Warehouses are the storage places for goods. "Wares" are the things or goods which are possessed by the seller. "Houses" are the places were the goods are stored. Warehousing deals with storage and movement of goods.
It was the Alexander the great who have originated the warehousing. In 323BC he has designed houses for storing artifacts that were collected during the war campaigns. After his period this slowly leads to granaries which were used to store food. These granaries were used to serve food during the times of famine. Later shipping trade routes were created by the Europeans to all the nations. This made warehousing play a vital role for the development of human civilization. Ports were the major warehouses.
Soon railways were developed and then warehouses were established even at railway depots. As days pass on warehouses at railways became necessary. In 1891 the American warehouse association has challenged railroad companies. Hepburn act in 1906 was passed by the president Theodore Roosevelt to strengthen the interstate commerce commission. Government has led restrictions for railroad companies this gave the pavement for commercial ware houses.
The impact of World War II has made the dimensions of warehousing very large. As there was gigantic need of food and other goods more mechanized methods were brought up for effective production. Trenchant warehouses were developed.
Commercial warehousing history:
1966 - Commercial Carrier Corporation opens first warehouse of approximately 50,000 square feet in Auburndale.
1967 - Commercial Cold Storage is incorporated and the first refrigerated facility, totaling 80,000 square feet, is constructed in Auburndale.
1970s - Commercial Warehousing, Inc. expands its dry operations to 375,000 square feet through expansion of the original site and the addition of two facilities.
1980s - Commercial Warehousing, Inc. expands operations with the addition of its fourth and fifth facilities in Auburndale. Totaling more than 200,000 square feet. Commercial Cold Storage constructs two refrigerated facilities totaling 115,000 square feet.
1990 - Commercial Warehousing opens its fifth dry warehouse in Winter Haven, FL totaling 150,000 square feet.
1993 - Commercial Cold Storage is merged with Commercial Warehousing, Inc., and becomes Commercial Warehousing.
1994 - Commercial Warehousing constructs 100,000-square-foot facility in Jacksonville, FL. The company also acquires an 80,000-square-foot facility in Auburndale.
1995 - A 212,700-square-feet convertible freezer is constructed in Winter Haven, FL.
2003 - The Winter Haven, FL, dry warehouse facility is expanded an additional 100,000 square feet.
2006 - Commercial Warehousing and Super Cool Cold Storage are merged into one operation under the name Commercial Warehousing. The company now owns and operates in excess of 1.6 million square feet of multi-temperature warehouse capacity in the state of Florida.
Modern Issues:
There was a temporary decline in the economic activity of warehousing and it was soon recovered in the twenty-first century. New methods like "just-in-time"(JIT) where the goods are directly shipped to the customers. Simple storage facilities were also developed. They have started "third-party logistics providers" (3PLs) that provides a wide range of services and functions.
In the past warehousing activities were papers-intensive. Warehouse system management (WSM) has flourished the paper-intensive system. The main objectives of WSM are to provide a set of computerized procedures to handle the ware house facilities. Warehouse management system is management of storage of products and services rendered on the products within the four walls of warehouses.
Warehouse automation:
Automation is key to success. Warehousing automation is used to perform the deeds more quickly and in easy manner. Compared to past decade the automation system has been improved from a simple stock locator system to single island task automation. Integrated systems are installed today.
" To get more throughput while decreasing cycle times, more facilities are turning to the strategic use of automation for picking, conveying, storage and sortation" wrote Modern Materials Handling editor Bob Trebilcock in a May 2006 Modern Materials Handling article on warehousing systems.
Automation is speeding up every aspect of warehouse distribution including inventory control, receiving materials, packing, and shipping.The main objectives of automation are amazing speed, accuracy and efficiency
Warehouses are important components of most supply chains. In terms of cost they represent approximately 20% total logistic costs. Warehouses are operated in many ways like public warehouses and private warehouses. The warehouses in which a customer or client payees a standard fee is called as public warehouse where as the storage and operation done by a single manufacture is called as private warehouse.
