Natural views of outer space and Earth along with natural sunlight will be provided by the glass supported by a triangular shaped titanium support system that makes up the distance of 226.7m in residential torus and 200.6m in agriculture torus from their respective down surfaces towards their ceilings.
2.1.3 Design features
* One Docking cylinder with three ports and four additional ports enable simultaneous docking & loading/unloading of cargo & passenger ships.
Two frustum shaped mirrors are placed on the central cylinder on either side from the centre of central cylinder to provide Day & Night cycle
* The agricultural torus between the central cylinder & residential torus tend to ease the supply of food & movement of residents to agricultural torus in case of any emergency.
2.1.4 Dimensions of major structural components
The dimensions have been kept according to the NASA studies and keeping in mind the luxury and comfort of the residents and also the notion of the appropriate gravity.
2.1.6 Controlling intensity of light
As the intensity of sunlight in the Earth orbit is 6-15 times intense than on the Earth's surface so in order to achieve optimal living conditions, it is needed to be reduced .This would be simulated through Electro chromic smart glass that will contain two glass panes with super ionic material embedded in between. 14 volts of potential difference applied will activate an electro chromic layer which will change the colour of the glass.
2.1.7 Artificial gravity
The source of artificial gravity will be centrifugal force provided by the rotation of the settlement around the central axis. The residential and agricultural torus will rotate at 0.829 rpm (to avoid the effect of coriolis forces) to generate a gravity of 9.8m/s2 in residential torus (since it is most favourable for human habitation), 5.9 m/s2 & 6.1 m/s2 on both the down surfaces in agricultural torus respectively (better growth of root system of plants in this gravity). Recreational zone in the central cylinder will assure more fun due to micro-gravity. In order to ensure constant rotation, Pulsed Inductive Thrusters (PIT) will be attached in balanced pairs around the structure. (ref fig no. 3.4.1)
2.1.8 Radiation & debris protection: -
The major threat to the Columbiat will be incoming debris and different radiations like: - Galactic Cosmic Rays, Gamma Rays and Alpha rays etc. The layers of outer wall will disperse most of the debris and radiations striking the settlement.
Radiation protection: -
Layers of materials (ref. Fig. 2.1.6 & 2.1.7): -The layers of Super adobe and Silica aerogel in the wall and Lead crystal glass in the window will provide protection from radiations inside the settlement. In addition to the layers, the plasma shielding around the periphery ( Fig 2.1.8) of the torus will also provide protection from radiations. When the potential will be supplied to the gas (Argon) it will ionize and repel the radiations (Cosmic rays, GCR etc.) by its induced magnetic field .It will reduce the radiation intensity to less than 0.1 rem (R�entgen Equivalent Man)/year which is very less than the acceptable radiation dosage i.e. 0.5rem/year.
Debris protection: -
Layers of materials: -Consecutive layer of Nextel and Kevlar-49 in the outer wall and lead crystal glass in the window will shield the settlement against debris.
Laser method: - Columbiat will be capable of providing safety from medium sized debris by initiating a method based on the formation of an erosion jet under the influence of laser radiation .This technique will change the direction of debris.
2.2 Internal Arrangement
2.2.1 Residential torus
The down surface in the residential torus will be a 300m wide strip with a ceiling of 194m amounting to a down surface area of 2450000m2. The residential torus will be divided into two communities that differs in architectural theme in order to obtain diversity and comforts. Each community will be divided into different zones like residential, civic center, Public Domain, recreational area & Administrative & Finance sector being shared between the two communities . Columbiat�s headquarters and financial and banking district has been introduced in Administrative and Finance Sector. (Dimensions of each region are shown in fig 4.1.1). The arrangement of two communities has been shown In fig 2.2.1.
2.2.2 Agricultural torus
The total down surface area in agricultural region is 1622052m2 .The torus will embrace processing , storage of food products ,animal husbandry and plantation .A small research center is also established in the torus which will include research on growth of plants and bio medical research. Agricultural torus will have a down surface & a stack at the centre both utilized as down surface areas resulting in increase in area for plantation serving the needs of visiting spacecrafts and also serving as a back-up supply in the event of a food crises in another settlement.
