Fixing The Components Of The Computer Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 2239

This report discuss about assembling of a computer system by identifying and fixing each and every component of the computer which is build and configured to meet requirements of the design specification, testing and listing all the system specifications and performing the required maintenance and upgrades for necessary hardware and software.

After the whole processes of fixing the hardware components we reached to install the operating system and other required software's such as (MS Office package, Adobe Reader, AVG Antivirus software) for the use of the computer and furthermore the difficulties we had while inserting the components and installing the software's and how we got through them.

2.0 Assembling a computer system

2.1 TASK 1

Identifying and fixing the components of the computer system

Date of Start/Completion

5th of November 2012

The Task Description

Task 1 Identifying and fixing the components of the computer

The Outcome Covered

LO 3.1 Build and configured a computer system to meet design specification

LO 3.2 Test and document a computer system

Description of the Activity

Identify and fix the motherboard to the CPU casing

Motherboard is the most important components of the computer system. It consist of different components build on the board with chipsets, PCI slots, AGP slot, RAM slots Network card etc.

Open the CPU casing

Place the motherboard inside the CPU casing in the correct position

Insert the screws and tighten them firmly

Identify and fix the Processor

Processor is also known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of the computer system which takes input commands and process the required details and displays the output.

Open the lock on the slot and clean it

Place the processor on the slot

Check whether the processor is correctly placed on the slot and lock the processor

Fix the Power Supply Unit

Place the PSU in the correct position

Inset the screws and tighten them firmly

Check whether it is correctly fixed

Identify and fix the RAM cards to the motherboard

RAM (Random Access Memory) also known as the main memory of the computer. The RAM is volatile which means when the power is switched off the all the data saved in the RAM is wiped away.

Identify where the RAM has to placed

Place the RAM on the slot

Gently push the RAM down on the slot

Check whether it is correctly fixed

Fix the Hard Drive

Identify where the hard drive need to be placed on the CPU casing

Place the hard drive, insert the screws and tighten them firmly

Connect the data and power supply cable

Identify and fix the CD-ROM drive

CD-ROM is a component which can read data stored in CD'S DVD'S etc.

Identify where the CD-ROM need to be placed on the CPU casing

Place the CD-ROM correctly and insert the screws and tighten them firmly

Connect the data and power supply cable

Identify and fix the VGA card

VGA (Video Graphics Adaptor) card is a component which provides the capability to display visual contents.

Identify where the VGA card have to be inserted

Place the VGA card on the correct slot

Push it down firmly until its locked

Identify and fix the Network card

Network card is a component which allow us to connect to the World Wide Web and to connect with other computers.

Connected the Power Supply Unit with the required internal components

Detailed specifications are below


CPU Intel ® Dual Core 2.26 GHz LGA775 E2200


RAM Transcend515068-4496/1GB/DDR2/800MHz

VGA Onboard

CD ROM Samsung (CD-RW/DVD DRIVE) N7414RCQ908523V

HDD Samsung 160 GB \ S14DJIBS201222

NETWORK CARD Wireless N PCI adaptor (TEN-643PI/EVH/W Vi:oR)


POWER SUPPLY NPS-250KBA Serial number- TH-o2N33-17971-26J-B9Q

Mother Board G31-MT TE VER 6.2

Internal panel ports 2 PCI/ 1 PCI EXPRESS/ 4 SATA/ 2 RAM / 1 IDE

Back Panel Ports 1 VGA OUT/ 2 PS2/ 4 USB 2.0/ 1 NETWORK/ 3 AUDIO IN/OUT

Difficulties you faced and how you got around them

A certain time was spent on fixing the motherboard on to the CPU casing but after some observation it was easily fixed

A certain time was spent on firmly fixing the power supply unit

A confusion was raised while connecting the power supply unit with internal components but after certain observation the task was completed with no delay

Results and Observation

All the components of the computer was fixed to the CPU casing and the motherboard and gained the knowledge and experience of assembling a computer system components.

Conclusion and Recommendation

A proper care have to be taken when fixing the components of the computer and do not the rush to fix each components take a while and observer the activity

2.2 TASK 2

Closing the CPU casing and powering the system

Date of Start/Completion

5th of November 2012

The Task Description

Task 2 Identifying and fixing the components of the computer

The Outcome Covered

Assembled and configured a computer system to meet design specification

Description of the activity

After assembling the computer system and closed the CPU casing we connected the I/O devices

And finally plugged the power cable and tested whether the devices are connected properly

Difficulties you faced and how you got around them

No Difficulties was faced

Results and Observation

Closing the CPU casing and plugging the external power cable is one of the easiest task in the process assembling the computer system.

Conclusion and Recommendation

It is very important to correctly connect the power supply cable if not the system would not power up.

3.0 Software Installation

3.1 Task 3

Date of Start/Completion

7th of November 2012

The Task Description

Task 3 installing the operating system, device drives, MS office package, adobe reader, anti-virus guard, changing icon size, font size, correcting the date and time, applying different background and adding shared printer for the computer.

The Outcome Covered

LO 3.1 Build and configured a computer system to meet design specification

Description of the Activity

Installing Operating System with creating partitions (C, D)

First the booting press F2 key and select boot menu after that select the booting method.x50__320x240_bootmenu

Figure Booting Menu

Through this CD-ROM will be the primary booting method and after inserting the CD the windows setup will show three options called the fresh install, repair or quit setup.


Figure Setup Option to Install Windows

After selecting the windows installing method a license agreement will be show after accepting that the user can see the hard disk partition menu.

Figure Hard Disk Partitions Menuxwindowsxp-step-5

After selecting the required partitions the warning screen will appear before formatting saying formatting bootable system partition.

