1a. Outline the important elements of a systematic approach to recruitment.
For recruitment process every organizational project has maintained very effective & systematic approach to attain their objectives. Similarly, LOCOG team, who will manage 2012 Olympics in London, also made many effective approaches and will use important element for making successful project. Eventually their consideration is having a mind set up of a recent changing context which is dominated by the slow recovery from global crisis, with the highly persistence of unemployment & underemployment and the social challenges that predate the crisis. Their systematic recruit approach proposal is for 2012-2013 respond to the urgent need for more dynamic, adaptable & efficient recruiters. LOCOG aim is to stage memorable game, on which everyone is invited from across the globe and also want to make diversity & inclusion which is a key differentiator of 2012 Olympic Games. It's not as easy as it seems, if we will talk about recruitment it includes everything like recruiting a diverse workforce about suppliers, competitors, officials, etc. impact everyone who connected with the games, even from the management body to bus driver.
Eventually, for delivering truly memorable, welcoming & inclusive 2012 Olympic Games LOCOG have to understand the actual value of diversity which ensures a different range of needs, Therefore, LOCOG staging a series of testing events, which is for recruiting & training volunteers in the year before the games. LOCOG was very small organization until the end of Beijing games in 2008 but now it is very renowned organization with 3000 staff members & thousands of volunteers & contractors. For 2012 Games they have a wide range of roles in recruitment from sports competition manager to functional specialists and many more.
They used for making this event memorable their approach is very systematic and effective because they divided work in very smart manner which can be described below:
Technology Internship Programs.
Work Experience.
Rewards & Benefits.
Volunteer approach.
School leaver's program.
Diversity & Inclusion.
Although, their assessment criteria are also very specific, which is determined to their project?
1b. Describe suitable methods for selection. Use examples to support your answer
Selection for recruitment is a kind of process which is discovering the qualification & characteristics of the job applicant in order to understand that person is suitable for that job position or not. For good selection LOCOG used very effective method which is based on methodical approach to the problem and events of finding the best matched person for the job. For that their selection method is on different stages which can be described below:
Preliminary Interview.
Employment Interview.
Selection Test.
Reference & Background Analysis.
Physical Examination.
Job Offer.
Employment Contract.
Previous Job Reference & Experience.
Psychological Test.
Psychologist Test plays key role in their selection method because its main objective is to provide normative data across a wide range of demographics & age cohorts. Also it allows demonstrating talent which that may not be an evident. Additionally, many facts also show that this method is more validated method of assessment than interviews, reference checks, etc. because by this assessment it's possible to highly predictive of future performance. Meanwhile it is also helpful in minimizing cost while maximizing potential.
Apart from these numerous methods of selection measures specific abilities, strengths & competencies and also measured human individual differences in terms of ability which discriminate between stimuli.
Although for using this selection method more effective LOCOG used many sources by that they can get feasibly suitable person. There sources for recruitment are: Unsolicited Applicants, Professional institutions, Employee Referrals, Walk inn, advertising on news paper & internet, Public employment office, Private employment
1c. Suggest ways to improve the selection process
There are many ways to improve the selection process on which some are used by LOCOG as well, which result we all seen that from 2008 Beijing Game. For promoting proactively selection process there are three main strategies which are mentioned below:
To remove barriers of proactive recruiting.
To develop better selection techniques.
To extend the reach of existing search methods.
To improve the regional recruitment issues.
To improve contract & partnership model.
To make clear understanding of work & responsibilities to the employee.
To develop new approaches for retaining staff from regional & rural areas.
To improve job environment by that attrition will fall down.
To give more opportunity, this makes difference through entrepreneurial ventures, amongst others.
1d. Explain the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements to be considered in the selection process.
LOCOG approach is very unprecedented for a development of nature. And also hoping it will provide a challenging step change for urban development in the UK. The sustainability of LOCOG approach is very effective because for 2012 Olympic Games many new thing is creating like venues, infrastructure, facilities, etc. which can leave a lasting social, economical & environmental legacy for LONDON & the UK. There are significant improvements are going on which is for public use in terms of good quantity & quality of green space. This new creations are very helpful for creating neighborhoods & vibrant places after over Olympic Games, where people will get enjoy of their life through playing, working & living. It also reconnects the communities by creating many fly over, bridges across the waterways, roads, rail, etc.
LOCOG is legally registered company so it has full rights to deal with its employees, volunteers as per government legislations, which is very useful for every person and that experience is countable and very good for future prospects of every individual. There procurement process is very effective because they welcome formal proposals from a wide selection of bidders. All process is fair enough and based on evaluation of LOCOG's objectives. LOCOG is known and very famous because of its process is based on value for money which makes satisfied everybody. Their criteria define value for money on the basis of five wide areas:
Commercial: LOCOG & its suppliers making best use of discounts, kind agreements, innovative arrangements, competitive pricing, etc. that makes worth.
Quality & Disposal: As a temporary organization there is strong possibility of using low quality products by bidder or contractor. But LOCOG is not tolerating & that all kind of activities are strictly prohibited by LOCOG as well. They always used goods and services on right quality.
