy from the power source even if they aren't switched on; this is known as vampire energy. While at it, it would be good to switch to energy saving light bulbs. This will not only bring down the electricity bill a little but also conserves energy.
Start recycling. To make life easier keep three separate bins for plastic, glass, paper and compostable wastes. You will find yourself automatically recycling. Touching a little on compostable wastes, they are essentially a collection of organic food scraps like coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable trimmings. These organic wastes are stirred and watered a few times a week until they biodegrade into a rich soil enhancer. Then, it can be used for your every day gardening needs.
Reusing also goes hand in hand with recycling. Glass bottles can be used to store sweets or spices and plastic bags can be reused many times before being thrown away.
Reducing is another great idea to save resources. For example, one can refuse using plastic bags when going for shopping and instead bring their own bags.
I also avoid the usage of paper towels or tissue paper because it is unnecessary and bad for the environment. A recent report by Environmental Protection Agency states that United States alone generates about 3.5 million tonnes of waste tissue, napkins and paper towels annually. So, imagine the level paper towel waste the world produces and the amount of energy used to dispose it. It would be better to use old cloth to wipe up the spills or opt for paper towels made from recycled material.
Reducing the consumption of animal products can also contribute to the betterment of the environment. This is because the production cycle of meat consumes a lot of energy and causes a substantial amount of pollution. Aside from the greenhouses gases released during the transportation and processing of meat, the animal's exhalation, flatulence and manure emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This means that the more animals we eat, the more animals will be reared to meet the demand and thus, more methane gas will be emitted into the air. So, favouring vegetables over meat does not only benefit your health but also the environment.
Choosing the right cookware and utensils that last may make a difference. This is because you won't have to replace them all the time. Choosing a stainless steel or cast iron cookware over polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), CnF2n or Teflon is better because they are more durable. They maybe a little more expensive but they last a whole lot longer.
Next, you can start making their own cleaning solutions. Garbage enzymes can be made through a very simple process of fermenting kitchen wastes like, fruits and vegetables in a solution of sugar and water. The dishwashing and floor cleaning liquids in our house can be replaced by this more environmentally friendly cleaning solution, which also uses kitchen wastes that are usually discarded.
Carpooling is another great idea regarding this matter. Research shows the average car with a single driver emits 0.3 kilogram of carbon dioxide per kilometre. However, when you carpool, an average of three passengers naturally decreases that number by one-third to only 0.1 kilogram of carbon dioxide per kilometre. Not only will you be able to reduce your greenhouse gas emission, reduce traffic congestion but also save you money on fuel and maintenance of your car.
Finally, spread the good word. Tell everyone you know, your family, relatives and friends about the global warming problem, methods to solve it and energy conservation. This is because majority of people, mainly adults, are to this day oblivious to global warming because they were born and were brought up in the time when global warming was still not scientifically proven and not considered a big problem. Soon, when they leave the education system for the work life they do not have the chance to be completely educated about global warming. So, telling them about global warming would let them take part in curbing it.The more the people know about this, the better the chances are for us to tackle global warming.
All of the methods I mentioned above are ultimately to reduce greenhouse gas emission and conserve energy. Why conserve energy? , you may ask, it is because when less energy is consumed, the less fossil fuel such as coal, natural gas and petroleum used in production of energy and less carbon dioxide gas is produced.
These methods that I mentioned were a small part of the ways you and I as an individual can save the environment and overcome global warming by reducing our carbon footprint. The effect may not be immediate but it will help in the long run. It is best that we start now because we have a great deal of catching up to do before we overcome global warming.
The next question is, how do you think the college could play a role in practicing the green concept?
The green concept is applying the basic principles of environment conservation in creating a ecologically and environmentally friendly technology and methods in everyday life. The Methodist College Kuala Lumpur, I believe is already practicing some of the most fundamental laws of being environmentally friendly, which is planting trees. The college is filled with lush and green trees and plants, which cools the air and provides a pleasant and conducive environment for students to study.
Another great thing the college has done is design the buildings with more windows, which allows greater entrance of natural light into the rooms, thus, requiring less usage of lights.
However, the usage of air conditioners in the classrooms is something that I have to disagree on. The air conditioner not only consumes a large amount of energy but also makes the room unevenly cold at certain parts. To solve this problem, I would go with fans, this is because they consume lower energy compared to air conditioners but also cost less to maintain. Aside from that they may not cool the room completely as the air conditioners, but it is a small price to pay to save the environment.
