Factors That Affect The Job Prospects Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 5503

In todays world, one of the most vital issues for the university students is whether or not they can actually get jobs. Thousands of universities worldwide are producing a huge number of graduates but the question remains over whether the graduates of these universities can actually get jobs upon graduation and get the rewards of their tuition fees, and the effort they had put in for almost three to four years.

For undergraduate students, the problem is hence very severe. Undergraduate students go into university fresh out of high school, and have zero work experience, and most of them are neither career oriented nor serious about job prospects after graduation.

The problem is becoming more and more serious because the demand for a university education is increasing at a very fast rate. Every year, new universities are opening up in all corners of the globe. Every year more and more undergraduate students are graduating from university.

When these undergraduate students graduate, they struggle to find jobs. The problem is that the job market is full, and there are very few new jobs opening up in the job market. Moreover, the world is facing an economic recession, and the companies are firing employees at a rapid rate, and very few companies are actually expanding, along with the problem of downsizing that is a key feature in the business world of today.

This phenomenon results in a situation where the job prospects for undergraduate students are becoming worse, and no solutions are being provided to the thousands of fresh graduates who are struggling to get a job for themselves.

This research paper will try and identify the different forces that affect the job prospects of undergraduate students. This paper will try to reveal the various factors and variables that determine the job prospects of undergraduate students. A major purpose of this research paper is to identify those areas in which these students can improve their performance, skills and vocational training in order to secure jobs when they graduate.

Significance of Research

Economic recession has widely effected almost every field of the business environment and it has affected almost each and every person somehow or the other. This also includes the students that have been greatly affected by this economic turmoil.

Being a student I feel that we need to be alerted about lies before us and we need to be well equipped and prepared to tackle the modern business environment. What does the recruiter requires? What things recruiters notice in order to make an impression on them? Questions such as these have a dire need to be addressed.

My research will focus on the business ethics and what is required by the human resource department of the modern workstations. It will help the graduating students to find better means of hunting for jobs and also determine their position and chance of getting selected in the available unemployed seats.

Research Objectives

To find out the job prospects of undergraduate students.

To find out the different factors that affect the job prospects of undergraduate students.

To study in detail how each factor affects the job prospects of undergraduate students

To find out how undergraduate students can increase their job prospects.

Background of the Company

The Lahore School of Economics laid its foundation in 1993, and was provided a charter by the Punjab Government in the year 1997; it is located in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The Lahore School of Economics is located on two different locations of Lahore, one being the city campus which is located at the Gulberg and the other is known as the Burki campus, which is located on the Burki road.

The Lahore School of Economics reputation grew with a rapid pace now is considered as the 5th best Pakistani University for business education by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. There are numerous facilities provided by the administration of the Lahore School, which includes two libraries for student research, two main computer labs equipped with updated personal computers, cricket and football fields for sports activities, indoor sports facilitation centre for the students and many more extracurricular and academic facilities are provided to the students.

Students are enrolled in different academic programs which include fields such as marketing, management, economics, finance, environmental and media studies, mathematics and statistics, social studies. There different programs for the Mba, M,phil, Bsc and Bba students. The students are checked upon their curriculum in a regular manner and disciplinary committees maintain discipline throughout the campus. Scholarships are also awarded to the deserving students which makes the competition tougher with regard to academics. The admission criterion is also strict and only the deserving students are invited to join the programs.

The Lahore School of Economics also maintains a web portal for the facilitation of its students, where they can correspond with their faculty easily. The CREB (The Lahore School's Centre for Research in Economics and Business) is also a dominant and up-to-date feature for the university, which is also, linked to many Government and Non-governmental research facilities. The School also has student exchange program with different areas around the globe and also organizes alumni functions in a regular manner.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Sinha Gunjan (2007) in his article stressed upon the fact that the companies should focus on the qualities and personalities of the individuals and recruiting should be done upon that. It was particularly written for the pharmaceutical and biotechnical industry. He further elaborated that expert opinion was that individuals should themselves decide that which qualities and personality they posses, and thus they must chose the one that matches their qualities and personality that they posses. Further on companies are moving closer to where talent and personality belong instead of waiting for these persons to approach them, like for instance Novartis AG moved its headquarters near Cambridge and Massachusetts where it has employed about 1200 workforce and is aiming to further expand its network. This article would help me in my study with the personality variable as it justifies my stance on it.

