Olympic Games are the world biggest event, which content lots of Olympic and Paralympics Games. In the Olympic game, it will bring together more than 14,000 athletes from 205 countries which will present in the different 55 venues. Therefore, the prediction is nine million tickets to be sold and twenty thousand press and media to attend the game.
This means that the software for this project will be a huge one and demand lots of specialist. The function that software will provide is sending the invitation to the participating countries/teams. Also, it has to manage the facilities, keeping track of events and record the result and the performance of the participants.
Identifying the main tasks
Time requirements for each of the tasks(Creating Project Schedule)
Preparing Gantt chart and Work Breakdown Structure
Finding out the major risks of the project
Creating Milestones and strategic issues
Cost estimations and Evaluating project
Figure: Mind Mapping of the Project
Project Scope & Objectives:
Develop software which required for managing London Olympic 2012
Able to send invitations to participating countries and teams
Managing the facilities
Tracking events, Recording results
Keeping track of the performance
Figure: Work Break Down Structure of the Developing Software
Major Risks:
Project risk management is the art and science of identifying, analysing, and responding to risk throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of meeting project objectives. No matter what type of project you take on, there is always going to be a risks involved. In this particular project we have encountered several risk factors. When I say risk factors they include, time scale, limited of cost expenses, and an abundant amount of resources.
Figure: Risk Sections of the IT Project
Market risk:
Market risk, also known as systematic risk, is risk that results from the characteristic behaviour of an entire market or asset class which can affect any kind of business or project, now in this particular very volatile market situation where very next minute is unpredictable it's very difficult to ignore the risk of market, there is millions of pounds are being invested in software development to make Olympic event much smoother and appropriate and better than ever held where if something happens to the markets and investor backs off the project which can land project to the unpredictable situation.
Financial risk:
Financial risk is the risk which may arise depending on the economic value of project and it may get affected with volatility of market , inflation etc. like in this particular case of 2012 Olympic it is the most considerable thing comes in picture because of recession in which London got a one of the worst hit , because of this many private investors which were ready to finance the project are stepping back and now public sectors are the one of main funding societies to fulfil the needs of project.
Technology risk:
Technological risk does have uncertainty, which may result in project failure, and time and resources spent without any tangible return. In software development projects, for instance, stringent scientific procedures have to be followed to ensure safety and quality & efficacy in prelaunch and tests before a software can be released for open market. In project planning and scheduling, this technological uncertainty has typically been ignored, and project plans are developed only for scenarios in which the project succeeds which may affect one it land in one of such critical situations.
Working relationships:
This is a key element in planning for the 2012 London Olympics. If you are having issues with the people you are working with, then it will be very difficult to plan properly for this event. Everyone from every department has to work all together to bring this one big event into the most spectacular event.
Structure/process risk:
Weather is very crucial in the type of event. You must have all the proper equipment for any type of weather, which as well can become very costly. If you have rain you must have a roof to cover all the playing grounds, which as I stated before ''costly'', same goes for snow, or rain.
Over Testing:
It can cause exceed the project budget.
Fixed Deadline:
Working on a fixed deadline which cannot be push forward is itself a big risk.
Concurrency control:
In case of concurrent access the software may lead into inconsistency.
Un-tested Hardware:
Untested hardware may not be up to standards
Lack of inputs from internal consultants may lead to deficiency in software project.
Each risks is assessed in terms of the undesirable event or all the outcomes of events that occurrence. Plus, it also asses in term of gravity of the events impact, the probability of the event happening or when the event might occur in the project.
Figure: The percentages of the effect of several risks
In order to make use of risk, we have to know the risks and make it become a benefit to the organization. Known the risks mean we have to analyse the project to identify the source of the risks. After that we have to assess the risks by divided into three categories such as severity of impact, likelihood of impact and controllability.
The next step that we will be doing is to manage the risks, which means we have to develop a strategy to reduce possible damage an develop contingency plans. The risk response control will come into the next step when we implement the risk strategy. We have tor to make an ease for the project teams. First, we have to look at the requirement of the software, and in doing this, the team need to organizing a meeting with the client in order to get a full requirements needed for the project and summaries the requirements and organizing for the future requirements.
Time Management
Critical Path
Cost Management:
For any software development, cost estimation is a necessary process, and it is affected by time taken by individual teams which are working on that project. They provide an idea about price factors affecting on software development. Below, a rough idea is given about software development management.
Creation time for software for Olympic 2012 is from 15th march, 2010 to 10th march, 2010. So there are 361 days allocated to develop software. We will study cost management and duration of time with next table.
