In a commercial environment, almost all individuals will belong to one or more team or group in an organization. Team is a group of people who has a full range of complementary skills needed to complete a mission, project or work. The team members have a high level of interdependence, responsibility and shared authority for self-management. They are responsible for the performance of the collective work toward a common target and a common incentive. They usually have a person identified as the leader in the team. (Anon, 2013)
Type of team
The first of the type of team is problem-solving team. Members share suggestions or ideas on how to improve work procedures and ways. They are not often having the power to unilaterally implement their recommendations. Next, it would be self-managed work team. This type of team is a group of employees who having execution highly associated or interdependent works, and takes a lot of responsibility of their former boss. Under normal circumstances, this mission is a planning and dispatching work, distributing tasks to members, making decisions about operating, taking action, and working with vendors and customers. Besides, the type of team is cross-functional team. It is made up of the staffs from the same level but in different areas of work. They went together to complete a task. The last type of the team is virtual team. This is a team which is in the last one to do their work with confronting each other. Using computer technology, virtual teams members unite scattered physically to realize a common target. They let people to online collaboration with using communication link. For example of the communication link is e-mail, video conference or wide area network whether they are a room or a part of continents. (Stephen and Timothy, 2011)
Way to become more effective
There are many way for team to become more effective. First of all, clarification of common objectives and goals can make team to become more effective. The purpose of the team can be made clear. Time can be taken to express the performance targets of team. This is also can having the way for the team to help the success of the company. Although some time a working group has existed, but it may be never done this. In under any circumstances, time is changed over by the objective and conditions. If the people are a new boss, they will put their own imprint on the common goals of group. Secondly, team members need to ensure their interaction at the meeting. This is also can become more effective. They should encourage each other to ask each other for help. They also can provide to each other. All members go through each other without channeling it. When team members feel comfortable speaking with the recommendations of other members of the team on the basis of creativity, team synergy is obtained. This requires cooperation rather than competition. The advantage of a set by a supervisor or a manager can restrict the opportunity of a group to realize the real synergy. In addition, the competition within a team which competes for the attention of the manager may increase. (Larson and LaFasto, 1989)
Moreover, team members can keep contact with people who use to know what they need to do. On an ongoing foundation, this is to confirm the requirement of the team of internal or external customers. Furthermore, teams need to clarify role of each person in achieving a common goal to become more effective. They should identify each person's work in the contribution's terms of overall goals of the group and the company. Team must do this work in concrete terms rather than vague generalities. When conflicts are occurred, team members need to pay attention to them to become more effective. When people are having group working, it is natural for conflict occurred. Conflict can actually produce constructive comments if handled well. Sometimes, a member will be angered by each other, toes are stepped by each other or feelings are hurt by each other. Disagreements of an honest become individual and intense. Working processes which seems effective can breakdown. It recognizes importantly that the conflict between colleagues to some extent is normal. Let superficial the issue. Members need to keep away from the impulse to require your employees to "put it down ", "cut it out", or "just forget it." In addition, it is expected that more conflict may happen when there are having changes of the impact of team members or target. (Larson and LaFasto, 1989)
The Hawthorne Studies
At Hawthorne plant of Western Electric, Hawthorne studies were researched between 1927 and 1932 nearby Chicago. For instance, a major study of the impact of varying degrees of lighting on productivity in the first of the Hawthorne experiments. The researchers manipulated the lighting systematically in the area of working women. The productivity of the group was compared and measured with the other control group, the lighting was remained same. Lastly, the lighting was concluded by the researchers which do not have any relationship for productivity. As the output was increased by workers, the quantity of lighting was exchanged from low to high level or vice versa every time. (Anon, 2010)
Group Formation
There have five stage models by Bruce Tuckman. There are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjouming. First, forming is featured by a considerable uncertainty on the subject of the organization's structure, purpose and leadership. The members try to determine what kind of act is acceptable. Resistance will be shown by them. This resistance needs to be managed with demeanor, humorous and some team-building activities. When members start to consider themselves as part of a group, the stage is completed. The second stage is storming. It is one of a conflict of intergroup. Team members accept the presence of their group, but they are resistant personality to constraints. The people who manage the group will have a conflict. To understand this stage, that is one way which is to test their safety of their relationship with mentors. When there is clearer understanding on the subject of leadership and level, this stage is completed. (Jerald and Robert, 2009)
