Floods In Gampaha District Environmental Sciences Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 5030

Gampaha district is a rapid developing district and the second most among the main districts of the Sri Lanka .Also it is a multi disaster prone district by its geographical situations and as the results of some resent industrial development activities. Among the all hazards floods have becomes sever hazard in the area. Not like in old days the situation started to get verse and verse during past few years and floods created huge impact on community and their activities in the distrct.But in the view of government the actions taken to mitigate the floods seems to be very low and not in proper order.

Most of the people who are affected by this urge the Government to take proper action to stop this problem which always made serious issues .Although a branch of the Disaster Management Centre has been established in Gampaha District, the Government has failed to implement Practical worthy project or solution for the benefit of the affected people in the area. Hence, this research makes a study and find out the reasons for the said problem and to emphasize effective and efficient remedial action by government is highly essential.

The hypothesis of this paper is "Government should implement proper plan to mitigate the flood and its impact on community in Gampaha District". In order to prove this assumption survey was carried out by giving a questionnaire to people who are affected by floods and by interviewing personnel who are engaged with disaster management activities in Gampaha district by their profession. During the process it was revealed that there are many factors which directly effect to increase the hazard and it could possibly mitigate the floods and its impact by implementing properly done plan. Hence, it has identified that the giving highest concern on each and every fact discussed under Chapter V and VII are very much important.


Gmapaha District is situated between Latitude 60 and 70 North and Longitudes 790 and 800 East. Also it is a disaster prone district due to its geographical position, and man made features. Past disasters in the district have included Tsunami, floods, sediment disaster, fire, storm surge etc as people experienced. However, after several large-scale disasters have devastated the Sri Lanka, the Government has unable to implement a proper plan to find solutions for the above problems. According to the Disaster Management centre (DMC) of SriLanka, among the hazard list given in the Disaster Management Act, Gampaha District could be affected by following hazards.






Storm surge

Terrorist attacks

2. Though the Gampaha District could be affected by many kind of hazards, the probability of occurrence of them and the negative impact they create on community and their properties are different from one another. The disaster inventory which contains details of hazards for past 30 years will provide the clear indication about that. In disaster management, the risk is assessed and quantified by a common way of considering the probability of occurrence and loss create by hazard (Risk = Probability X Loss).If the risk is high the vulnerability also would be high. Hence, according to the data given in disaster inventory in Sri Lanka, it distinguishes the floods as the most vulnerable hazard for

Gampaha District among the hazard list based on the probability of occurrence and the loss it creates.

3. Flooding is a natural and recurring event for a river or stream. Statistically, streams will equal or exceed the mean annual flood once every 2.33 years. Also flooding is a result of heavy or continuous rainfall exceeding the absorptive capacity of soil and the flow capacity of rivers, streams, and in the coastal areas. This causes a watercourse to overflow its banks onto adjacent lands. Floods are usually described in terms of their statistical frequency (the return period). Floods in Sri Lanka are mainly due to excessive rainfall received during monsoons and received as a result of development of low-pressure in the Bay of Bengal. Floods are directly related to rainfall in and therefore a proper understanding about the distribution of rainfall becomes important. Gmapaha District is located in the West part of the Island, receives heavy rainfall in the two monsoon period from May to September and Inter monsoon period from October to November. According to the historical records of floods in study area, the largest flood in the past three decades

occurred in May to June during the South West monsoon. Though the increase of rainfall is the major factor, the following factors are also directly affected to increase the floods in the area.

Improper land use planning

Blocking of stream system

Unauthorized constructions

People settlement in reservation areas of rivers

Shortcomings in laws and Government regulations

Negligence of respective authorities

Unauthorized land filling

Rapid accretion of fallow fields

4. Considering the above facts, this paper will give a holistic approach to address this issue. Within this paper it will discuss the factors like geographical situation and present condition, route course for floods in the Gampaha district, possible plans which could be implemented and views of community and expertise who are dealing with the disaster management activities and recommendations to overcome this issue. Further the main idea of this research is to find out the need of implementing a proper plan by the government to mitigate the floods and its impact on community. Also it can be highlighted that carry out this kind of research process is highly essential since many people in Gampaha district and their activities are being affected and severely suffering from floods in each year.



5. Statement of the problem

No proper system to mitigate floods and reduce its impact on community in Gampaha district.

6. Scope of the study

. The scope of this paper is:

Study the reasons for floods and its impact on community in Gampaha District.

Identify the solutions and remedial actions which should be taken by the Government.