A crucial aspect of warehouse management is inventory control. Supervision of supply, storage and accessibility of goods in order to ensure an adequate supply without excess supply is called as inventory control. In other words, the process of maintaining sufficient inventory measures to meet the customer's needs, weighted against the cost of carrying inventory to determine an approximate inventory.
Order picking is a process of selecting products. They are several types they are:
Discrete or pick by order: In this method specific products are selected on the basis of order.
Batch or pick by article: In this method the multiples of products are selected and are placed in multiples of order. The particles are stored in a staging area (temporary place) and combined with other products to fulfill the orders.
Wave: In this the products are gathered on the basis of route or shipping criteria.
Reverse order: This method is used when the parts of an order are to be combined with another order.
Cross docking is another function of warehousing. Cross docking is a process in which all the goods are delivered directly from the sipping to client. A very small quantity of goods are stored if there are any goods left. Cross docking is timely delivery with accurate management and effective orders by the client.
Warehousing also involves packing and labeling. Packing is very important for the storage purpose where as labeling is important for identification of the goods and easy delivery. Once the product has been selected is packed and labeled and brought to the staging area for final processing and shipping for distribution. The final stage of warehousing is transportation and delivery.
Reasons for automation:
A company development needs increasing productivity and reduction in operating cost. These both are achieved by automating the warehouses. If a company needs incur savings in man power the best technique is automation. Saving time is also a major challenge by automation picking, packing and labeling becomes easier. There will be a very less damage of stock while this process is going on. A warehouse automation system can smooth out the seasonal requirement of labor. The demand for speed delivery of products is increasing day by day to meet these if manual system is selected there may be a chance of errors in order of picking so, automation eliminate these errors.
There are rafts of reasons to gain accuracy of the automated warehouse. such an effective operation requires less people to operate, gives an increase product flow, removes dangerous forklift operations, increase per employee productivity, requires less space to operate, yields the lowest life cycle cost of operation, much improved reliability, and greater customer satisfaction. There is a definite smoothness to the operation of an automated warehouse.
System requirement speciation:
System planning plays a vital role it has to be done before beginning the project. Planning must be done by considering the main objectives like defining life cycle model and organizational structure project, configuration management, quality and validating activities.
In planning a brief idea about the dimensions of the system must be determined. Various phase dependent tools, techniques and notations must be determined. The financial estimations of the system must be clearly estimated beforehand. Preliminary development schedules are established and computing resources required to operate and maintain the system are developed, glossary of terms are prepared.
System Analysis:
Existing system:
All the activities of developing this application is done manually which requires much time and manpower. "Global distribution and warehouse automation system"mainly deals with the maintaining and transaction of goods.
Demerits of the existing system:
The administrator should maintain a manual containing the information about sub-location sub-in charge, information about available and delivered goods, suppliers etc.
Tracking all the transactions and updating becomes complex.
Generating a report about the information gathered becomes irksome.
Manual tracking of purchase orders, sales orders and order requests is very problematic
Manual Calculation and manual storage of data leads to errors.
There is a chance of data damage.
There is no security.
Proposed system:
The existing system has to be replaced by the proposed system with a software solution which is an automated version of warehousing automation system. Global distribution warehouse automation system automates warehouse transactions.
It helps in controlling the applications from top by the administrator. It makes the business activities very easy.
Merits of the proposed system:
The administration and maintenance becomes easy.
There will not be any difficulty in generation of reports.
No errors occur during calculation and storage of data.
There is no damage of data.
There will be perfect security.
Provides role based access.
It is an online web application with centralized data base.
Feasibility study:
Feasibility study is nothing but high level version of requirement analysis process. The main objective of feasibility is to determine whether the proposed system can be developed with available resources. There are three steps to determine the feasibility of the proposed system they are:
Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economical feasibility
Legal feasibility
Technical feasibility:
In technical feasibility the following issues are taken into consideration they are: whether the required technology is available or not and whether the required resources are available.