Norming is the third stage. A member of the closing relationship development has group identity with a strong sense. The cooperation will begin settlement with the tutor. They will build a special role, and begin to implement their own specifications. When this stage is finished, the group is a continuous structure and member has absorbed a common set of behavior which is appropriate, inappropriate and expectations. The following stage is performing. In this stage, the leadership and relationships group problem has been resolved. The group is prepared to work. Fully developed of the group may having effort to finish the collective task. The last of stage model is adjouming. During this stage, the group is ready to be dissolved. This is no longer to be the priority of the group with high performance. In contrast, concentration is directed to summing up the activities. Reaction of the group members in this phase is not the same. Some are optimistic and indulge in the group's achievements. Others member may be frustrating loss friendship and comradeship that made ​​during the life of the working group. (Jerald and Robert, 2009)
Group Structure
Group structure is a model of relationships between the members that holding the group each other and help it to realize the assigned objectives. The structure can be said in various ways which is roles, norms, status and cohesiveness. First of all, role is defined as attributable to a set of desired patterns of behavior to the people who occupy a position that given in a society unit. Many kind of role are given which is role identity, role perception, role expectations and role conflict. Role identity is a role of certain behaviors and attitudes. Role perception is a personality' view that how the people should be in the case of a given action. Role Expectations is the way to make others to believe a person who should take action in given case. Role conflict is a condition in an individual who faced with different expectations of role. Norms is standards of behavior that can be accepted for members of the group shared. Norms can overwrite almost any side of group behavior. The most common group of the norms is performance norms, appearance norms, social arrangement norms and the last is allocation of resources norms. Performance norms is defined as how much effort that they should be worked, how to complete the work, what is their output level needed and what tardiness's level is suitable. Appearance norms is a norms that about wearing and face appearance. Social arrangement norm is a norm which is about friendship. At the last, allocation of resources norms is defined as regulate the distribution and allocation of work materials. (Stephen et al, 2009)
Status is a stance of social definition or other people give the rank to members or groups. It is different from the group member. According to the theory of status properties, the tendency of the status will come from one of three sources. The three sources are the power of one person compared with the other waving, an ability of a person promotes the objectives of the group and personal characteristics of an individual. Cohesiveness is the extent to which members of the group are attracted other member and remains in the power of the group. The cohesiveness of the group is become higher when making smaller the group, having to encourage the protocol with team goals, employees working together with spending more time and members of the target group status increased. Besides, competition with another groups and reward given to group rather than individual is also can make the cohesiveness of the group to become higher. (Stephen et al, 2009)
Group Processes
Group processes is referred to understand the people's behavior. For instance, the groups of the task are trying to problem solving and decision making. The dimension in set of process is coordination and communication mode, influencing mode, relationship of the role, dominance mode, balancing of social focus and task focus, level of collective efficacy and the way to deal with conflict. (Neeraja, 2011)
The Right Environment for the Facilitation of Groups
The suitable environment for the group in facilitation is to build trust, communicate with each other, building team spirit, giving appreciation and recognition and the last is environment with physical. For all relationships, trust is the necessary tenants, so establish trust in an environment is the most important things which can create a good working environment. It is a philosophy which must prove in doing everything. Trust is related that doing what the members saying and being who the members saying. It is the employees shown in everything do in accountable, responsible and reliable, and they can depend on the others with conformance. Secondly, team members can make a communication to create an environment of good working, while each employees need to be taken seriously. Listening and respecting to each one is the best completion. An important side of communication public is in order to meet up employees and discuss the values, ideal, mission and target of organization. Members can ask each other for opinions and ideas on how they separate as a team can help each other to illustrate these. (Sandra, 2013)
The following is to build team spirit. In order to promote the feeling of this team, member must be communicated to all of the workers that everyone plays an important character. The member also needs to encourage a cooperation attitude, not competition. When people build a team identity and spirit, the members of workers will see themselves as people who working in a group for a common goal, not a bunch of member competing with other individually. In addition, the group facilitation in the right environment is to give appreciation and recognition. At every opportunity, this is for everyone. Members need to try making personal voice value-added. Instead of just say like "Well done" something vague, having personal qualities or skills in specific that the tasks of team members are brought. Moreover, the environment in physical is also suitable for group facilitation. Members need to make sure that the workplace has a physical environment which is bright, clean, cheerful and attractive as possible. Besides, they also need to ensure the light as much natural as possible. Each member has their own personal space in their room. (Sandra, 2013)