Mongezi Nyengane (2007) concluding his research on leadership styles and types of organizational commitment he elaborated that there was a positive relation between the two. He used quantitative measures in which he took a sample population of 86 leaders and 334 raters. He recommended that the employee dedication was correlated to the leadership style and the employee needed affection, continuance, normative commitment, etc from the leadership. Hence these factors played an important role in the commitment of the employee.

Kendra Jane (2005) in her article which was based on the facts and figures regarding outsourcing, it consisting of qualitative research techniques goes on that although outsourcing will lower the cost incurred by the organizations and the firms but it impact the job markets quiet negatively. The benefits of outsourcing can be that the firm can have comparative advantage and will bring about a change to the nature of the operations. But the drawbacks are that it can bring political risk for the country, there will be lesser innovations, hence slowing down the innovative process.

Christianna McCausland (2011) in her article which was about giving tips to the younger generation; it concludes that the world recession has hit many individuals among which fresh graduates which range from the age bracket between 18-29 year olds. A quantitative survey was conducted in the Columbia University. She stressed upon the fact that if these students are proactive and have the tendency to make smart career moves then they can refrain and thus save themselves from the long-term damage to their careers. She further elaborated four points to wage compression, adding home ownership and uncertain social security benefits.

Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008) in their article which elaborated about the situation of employment in Luang Prabang, Lao people's Democratic Republic" which consisted of interviews on a qualitative based survey elaborated that the employers were seeking English proficiency among the labor force that was required. Further on technical skills were mostly required than the degree itself and to have a full command over the foreign language due to Lao People's democratic republic being tourist resort.

Ginty and Reitsch (2002) conducted a survey of 241 students on undergraduate and MBA students by giving them questionnaires; their research question was based on the job selection preferences and the process of business students. Their studies concluded that females and males responded differently to the questions they asked in the questionnaires, for this reason the job mobility of the students differed as females wanted to stay in their hometowns whereas the males had the traits of job mobility.

Montgomery and Ramus (2007) concluding their survey of about 759 respondents, they concluded in their research that quality workforce provides competitive advantage for the organization, and also provides financial and success of the firm. The intellectual challenge in their research was 20% higher than any other attribute present in their research which clearly showed that GPA and grades were an important aspect in terms of job preferences.

Ibrahim, Lisa and Faramarz (2007) in their research topic which was based on social skills, business students, business ethics and accountants. They took 378 business students as their respondents and reached a conclusion that females presented less assertive skills were as males had comparatively more assertive skills. The students were in the view that a course should be designed for the business ethics and etiquettes. But one thing here should be kept in mind that the data was taken from four different universities.

Ahmed and Adeel (2010), worked on a research question which was based on SME and MNC's study. A total of 300 fresh graduates were chosen and their career choices were asked in the research questionnaires which were distributed amongst them. The respondents produced that only 27% of the males wanted to join the SME's in Pakistan whereas the rest preferred to work in the MNCs. The other main choice of preference amongst both female and males was pay as they wanted the returns of the money they had invested in their studies.

Hytti and Kuopusjarvi (2004) established a study. Their data collection method was however unique as they asked their respondents to write a short story about a giving topic and results were generated accordingly. They concluded that the students wrote stories considering themselves as entrepreneurs and not putting themselves in the family business. They lacked in the hardship part and almost every respondent wanted to be on the top of the ladder without being aware that they will be stages of success they shall have to proceed first.

Archer and Davison (2008) in their article which was based on qualitative data gathering technique emphasized that the University Career Services (i.e. placement offices) were not providing their services up to the mark and were not so satisfactory. Although many aspects were brought on the table but the main highlighted were slow responses by staff, not being able to interview whole of the year, less assistance provided by the universities in organizing seminars, not providing assistance to conduct interviews away from the offices. Thus they were in the view that universities should provide more assistance and better correspondence should be present.