Give suggestions and recommendations for mitigate the flood and reduce its impact on community.

7. Justification

Being a person living in Gampaha district and person having experience by working as a District Disaster Management Coordinator in Gampaha I felt it is a to uncover some suitable plans and actions to mitigate floods and reduce its impact on community is a worth while action.


General Objective

Determine what kind of system can mitigate the flood and its impact on community and specify the route course for heavy floods in Gampaha District.

Specific Objectives

Discuss the present situation In Gampaha district.

To determine what the suitable plans are.

To determine who must implement the plan.

How to implement the Projected plans.

c. Research hypotheses

. (1) Government should implement proper plan to mitigate the flood and its impact on community in Gampaha District.

d. Data collection methods

By Questionnaires The questionnaires were given to 100 people who were selected as a mass sample. This lot was carefully selected as 10 each from 10 Divisional Secretariat Divisions which was highly affected by the floods during past three years. These people were the most suitable people for the study since they are being constantly affected and suffer from the floods in Gampaha district.

By Interviews As the second way of obtaining qualitative data the District Disaster Management Coordinator Gampaha, Irrigation Engineer Gampaha and Deputy Team Leader Community Based Disaster Management of Japan International Cooperative Agency (JAICA) Study Team were interviewed in order to obtain expertise views and ideas on this problem.

From Data Collection Units The quantitative data were obtained from Data Collection Unit of the Department of Meteorology, Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services and the District Disaster Management Coordinating Unit (DDMCU) Gampaha.

e. Limitations

. Since, it needs lots of field visits, time factor was the major limitation to conduct this research.



Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean between the Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mannar, between Northern latitudes of 5051' to 9051' and East longitudes of 79040' to 81055' and Gmapaha District is situated between Latitude 60 and 70 North and Longitudes 790 and diminished 800 East. Its administrative boundaries are named from North Mahaoya, from South Kelani River, from East Kegall and Rathnapura districts, from West Indian Ocean coast. This district which belongs to Western province has the area of 1386 km2 and the present population of the district is 2,063,684.Further it consists of 13 Divisional Secretariat divisions. Gampaha district has high water capacity with Kelani River, Maha oya, Attanagalu Oya and few river branches also.

The rainfall distribution in Sri Lanka is subject to spatial and temporal variations leading to distinct patterns of seasonality, regionality and inter-annual variability in the climate. The annual rainfall of the Gampaha district varies from 2500mm to over 5000mm. Recently large scale flooding with 10 to 30 year return period hit the study area thrice at the end of April, end of May 2008 and the end of April 2009. Also several flash floods occur, without giving much time for evacuation, and within two to three days. Highest number of People in the district were displaced and the death toll was comparatively high. Gampaha district was one of the worst areas hit by floods. Flooding habitually affects and devastates people's daily life and economic activities almost every year in the Gampaha District. However, realization of flood management plan is significantly delayed behind the original schedule recommended by the Department of Irrigation in the past. One of the major reasons of the delay is due to lack of a proper master plan for flood management, which consist of step-wise development. Therefore, formulation /updating of the master plan and integrated with structural and non structural

measures at the earliest time in the Gampaha District is a prerequisite to mitigate the perennial floods and its impact on community.

Though the District is filled with natural resources this is an area where vulnerable for few natural and manmade disasters. Among all disasters in the district people suffer more from floods .The study area of this research has mainly focused upon the floods and related areas to it as it is necessary to go forward with this research and also a prime need of the hour. The study will address the present situation, rainfall pattern, Government activities, changes need in future activities.



To obtain expertise views and ideas interviews were carried out with expertises who are engaged in disaster management activities by their profession. During the interview they came up with valuable ideas, experiences and details and the important points. The most important points stated by those individuals are recorded as follows.

Interview with Mr A M Ajith Nishantha District Disaster Management Coordinator Gampaha.

The main responsible agency for coordinating flood and other disaster management activities is the DMC and DDMCU.

During past three years they have faced for major floods (3 year floods, 10 year floods) with very short break period.

Gampaha district is highly vulnerable for floods than any other hazard and during the first half of year 2010, 2 20 955 people were affected.

Still Government is spending more money on post disaster period for response and less on mitigation in pre disaster phases.

DDMCU Gampaha has prepared emergency disaster response plan for the district but even after three years of final draft still it did not launch.

Reactions from local authorities such as urban council, provincial council in flood management activities, maintaining of water bodies and carryout government rules and regulations on land filling, selling and new constructions are in very low level and unacceptable condition.