Proposed system is built by concentrating on graphical user interface concepts, the applications can also be handled very easily. The time required to train the user is half an hour. The system has been added with the features of menu driven and buttons inter action methods, which makes the user as the master to start the work through environment. This system has the software's that can be used for the development of market. The costumer can save time by this system as it consumes time only during installation.
Operational feasibility:
Operation feasibility is mainly concerned about whether the proposed system is useful if it is developed and implemented and whether it satisfies the user objectives. Here, "Global distribution and warehouse management" can be justified as operational feasible by the following:
The method of processing and presenting is acceptable both by the client and the user and it meets all the requirements.
The client has involves during the preparation of requirement analysis and designing process.
The system satisfies the user objectives and also enhances their capability.
The system can be fitted into the current operation and requires little training to both the administrator and sub-location in charge.
In this system the order of client is done through simple data entry.
The proposed system is totally a user friendly.
Economical feasibility:
For any system if the expected benefits are equal or more than the expected cost the system can be judged as economically feasible.
Time based: Manually if the administrator or sub-location in charge has to know about the required items then they has to go through many records and it consumes time. Where as in this system all the information is stored in a system and all the updates are made timely and the referential records has to be filled sequentially which is a redundant process. With the designed data base all the overheads are eliminated making the actual system faster. This system is associated with trends and technologies.
Cost based:In a manual system a perpetual amount of finance is constantly given to the staff of the organization. If information has to be updated periodically in a manual system it should pass through many persons so the profits decrease. In case of the proposed system all the work is done by the system there is no need of large scale employees. The system installed and configured performs all the operations with respect to the required data exchange on long term which effects the organization in controlling cost and gaining profits.
Functional and non-functional requirements:
Functional requirements:
Functional requirement is that what a system should be able to do i.e., requirement analysis.Systems analysis turns information requirements into functional specifications of an information system. It is also defined as all the operations that take place in the system. Since the requirement speciation is a comprehensive document and contains lot of data, it has been broken into various parts in this report.
The following is a list of functional requirements. A detail discussion about designing and analysis of the system is discussed in upcoming topics.
Administrator should add, delete and view the customers
Administrator should add, delete and view sub location in charge details.
Administrator should add, view and delete the items.
Administrator should update the stock.
Administrator should store the purchase order details related to a supplier.
Administrator should view order requests.
Administrator should view Sale order requests related to a sub-location
Sub-location in charge should manage retailer details.
Sub-location in charge should store the sales order details which will be sent to administrator
Sub-location in charge should store the purchase order details related to a supplier.
Sub-location in charge should view order requests
Supplier can view the order requests
Retailer can manage the customers
Retailer should store the purchase order details related to a supplier.
Retailer should view order requests from customers
Retailer should store sales order of a customer
Customer can rise a purchase order
Non-functional requirements:
Non functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of the system. Non functional requirements consists of
The requirements that are indirectly related to the system functions come under this. It is considered as perceptive when the system is developed. The following are the constrains
The system should be available online so that all the transactions can be made easy and the administrator, sub-location in charge, client, supplier, retailer can use the system from their respective locations.
The gaining access of the system can be done by the user by having a registration from administrator providing the user with login id and password.
The user should be able to change the password for security purpose.
The system should be user friendly and should be able to detect the errors if any.
There should be no limitations for hardware platform that is used to run the system.
Maintenance of data integrity is necessary so as to correct the errors if any or the whole system comes down.
In this section the requirements are considered as suggestions to further enhancement and use of the system.
There should be a clear menu displayed so that the user can select from it.
The system should display users request in a reasonable time.
24hours service availability should be provided.
The system should be designed in a way that it should have easy enhancement with more functionality.
The system should be scalable and easily maintainable.
Hardware requirements:
Pentium IV processes architecture
512 MB RAM.
80 GB Hard Disk Space.
Software requirements:
Database : Oracle 10g XE
Web Server : Apache Tomcat 5.0
Front end : JSP / Servest, J2SDK 1.5, HTML, Java Script.