Next, the college should place recycle bins around the college and should have a recycling campaign. During this campaign, students should be encouraged to bring recyclable materials such as old books, papers and plastic bottles to college and recycle them. Maybe it could even be turned into a competition between classes, where the class with most recycled products wins.
Last but not least, the college could start an organic garden, which is a more ambitious project, where fruits and vegetables are grown by students for the consumption of students. It would not only save costs but create a healthier eating habit for the students. Moreover, the garden could be used for biological and chemical studies.
Finally, another ambitious project the college could undertake in is installing solar panels on the roofs. Malaysia has the optimum condition for solar panels to work with sunlight shining all year round. The solar panel could be used to supply electricity for lights, computers and other electricity consuming appliances.
The final question that needs to be answered is what do I think the stand our country should take in tackling global warming?
There are many political red tapes that prevent any action from being taken to tackle global warming. For example take the Copenhagen climate conference or COP15 that occurred recently.
The lack of action taken by the world leaders are appalling with the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen in December 2009 being broken up without an agreement even on a possible outline for a future treaty.
When the summit was first announced, it gave people a hope of a fast and decisive action which will deal with the current environmental problems of the world and most importantly, global warming. However, with difference in opinion and constant protesting, the summit was brought down.
This excerpt was taken from the BBC New website 'the summit did not result in a legally binding deal or any commitment to reach one in future. The accord calls on countries to state what they will do to curb greenhouse gas emissions, but these will not be legally binding commitments.'
If major powerhouse countries like the United States of America, China and India has failed to reach an agreement in order to curb global warming, does a country of our stature stand a chance?
This is exactly where we prove everyone wrong and be a leading example in tackling the global warming problem. We don't wait for other countries to draw up a environmental treaty. We as a nation should show other countries we don't need a treaty to protect the planet we love. We should immediately start environmental conservation and go 'green'.
To fight for a problem, one must first acknowledge the existence of it. This is exactly what the general population needs to do. To first take action against global warming first they must realize its dangers.
A recent Gallup poll was taken in which 'forty-eight per cent of respondents said that they believe the threat of global warming to be 'generally exaggerated.' This figure was up from thirty-five per cent just two years ago'. If the results of the poll is anything to go by then the general population is very far way from acknowledging the dangers of global warming.
So, first the government must undertake a campaign to produce environmental conscious citizen. In that campaign the people should be clarified of the dangers of global warming, the current climate state of the country and what is their role in tackling global warming. The campaign should be done in all the mass media which includes radios, television, newspaper and the internet. When the people are educated about the problem they can do something about it.
Setting up an agency dedicated to protecting and regulating the environment should also be done. The pre-existing agencies are not very active in law making and campaign for the green cause. Thus, a greater autonomy should be given to the agencies and quick and decisive actions should be taken by the agency. They should be able to control logging, prevent waste dumping in the rivers and releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere. The agencies should aldo be able to carry out major campaigns, law enforcements and projects. Thus, they should be equipped to do so. Hiring more environmental engineers, ecologist, lawyers and civil engineer should help the cause.
To stay closer to the topic at hand and fully understand the ways to solve the global warming problem, the government has to take a closer look at practicing green chemistry. Basically, this method of chemistry is applied in the industry to minimize or eliminate the production of environmental pollutants as a by product of an industrial process. Either it is used to modify an existing industrial process or creating a new method to replace the older method of processing substance to be more energy conserving, less pollutant releasing and safer both for humans and the environment. The local industrial companies should be bound by law to practice green chemistry in their industrial process and punished heavily when not practiced.
Next, tax relief could be offered by the Malaysian government. This is where the government can introduce tax credits or subsidies for energy-efficient windows, green roof systems, environmentally friendly wall partition and air-conditioners. Incentives for the usage of hybrid or electrical cars and purchasing a green building be it an apartment or a house.
The development of environmentally friendly properties should also be supported by the government. For example, when a developer should be subsidized and given tax cuts when the building being constructed is environmentally friendly. This will ensure that the particular building remains affordable to the masses and promote environmental conservation.
Finally, the government should be willing to fund research and development of green inventions. They should give the talented scientists and engineers of Malaysia a chance to prove themselves. There should also be a prize money to reward the most innovative and practical invention.
Our planet has been here for millions of years, undergoing extreme temperature fluctuations, volcanic explosions and meteor strikes. Humans have been for about 200,000 years. Let us not be the cause for our planets destruction. Protect and respect our planet that has given us so much. Take action now and make sure you keep it up. The future is now in our hands.