Fossil fuel has remained the most controversial issue since the discovery. Due to extensive usage of the fossil fuel and other petroleum products we presently are facing a lot of environmental and financial issues. To overcome the ever increasing need of fuels we must seek some of other alternates which have the potential to overcome the needs of present times. With this intention several fuel alternatives were checked with the consideration of minimal prices and least environmental effect. All the alternative fuels were compared in contrast to the petroleum products and statistical differences were developed using the excel program in the form of charts and tables to establish a relationship between the petroleum products and other green environmental friendly alternatives in transportation.
Is there any applicable alternative for gasoline or diesel fuel in the transportation? From the time when the oil crises of 1970s and the increase in the understanding of environmental and safety issues, strategy shapers have repeatedly well thought-out this subject. For all these reasons the contemporary world has initiated to look for the options to petroleum fuels. Dominantly, these rationalities consist of restraining habituation on imported petroleum, ascertaining the discharges of pollutants in the air, and fixing the discharges of greenhouse gases. Several fuels are conceived as substitute transportation green fuels. These green fuels are electrical energy, natural gas, propane (liquid petroleum gas, or LPG), ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, biodiesel, and hydrogen. A number of of these fuels are comparable with the conservative fuels, and are able to be used in common vehicles with minute or no difference to the automobile. Nevertheless, few of these green fuels are considerably not similar, and need the use of mechanism that are fully altered, fuel, and drive systems. Therefore, price in addition to the efficiency of the linked alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) ought to be part of the discussion. Controlling influential elements in the eventual achievement or malfunction of any alternative fuel consist of the comparative cost of the fuel, the capability to increase and enlarge fuelling stations along with the functioning and security of the green fuel. (Dang, 2007)
Literature review
Replacements of fossil fuel along with seeking the substitute fuel reserves date from the early quarter of the 19th century with the creation of the electric car. Electrically motorized vehicles were well-situated to generate than petrol power-driven vehicles and as a result became the power of choice. In due course, the petrol engine was advanced and the uncovering of several mass reserves of oil all the way through the world draws it the evident choice as the vital source of energy.
The commencement of substitute fuel initiated majorly with the gas deficiency of the early 1970s. The upset that financial system and means of life were so susceptible makes scientists hurry to hit upon a substitute fuel that cuts down our reliance on fuels like oil and gasoline. The consequence was the appliance of ethanol as a burnable fuel resource. Ethanol is a generally recognized alcohol. It is the alcohol in our alcoholic drink, plum, liquor and moonshine. It may possibly power a locomotive in addition to a gasoline engine with a smaller degree of emission. Ethanol was not expensive, fine for the environment and the material to construct it were abundant as cultivators harvested and accumulated corn.
In additional alternative green fuel analysis other types of gases were set up to be probable substitute green fuel sources. Methane, propane and hydrogen were established to have the most promise. The trouble with these gases is there compatibility consequences when running with the customary engines. Alterations were desired to use these substitute green fuel sources. Several consider that substitute green fuels have not been sustained for the reason of opinionated stress and buttonholing by the oil industry. However profitable and political stresses are revolving the wave on these ascendances. Global warming fears by environmental concerns have prepared substitute energy and alternative fuels even additional eye-catching to expand. The times past of substitute green fuel is still in its early years although is speedily acquiring thrust.
Some major contributors in the field of seeking alternatives for fossil fuel include, Norman F. Cantor, Alexander Graham Bell and Jimmy Carter. All of the mentioned influential personalities played a vital role to develop a thought among people to consider this issue in a serious manner.