5 system design
The designing phase of a system follows analysis phase of the system. Project design is a written statement on the project's objectives, methods, timetable and resources providing the framework for the execution of the project, set out in sufficient detail to be quantified, casted, implemented and monitored.
Design is making a record proof and providing a blue print for implementation phase. A design is a bridge between system analysis and system implementation. Design is a solution and approach to create a new system. It provides the details necessary for the implementation of the system recommended in the feasibility study. Design shows the dimensions of logical development and physical development of the system. It also provides input and output specifications.
By analyzing various functions involved in the system database tables and format fields are designed. The fields in the database tables should have a definite role or else they must be eliminated so as to save the storage area of the system. Lengthy names are to be encoded. Input and output screen designs must be made user friendly. The menu must be rigorous and absolute.
Objectives of design:
An objective is more specific than a goal. System design is like a blue print for a building it specifies all the features that should exist in the final product. The accomplishment of the design phase is determined in the analysis phase.
Logical design:
Logical design is a web application. It describes the functions required for a system logically it is not concerned with hardware and software requirements. Content is developed as a graphical design. It has technical as well as non technical activities. Its technical structure is modulated as a part of its architectural and navigational design.
The three primary questions for the end user which has to be answered by the interface are:
Where am I?
Ans: The interface should provide the user the detailed information about the location in the content and should provide indication for accessing.
What can I do now?
Ans: The interface should help the user in all dimensions by giving some instructions to the user. It should also display all the options and functions, links available and relevant context.
Where have I been and where I am going?
Ans: The interface should facilitate navigation. It must provide a detailed map about the path that has to be taken by the user in the Web App.
Design goals:
The following are the design goals that are applicable to virtually every Web App regardless of application domain, size, or complexity.
Visual appeal
The design made should have all the characteristics that are needed for perfect functioning of system. It should satisfy both the technical and non technical development of the system.
The activities of the design process:
The description of structure and organization of the user interface is given in this. It also includes representation of layouts, modes of interaction and navigation mechanism. To implement navigation options they are selected from number of interaction mechanisms from navigation menu icons this is called as interface control mechanism.
Graphic images interface design work flow- first the identification of user, task, environment requirements are made as user task is identified the scenario of user is created and analysis starts.
Aesthetic design- aesthetic design is also called as graphical design."look and feel" of the web application is given by this. The text size, font, color schemes, use of graphs are all done in this.
Navigation design- It represents the navigational flow between contents objects and for all Web applications functions.
Architecture design- it identifies the overall hypermedia structure of the web application.
J2EE uses MVS architecture:
Component design-develops the detailed processing logic required to implement functional components.
Module description:
Global Distribution warehouse automation system mainly consists of six modules:
Administrator Module.
Sub location In-charge Module.
Supplier Module.
Retailer Module.
Customer Module.
Reporting Module.
Administrator module:
The administrator has to look after all the administration selection. He plays a vital role he has the privilege to maintain the goods in the warehouses. He is concerned with the registrations of suppliers, sub-location in charges. If an item is added to the men the system asks the name and cost per item. The system is also provided with the delete option by which an item can be deleted. While supplier registration it asks for the fields like Name, Password, Phone, Email, House No, Street, City and Country. He maintains the list of suppliers who are eligible for supply of goods. He can also select the sub-location in charges and sought out a list. It is the responsibility of a administrator to look after all the transactions i.e., maintenance of receipts for delivery of goods. He can change this password.
Sub-location in charge module:
Administrator registers the sub-location in charge. Sub-location in charge manages the retailers. He should register the retailers. All the information given in the above will be again asked during the registration. He can view the stock availability. He sends the orders to the administrator. He is look over's the transferring of goods to the retailers. He can even ship the goods to the retailers. He can change his password.
Retailer's module:
Sub-location in charge registers the retailer. He can view the stock availability. He has to maintain the list all about the customers and the items which are to be purchased by the clients. He can send the goods order to the sub-location in charge. He can store the sales order requests.
