During world war one and two the Australian government founded internment camps for those whom were considered a threat to Australia whether they were woman men or children. These camps were spread all across Australia during world war one and two.Part of the compound and recreational grounds at the Holsworthy camp, c. 1918
During world war one internment camps were set up in the following states:
Berrima, New South Wales - this camp opened 1914 and closed 1919. This camp was mainly used for Germans and prisoners of war.
Bourke, New South Wales -this camp opened in 1915 and closed down in 1918. The main uses were for German families that were deported from (Singapore, Malaysia, Sirlanka, Fiji and Hong Kong). Chinese and Javanese internees working among tomato plants on the farm of the Liverpool POW and internment camp, 1944
Enoggera (Gaythorne), Queensland - this camp was opened in 1914 and closed in 1915 and re- opened in 1940 then closed again in 1946. For the first 5 months of this camp it was only for men that were single or married, then after the five months it started to include the whole family.
Holsworthy (Liverpool), New South Wales - this camp was opened in 1914 and closed in 1920, and then it re-opened in 1939 and closed again in 1946. At its climax it housed 600 men and it also had a range of nationalities. (Japanese, Italians, Slavs and Germans as well as naturalised British subjects and Australians of German descent.)
There are limited records with information on all the camps that were located in the states above. There was also more camps held in Australia
2. Government restrictions . . .
After world war one the government started a scheme called the soldiers resettlement scheme. This was after the war they would teach some of the soldier's new trade and others were offered poor lands or one that had a distance from points of commerce.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/KentuckySoldiersSettlementEstateSettlerscottage.jpg/250px-KentuckySoldiersSettlementEstateSettlerscottage.jpg
The house and land weren't free but the government but it with their loan.
3. Economic problems and benefits . . .
The great depression was an economic problem during world war one. The great depression consisted of the loss of money from (international trade, personal income, tax revenue, prices and profits). The great depression was hard for Australia to recover apart from all the other developing countries because of the fact that the prime minister at that time had no formal plan to recover from the economic problems.http://crossharpchronicles.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/the-great-depression1.jpg
However in the end Australia did recover and now the country is one of the civilized places in the world.
4. Woman's voluntary work
During world war one . . .
Woman during world war one volunteered in many different ways, such as:
Comfort boxes: comfort boxes are boxes that contain a variety of food that were sent to the soldiers during world war one. The boxes contained (cakes and puddings, biscuits condensed milk and sugar, cigarettes tobacco and matches, chewing gum, handkerchiefs, writing material, newspapers, extra clothing and messages fir support).
Dry socks: the woman of ACF stuck to their motto *keep the fit men fit* by providing them with pairs of sock to prevent trench foot. They sent about 10 000 pairs of hand knitted socks. The woman volunteers of world war one knitted about 1 354 328 pairs of socks for the Australian soldiers of world war one.
5. Women as a labour force . . .
Before the war women worked at cooks, cleaners and mothers.
When the war began Women worked after the men left for work, they replaced the men in their old jobs. Women worked as everything like: they worked on a farm, in factories, and many other government departments, they worked as nurses with basic knowledge and medical training, and they worked as telephone operators, telegraphers, book keepers and cashiers.
By the time that the men returned from the world war one woman had many more privileges such as voting and/or they could make the decision to keep their jobs that they had while the men were at world war one. When the men came back from war woman were able to keep their jobs that they were at that time replacing the men that were at war or they had the option of going back to care for their children, cooking and cleaning.
6. Experience of the aboriginal
people during world war one . . .
There was not much information on this topic. But the information that i recovered was that the aboriginal people were allowed to put their name down and fight in world war one and world war two. While they were defending their county they were considered to be equal with the rest of the soldiers defending Australia. But when they returned from world war one and world war two during 'peace time' they were considered to be an outcast from the rest of the Australian citizens. Aboriginals risked their life on the battlefields defending Australia during world war one and world war two. That is all the information that i could have found on the experience of the aboriginal people during world war one.
Stephanie Wakim ïŠ . . .