Now we will take each level of this system and study it. First of all we will see level 1 process.
Table : Percentage Area At Level 1
Concept is a first element for this WBS. Let's study the table below.
1.1 Previous project researches
1.2 Estimating
1.2.1Defining the requirements
1.2.2 Gathering resources
Concept is a part where whole process of project starts. It has been divided in two different parts - Estimating and Previous research, which are in level 2 for this WBS. Defining the requirements and Gathering resources make level 3 of WBS. Concept provides idea about what is going to be happening during the development.
Above table compares between deferent elements of concept, with time duration and cost. It is the part which contains 15% of whole management.
Designing software:
Cost in £
2.1 Flow charts
2.2 UML diagrams
2.2.1 case diagrams
2.2.2 semantic diagrams
Designing software is a part where whole path of creating software is decided. In the above table figures of hours and cost shows, management for duration and cost. For whole process, designing software has carries 20% area.
Software Development:
Cost in £
3.1 Coding
3.1.1 Evaluation
3.1.2 Debugging
3.2 Finalise
3.2.1 Testing
3.2.2 Update
Software development is an area where all the activities come together and start making software. Different processes at different level, from different time and cost, different field, work here and try to achieve the goal.
Software development earns the highest percentages of whole process and it is 40%. This is the part where engineers imply their all skills - educational and experience, to gain success.
Cost in £
4.1 Training engineers
4.2 Security
Support has those factors which can be called performance increasing factors. Training engineers and security of a software increases reliability, functionality, performance and availability of software. These are the basic and necessary function for and software management process.
Support carries 25% of the overall process of management
In £
In £
1. Concept
1.1 Previous project researches
1.2 Estimating
1.2.1 Defining the requirements
1.2.2 Gathering resources
2. Designing software
2.1 Flow charts
2.2 UML diagrams
2.2.1 Case diagrams
2.2.2 Semantic diagram
3. Software developments
3.1 Coding
3.1.1 Evaluation
3.1.2 Debugging
3.2 Finalize
3.2.1 Testing
3.2.2 Update
4. Supports
4.1 Training engineers
4.2 Security
(In this chart, it is assumed that employees are working 7 days a week, minimum earning per hour is £ 5.5)
Human Resources
Human resource is a team organizing from the organization to achieve a common goal. Is used to refer
Making changes.
Staff career development and re awards.
Based on our project Olympic 2012 HR department have a big plan to achieve a team work on this project.
Scheduling the work for each team what they need to do for this project and also timing. Also, we will need to write down the client's requirements and organize it for the future reference.
Tracking events
Recording the events
Sending greetings to team
Allocate team
Management and staff Relation.
Organizing team leaders in order to categorized who can play in major task and recruits employees who can play minor roles.
Staff career development and re awards.
All the staffs must trained by professional and must go with general topic to achieve a knowledge about Olympic Games.
Appreciate the role of re award management
Training non-financial
Making a changes.
New technologies and information regarding Olympic
Tracking events information from previous Olympics.
Management and staff Relation
Identifying the tasks by project Leader and if there is any misunderstanding between each, need to organize additional meeting.
Human Resources Functional Structures in an organizational context.
Chief Officer
Board of Directors
HR, Operations, Sales and Marketing
Team Leaders
Quality Management in Olympics 2012 Software Project
Quality in this Olympic project plays the most important role and has to be practiced throughout the project. Quality is simply fulfilling the expectations of customer in or before the required time and budget. Quality is stated as "the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements" (ISO9000:2000).
Olympics Software quality management is also a series of process that ensures the software reach its required goals. Means it should fulfill the expectation of the signed contract with the client.
We will follow the standard three steps needed for any software project for our project as well. These steps are as follows:
1) Quality Planning
2) Quality Assurance
3) Quality Control
We will now discuss what needs to be done in each step.
Quality Planning
Quality Planning is the most important step in any software quality management. Olympics all over the world has some international standards which need to be followed to make sure remaining processes make sense and achieve the desired result. We followed following steps in quality planning and are summarized as follows:
a. Company's Quality Policy
b. Organization Standards
c. Relevant Industry Standards
d. Regulations
e. Scope of Work
f. Project Requirements
g. Cost Quality
Using these as Inputs the Quality Planning process we created a plan to ensure that standards agreed upon are met.
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance we used to evaluate the performance of our project .It helped us to ensure that the project followed the quality management plan. In this stage we start building the project when all the standards are defined and are being followed.