2.2.3 Central cylinder
Central cylinder will be the main operational unit for Columbiat. Four elevators will run throughout the cylinder in order to have access to different areas. It will also host different facilities like, water storage area (6055490m3), recreation (43253.5m2), power production and distribution unit, industries and control center to control all the activities of Columbiat including its rotation. Keeping in mind the safety factor industrial region has been placed at a distance from the residential torus. Industries & power plants will be isolated with a Bisco medical silicone layer to avoid any kind of perilous activity. The products manufactured in the industries will be stored in the storage area in the cylinder.
2.2.4 Docking cylinder
There will be a docking cylinder at one end of central cylinder. Four kind of fuel storage (3551340m3) area will be provided near docking ports to enable all-time adequate supply of fuel. This cylinder will have three docking ports(R=50m) & Storage facility (6352220m3). Four special elevators for transportation of materials and passengers have been provided at each port. Ports are sufficiently separated to prevent damage to pressurized volumes, if spacecraft deviate from their approach path. A decontamination zone (887835m3) is provided in the cylinder where micro-dustbots will remove the dust.
2.3 Construction sequence:
Initial phase : The initial construction of Columbiat will be held at moon. Five deployable modules (consisting robots for mining, refinery, processing units) will be used to initiate mining for building the settlement. These modules (radius 100m) will provide accommodation for 10-15 engineers/scientists. In the crew quarters, ECLSS (Ecological Closed Life Support System), exercising equipments, food and water for engineers/scientists is provided .The material processed in deployable modules will be transferred to Columbiat by Betro spacecraft. The modules will be covered with foldable solar panels (10000m ) that will produce a power of 740 KW for them.
Phase II : The moon, which will act as an initial construction base for Columbiat, will use the incoming processed material for building of the framework (made of titanium) of the central cylinder. Then the internal of central cylinder will be completed including establishment of refining and processing units. Simultaneously framework of docking cylinder will be constructed followed by its internal finishing. After this the central cylinder and docking cylinder will be shifted to its actual location L4.
Phase III : Under this phase the frame work of spokes joining the torus will be build. This also deals with the construction of framework of agricultural torus. Afterwards completion of agricultural torus will take place including assembly of DFT tanks, construction of food processing units and setting up research center in the agricultural region. Alongside the framework of the residential torus will be made.
This phase comprehend the completion of residential torus including establishment of residential, administrative, civic center, Public Domain and recreational zones. After the completion of residential torus framework of lower docking cylinder will be constructed.
Phase IV : The last phase will be the finishing phase including the completion of lower docking ports accompanied by the construction and assembly of reflecting mirrors, antennas for communication, solar panels and thrusters for rotation.
2.4 Docking port facilities
For simultaneous docking and loading/unloading of cargo ships and passenger ships Columbiat will have a total of seven ports, with three ports on docking cylinder (one at the top and two on the periphery) and four on the other end of central cylinder, providing sufficient facilities for cargo ships and passenger ships. Fuel storage (3551340m3) area will be provided near docking port to enable all-time adequate supply of fuel. Warehousing facilities have been provided in order to smoothen the storage and movement of goods between their arrival and departure. A fully equipped and automated emergency repair unit will be located at the docking cylinder providing long term docking facilities and repairs of one ship. Load-EXT have been provided for cargo transfer facilities in a typical docking bay for incoming ships (ref Fig 5.4.2) The Androgynous Peripheral Attached System (APAS) (Fig.2.4.2) has been used as a docking system which consists of an active and passive system. Star dock control software can simulate Shuttle primary remote control system (PRCS) thrusting maneuver. The (Autonomous Flight Safety System) AFSS will use redundant onboard navigation sensors and flight processors to monitor the progress of the expendable launch vehicle with respect to multiple flight termination criteria.
Data regarding imports and exports of products will be stored using High Performance Storage System (HPSS). Port will have a management center, which will facilitate for the receipt, inspection, assembly, checkout, and storage of all the imports and exports. Terminals for passengers will be equipped with fully computerized self explaining guide machines, using which visitors can get any information related to rest, recreation, transportation and other such activities. The port will include mobile systems, and a range control center.