David Autor (2010) in his article using a qualitative measure to do his research found that the reason that the job market is going down with a fast pace is that there are too much of the labor present in the market and also due to increase in international integration of the global market due to globalization. The technological change has also expedited the downfall of the labor market and yet has replaced man with machines, thus the industry has become less labor intensive and has produced a shift from the labor intensive to being more capital intensive.

Has and Damelang (2007) concluded a research on German migrants. Their data collection method involved secondary data by using 2000 respondents, who were less than 30 years old. They were able to show that cultural diversity matters in the sense seeking the jobs. Getting employed for the migrants due to employment mobility was tough as the employers did not prefer to recruit them. The other reasons were that they lacked in communications skills and had little sense of the business etiquettes.

Janet Chew (2004) conducting a quantitative based research on a varied population, using Delphi method, In Depth interview and quantitative surveys. He concluded that employee dedication is a very eminent phenomenon in the modern work environment of today. He further said that employees loose dedication after some time which created problems for the organization. In his conclusion and recommendation phase he noted that younger and older employees need to be given different incentives in order to make them more dedicated and a motivated workforce.

Zailani, Din and Wahid (2006) concluding a qualitative based research paper stated that the internal issues of the organization need to be addresses in order to make the organization more strong from the outside and increase customer satisfaction level, which could only be achieved if the workforce is dedicated internally. They further were in the view that the workforce needs to be better trained and be aligned to specific jobs (specialization). Hence they were trying to conclude that organization is directly proportional internally and externally.

Chapter 3: Methodology and Analytical Choice

3.1 Research Type

This paper falls into the classification of primary research, stressing on the time period and the given situation, this specific sort of research was chosen. Primary and secondary both have their particular set of advantages and disadvantages, given the factors it was built that primary research is fitting in this case.

Characterized techniques are used, which might be utilized for amassing data from individuals. Interviews, questionnaires, focus groups; surveys were among the techniques used for the data collection method. Interviews were conducted from the concerned departments. Focus groups were conducted and questionnaires were distributed among the students for the completion of the data collection process. The research incorporated both qualitative and quantitative techniques, where quantitative part of the data amassing is the questionnaires and qualitative part is the interviews.

3.2 Data Type and Research Period

The information sort for the examination is the field study, for doing this; questionnaires have been created and a sample of 100 students has been preferred and the questionnaires have been circulated. Conducting the field survey had its difficulties and was time consuming but with a short passage of time this task was completed.

The time period for the research is from February to April (2012), in which focus groups, interviews and questionnaires were distributed and collected back from the sample population.

3.3 Research Hypothesis

H1: There is a positive relationship between personality and job prospects.

H2: There is a positive relationship between grades and job prospects.

H3: There is a positive relationship between references and job prospects.

H4: There is a positive relationship between business ethics and job prospects.

H5: There is a positive relationship between career choices and job prospects.

H6: There is a positive relationship between placement offices and job prospects.

H7: There is a positive relationship between employment mobility and job prospects.

H8: There is a positive relationship between commitment and job prospects.

H9: There is a positive relationship between job market and job prospects.

3.4 Theoretical Framework and Variables under Consideration

3.4.1 Reference List of Variables

Independent Variable

Expected Signs

Previous Finding



Montgomery and Ramus (2007), Kendra Jane (2005)

Employment Mobility


Ginty and Reitsch (1992), Archer and Davison (2008)

Placement Offices


Will Archer and Jess Davison (2008), Sinha Gunjan (2007)



Archer and Davison (2008), David Autor (2010), Ahmed and Adeel (2010)



Sinha Gunjan (2007), Archer and Davison (2008)

Technical Skills


Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008), Kendra Jane (2005)

Business Ethics


Ibrahim, Lisa and Faramarz (2007), Archer and Davison (2008)

Job Market


Kendra Jane (2005), David Autor (2010)

Career Choices


Ahmed and Adeel (2010), Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008)

3.4.2 Theoretical Justification

Sr. No.