Suppliers and customers module:
Suppliers supply the goods to the customers according to the list provided by the administrator. Suppliers should enter the order given by the customer and other information asked. They can change their password.
Reporting module:
All the information gathered by different people are being put together to make an analysis that is making a detailed report. In this module report making is done so as to progress the business.
Suppliers - Displays the list of suppliers currently available
Sub Location In-charges - Displays the list of sub-location incharges.
Retailers - Displays the list of retailers
Items - Displays the list of available items
Stock - Displays the stock availability of the items
Purchase Orders - Displays the purchase orders related to the current user
Sale Orders - Displays the sales orders related to the current user.
Our present document plays essential role for Software development of life cycle (SDLC) it also gives a clear and complete requirement of the system. During the test phase it acts as basic. Through formal change approval process any changes can be done in future. SPIRAL MODEL was defined by Barry Boehm in his 1988 article, "A spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement". This explains why the iteration is done this is not the first model to explain about iteration but it was the first model to explain why to iterate. Iteration is act of repeating a process. Usually this is done in a period of 6months to 2 years. Phase starts with design goals and ends with client review progress. Analyzing and application of technology is done in each phase by keeping the goals main objective and to gain a best output.
The steps of spiral model can be given as:
The requirements of the system are to be explained in a detailed manner. It involves interviewing the number of internal and external aspects of the existing system.
A basic design is given to the new system.
Form this design the first prototype is constructed which is usually a scale-down system and represents an approximation of characters for the output.
The second prototype is evolved by the fourfold procedure:
Evaluating the first prototype in terms of its strengths, weakness, and risks.
Defining the requirements of the second prototype.
Planning and designing the second prototype.
4. Constructing and testing the second prototype.
If there is any miscalculation or operating cost or any other factors which come under customer option then there will be less satisfactory final product.
The existing prototype is same as the previous one if there is any need another prototype is designed according to the fourfold procedure which is mentioned above.
Iteration of the preceding steps is done till it satisfies the customer full-fledged manner so that the prototype represents the entire desired final product.
The final system is constructed based on the prototype.
The final system is evaluated and tested thoroughly and the maintenance is done and changes re made if any to prevent large scale failure and to minimize down time.
The following diagram shows the action of spiral model:
As work progresses the estimations of budget and schedule becomes more realistic as they are important issues.
It enables to cope up the changes that are occurred in the software development.
The software engineers an easily get in to it and work for the core of the project.
Application development:
The concepts of distributed application design and architecture can be easily implemented by N-Tire application. Strategic benefits are provided to enterprise solution where as 2-tire and client servers provides quick and easy solutions which are used to design prototypes and for maintenance of security night mare. Specific advantages of the n-tire application play a significant in the development of business of the enterprises. The typical features of a real life n-tire are:
Availability and Scalability
Easy Maintenance
Data Abstraction
These are the key goals for a successful N-Tire application that gains out good business solutions.
A model for developers to create a flexible application is N-Tire application. It helps to distribute all over functionality into various tires or layers.
Presentation Layer
Business Rules Layer
Data Access Layer
Database/Data Store.
Each layer can be developed independently. As per the specifications it carry outs the plan or operation to standards and communications with the other. One of the most important advantages is that one layer can potentially treat the other layer as a "block box". i.e., one layer is not related to the other and do not interrupt in the time of processing till it gains right data in a correct format.
Presentation layer:
Presentation layer is also called as client layer. It has the components that present the data to the user. For example: Windows/Web Forms and buttons, edit boxes, Text boxes, labels, grids, etc.
Business rules layer:
Business rule layer encapsulates the business logics. Any changes in the business management or rules can easily handled with the help of this layer. It is one of the advantages to have a separate business layer. Any changes in the logical functions of the system can be done using this without any impact to the other layers. Changing business logics is a critical problem many of the client-server application fails to implement this.