Figure 1 history of alternative fuels
Statistical Modelling
Major Green alternatives in transportation
Throughout the course of time several alternatives for petroleum products have been recognized. Some of them are practically tested for their performance, cost and environmental impacts. Among the most common alternates are electrical energy, natural gas, propane (liquid petroleum gas, or LPG), ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, biodiesel, and hydrogen. These alternatives are environmental friendly and have very little environmental impact. Below are the details of each energy alternative along with its statistical correlation with any of the petroleum related products. (Suberi, 2010)
Electrical energy
Electric energy is one of the most vital sources of energy. An electric vehicle (EV) is motorized by an electric motor, as contrasting to an inner burning engine. Power is provided to the vehicle by a set of re-chargeable cells or batteries. Whilst the vehicle is not being used, these rechargeable cells or batteries are re-energized. As far as the performance of the EVs is concerned, they are very environmental friendly and they are able to reduce up to 90 percent of the pollutants and green house gases which are produced during the process of hydro-carbon combustion. Moreover, their toxic impact and waste ratios are equally low. There are several drawbacks associated with the electric energy. Among them are their long refilling times and less mileage. For instance, an electrically driven vehicle is able to cover distance ranging from 50-150 miles only. Whereas the other conventional vehicles can cover up to seventy percent more distances. The second major drawback is their refilling duration which takes hours to get charged. As there is no combustion-able fuel used in electrically driven vehicles therefore, they are very safe. In case of any accident there are very less levels of risks associated as they work on the cell mechanism. California is the leading state of the world with more than 700 filling stations. However, in the rest of the states, there are very little refilling stations which are a big barrier in using electricity as an alternative fuel. (Norskov, 2010)
Figure 2 the functioning of the electrically driven vehicle
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Statistical representation with reference to emission with petroleum products
Figure 3 emission from petrol and electric cars retrieved from:
Figure 4 carbon di oxide emission form electric cars in contrast with gasoline
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Natural gas
Natural gas can be defined as organic natured gas which is a by-product of petroleum products. The composition is mostly methane. Currently, the importance of natural gas has increased mainly due to its wide global distribution and variety of usages. In the transportation, natural gas plays a vital role. It is commonly stored in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG). Natural gas is one of the cheapest alternate of petroleum and is comparatively environmental friendly. The toxic content with the use of natural gas, compared to petroleum are 65-90 percent less than petroleum. Moreover, the cheap rate and availability of the natural gas makes it more feasible green alternate. By the use of natural gas VOC contents are reduced by 80 percent and NOx emission is reduced up to 30 percent which is no doubt a big percentage as far as the environmental factors are concerned. The drawback is mileage. Unlike traditional vehicles natural gas supported vehicles can run up to 200 miles at max. Therefore, they are limited in their use. (Hildebrand, 2010)
Figure 5 5 emission rates compared with petrol
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Figure 6 emission rates compared with petrol
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Propane (liquid petroleum gas, or LPG)
Propane or LPG is by-product of natural gas. Moreover, it is also generated from further refinement of petroleum products. Similar to the natural gas it is used in compressed liquefied form. It is not as much common as CNG is however, still it is found commonly. Like CNG it is also not good reliable source of energy. The vehicle cannot travel in a dependant manner with LPG as the mileage rates are 200-250 miles.
As far as the environmental performance is concerned, LPG automobiles lean to fabricate considerably lower ozone-forming emissions, even though it can be hard to calculate the deviations. Agreeing to the California Energy Commission, LPG based automobiles produce more or less 33% lesser unstable organic compounds (VOCs), 20% less nitrogen oxides (NOx), along with 60% less carbon monoxide. A type piece disadvantage to LPG is the decreased range as equated to gasoline. On the other hand, as LPG has the maximum volume of energy in the alternative green fuels, therefore this decrease in range is more or less 26%. Additionally, bigger LPG vehicles can take a big tank, and tend to uphold a range amid 300 and 400 miles. Conversely, to permit longer variety, load is diminished because of the mass and weight of the LPG storage tank.
Figure 7 comparisons of toxics from LPG and Petrol Retrieved from
Ethyl alcohol
Ethanol, commonly called ethyl alcohol, can be explained as a form of alcohol prepared by fermenting and concentrating simple sugar compounds. Ethyl alcohol is present in the alcohol bearing drinks. Additionally, it is denaturized (caused useless for human utilization) when utilized as fuel or industrialized functions. Even though the most extensive existing utilization of fuel ethanol in the United States is as a chemical addition in gasoline, in grosser forms it has the ability to be utilized as a substitute of gasoline. It is created and used mainly in the regions of Midwest, where corn the major raw material for the production of ethanol. When consumed as a substitute fuel, ethanol is frequently mixed with gasoline at a ratio of 85% ethanol to make a compound called E85. Along with other substitute fuels, there are several advantages but also disadvantages linked with its utilization.