Legal/Financial: LOCOG must contain minimum requirements and suppliers must be financially sound to assure supply all requirements.
Sustainability: LOCOG organizations place a high priority on environmental, social & ethical issues.
Diversity & Inclusion: All successful bidders have to demonstrate their commitment to being a diverse and inclusive organization.
Task 2
Building winning teams (LO2)
2a. Identify the mix of knowledge, skills and experience necessary to build a successful team. Use examples to support your answer.
Firstly, teamwork is a process, on which small number of people with complementary skills becomes committed for same task or work & attained or achieved specific performance targets, with working approach & mutual accountability. A team is not that, which considers who like to make things which happen it enables for purpose, thinking as group, keeping touch with members through identity & integrity. For making successful team it has many characteristics & taps the diverse knowledge, skills, interest & experience of members because they catalyze more fresh ideas for new products & services, profitable strategies & business process; which carried out their main mission with dedication, energy & efficiency. Also engender feelings of satisfaction & pride among members. The special key elements are:
It is very important that every employee feel that they have Individual accountability.
Emotional intelligence.
Promotional interaction.
Group Processing.
Positive Interdependence.
Trust is a fragile thing so build trust amongst the employee & employer.
To set up a team support system.
To teach team members new skills & also rotate new team assignments.
To encourage the team leader, this follows the Manager as Developer approach.
The hardest thing of every organization is need to give reward based on teams.
2b. critically evaluate dynamics within teams. Use examples to support your answer.
Every time we have to make decisions, sometimes that decisions are direct, some are straight forward and some are simple. For this effective teamwork is essential to get success in their objectives in today's world. Whether team is temporary, working group or a newly formed permanent team, by understanding some stages we will able to help it quickly become productive.
The aim of using dynamic is to achieve or help to reach & sustain high performance. Also need to change each approach at each stage. These all step shows right thing at the right time.
To identify the stage of team development as per description above.
Secondly done needs which should be done towards performing stage and helped their team effectively.
To adjust the leadership approach which suits the team stage where team has reached and scheduled regular reviews.
There are some different formation groups which are as follows:
Forming: To direct the team & establish objectives very clearly.
Storming: It is a process which establishes & structure, build good relationships between team members. Usually it provides support to those team members who are less secure.
Norming: It is very helpful in progress regarding to attain their goals and also it arrange social & team building event
Performing: It is based on team achievement as far as they can once it has achieved their high targets and performances. Then move towards focusing on other goals and areas of work.
Adjourning: To celebrate each and every achievements because every people might work well with hard efforts and it seems much better if people feel and view their past positive experiences.
2c. discuss the expectations of relationships within a team
In recent time it is almost impossible to being a member of team, it's important for their personal and career development for their team's strengths and weaknesses.
Through some assessment within a team in term of relationship:
To encourage team members for good common work of the organization.
Not satisfied and not even understand the decision which was made.
To build good relationship & encouraged good team members.
Team members are committed on their organization vision and leaders help them to understand their roles as per their suitability.
All team members are paying more attention on their interesting task in terms of their work and stretching their capabilities.
People are not rewarded good work & not even they are sure about their expected areas.
2d. critically analyse roles within a team. Use examples to support your answer
This is very knowing and famous factor in recent trend is if we've recently been allocate to the UK or just arrived, might be at that time feel so excitement. Eventually working in abroad may be challenging and rewarding experience for many people. Also it opens many opportunities and expands more needful skills. However along with this, it create many problem as well like less understanding of cultural & work environment which ensures everyone success if someone can sound on that part.
2e. Explain how creativity and innovation can be encouraged within the workforce
To manage team includes part time workers which is very challenging job for managers. However, on other part it is worthful for organization when a market demand increase get recruit some part timers which fulfil requirement and also its benefited for employee as well. Because if employee is student and other one who has permanent job somewhere but not fulfil its needs then meanwhile that also person also enter in this workforce.
Although at the time of assigning part timers it also has some drawback like team project is tricky, part timer absence is also May cause because can't give responsibility to employee and even team progress is also effect. On other hand it's a great way to use specialized and unique skills.
Task 3
Leadership (LO3)
3a. Assess the importance of theories and styles of leadership to management.
There are number of theories which are developed by many knowing researchers from over the years which fall into four main groups:
Behavioural theories:
It's based on leader's work like what they do & how they do? Its focused on leaders behave in terms of needs and expectation to be done by cooperation. Also involve in team's decision which is related to the organizational objectives acceptance & supports, In 1930, Kurt Lewin who developed a very famous leadership framework which is fully based on effective decision making behaviour. It is very formal framework which can be described below:
Autocratic leadership
It is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where leader used their absolute power over their workers or team. In this staff & team members have very less opportunity to give suggestions even that suggestion are very useful & worthful for the organizations.
Bureaucratic leadership
It has very appropriate style for work which involves serious safety risks like- machinery, toxic substances, dangerous heights, etc. because leaders work through books & ensure their staffs, which follows procedures very precisely and rigorously.