The data access layer:
All the components which help for accessing of data base are present in data access layer. Level of abstraction of data for the database structure is provided in this layer. If any changes are made in database there will be no effect to other applications as data accessing layer is present. Various database applications send the data requests to this layer so the sent data will be accessed and the applications receives response.
The database layer:
Database layer consists of all the data components like DB files, tables, views etc. actually the database should be created with oracle, SQL server, flat files etc. in N-Tire application all the data files are independent so any of the database can be used irrespective of the actual database. At data access layer database can even be changed manually such that the other files do not effect.
Architecture diagram:
A system intended to organize, store and retrieve large amount of data easily is called as a database. It is a collection of data which is interrelated with each other which serve many applications. The process of producing a detailed data model of a database is database designing. It groups the data into tables. The tables are organized by the following:
Reduced duplication of data.
Simplify functions like adding, deleting, modifying data etc..,
Retrieving data
Clarity and ease of use
More information at low cost
Any process that makes the information more normal is called as normalization. The process of designing the information structure for digital storage is called as database normalization. A relation is said to be normalized if all constrains are satisfied by it and if it satisfies the functional dependence that associates with the relation. The normal forms are used for derivation the common order to normal order and inconsistent are introduced into the data base.
First normal form:
A relation R is in first normal form if and only if all underlying domains contained atomic values only.
Second normal form:
A relation R is said to be in second normal form if and only if it is in first normal form and every non-key attribute is fully dependent on the primary key.
Third normal form:
A relation R is said to be in third normal form if and only if it is in second normal form and every non key attribute is non transitively depend on the primary key.
Number of database tables:
Fourteen database tables have been identified in the project they are:
Sub-location payment
Retailer stock
Sub-location salesorder
2) Table Name: SUPPLIER
3) Table Name: ITEM
4) Table Name: RETAILER
8 Table Name: SLPAYMENT
12) Table Name: RETSTOCK
13) Table Name: SLSALESORDER
ER diagram:
Testing is the investigation conducted to provide stakeholders about the quality of the product. The process of validating or verifying whether the product satisfies all the technical and non-technical requirements is called as testing. This can be known by applying testing process.
Testing process:
The first phase of web engineer testing begins with exercising the content and interface functionality. The design architecture and navigation are exercised and the user may or may not cognized of these web applications. Later the tests shifts to the technical capability, infrastructure, installation and implementation issue exercising.
The errors in the content are sought out by content testing. This testing is similar to copy edit for writing a document. By this testing grammatical error, typographical errors, errors in content consistency, errors in graphical representation, cross reference errors are sought out. Dynamic content which is a part of database that is integrated with the web application can also be tested beside of static content testing.
Interaction mechanism and validating aspects of user interface are exercised in the interface testing. The capability testing is to define a set of "commonly encountered" client-side computing configurations and their variants. The graphical representation is made to identify each part i.e., computing platform, typically display devices, the operating systems supported on the platform, the browser available, likely Internet connection speeds, and similar information. The main criteria of performing these tests are to examine all the errors and sought out solutions for the problems.
When the user interacts with the web applications then interaction occurs through on or more interface mechanisms, as:
LINKS- all the navigation links is tested to check their functioning and check whether they reach all the user objectives. (by the <a href="action to where is specified….."> Tag).
FORMS- at microscopic level, tests are performed to ensure that
The fields with in the form are identified by the labels correctly and the mandatory fields are identified by visually for the user.
All the information contained in the form is received by the server so that there will be no loss of data during the transactions between the client and the user.
The default arrangement is made. When the user does not choose any option from the provided list then this is activated.
The data entered in the form do not corrupt with browser functions like back arrow.
The script that is the data entered will be assigned to perform an error check and a meaningful error messages are provided.
FORMS- at more targeted level, ensures that,
The field forms should have a proper width and data type.
Appropriate safeguards are provided. All the dimensions are clearly noted. If a user gives text string longer than the predefined maximum this will access them.