There is a wireless computerized communication and information network call "Intra Governmental Network" donated by JAICA and it is networking the DMC, DDMCU s, Department of Irrigation (DOI), Department of Meteorology (DOM), National Building Research Organization (NBRO), Police Command Centre, Sri Lanka Rupawahini Cooperation and Sri Lanka Broadcasting Cooperation. This has utilized to issue early warning on floods. But at present the system is not in operation due to non settlement of bills by the Government.

h. Following Non Government Organizations (NGO) are working in Gampaha district on disaster management and the collaboration and coordination among those and DDMCU in low condition.

(1). Sri Lanka Red Cross Society

(2). St John ambulance Army

(3). Caritas

(4). World Vision

(5). Practical Action

(6). Sri Lanka Centre for Development

j. Most of the times at least 10 Divisional Secretariat divisions are affected by floods.

k. Still the Government has not initiated an action to do comprehensive study on floods covering whole district and to implement proper collective plan.

Interview with Mrs PLDAS Panagaoda Irrigation Engineer Gampaha

There are many blocked canals to be cleaned in Gampaha district canal network and Nogambo lagoon is to be cleaned and dredged.

Funds getting from Government for mitigation activities become low.

No exact plan in flood management for entire district and make such kind of plan is highly essential.

Effect of floods in Gampaha district can be mitigated by carefully planed structural mitigation but need high volume of funds for that.

Support from community also important to overcome this problem and awareness of community to be improved.

The rainfall for a year in Gampaha district becomes high during past three years.

Interview with Mr. Yoshihiko Uchikura Deputy Team Leader Community Based Disaster Management, JAICA Study team.

a. The JAICA study team has already forwarded a set of flood management proposals to the Government for Kelani River after comprehensive study and still the Government has failed to take the project in to action.

Effect of floods in Gampaha district can be mitigated by carefully planed mitigation activities.

A proper collective flood management plan and its early implementation is highly essential to cater this problem.

The Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM) is very much important to overcome this issue.

Results obtained by questionnaire are indicated in graph below and the data table and set of questionnaires given to the community are included in Annex A and Annex B respectively.

Figure 4.1 Answers for questionnaire

Figure 4.2 Causes for floods (Answer for Q3)

Details of people affected by floods in Gampaha district.

Figure 4.3 No of people affected by floods (2004-2008)

Detailed graph of Money spent by Government for relief services were obtained from the Ministry of Resettlement And Disaster Relief Services and Details of money spent for mitigation activities were obtained from DDMCU Gampaha and the data can be shown as follows. Figure 4.4 Money spent for mitigation and flood relief

19. Rain fall data in Gampaha district from 2004 to 2008 were obtained from data division of the Department of Meteorology Sri Lanka and they are as follows.


Figure 4.5 Average annual rainfall data for Gampaha district



20. Question no 1: This was designed to find out whether the person who is answering has affected by floods. Data analysis of mass sample for this question is as follows

21. The expected answer for Q1 was YES. 95% of persons replied with same and 5% was not affected. The research reveals that the highest number of people selected for the study have been affected by floods.

22. Question no 2: This was designed to find out whether the effective and efficient Early Warning and Evacuation system has established by the Government for floods is there to facilitate community.

23. The expected answer for Q2 was NO and 97% have responded as they don't have such kind of system and other 3% was responded positively as they have a system. This reveals that there is no proper Early Warning and Evacuation system in Gampaha district to facilitate community.

24. Question no 3: This was designed to find out the main causes for floods in Gampaha district.

The people were responded as 77% for "A", 52% for "B", 68%for "C", 38% for "D"and 53% for "E".

26. According to this it is highlighting that the main course for floods in Gampaha district is the heavy rainfall and the order of causes as follows.

a. Excessive rainfall

b. Blocked of canals

c. Accretion of fallow fields

d. Land filling

e. New constructions

27. Question no 4: This was designed to find whether the people are satisfied with the presently implemented systems by the Government to mitigate the flood and its impact on community.

28. The expected answer for Q4 was NO and 92% people were responded as the same and 8% have responded as YES. Since the highest crowd of sample were affected by floods, this reveals that the people are not satisfied with the existing systems.

29. Question no 5: This was designed to find weather the rate of occurring floods in Gampaha district during past five years has increased or decreased.

30. The expected answer for Q5 was A and 86% of people responded as "A", 14% people responded as "B". This indicates that the people are frequently affected by floods during past three years.

31. Question no 6: This was designed to find whether community awareness level in Gampaha district about flood hazard is sufficient or not.