Major environmental vantage with ethanol is its comparatively low life-cycle greenhouse gas reductions. Ethanol-generated automobiles lean to liberate lesser degrees of greenhouse gases compared to gasoline powered vehicles. Moreover, the development procedure of the ethanol raw material also plays a vital role in the uptake of carbon dioxide. Furthermore it is leading reason of minimizing the net greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, when the raw materials and exercises employed to develop the raw material and the fuel are taken into consideration, discharges for both fuels are enhanced. Agreeing to a research by Argonne National Laboratory, the utilization of ethyl alcohol aftermaths in a 14% to 19% decrease in life-cycle greenhouse gas discharges, and with gains in expertise, this rate of decrease may perhaps be as elevated as 70% to 90% by the year of 2013. On the other hand, other opinions indicate lower competence in the ethanol fuel cycle, contributing to lesser reducing in greenhouse gas emissions.
Figure 8 Ethyl Alcohol and its impact on greenhouse gases.
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Methanol, the merest alcohol, is also commonly named as “wood alcohol.†It is commonly created from natural gas; however it can also be created from several other hydro-carbons in the form of by-products like coal or biomass. As a source of energy, methanol is mostly utilized as a flux with gasoline which is named as M85 (85% methanol, 15% gasoline), even though the fuel as the ability to be utilized in its pure (neat) form which is commonly known as M100. Additionally, common locomotion, Indianapolis-type cars which are usually used for the purpose of race make use of methanol in an excessive manner. In contrast, as a motor fuel, it has several advantages, other than drawbacks. One of the main gains of methanol automobiles is enhanced environmental presentation over gasoline vehicles. M85 automobiles in general emit 30% to 50% less ozone-forming complex compounds. And while formaldehyde emissions lean to be high with methanol compared to the gasoline, M85 driven automobiles would probably be able to congregate recent milestones of emissions.
Biodiesel in the simplest terms can be defined as an artificial diesel fuel that is formed from greasy raw materials for instance, soybean oil or the recycled cooking oil. Even though additional pricey compared to usual diesel, it has several significant advantages. The highly noteworthy advantage is its similarity with the conventional diesel; the fuel can be utilized in every existing diesel engine operated motor.
Biodiesel is commonly blended with commonly used diesel at the 20:80 ratios. The resultant green fuel is called B20 and has the ability to be utilized in already diesel designed engines with a very little or no mechanical alteration. Higher percentage of bio-diesel has the ability to be used as pure fuel. However, particularly with modern equipment the utilization of biodiesel (B20 or greater percentages) heads to significant decreases in discharges of VOCs, carbon monoxide, along with dangerous particulate matter. Conversely, NOx emissions tend to amplify with the utilization of biodiesel. (Smith, 2009)
Other than the alterations in releasing, there appears to be very few, if any, variation in operation amid biodiesel and commonly used diesel. Load and mileage remain the same, and sustentation costs may in reality be reduced because of the minor sulphur percentage in the fuel. A few little alterations may be essential with densities greater than 20%; due to reality that biodiesel is an extremely efficient solvent and can rust seals of the motor engine.
Figure 9 Biodiesel Emissions vs. Diesel
Due to its occurrence in water, hydrogen is rich and abundant, even though it does not come into view in clean form in any major amount. The hydrogen in water has the characteristic to be broken up from oxygen during a chemical process commonly named as hydrolysis. Other prime hydrogen origins are hydro-carbons and other petroleum products. Hydrogen fuel is of attention due to the fact that it has the ability to be utilized in a zero-emission fuel cell. For the reason that hydrogen fuel has the ability to be reserved in adequate amount aboard the automobile, fuel cell-motorized electric means of transport do not face some of the mileage and refilling limits compared to the battery-driven electric vehicles. (Regalbuto, 2007)
The possible environmental presentation of hydrogen fuel might go beyond all other substitute fuels. Fuel cells are considerably additional competent compared to petroleum driven engines, and the single discharges from hydrogen fuel cells are temperature and water vapour. On the other hand, the fuel cycle liberation from the fabrication of hydrogen fuel might reduce its environmental performance, based upon the basic fuel used. For instance, if fashioned from solar energy, the whole fuel cycle contaminant and greenhouse gas liberations may perhaps be extremely low or even zero. However if hydro-carbons are combusted or transformed to produce hydrogen based on whether liberations of by-products are caught whole emissions might equal or even go beyond those of gasoline and diesel motors. Consequently, the eventual raw material for hydrogen fabrication has turn out to be an important strategy concern.