Independent Variable




Montgomery and Ramus (2007), Kendra Jane (2005)


Employment Mobility

Ginty and Reitsch (1992), Archer and Davison (2008)


Placement Offices

Will Archer and Jess Davison (2008), Sinha Gunjan (2007)



Archer and Davison (2008), David Autor (2010), Ahmed and Adeel (2010)



Sinha Gunjan (2007), Archer and Davison (2008)


Technical Skills

Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008), Kendra Jane (2005)


Business Ethics

Ibrahim, Lisa and Faramarz (2007), Archer and Davison (2008)


Job Market

Kendra Jane (2005), David Autor (2010)


Career Choices

Ahmed and Adeel (2010), Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008)

Explanation of Variables

Job Prospects: This refers to the chance of a student getting a job upon graduation.

Grades/GPA: Grades and CGPA of a student is a very eminent factor in one's career, although many career analyst do not consider it an important part but one can never ignore the fact that it is an important and vital part of one career.

References/ Personal Relations/Contacts: this refers to the students own contacts and the references that the placement office of the university has provided the student with.

Personality: A personality of the person is his/her unique psychological makeup and their attitudes, values and beliefs. Personality building is a long process that starts from early childhood.

Technical Skills: these are the skills that the person posses and has acquired through study or through a vocational learning process.

Business Etiquette: This refers to the manners and the behavior one has and posses. It is very vital for today's business world and courses such business communications have also been introduced in the curriculum.

Commitment: This is the persons desire and willingness towards work, his/her attitude towards work that they have been assigned.

Employment Mobility: This is the person's willingness to move for a job, this clearly refers to the geographical boundaries that he/she is willing to go to seek a job.

Job Market: This is the place where employers search for the employees and vice versa.

Placement Offices: These are the offices that are located inside the universities for correspondence with different business offices for the welfare of the students.

Career Choices: This refers to different career options available for students.

3.5 Information Gathering and Sampling Procedure

The type of research that was chosen fitted with convenience sampling, this research type is chosen when the population size is very large and there are limited time and resources to conduct the research on this level.

Keeping this in mind a sample of 100 respondents was chosen from the population and the results were drawn from the questionnaires the respondents answered. Convenience sampling is continually used nowadays as it is easy, and the researchers are quickly able to interpret and draw the results and also can determine the relationship among the variables with ease.

3.5.1 Survey Design

Questionnaires were the best option available for conducting the primary research that was chosen. For this purpose a questionnaire comprising of 13 questions was distributed, which incorporated and covered all the variables chosen in the research. Accordingly 100 questionnaires were distributed and collected from the students of the Lahore School of Economics.

3.5.2 Population, Working population and Planned sample

The city which was chosen to conduct the research was Lahore, which has the current population of about 1 million. The working population which compromises of post graduate students is about 100 thousand; the sample of 100 respondents will represent the trend of the whole population of the region.

3.5.3 Sample size consideration

Sample was chosen of 100 postgraduate students of the Lahore School of Economics which were in their final year mainly as the sample was large enough to tell us the trends regarding the population and secondly this number was reliable and authentic for the research process.

3.5.4 Choice of Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling proved to be the best as it enables the researchers to gather data quickly, with very less time and being very cost effective for the matter. Considering the alternatives it proves to be the best by the given criteria where cost and time are both eminent and also accuracy of the results is required.

3.5.5 Field Work and Respondent Profile

Male and female both were chosen to represent themselves, all of which belonged to the Lahore School of Economics, with the age bracket from 20-30. All respondents were postgraduate students who were in their final years of studies.

3.6 Data analysis tools and techniques


Whereas JP represents job prospects, a represents constants, represents slope, GG represents grades/gpa, CC represents career choices, PO represents placement offices, PER represents personality, TC represents technical skills, BE represents business ethics, COM represents commitment, EM represents employment mobility, JM represents job market and denotes error.

3.6.1 Multiple Linear Regressions

In order obtain the numerical and statistical data, multiple linear regressions will be run for this case. In addition to this cross tabs, t-tests, and co variances will also be used in order to generate the results and reach to a conclusion.