Charismatic leadership
It is a kind of leadership which is very similar to transformational leadership, because in this leaders are inspires a lot to their team members & make them with full of enthusiasm & energetic. However they give more preference themselves rather than others & stay with a risk on their project.
Democratic leadership or participative leadership
In this leadership, leaders are free to make final decisions regarding organizational objectives which invite other members of team who contributes in decision making process. It's not only helpful in job satisfaction but also to develop people skills. Because of their own destiny all team members are motivated better than financial reward.
People-oriented leadership or relations-oriented leadership
In this leaders are full focused on organizing, supporting & developing their team & employee. Even this leadership is fully opposite of task-oriented leadership. It's kind of participative style which tends to encourage good teamwork & creative collaboration.
3b. Explain how management can promote commitment to visions, goals and values
In promoting vision goals and values, the major drawback for this is generation gap and how it can resolve? However, it is growing conflict and discomfort between older staff and new team member. Additionally by providing rewards on achieving targets, give comfort to the employee, also motivate them anxiously to attain their organization objectives. Also provide training and support to the newcomer through older colleagues. Even providing eco friendly environment and give same rights to every employee about sharing their hard earned knowledge and useful experiences.
3c. explain the importance of the motivational theories to improving performance and achieving organisational objectives
Now we can hardly see peoples who are not involved in corporate strategy & goals even most of the people now days working in modern environments and very eco friendly atmosphere. For motivation employee have to remind their corporate mission statement and strategy, which revealed us big picture and invited to make participate some decisions, Also aware about day to day activities which contributes corporate goals. In this system it ensures each and everything to everyone about their & how they are doing and generate revenue to whole organization?
3d. Compare and contrast a leader and a manager. Use relevant examples to support your answer
Both are bit same with their work but they have different responsibilities & authorities. Leaders are mainly lead their team in terms of character & integrity and must set successful examples to others. Leaders must know their own and organization values. For making organization success, leaders principles of honesty & integrity plays vital role. On the other part managers are those who manage each & every sector through monitoring & assessing data, based on past experiences and future dimensions. Managers are the responsible for failure and success of the organization because it is a backbone of every organization.
3e. Explain the concepts of empowerment and ownership and how the concepts can be employed by the organization.
Now days many organizations & things facilitates women's empowerment and poverty reduction initiatives which address basic needs & issues of infrastructure. It provides safe water which is very close to the home which reduces required time & carried out household chores which are empowerment based and participating income generating activities. However, this kind of initiatives have no impact which addressing the value systems.
Task 04
4a. Explain the different approaches to work allocation.
There are many approaches which are in trend now era and every time every manager approaches different way to attain their objectives. Even manger gives more attention on employee performance. For that there is constant pressure to achieve performance targets to reach targeted performance levels and also ensure people's work supports & organizational goals.
Performance management is a process which is a key element of every management body because their work is used to manage performance. Mainly the manager assessed performances on certain criteria like current skills, way to achieved desired target.
4b. Discuss the importance of delegation to management and other staff.
There is always such things are missing on evaluation, however it indicates that part which is about making right things whose done by employee. After all every staff member are very hard working & dedicated. It indicates key performances and applies both organizational & individual levels. In organization key performance indicator is a quantifiable metric which reflects organization achieving goals & objectives. For example by getting number of customer support requests, this can directly measure meeting on organizational long-term goals of providing outstanding customer services.
4c. evaluate the effectiveness of two developmental activities applicable to the organisation.
We all know that teamwork has a dramatic affect on organizational performance. An effective team is always helpful for organization to attaining their objectives & achieves their incredible results. In today's time it is almost impossible to avoid a member of team.In one way or another if employee is not in official team at work, then chances for function is essential. Even it is very important for personal & career development by which we assessed team strength & weakness.
4d. critically analyze two techniques for improving performance standards applicable to the organisation
If we will talk about performance then get sit and assess all bills and tasks which a person did successfully or unsuccessfully and also have assessed about length which feel to get satisfied with the work which they did or doing. There are many techniques available on which if we want to make good performance then have to choose right or wrong choice which could indicates winning or losing important deal. Interpersonal skills play a critical role and many managers used this on regular basis and keep motivated their team & getting from them best work. Moreover good use of interpersonal skills can increase team happiness & improve organization's productivity.
4e. Outline factors that influence staff quality performance.
There are many factors which always influence staff quality performances through resulting behaviours on counter productive. Taking this step further is ideal and often important for organization & business performance, which is equally useful for managers & employees because it indicates KPI of team members. However ideal KPI is where it cascade from level to level in organization. It helps people way in terms of their activities which are aligned with corporate strategy.
4f. Explain the importance of performance criteria to individual developmental plans.
Every person has their own opinion about individual development plans on regarding the performance criteria. It is based on performance management on which setting goals with team members. It may be done by formal appraisal process, but it doesn't have to be. The important factor is that the goals are aligned with the department's strategy and turned that into overall strategy of the organization. Because of managing & measuring results the chances of performances occurring are much higher. KPI is a critical link between employee performance & organizational success because it shows well aligned path of employee in terms of organizational goals.