We used two steps in this stage of quality management which are as follows:
a. Benchmarking
b. Quality Audit
Quality Control
At this stage we have completed the built of our software components and the results are monitored to determine if our project is going according to the standards. We measured the performance through the data which we collected from previous stages of quality management and fixed the defective pieces of code which we found in our tests. This increases our software reliability and performance. We used some tools in this stage which helped us to fix bugs and problems. They are as follows:
Pareto analysis
.Statistical sampling
Six Sigma
Quality control charts
There is a sample quality control chart.
Testing plays a very important role in any quality management of any project. It has to be practiced all the time throughout the project from the beginning point till the end. To ensure that over software project is very reliable and a successful project. These are the few steps that we followed to test our Olympic software project.
Tested if all defined requirements are met
Tested the performance of the application
Tested each component
Tested the components integrated with each other
Tested the application end to end
Tested the application in various environments
Tested all the application paths
Tested all the scenarios and then test some more
Project Evaluation
To evaluate the project of Olympic 2012, we are giving importance in three sections. Purpose of this evaluation is-
To decide the feasibility and
To assess the level of risks
Here we are covering -
Economic and
Strategic Issues
Reasons for evaluating the project of Olympic 2012
This evaluation is for attempting to consider the value of quality as well as the suitability of the resources. The main reason of doing evaluation is-
Selection of better resources
Monitoring the development that we are in the right direction. For this reason we have put the milestones in the end of the every major task.
Justification for cost estimation. In this project if we miss any task we have finish that in 0 times and also for free.
Validation is important because this is a huge project. So, we have to make a right decision. In addition this is the first time London is going to be a host nation. Fulfillment of all requirements is related with the image of the country.
Improving the project. This is a huge project that is going to be finished within a year. So, in between every task we need to update our resources as well as our software (product).
Type of Evaluation in the Project Olympic 2012
In this project, we are going to evaluate the whole project in two types-
Formative ( during the project on process )
Summative ( after finishing the project )
For example: When a cook tastes his soup that he is preparing is a formative evaluation and when the guest are tasting the prepared soup that is summative. So, in our project our evaluating department will check the project and after that our clients will check the project.
Strategic Issues
Here we are focusing the contribution of the project that will provide the object. However project become successful or failure but the contribution that is provided will affect the goal of the project.
So, the strategic issue of this project is to contribute to the objective of the project 2012.To evaluate the strategic issue we are including the following objectives-
Fitting the project into the IS plan of Olympic Organization
Finding the way of fitting the project in the existing system
In proposed future developments conditions
By focusing on the London Olympic 2012 which will affect IT project some external changes. It could be the reduction of fund or Shareholder that includes some resources and it could bring the failure of the project. If we are out of resources then we have to pause for a period the project and need to find some other ways. So, changing the rules might be a threat to our project. On the other hand it would be a positive point of Olympic organizers. However reducing the payment can create the demand of new stuffs but then it is difficult to train and it can cost a large amount of money.
Economic Feasibility
The project benefit of the system that is proposed is the economic feasibility. In Economic Issues we are considering the following sections-
Cost-benefit analysis
We are comparing the estimated cost and the benefits that we are getting
Here we are analysing this in two stages
Identifying and estimating the total cost and the benefits
Converting the cost and benefits in a general unit
The estimated cost will include
The Software Development Costs
Set-up and Installation Costs
Operational Costs
Cash flow forecasting
Risk Analysis
Monte Carlo Simulation
Cost-benefit evaluation techniques
The technique we are following is very simple
Net Profit = Total income - Total cost
Net Profit + Payback Period+ RIO
Using Internal Rate of Return
Technical Issues
The following events are going to involve in our project.
Functionality Requirements :
Is our hardware capable to accommodate this software
Bounds of the available programming language
The operating system that is going to run the software
During the testing we will install this software in the participated countries and regions.
Ensuring there will be no hacking and dubious of the scores on the system.
Using of strong Password
System and User Requirements:
During the evaluation we are investigating that does it fulfill the user and the system requirements
For our total project we use 1 year of time within the time we use 4 months for research 1 month for training and rest of the time testing and evaluate the project. After our deep research and teams great hard work we try to find a unique solution for our project. We divide our work and create WBS (work breakdown structure) to keep track on the project. For each of the task we use milestone, to have clear idea about what we have done. Try to find the possible risk factor by which our project can be affected .we use Monte Carlo Simulation for risk. We estimate the cost by using cost-benefit evaluation techniques and evaluate the project on strategies, economical, and technical issue. On technical issue we take care of the security risk for the project. It's really a big project and lots of responsibilities to maintain .Our Team Alpha where all of members dream is to get the success for the project.