1.0 Introduction
This report is designed to analyse the TopBike proposal in order to determine whether or not it is feasible to design and implement a computerised system for the rebranding and expansion of the company.
Analysis of TopBikes Current System
As TopBikes current system is a paper based system, it will obviously have many disadvantages compared to a computerised system.
Areas of Weakness
When purchases or repairs are made, staff have to work out the prices to charge manually i.e. parts, labour and VAT. On the new system this will be calculated immediately, saving time and money.
As all of the transactions, customer records and so on are kept in books, the risk of them being damaged or lost is significantly increased. One fire could wipe out the business overnight.
It isn't easy to amend or update existing records or quotes as they are all written down and staff have to search for the details they are looking for through the books to update them which is costing valuable time.
When a problem is found on a repair job, the quote has to be adjusted and new parts re-ordered/updated. With a database driven system, this would be easy to do and quickly. With the current system this can take quite a time.
A major weakness in the system is that certain staff are expected to do certain duties when they come in such as putting together the appropriate items of stock which leaves the company at the mercy of individual staff members. If they are ill, off, leave etc. then their duties get left which upsets the workings of the entire company.
With a computerised system this would be greatly reduced as it is all stored on computer, anybody (staff) is able to start where the other staff member left off.
Payments are very bad at the moment and TopBikes is currently owed £40,000 from shops and indirect customers. This is up to Jean to sort out and if she forgets, is too busy, on holiday or sick then the repeat invoices don't get sent out. The proposed system will be able to automatically generate invoices after certain periods of time have elapsed, and will be ready to send out without all the stress and hassle of remembering and doing it manually.
2.0 Technical Feasibility
New ideas proposed are available and can be implemented. We want our system to be able to exchange information with other systems. We expect our system to connect with the online payment systems, for example the system performance expected to tolerate 1000 connections at a time.
We shall de-couple our software components and increase the number of server security. Also we expect to introduce security at various levels such as, customer information, users and external system connections.
Other essential requirements we consider during implementation are as follows:-
2.2 Web- DBMS Architecture
Appropriate system architecture proposed to develop web- DBMS environment by using three- tier architecture. Advantages of three tier architecture are as follows;
According to Connolly and Begg (1998, p.867), "The three - tier architecture can be extended to n tiers, with additional tiers added to provide more flexibility and scalability. For example, the middle tier of the three- tier architecture could be split into two, one tier for the web server and another for the application server."
2.3 Hardware Required for Network Implementation
Hardware purchases would consider a number of staffs who require the computer and the computer will be distributed for each department in an entire shop. Hardware specifications needed to be installed such as;
2.4 Hardware Specification and Cost Analysis
The table below shows hardware specification per unit price.
Table 2.4
2.5 Software
A combination of various types of software is required for application development of web- DBMS implementation such as:
SQL Server - Creating a relational database.
Html - Identify the contents and layout of a web page.
Barcode reader software - Communication between PC and Barcode reader.
Visual studio -User Interface (Using Visual Basic.NET).
2.6 Materials
Other essential (hardware) materials needed for the installation process are as follows:-
2.7 Labour
Working with a new system requires experts (programmers) to develop web- DBMS integration using different software available. Though after the system is installed and tested the company would require a full time IT expert to look after the system for undergoing backup system and troubleshooting on a daily basis. When the system is ready to use all affected staff should be trained on how to use the system effectively.
3.0 Economic Feasibility
3.1 Funding availability
Table 3.1
Source: TopBike Scenario Document
From the remaining £200,000 advertising, stock, new systems development and implementation must be accounted for.
The current advertising allowance is £25,000 per annum.
Suggested cost for the new systems by a former employee are £5,000 initially, with £5,000 per annum in expected maintenance costs.
3.2 Cost-effectiveness of the proposed system
If advertising was raised to £35,000 pa and stock for the new business areas estimated at £175,000, then £15,000 should be more than sufficient for our project. Table 2.4 has rendered the original estimate of £5,000 plus £5,000 untenable if a thorough planning, testing, implementation and maintenance scheme is to be properly employed.
Needed are equipment, development costs, and implementation. Maintenance could be either done as a consultancy contract, or training for existing staff to perform these tasks instead. Recommendations are that there is not enough funding to justify employing an extra member of staff for this system at this point in time, although this does not preclude the necessity for new staff in other areas which do not include usage and upkeep of the new IT based system.
3.3 Benefits
3.4 Costs
All equipment required for the implementation and maintenance of the electronic is required, as is outlined in table 2.4 above.
3.5 Benefits
If the intended goal of trebling business turnover in three years is successful, not only does the business survive competition, but the outstanding loan could be repaid before term. It should be noted that the estimated financial cost of this project does not take any existing profit into account, and thus does not compromise the current standing and operation of the company in any way.
4.0 Legal Feasibility
4.1 Proposed System
The proposed system is to transfer all dealings onto a computer system for improved efficiency and productivity. The issues that come from this are the costs in training the staff to use said system and the equipment, but the benefits far outweigh the costs.