Columbiat�s unique design accommodates within itself the entire arena of world class services whether it is the comfortable living or it�s the outer space views. Natural sunlight will be provided through reflecting mirrors.
4.1 Community design in residential torus
In order to administer competently, the residential torus will be divided into 2 communities of equal area. Each community will further be divided into 5-sub divisions namely residential area,public domain, civic center, administrative and finance area and recreational area. Residential Area (1464425 m2) will embrace facilities like housing, parks and various small shops. Public Domain (302284.2 m2) constitutes university, school, sports center, library, gymnasiums, cyber cafes, hospital and parks. Civic Center (377130 m2) will incorporate facilities like shopping centers, bars, casinos, restaurants, hotels,offices, banks, Service stations, fuel stations etc. Administrative and finance Sector (172319.4 m2) comprises of Law enforcement Center for Communal Welfare (LCCW), emergency services, Columbiat Managing Association (CMA) headquarters, banks, company offices and power distribution units. And finally, Recreational Area (52218 m2) will integrate a lake, an amusement park and Observatories for natural views.
4.1.2 Features of community
Housing: Affordability will be the main criteria for housing. The house plans are specially equipped with hydroponic gardens to facilitate the residents to grow their own plant-based food. I-homes (Ref. article 5.3.1) will make housekeeping easier and automated. Homrobo (Ref.5.3.3) will also be introduced for the convenience of residents.
Recreation & Entertainment: People can meet & do different things depending on their age & their preferences. A 52218m2 lake & an amusement park of same area each will host recreation facilities in the torus.
Clean and green: For relaxation there will be 700 parks each 25m x 15m will be there in the torus. Parks will have grass, flowers, small plants, and herbs grown by the use of artificial soil and DFT. There will be automated garden sprinkler system in the parks and the parks will be watered twice daily to maintain greenery and Anchor(refer table 5.2.) will trim the lawns.
Education: Two schools and a university will be provided in public domain of two communities of residential torus to provide quality education to the students through E-books (fig 4.1.3) Education on the Columbiat will be split up into 3 major categories: Preschool, High school and Universities. Children will have an access to a school computer; also equipped with a language translator. In this school, there will be a separate center for special needs of children.
General classes such as maths, science, astronomy and literature along with specialized ones will be offered at the University. Majors will be achieved online in collaboration with other universities on Earth. The University will specialize in Business and Technology.
Research: The research would be done on material sciences, human behavior, nanotechnology, growth of plants, astronomical instrumentation, optics and astrophysics, biotechnology, micro gravity engineering and various other aspects in various regions spread across the settlement (central cylinder & agriculture). Medical research will really be beneficial for human kind in micro gravity.
Medical: In the residential area, there will be two hospitals and 9 fast-response & first aid centers throughout the inhabited areas which will oversee and provide assistance if required. Diseases will be prevented through an accurate examination system, which will reduce the need for medication. On the other hand, acupuncture, reflex-therapy massage, aromatherapy and others will be adopted to reduce medicine use. Biobot (ref. table 5.2.1) will perform assisting tasks in hospital & health centers. Hyperbaric chambers will assist in the treatment of people. Bio reactor will be used to neutralize most of gravity's effects & encourage cells to grow in a natural manner. The bioreactor can be used to generate tissues of heart, liver, kidney & can also generate new ligaments. The residents of Columbiat will undergo periodic counseling sessions conducted by medical personnel for the better knowledge of health & hygiene.
Office Facilities : Columbiat will feature facilities for many companies to be based on the station and enable others to establish a significant presence in space. Office buildings will be located in the financial and administrative zone of as well as civic centers. There will be four companies with 150 workers, eight companies with 100, fifteen companies with 30, and thirty companies with 5 workers, along with additional companies� offices.
Management Headquarters will be present in Financial & administrative zone (ref fig 4.1.1) This stunning eight story building of exquisite modern architecture will tower above everything else in the settlement . With 300 person staff, it will manage business, investments, research, & provide services to members. Management for the entire settlement will take place in this building & will allow the administration of business to be more effective. It will also hold some office facilities for some important businesses that will work closely with the Foundation Society with an additional room for government officials & executives.