Chapter 4: Empirical Results and Analysis

4.1 Results of Qualitative Data

Interviews were conducted from the placement office. Ms. Sehrish Ehtishaam and Ms. Rabia Suhail were the concerned officers for this matter. Both stressed upon the fact that placement offices played a vital role in bringing about good job prospects for the students. They also stressed that not only the graduating students gained help from the placement office but also the alumni had a constant contact with the placement office.

Ms. Sehrish Ehtishaam was in the view that given the geographic outreach these days' recruiters were more concerned that the employee they were hiring should have more employment mobility, where as Ms. Rabia Suhail commented that recruiters were more concerned that students lacked business ethics and had shady personalities these days.

Both of them agreed that grade/gpa mattered only in the applying stage of recruitment and there was no question about it after the selection stage, and in some organizations it was not even required.

Focus group was conducted from the graduating batch of post graduate students of Lahore School of Economics. Six respondents were chosen and all answered each question turn by turn. It was really helpful as it also assisted me to change one variable.

Male respondents were more willing to be mobile in order to seek employment whereas female respondents remained hesitant on this question and stressed that our society's norms and culture has made them to be this way.

All the respondents were in the view that the current job market was really in a bad shape. Some of them opinioned that technical skills were not important and one gets training on the workstation while some concluded that technical skills were an eminent source and can bring about good prospects for them.

They were satisfied with performance of the placement office of the Lahore School of Economics and stated that the work was quiet commendable which the staff was performing.

4.2 Empirical Results of Quantitative Data

After conducting the survey, and running the data obtained in the coding sheet on statistical softwares, the relationship between the independent variables the main dependent variable were understood.

The regression gave the value for the constant at 1.245 and its p value is 0.1294. Grades/GPA had a positive relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is 0.125. Career Choices had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is -0.0815. Placement Offices had a positive relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is 0.563. Placement Offices is extremely positively significant with Job Prospects and it has a p value of 0.0000. Personality had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is -0.154. Personality is highly negatively significant and it has a p value of 0.014. Technical Skills had a positive relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is 0.220. Technical Skills is extremely negatively significant and it has a p value of 0.0063. Business Ethics has a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is -0.135. Commitment had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is -0.048. Employee Mobility had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient -0.0167. Job Market had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and its coefficient is -0.053.

The adjusted R-Squared value comes out to be 0.426 which means that 42.6 % of our independent variables explain the main dependent variable.

Conducting a descriptive statistics analysis we find that Job Prospects, the main dependent variable is positively skewed. Among the Independent Variables, some are positively skewed while others are negatively skewed. Grades/GPA is found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Career Choices found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Placement Offices is found to have a positively skewed distribution. Personality is found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Technical Skills is found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Business Ethics is found to have a positively skewed distribution. Commitment is found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Employee Mobility is found to have a negatively skewed distribution. Job Market is found to have a negatively skewed distribution.

The Kurtosis value of the main dependent variable, Job Prospects, comes out to be 2.901 which mean that the probability distribution is error free. The Kurtosis value of Grades/GPA is 2.75 which mean that the distribution is error free. The Kurtosis value of Career Choices is 6.15 which mean that the distribution has errors. The Kurtosis value of Placement Offices is 1.73 which means that the distribution is error free. The Kurtosis value of Personality is 2.42 which mean that the distribution is error-free. The Kurtosis value of Technical Skills is 3.03 which mean that the distribution has errors. The Kurtosis value of Business Ethics is 2.33 which mean that the distribution is error free. The Kurtosis value of Commitment is 4.98 which mean that the distribution has errors. The Kurtosis value of Employment Mobility is 3.09 which mean that the distribution has errors. The Kurtosis value of Job Market is 1.82 which means that the distribution is error-free.

The Jacque Bear analysis shows that most variables have values greater than 5 which show that most variables do not have normal distributions. Grades/GPA has a Jarque-Bera value of 2.39 which shows that the variable follows a normal distribution and does not have errors. Technical skills have a value of 2.63 which shows that the variable follows a normal distribution and does not have errors. Business Ethics has a value of 1.90 which shows that the variable follows a normal distribution and does not have errors. All other variables have values greater than 5.

The correlation analysis shows us that Job Prospects is extremely positively significant with Placement Offices and highly positively significant with Technical Skills.