All the appropriate options for pull down menu are specified and ordered in a meaningful way to the end user.
Data input errors do not arise when browser "auto fill" features are used.
The initiation of proper movement of data is given by the tab key.
For example, when an application of uploading a file, it must ensure that the form tag must consists the enctype to be set to the rfc-1867 standard "metapart/form-data" otherwise it will send a file path only (<form action="to where" enc type="meta part /form-data" method=""post>).
To en cover the processing script like java script client side scripting, black box tests are performed. These tests come under the form tests as the script comes under data provided in the form.
Navigation test- navigation test is to test whether the availability level of options and features of the system are at acceptable navigation depth or not. Navigation mechanism implemented within the interface layout is tested against usage cases and NSUs (navigation semantic unit) to en cover any errors. The process of navigation test is:
To ensure that the mechanism that allow the web application user to travel through web application are all functions.
To validate that each navigation semantic unit(NSU) can be achieved by user category.
Component testing- this exercises the content and functional units in the web application. The concept of unit changes. Each and every web page has content, navigation, links and processing elements like forms, scripts, applets. A unit of choice within the content architecture is called a web page. A unit within the web application architecture is functional components such a web application provides direct service to the end user. Exercise of data base capability is also done in this module.
Integration testing- after the construction of the web application navigation test and component test are used are integration tests. The strategy of this depends on content and web application architecture. The integration in done similar to conventional software when the web application is in the form of linear or grid. It is done similar to object oriented system when the architecture is in the form of mixed hierarchy. Integration of a set of web pages can be done by using thread testing. Each thread is integrated and tested individually.
Configuration testing- this en covers errors that are specified to particular client or serve environment. A cross reference matrix that defines all probable operating systems, browsers, hardware platforms, and communications protocols is created. Tests are then conducted to uncover errors associated with each possible configuration.
Security testing- everything in the system has to be locked to have security the ability to secure the web application and web environment is checked in this module.
Performance testing- this test encompasses a series of tests that are designed to access:
How Web application response time and reliability are effected by increase user traffic
Which Web application components are responsible for performance degradation and what usage characteristics cause degradation to occur.
How performance degradation impacts overall Web application objectives and requirements.
Application is tested in the following aspects:
False users (dummy) are created and tests are done.
The documents are tested by testing all the forms and action routes.
False data (dummy) is entered and checked.
At each level all the options of the user interface are tested.
False user database is provided to check all the user functionalities.
Validations: Java script is used for validating the data at the client side, which saves the server from extra processing.
Add user- If a user is creating an id which is already existing then a message is displayed on the screen saying that it already exist.
Delete user- if some users are selected to delete then a conformation message appears asking whether to delete the selected list or not.
Password change- if user wants to change password it asks confirm the password and the intimation is give that the password is changed.
Text information- all the text boxes are checked and name, address fields are allocated to characters and phone numbers or mobile numbers slots are allocated to digits.
Users are provided instructions in every web page.
They are trained to use the applications.
Help pages are provided.
All the test criteria are tested lively.
Database access controlling list is defined.
Database is provided to the live server and its used effectively.
The existing warehousing system has many drawbacks as they are not automated and they are manually which are facing many problems like tracking, lack of security etc. so as to overcome these problems the smart solution has been bought up by "Global distribution warehouse management". This paves the way to success in the business. It is evidenced by its main scenario that is automation.The Smart Warehousing System will be best suited to any organization, which has sub location at different places.
Usage of this system will save time and eliminate all the tracking problems. Data integration is maintained by well defined security in the database so the final report is very accurate.The Total, productivity, quality, safety and user satisfaction are improved greatly in the organization by this system.
Quotations from different suppliers are not received to finalize the order.
SMS service is not available for the customers to update the information.
Future enhancement:
As we already know that there is nothing perfect. The same way any system cannot give the total requirement because the needs keep on changing. Some of the future enhancements that can be done by this system are:
Order confirmation based on quotations should be provided.
The facility of stock re order level checking to update the information has to be done.