32. It was revealed that 88% people do not have a sufficient awareness level and only 12% of people are aware about floods. Since this is one of easy and must non structural measure the research reveals that this has not been implemented in Gampaha district as required manner and the awareness level of the people on floods must be improved immediately.

33. Question no 7: This was designed to find out whether it could be possible to mitigate the flood and its impact on community by implementing proper plan by the government. The results reveal that 95% of people of the selected sample believed that the implementing proper plan could solve the problem in an effective manner.

The analyses of the data collected by interviews and qualitative data from Data Collecting Units of relevant organizations revealed followings.

The return period of the major floods has become shorter than early.

Projects carried out for canal cleaning were not effectively affected to mitigate the floods.

Local authorities are not carrying out their duties and responsibilities related to flood management as highly essential.

Still the Government has not put its attention much on actions to be taken on pre disaster period which the period where highest attention must be paid according to theories of disaster management.

As usually happens in Sri Lanka, plans for flood management in Gampaha district have limited to the book.

Due to the less coordination of NGOs and government institution in disaster Management field, the money they were spending on flood management activities were not used economically and effectively to cater the problem and it seems wasting of huge amount of money on an ineffective system.

Still DMC or any other responsible government agency has not initiated an action to do comprehensive study on floods by covering whole district and no proper effective plan has been implemented to mitigate the flood and its impact on community.

Up to now the Government have spent huge amount of money for disaster relief services comparing with the amount of money spent for flood mitigation activities (Figure 4.4).

j. Gampaha district is getting more than 2000ml average rainfall during a year (Figure 4.5).

35. According to the results obtained from Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6 and Q7 the research hypothesis is proved in high margin. Also when observing on analysis of the data collected by interview it clearly show that the Government do not have proper flood management plan and still community is vulnerable to the hazard in great level. Hence, it can be say that the research hypothesis is proved further in clear way.



"We cannot stop natural calamities but we can and must better equip individuals and communities to withstand them" - Cofi Annan-

As it is made by the nature we cannot stop any kind of natural disasters since they are far beyond the control of human being. However if the condition is so of course we have the ability to mitigate them by various kinds of disaster management activities which are presently playing a vital role in the heavy disaster prone countries to make the community life better .When it comes to floods in Gmapaha district in Sri Lanka above facts remain same. Since Sri Lanka as a developing country of the world, also after the 30 years of war we cannot expect our Government to spend huge amount of money on flood management activities as people need. But as the factors uncovered during this research study, the currently available resources had not been used with proper plan and economical or effective way to over come the problem in the past even after the establishing of Disaster Management Centre and its district Units.

Figure 6.1 The Disaster Continuum

As it highlighted in the data analysis, the Government has spent huge amount of money for disaster relief services but if they could allocate at least some amount of these money on things as structural mitigation the result could have been changed definitely. Because in the theories of disaster management it clearly says more activities should focus in to mitigation to reduce the impact of disaster when it happen next time .The above given continuum (Figure 6.1) provide better understanding on that. Also the Government could change the irresponsible behaviours of local authorities since it has the control over them. Further when we are going for flood planning we should not directly apply the plans which we brought from other countries. Sometimes those plans may not compatible with our system and may be out dated. Mainly this will lead our plans to failure. Hence, it is necessary to do and prepare a realistic plan which is suitable for our culture, human behaviours and feelings. Also when different organizations with less mutual coordination are working in one area on common objective, it is obvious that unequal distribution and wasting of resources will happen in general practice. But, as the responsible agencies if DMC and DDMCU Gampaha had a system to coordinate these NGOs who are carrying out Disaster Management activities the Government could be able to do worthy service to the community by reducing their burden created by floods. Further these NGOs are being funded by various foreign countries and that could help Government to find financial needs to carryout flood management activities in Gampaha district.

Still the nature has given the time to find solutions for the problem. According to my personal experience gained by interact with the community selected for questionnaires they were very unhappy with the present reactions for floods in the district. Hence, the government must activate their mechanism to mitigate the floods and its impact on the community in Gampaha district before it develops in to the greatest level. According to the findings of this research it could be done up to some level with available resources within the district and National level. But, as a first and foremost it is necessary to have a holistic view on this problem to understand the present situation and to determine what the starting point is.



First of all, immediate authorization of the plans that are proposed by the JAICA study team is strongly recommended since their benefits for local communities are large. It is also recommended that the organizations concerned take necessary actions such as budget allocation etc. for the implementation and implement the measures including structural measures in accordance with the proposed implementation plan. It is recommended that future flood management activities, especially the activities that require foreign capital and technical assistance, should be implemented as a package consisting of structure measures, CBDM, early warning and evacuation (EWE) and others.