Figure Warning Screen before FormattingInstall_Windows_XP_Pro_05-300x185

After creating the C partition the next step is create the D partition following the same steps.

Before the formatting process starts they will ask about the file type called the NTFS or FAT 32. Mostly NTFS is selected.

After all this step the formatting process will start.

Figure Formatting Process Install_Windows_XP_Pro_11-300x185

After the above process, the system will re-boot and user can see Windows XP login screen

Figure Loading WindowsInstall_Windows_XP_Pro_16-300x225

And the user can setup the region, input language, and enter original product key, date, and time as well.

Figure Entering the Product KeyInstall_Windows_XP_Pro_21-300x225

Figure Entering the date, time and region


And finally the system will reboot and the user can user or operate the computer system.


Figure Completely Installed WindowsC:\Users\HishImran\Desktop\windows installing pics\5211-60-60.jpg

Figure Thank You Message after Completing the Installing Process

Installing the device driver software's

After the installation of the windows the system driver software have to install in order to use the computer system.

Figure Driver Software InstallationGetAttachment

Installing MS Office package and Adobe Reader

After installing the driver software's, we had to install MS office package, Adobe reader and AVG free edition virus guard.

Figure after Installed MS Office

Figure MS Office installation Howtoinstalloffice2010_thumbinstallingoffice2010_thumb

When installing the office package the first setup screen displays to install the office. Then Enter the serial key for the original product and user have to agree for the license terms and conditions. Finally finished the installing procedure with saying that the software has been installed successfully.

After installing MS office package Adobe reader is installed to the computer system unit according to the practical requirements.

Figure Installing Adobe Reader click-install

Figure Completed Installing Adobe Readerinstallation-finished

Install an Anti-virus guard

After installing the MS Office and Adobe Reader we had to install an anti-virus guard (AVG Free Edition) for the computer.

Firstly when we install the AVG anti-virus protection a welcome screen will appear after that we had to accept the license agreement and installation process began.


Figure Checking System Status

Figure Installing AVG anti-virus protection

And finally, user can activate free license and complete the installations process.

Figure Setup Summary of the Installation Process step-10-300x231

Change the icon and font sizes in the desktop and set the correct system date and time

After installing all the required software's as shown below the icon and font size can be changed according the users taste.

Figure Icon and Font size changing interface Change_Desktop_Icon_Size_Windows_XP_2

After changing the icon and font size the date and time can be changed when clicking in the right hand side of the task bar where the time and date is shown.

Figure Time shown in the taskbar After clicking the time on the taskbar another user interface will appear.taskbar2

Figure User Interface for changing the date and timewinxppro-1-1

Apply different background images and different screen savers for the computer

By right clicking, the desktop user can click on properties and access the background changing interface. In that interface by clicking the second tab or sub menu user can change the desktop background according to own tendency. In addition, to change the screen saver user can click third tab and select a screen saver according to personal preferences.

Figure User Interface to change the desktop background winxppro-1-1

Figure User Interface to apply Screen Saverswinxppro-1-12

Search and add a shared printer for your computer

To search and shared a printer the user first of all to have to access to control panel. By clicking the printers & faxes icon on the control panel user can find any printers installed to the computer system. Then right clicking that printer user can get access to share that printer and rename that printer. And finally send test page to print which is successful.

Figure adding a shared printerhow_to2

Difficulties you faced and how you got around them

The XP bootable CD did not worked as required therefore we had to get another bootable CD from lecturer.

Results and observations

Because of the whole process we gained a proper idea and ability to set up the Windows XP operating system, MS Office package, Adobe reader, AVG free edition. In addition to this capability of changing the user interface and search and shared printer.

Conclusions and recommendations

The most important thing to remember when installing operating system is to have an un-interruptible power source as well necessary skills to complete the task. And when installing any kind of operating system is must be a clean and fresh installation.

3.2 Task 4

Date of Start/Completion

5th of November 2012

The Task Description

Schedule a virus guard for automatic scanning and updating

Create a computer system restore point

Do a disk defragmentation for drive D

Perform a disk clean up

Check the possibility of upgrading the virus guard

Upgrade the device driver of the VGA card

The Outcome Covered

L.O 4.1- Perform routine maintenance tasks on a computer

L.O 4.2- Upgrade the hardware and software on a computer system

Description of the Activity

Schedule the virus guard for automatic updating and scanning

To schedule an automatic virus guard scanning and updating - User must configure the virus guard application, and select the appropriate commands for it. Then the virus guard application will automatically perform this as commanded (e.g.: hourly, daily or weekly basis)

Figure scheduling Anti-virus automatic update and scan893588_3

Create a computer restore point

To access for this option user can find it in all programs- Accessories- system tools- system restore. This option is given In case of emergency, the user can roll back system files, registry keys etc.

Do a disk defragmentation for the drive D

Defragmentation rearrange the files on the hard drive and reallocate the fragmented files. This option can get done by right clicking my computer and selecting the manage tab.

Figure Defragmentationmain

Perform disk clean-up

This option make the user able to clean the partition drives and get back the free space at maximum effort. This command can be found in system tools folder.

Figure Disk Cleanupdcw_1

Check the possibility of upgrading virus guard

The installed anti-virus guard is a free edition. User can download an upgrade version from internet due to this version is free.

Upgrade the device driver software of the VGA card

The VGA card is embedded with motherboard due to that reason it's not possible to upgrade the driver software.

Difficulties you faced and how you got around them

Upgrading the VGA driver is a problem that we had to face. There wasn't enough resource to do this task

Results and Observation

Ability to perform a routine maintenance tasks on computer system unit and the importance of the whole process was understood.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Routine maintenance is very important fact when it comes to computer system. This tools has given by the operating system to ensure the maximum usage of the computer system.