Figure 10 the chart of comparison between conventional fuels
Statistical Results
Based on the statistical results of the probable alternatives of fossil fuel, it is very clear that petroleum products are a great threat to our environment. Due to lack of attention towards other possible alternatives, we are facing severe problems related to our environment which will increase as the time will pass by. Therefore, we should put forward our efforts to launch green fuel alternatives on a broad scale to save our environment for our coming generations. Several alternatives like CNG, LPG, Electricity and Hydrogen driven alternatives have potential to overcome most of the issues related to environment in the contemporary world. However, it is need of time to take a step towards saving our environment. From the statistical records we can deduce results that only by using alternative fuelling methods in transportation we can decrease the pollution content up to 55 percent. This great extent in the reduction of pollution and cleaning of environment just asks for some steps. Once launched in a proper manner aided by the federation, has the potential to overcome the issues which result in the form of petroleum crisis. (Parris, 2009)
From the statistical records we also determined that fossil fuel is the worst form of fuel which contaminates our atmosphere. Additionally, we still are in an attempt to promote it. Therefore, we are observing the consequences of pollution every day. From the very start of the project at least the transporting mediums should be utilizing the green fuels as mentioned above. They are cheap and easily available. Moreover, most of them need no mechanical modification of a very less affordable modification. The federal authorities at first should consider these energy alternates in a serious manner to initiate a program saving the environment.
The analysis of the statistical data indicates the need of rapid transformation in the whole fuel industry. The grand amount of greenhouse gases, aerosols, and other suspended particles can be reduced to a remarkable extent only by the utilization of the green fuel alternatives. It is amazing that why the federation is not giving the required level of attention towards the green alternatives. For instance, the whole by production or liberation by the process of combustion in the case of hydrogen fuel is water vapour. And in contrast we have countless toxicants in case of hydro-carbon combustion process. It is strange that why we still not doing anything to save our environment. The alcoholic alternatives, for instance, Methanol and Ethanol are the feasible alternatives as they also reduce the content of the greenhouse gases in addition to lowering their extent in atmosphere. The analysis purely indicates that if we do not switch to the green fuels than we will soon face petroleum crisis like the one in 1970s. (Howe, 2009)
The recent records indicate that the utilization of CNG and LPG has increased throughout the globe. It is a very positive sign as both of them reduce the carbon content along with several other toxicants. However, as we know that these both are the natural bye products of the fossil fuels or petroleum products therefore, we should seek some other alternatives. The availability of CNG and LPG is totally governed by the production of fossil fuel. If we lack fossil fuel we will for sure face the shortage of these compressed liquefied gases too. Therefore, the compressed gases both LPG and CNG should be kept as reserves and other alternatives should be considered primarily. Second most important drawback or hurdle is the limitation of the electric fuel. Due to lack of filling stations we presently cannot switch to this green alternate fuel. However, in the coming times we will be needing such stations to fulfil our requirements. Biodiesel and corn fabricated fuels have the potential but they equally are less than required. So we cannot rely on them. Therefore, we much launch multiple products at a time to ensure green fuelling everywhere. Corn generated energy cannot be found in the deserts; similarly, in the backward areas we cannot have the facility of electric power stations. The only solution to this problem is to make feasibility of the fuelling system in the region. For instance, in the warm areas we should use solar energy to use hydrogen. In the corn rich areas we should promote corn and so on. By doing so, we can easily achieve our goals and safe our planet for coming generations. Conclusion
Several environmental threats have forced us to seek some green fuel alternatives for transportation. Every day we add tons of pollutants to the atmosphere which directly influences the ozone layer in a very bad manner. This ozone depletion is the fatality of life on the planet earth. We all know these facts. However, we are sitting resting hands on hands. If we do not launch multi projects to save our environment we will no longer be able to overcome the aftermaths of what we have done or we are doing. Therefore, it is highly recommended to launch several projects to switch towards renewable energy alternatives which are environment friendly, cheap and affordable. Federation should take a prime step in launching stations to overcome the environmental issues. Moreover, the manufacturers of the automobiles should also develop cars with multiple fuelling options. People should be taught about the hazards of fossil fuels and through print and electronic media should be told the benefits of green fuels. All these attempts will for sure revolutionize the fuelling technology all over the globe. We are aware of everything the only thing which is required is the power to take initiative or first step towards the contemporary technology promoting green transport.