About four years has passed from the establishment of Disaster Management Centre (DMC) by the government, the environment surrounding the DMC is changing. The DMC's function is gradually being enhanced however, their abilities are still limited to some extent. Therefore, DMC should establish core activity areas and focus their activity in them. As the guiding and coordinating body, National disaster Management Committee and DMC should establish a proper flood management platform for Gampaha district especially focused on.

a. Institutional framework.

b. Coordination on the disaster management activities such as preparation of hazard maps, early warning system, disaster management exercise and implementation of structural measures.

c. Community based disaster management activities.

d. Guiding of research and human resources development.


It is a basic requirement to prepare, consolidate and share basic information related to flood management (such as topographical maps, meteo-hydrological information, land use, etc., hazard maps, flood records, disaster management plans and measures) and other required information for appropriate implementation and creating cooperation with concerned organizations for flood management. The DMC should promote such activities. Construction of a database for basic but accurate information and publishing an annual book on disaster management are examples of promotional activities that DMC should lead. By publishing a general policy on flood management, accurate record of floods that happened in the previous year, the measures taken to mitigate floods, etc. in the annual book for flood management, many kinds of information will be consolidated and can be shared, and consequently, it creates the recognition that DMC is the leading organization of disaster management system not only in Gampaha district but also of Sri Lanka.


Priority of non-structural measures in the Gampaha district is high because structural measures will need large finance and time for implementation. Therefore the non-structural measures as proposed in the master plan should be undertaken in earlier stage to reduce vulnerability to floods. In particular, it will take a long period for planning, designing and construction of structural measures. In order to restrict the causes of flood identified during the research under non structural measures followings are highly recommended.

Flood zoning and hazard mapping shall be prioritized

Review of institutional strengthening of laws and regulations on land fillings and land selling and land use planning etc.

Carryout Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (HVCA), Disaster Impact Assessment, Environment Impact Assessment in flood prone area.

Establish an effective and efficient EWE system and procedure.

Continue awareness programmes for community and related government and nongovernmental agencies.

Community should be encouraged to cultivate the fallow fields to reduce the amount of fallow fields in the area.

Identify and prioritize the canals to be cleaned and implementation of canal cleaning project in collaboration with local authorities.

Prepare and implementation of suitable new regulations on new constructions for organizations authorities and community dealing with it.


43. It is obviously important to implement the non-structural measures, such as early warning and community-based disaster management, for reducing damage; however these activities cannot prevent hazardous events. To create a safer living environment, external forces that cause the disasters should be addressed in certain level by the structural measures. Therefore, promotion of implementation of the structural measures such as flood bunds, flood retarding basins is also recommended. In addition to the flood disaster it is strongly recommended that a plan for the structural measures for sediment disasters which comes together with floods and cause many human casualties should be prepared, based on the geological investigation, monitoring and assessment of the risks at site, and implemented.


44. It is recommended to have a clear definition and designation of the flood prone areas, conservation areas and public water body in written format. It is also recommended to prohibit and/or control the development activities in the area that are disaster prone. Such activities lead to appropriate land use from the disaster management viewpoint and are important as non structural measures. The required process includes identification of the disaster areas and public water bodies based on the existing land use and natural conditions, setting the boundaries for the areas, and publishing this material for the public.


45. Ensuring guidance or instruction to incorporate disaster management viewpoints into the development activities is recommended. This is also strongly recommended in the Hyogo Frame of Action (HFA) adapted at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction held at Kobe, Japan in January 2005.It is also recommended to introduce the Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) into all developments. Currently, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is enforced to the development activity and it is practical that DIA be conducted together with EIA, especially for large-scale development.


46. Many organizations are involved in the disaster management. For effective implementation of the proposed measures and recommendations presented in this report, close cooperation among the organizations concerned is indispensable, and it is also indispensable that the capacity enhancement of DMC as leading organization. For early realization of a safer society, building a good relationship among the organizations concerned, cooperation among them and promoting implementation of disaster reduction measures are desirable. Also this will lead to funds to flow in through different organizations.


47. Natural disasters are usually local events and local government organizations have to deal with these local disasters. However, in many cases, the capacities for managing disasters in local government organizations are very weak and their interest on this is very low. These organizations have to be functional for effective disaster management activities, so the active implementation of Capacity Development activity targeting local government organizations is strongly recommended.