Three Banking Facilities : There will be three major banking facilities located in the financial and Administrative Zone of Columbiat to serve the financial needs of the space-based companies and the people on the station. They will be able to handle all the business activities and control all the financial needs of the station. They will have enough money to cover the needs of all of the residents and travelers and be able to handle all business transactions made in the settlement. The banks will also handle business and have offices for the bank personnel. They will offer services to citizens including loans and providing lockers for safeguarding their valuables.
4.1.3 Variety and quantity of consumables:
Table no 4.1.1 showing quantity of consumables required for the entire population.
Automation is envisioned to be the lifeline of the settlement eliminating the need for manual labor. Automation in Columbiat symbolizes its ascendancy by introducing self-regulating robots which learn from past mistakes bequeathing best results in future, I-homes, invincible security, fully automated robots, swift networking, eventual softwares and computer systems and inevitable back-up system.
5.0.1 Computer system details:
There are two main servers (one for backup) known as Columbus Main Server with 10 sub-servers (RSS-Residential Sub Server, ASS-Agriculture Sub Server, ISS-Industrial Sub Server, HPSS High performance Storage Sub Server to be used in docking areas, including 5 back-up servers. Debris Monitoring Server (DMS) will have the ability to solve complex mathematical equations analyzing the debris, its location and intensity of impact.
5.0.2 Software for settlement:
For maintenance of servers and settlement computers and programs, some essential software must be required that works in upholding of automated systems in settlement. Columbiat Operating System (COS) allows to process applications while clients display their windows, allow application running independently on individual mainframes to be displayed on a single operating system through these software
5.0.3 Data storage and distribution
Data storage will be both local & the use of servers. Data will be stored using Holographic data storage, which records 515 gigabits per square inch on storage media. Work & administrators computer data will be stored on server hard drives. This will allow access to that data though any such computer. The work data will be accessed to those that have proper clearance. All administrators can access all administrator data.
The network planning and devices have been explained in the section 5.3.6. Designs of Robots required for columbiat facility, community and business operations have been explained in the following sections.
5.1 Automation for Construction
5.1.1 Automation for assembly of settlement:-
Extrebot (Fig 5.1.1): - It is an Extreme robot used for construction of Torus and basic structural parts of the settlements by assembling frames and superadobe. It has 2 lifting, 1 welding arm and 2 supporting arm. Lifting arms have 4 freedom motions and welding arm will have 5 freedom of motion. It gets its power from inter grid storage power. It has a propulsion module in thrusters for quick transporting of material.
5.1.2 Automation for House construction:
Stuctro (Fig 5.1.2) : We have designed an automated house constructing system in which different components like supporting beams, contour crafting arms, Aggregate concrete material in the storage container will be accumulate to construct the houses. Along a precise computer design route and hence creates the outer and inner rims extruding 1 inch thick strip of quick setting concrete, along a precise computer design route and hence creates the outer and inner rims of 7 inch thick wall. 2 trowels attached to the nozzle, shape the material as it is laid down, producing exceptionally smooth and accurate free-form shapes in one go. Stuctro have titanium frame of the building on which the 4 contour crafting arms accomplishes its task. This automated system can adjust its height using its hydraulic support beams.
5.1.3 Automation for interior finishing:
Glazer (Fig 5.1.4): The glazer robot can move along vertical slopping and ceiling surfaces with the help of Electro Adhesion pads of the robot. Robot are Equipped with compliant pads which induce electrostatic charge on the walls with clamping pressure range from 1 to 2.5 N per square cm of pads (0.8 to 2.3 pounds per square cm. This robot will have 7 legs and will use 4 legs for walking and other three will have inspection sensors , stereo , infra red cameras and surface sensors for inspecting surfaces. There is Central Processing Unit that can direct the motion of robot and record points in motion sequence. This robot can be used for automated wiring , automated painting (using combination of spray gun ,flow rate sensors ) and plumbing.