Purpose of Teamwork
The purpose of teamwork is shared goals, problem solving, production capacity and cooperation. Firstly, team members need to share the goals. Team has effort to complete a set of common goals. This is not to concentrate on one or two peoples' target, the team needs to do to reach a consensus. Each of the team members brings his perspective in unique and skill which set up of the group. For example, a working team to replace the old computers in the IT organization may face a target by a certain date. Technical personnel may be responsible for the elimination of the old system, the establishment of new. System engineers may be responsible for upgrade and test the network capacity. One of the purpose of teamwork is problem solving. This is because the teams usually use the different set of skills which is included employees. Here is an idea that is combined with information of the team will lead to problem-solving with more effective. In addition to improving the efficiency of the team members are exposed to new knowledge, new ideas and new methods of problem-solving from each other. So that employees in individual have the opportunity to share their professional knowledge with others in a team environment. This may lead to an increasing willingness and strong support to cooperate. (Helen, 2013)
In addition, production capacity is also for the purpose of teamwork. A common teamwork's purpose is to increase the productivity. By multiple of employees is assigned to the tasks in same set, more can complete the work in a shorter amount of time. For instance, during the high capacity of the individual's work load becomes difficult to control. In the IT organization, a team may try to solve a staff of trouble tickets together. The next day, the same team may be trying to solve a different staff workload. A teamwork method ensures that the customer's problems are not being solved, not left for a long period of time. The final purpose is cooperation. American Management Association pointed out that the teamwork meets the needs for the community with colleagues. Effective team needs each member to participate and listen to. Everybody should have the opportunity to put forward their own opinions and ideas. Team members must become skilled at finding common ground, and the best way to decided to make joint efforts for peace. In each team, the staff can get better understand their colleagues are like and they can learn to build a trust. Staffs may form a relationship of social between each other. These relationships may become conducive to the future of the team and projects in individual. (Helen, 2013)
Benefit of Organization
There are many benefit of organization which is improved performance, increased productivity, improved effectiveness and understanding change. First of all, the benefit of an organization is to improve performance. A collective decision enhances the teams, individuals, and performance of functional areas to make the solution-oriented become more, and actively take the result on getting responsibility for actions and accountability for taking the result necessary to improve it. Turnover to major results from poor results have occurred in less than 90 days such as enterprise units and saving careers. After that, this also can be increased productivity. This is to create a focused goal setting, achievement of goals, solve problems creatively and use effectively of available time are combined by devoted to high-priority task, a general mentality of stubborn insistence to realize and urgency to achieve the level of productivity become higher. Therefore, this is the guarantee of an organization in healthy and higher powerful people. (Anon, 2013)
Furthermore, advantage of organization is improved effectiveness. When people are respecting for others and having appreciation of the talents in each person who bring into a team, team members can get to improve their channel of communication, decision-making and interpersonal communication that transcend the personal of agenda, plan and budget for the results are obtained. The final benefit is change can be understood. When a personal understand their success of changing role, they are more willing to be a positive impact on the changes. Resistance to reform is a stalled effort and a status quo in continuation, rather than a change of the purpose in a course for performance in higher levels. Individuals need a high degree of sensitivity to different roles in a changing successfully. Take the initiative to change the creation of connection naturally to the organization's objectives and strategies. (Anon, 2013)
Here is an example from NSL Hardware Company. Staffs in each part of the company are easy to forget the importance of other parts. During a meeting of the product, staffs display their latest product or their customer's old favorite. Some staffs will bring up the individuals and present the other different departments for them. Before the product reached to the customer, it may have been traveled to their company. For example, a metal would travel to the inventory warehouse from the production line. The web team would make the production online, and then to the salesman and the end to customers. From there, the metal would travel to the team of the customer service. When staffs follow the product, the way of everyone works can be seen as a team.
In conclusion, team is to complete a mission, project or work with a group of people who has a full range of complementary skills needed. There are also many ways to make a team to become more effective and many advantages for the organization. The purpose of a team is each member need to understand their member each other. The good perform in the team's importance cannot be underestimated. As a result, the team members concentrate on the goal and contribute their resources, knowledge and skills to achieve the goal.
For example, everyone in the workplace is possible to be a member in the work environment with one or more of the team. Team work in efficiency can change the workplace. It can help to create open channel communication in clear, improve work efficiency, and is conducive to maintaining a high level of morale and provide personal and sense of purpose and identity.