The benefits include:
4.2 Legal Requirements
When people's personal information is handled and stored, the data protection act has to be followed to ensure the safety of sensitive information.
4.2.2 Data Protection Act 1998
The DPA 1998 can be summarized into the following.
Data must be:
The act also includes technical measures such as firewalls and organisational measures such as staff training.
4.3 Possible Conflicts
4.4 Accessibility
As with any new system, staff will need to be trained to use it effectively and correctly. I believe the training for this could be done in three or four days. As the designers of the system, we will need to train at least one person how to use it properly so they can pass on their teachings.
Again, days spent training are easily offset by the benefits, although the training will most likely be spread over a few weeks.
4.5 Security
The system must be secure to keep data safe. I propose the database to have a password protected or user logon system to meet this need. This will stop unauthorised users from accessing any unauthorised data.
The computers and internet connection will need adequate security i.e. appropriate firewall on all computers and anti-spyware/keylogging protection to keep passwords and data safe.
Another point in security is the actual physical security of the site, i.e. where the database server is stored. The server will be stored in a secured room which only authorized personnel will have access to, in line with the data protection act.
5.0 Operational Feasibility
5.1 Current Operations
The current practises of the top bike business are that they sell and repair bikes, and accessories. They also build custom bikes at the request of the customer.
The current system involves the use of stock cards for when products are sold or used in the repairing of a customer's bike.
Due to this system the owner is unsure whether the staff are forgetful sometimes as the records are not entirely accurate, or are the staff stealing items from the stock.
The current procedures vary depending on the type of service they are offering the customer. For example if a customer needs a bike repairing they are quoted price for the repair by adding the parts, labour and VAT. The quote given is logged in the repair book. The customer is expected to have the full amount on collection of the item, and sometimes if other issues are found and fixed additional charges incur. When new parts are used to replace the broken ones they stock list is altered. This process is similar to that of the custom build bikes.
Another of the current procedures is the telephone order. When a customer rings to place an order the employee checks the price and the stock list to see if the item is available. If the item is in stock then the customer can place an order.
The next morning one employee gathers the item(s) that have been requested by the customer (if they are in stock) then attaches the invoice to the items so they can be collected by the delivery van.
If not all of the parts are ready for the customer the member of staff handling this would tell the manager a certain item needed to be ordered. The staff member who handled the original case would then ring the customer to say that one item could not be found in stock and that it is being delivered to the shop from the manufacturer and that it will be delivered to the customer a few days after the rest of the items.
5.2 Future Operational Benefits
The shop would support the new system because of its relatively simple design. The shop currently relies on a manual system where after every purchase or repair an item is taken from the number of products in stock. This requires the use of log books. If the system was computerised every time an item was purchased either through the company's website or in the shop the database that is linked would be altered, meaning no more log books to write in.
Barcode scanners can be used on most things to calculate price easier unlike the current system where the staff have to check the prices against their logs.
The database will also make re-stocking easier with the ability to create applications within the database that flag up a warning when the numbers of certain products is low.
Organisational changes would be the employment of a database and website manager, for such a small company this job would only require one maybe two people to share these roles.
A stock manager may have to be employed (if he isn't there already) to calculate the numbers of new stock arriving this role can be performed easier with a tablet pc or other device connected to the company's' database.
The effects on the employees may not be as bad as some think, with most of the staff at a young age getting used to a computerised system may not be much trouble but the owner may not find it so easy at first which is why simplicity is the key.
6.0 Schedule Feasibility
It is estimated that the project will be completed, tested and implemented by 16th April 2010. All related sections and stages will be documented in the schedule file and submitted for review and approval as required.
7.0 Conclusion
Each section of this report has indicated that there would be multiple benefits to the business as a whole should this project be undertaken. It has also been indicated that there should be no impact upon the current running, whilst the new system is being planned and implemented, either operationally or economically. Therefore, it is the finding of this report that the project should go ahead.
8.0 References
Connolly, T. and Begg, C. (1998). Database systems 2nd Ed. Edinburgh Gate England: Pearson Education Limited.
Comer, D.E. (2009) Computer Networks and Internets 4th Ed. London: Prentice Hall.
Donoso, Y (2009) Network Design for IP Convergence. USA: CRC Press.
Amazon (2009) Electronic prices [Available online at] http://www.amazon.co.uk [Accessed on 6 January 2010]
Linux (2009) Three tier architecture [Available online at] http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3508 (Accessed on 5 January 2010)
Banana (2009) Dell server [Available online at] http://www.bananacomputers.com/index.php[Accessed on 6 January 2010]
Farthecheaper (2009) PC prices [Available online at] http://www.byfarthecheapest.com/products ( Accessed on 6 January 2010)
Nyagawa, Chapman, Parker, Mitchell
[1] http://bytestart.co.uk/content/legal/35_2/data-protection-overview.shtml