Nearly every business in the U.S. and one out of every two households use computers. This increase in usage of computer proves that computers have affected every aspect of our lives and have become one of the necessities.
This paper aims to explore the history of windows servers from inception to date. It highlights the development path from the first windows server in 1993 to the server 2008. It explores the features of windows server 2008 and gives a step by step guide on its installation. It highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the various servers and some of the differences. It concludes by highlighting that server 2008 draws attention to the fact that technology is dynamic and server technologies will continue to change as business terrain change.
The first server was the windows NT advanced server in 1993 a basic network operating system.
Windows NT Server 3.5 introduced in 1994 was an improvement on its predecessor as it had enhanced speed and improved connectivity to Novel Netware
Windows NT Server 3.51 in 1995 had a client access license tool to monitor client access licenses. It also coincided with the release of Windows 1995, which made this server more popular than its predecessors
Windows NT Server 4.0 in 1996 had the look and feel of windows 1995. It had faster file and print services and introduced the internet information server 2.0 web server system package. It also had PKR (Public Key Infrastructure) for encryption technologies, and smartcard support and clustering for servers.
NT Server 4.0 Enterprise introduced in 1997 also introduced transaction server, queue server and enhanced for large customers
Terminal server edition in 1998 with the ability for non-windows clients to connect to the network provided opportunity to get into 32-bit desktop environment and allowed 16-bit Dos applications.
Windows server 2000 introduced the active directory structure for directory management. It also introduced active server pages and XML support
Windows server 2003 came with the .NET functionality. Active directory was enhanced as well as security, dependability and scalability. It reduced the number of times needed to restart windows server from as much as 80 to less than 10
Windows server 2008 is a fully featured server operating system which includes a significantly enhanced operating system Kernel, the NT6.1.
Strategy: Step by Step Installation
First ensure that you have the required minimum configuration on your system.
• Minimum: 1GHz (x86 processor) or 1.4GHz (x64 processor)
• Recommended: 2GHz or faster
Note: An Intel Itanium 2 processor is required for Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems
• Minimum: 512MB RAM
• Recommended: 2GB RAM or greater
• Maximum (32-bit systems): 4GB (Standard) or 64GB (Enterprise and Datacenter)
• Maximum (64-bit systems): 32GB (Standard) or 2TB (Enterprise, Datacenter and Itanium-Based Systems)
Available Disk Space
• Minimum: 10GB
• Recommended: 40GB or greater
Note: Computers with more than 16GB of RAM will require more disk space for paging, hibernation, and dump files
DVD-ROM drive
Display and Peripherals
• Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor
Step 1: Insert the windows 2008 installation Media into your DVD drive.
Windows is loading filesStep 2: Reboot the system with the Windows media inside and let the disk boot the system.
Languages to Install: --------------------------------
Time and currency format: -------------------------
Keyboard and input method: ------------------------Step 3: When prompted for an installation language make the necessary selections and press next.
Windows SERVER 2008
Step 4: Press the install now button to begin the installation.
Step 5: Enter your product ID and key in the appropriate box displayed.
Step 6: Select your appropriate windows server edition based upon server version.
Step 7: Select the full version option and click on the next button.
Step 8: Read the license agreement and check the accept license term.
Step 9: in the type of installation do you want, click the custom advanced option.
Step 10: In the option where do you want to install windows, choose the appropriate storage location.
Step 11: The Windows will install and should give you the blue screen with the instruction press.
Step 12: Click on the other user tab.
Step 13: Type administrator in the displayed box and press enter.
Step 14: you will be prompted to change the user password even though you have never entered a password before.
Step 15: Enter a password that is alphanumeric (letters, numbers and symbols) simple passwords that are not alphanumeric will not work.
Step 16: once this is done, the installation is complete and you are put into the desktop environment and an initial request to set the initial server configuration.
Features of windows server 2008
Clean server shutdown: earlier versions of windows server gave applications 20 seconds to end properly if you initiate a shutdown after which it gives you the opportunity to manually shut the application. Server 2008 however waits for applications as long as they keep signaling for more time to shut down.
Parallel session creation: server 2008 can distribute several sessions to different processors so they can run concurrently and reduce the log on time for each session.
WDS: Server 2008 comes with a windows deployment service which allows the deployment of windows client machines over the network.
Network Access Protection: Server 2008 has an enhanced Network Access Protection which stipulates requirements that must be met by clients before they can connect to the server. If requirements are not met clients can be quarantined or denied access or machines can be automatically updated by the server. NAP helps to secure PCs, home computers as well as LAN computers thus giving greater security.
Server Management: server 2008 has a one stop server manager console and incorporates all the necessary activities that administrators require to manage their network. It has add role and ad features components, which replaces the add/remove features in earlier windows releases.
Active directories: server 2008 has a comprehensive AD services that helps configure domain services, rights management, federation services and certificate services. These helps organizations to authenticate users from partners' organizations safeguard and secure organization's intellectual property.
File classification infrastructure: Server 2008 provides administrators with built in functionality to classify files based on content and location so that files can be more intelligently protected and organized based on business taxonomy. Server 2008 has built in file classification rules that help identify sensitive data on public servers, automated expiration of stale data, saving time and resources, use custom IT scripts.
Virtualization: server 2008 has Hyper V facilities that make it easier to run several sever roles as virtual machines on a single physical host. Thus making live migration, without service disruptions possible and efficient disaster recovery.(Microsoft, 2010)
Server 2008 has better power management thus can cuts energy bills better than server 2003(fiveash, 2008)
Server 2008 builds on the security provided by 2003, using NAPs to limit network access based on health policies, thus providing a more secure system than 2003(Habraken,3)
Server 2008 is more manageable, reliable and scalable as it combines the best of server 2003(R2) and Vista, expanding the support services and automated helps of both releases (Stanek, 2)
Server 2008 can install server core which is only the minimal requirement to run the server without a GUI, thus reducing the possibility of hacker activities (Crawford and Russel, 5)
Server 2008 increased virtualization capability implies an increased cost of acquiring resources including hardware and technical skill among organization users.
Password naming convention is very strict and familiar easy to remember words are not allowed.
Concluding Remarks
Windows server 2008 is truly a versatile and dynamic server operating system. It draws its strength from all of its previous versions and thus attempts to enhance and improve the performance, scalability and cost effectiveness of earlier server technologies. However, in trying to achieve this, added cost implications have come up for organizations particularly in the areas of virtualization. None the less it still provides the most secure, scalable and arguably easier to manage file structure than previous versions given the storage and file requirements of today's business organizations. As demands of organizations continue to increase, the call for an improved service is on the increase and several editions have had to be rolled out since after the first release. Even now beta tastings and development still continues as the Microsoft organization tries to deploy better releases that streamlines the business operations of its customers. As it continues to face greater competition from Linux and other major competitors, server technologies will continue to expand as organizations strive to align their ever changing business needs with the developments in technology.
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