4.3 Limitations of the Study

This research's main limitations were small sample size and limited variables studied. The sample size of hundred was too small for accurate results to be drawn. Only 9 independent variables were studied and this was not enough for accurate results. High costs of lack of resources were also some of the problems that I faced during this research. This research was also focusing only on Lahore and that resulted in sample bias. This research focused only on only post-graduate students and the job prospects of undergraduate students and high-school students were not researched. This research focused mainly on the variables from the student side but it did not focus a lot on the variables from the employer's side.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

The 9 independent variables that were studied in this research paper had different relationships with the main dependent variable. Grades/GPA had a positive relationship with Job Prospects. Career Choices had a negative relationship with Job Prospects and. Placement Offices had a positive relationship with Job Prospects. Placement Offices is extremely positively significant with Job Prospects. Personality had a negative relationship with Job Prospects. Personality is highly negatively significant. Technical Skills had a positive relationship with Job Prospects. Technical Skills is extremely negatively significant. Business Ethics has a negative relationship with Job Prospects. Commitment had a negative relationship with Job Prospects. Employee Mobility had a negative relationship with Job Prospects. Job Market had a negative relationship with Job Prospects.

In previous literature Montgomery and Ramus (2007), Kendra Jane (2005) stated that relationship between GPA/Grades and job prospects is positive. The results confirm this previous finding.

In the previous literature Ginty Ahmed and Adeel (2010), Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008) stated that the relationship between Career Choices and Job Prospects in positive, however the results reject the previous findings as the relationship found was negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. Basically the respondents often do not correctly understand the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

In the previous literature Will Archer and Jess Davison (2008), Sinha Gunjan (2007) stated that the relationship between Placement Offices and Job Prospects is positive, the results confirm the findings and the result is of extremely positive significance.

In the previous literature Sinha Gunjan (2007), Archer and Davison (2008) stated that the relationships between Personality and Job Prospects is positive, the results reject the previous findings the relationship is highly negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. The respondents have not correctly understood the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

In the previous literature Jariangprasert and Kantabutra (2008), Kendra Jane (2005) stated that the relationship between Technical Skills and Job Prospects in positive however the results reject the previous findings as the relationship found was negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. The respondents have not correctly understood the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

In the previous literature Ibrahim, Lisa and Faramarz (2007), Archer and Davison (2008) stated that the relationship between Business Ethics and Job Prospects is positive, the results reject the previous findings the relationship is highly negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. The respondents have not correctly understood the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

In the previous literature Archer and Davison (2008), David Autor (2010), Ahmed and Adeel (2010) stated that the relationship between Commitment and Job Prospects is positive, the results reject the previous findings the relationship is negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. The respondents have not correctly understood the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

In the previous literature Kendra Jane (2005), David Autor (2010) stated that the relationships between Job Market and Job Prospects is positive, the results reject the previous findings the relationship is negative. The reason for this conflict is respondent error or respondent bias. The respondents have not correctly understood the question being asked and as a result that causes misreporting of data. I believe that the original relationship in the previous literature is the correct one.

The research was conducted in Lahore School of Economics which primarily focused on the post graduating students. This research will prove to be very useful for the post graduate students, who will benefit from it and thus reap the results as this research gives them a direction for their future and help them in acquiring better employment opportunities.

However due to time and cost limitations I was not able to fully gather data from mass population and thus some data might not have been written in this particular research. However I would prescribe the future researchers to gather data from a larger set of population and should conduct the research with more time available at their disposal.

In addition to this, this research was conducting and stressed more upon the student side and the sample only included views from the students and staff, however recruiters could also have been incorporated in this research and the organizational experience would certainly have helped the students even better in job prospects for their future.

For future research a lot more research needs to be undertaken to explain what factors account for the job prospects of students at different universities. A large sample needs to be taken and a lot of variables need to be studied to properly understand this phenomenon. Job Prospects is a very unique and different variable that needs proper attention of researchers to be properly understood. Large scale studies need to be conducted that can properly understand the nature and dynamics of job prospects and the ways those students can increase their job prospects.