Color blindness
Color blindness is when a human being is blind to different colors. The human eye sees by light only. Many people think that people who have color blindness only can see black and white, like on television or when you're watching an old movie. People with normal color blindness and color vision are able to see only the colors red, green, blue, and sometimes yellow. In life normally no one is blind to all colors. Red and Green color blindness is by far the most common one; about 99% of people have that. Color blindness is mostly occurred in males then females because male have 8%-12% European origin one-half of 1% of females. Men are mostly color blind to red and females are mostly color blind to blue. If a male has color blindness it is 85% that it is from your mother or a female in the past. If a female has color blindness it is 15% that it is from your father or a male back in the past.
There are two types of color blindness affects, there is normal and Dichromat. Example: If a human sees a rainbow with the colors red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and purple. But if a human has color blindness to Dichromat then they only see yellow, dark yellow, blue, baby blue, navy blue, and gray. Dichromat is a type of color blindness vision which is used in the color blind process. An example: The normal banana is yellow, but if you have the disease Dichromat (color blind) then you see a banana as the color dark orange.
Color blindness is the inability is the see colors in an unusual way. Color blindness when there is a problem with the color sensing materials in the way, nerve cells of the eye. These are called the cones. They are found in the retina, the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye. If you are missing just one pigment, you might have trouble telling the difference between red and green. This is the most common type of color blindness. People have trouble seeing blue, and yellow colors. People with blue and yellow color blindness almost always have problems identify reds and greens, too.
Dr. Julian Kenner says, “People who are color blind do not see the world in all its colors as much as people who don't have color blindness. In the old days it could mean that people were not allowed to do certain jobs, such as electrician, in case there color blindness put people into danger. Some people with a certain color blindness that's red/green may hold a driver's license but may not be allowed to have a license for driving a truck, bus or other commercial machinery. It can be difficult for some people to wear colors which go well together, or to tell when some fruits are ripe just by looking at them.” .
You can get inherited traits from/ through genes which determine everything about your body, including how tall you are and also how long your hair is, and if it would be curly or straight. Eye doctors test for color blindness by showing a picture that shows the different colored dots or hearts etc. If a person can't see the colors on a picture or anything then he or she may be color-blind. Boys are far more likely to be color-blind. In fact, 58% boys/ men are color blind and 42% of girls/women are color blind in the world. Like I said before girls/ women can only have color blindness is if in the past blood relatives had it before. And it works the same with boys/ men.
You're probably wondering what part of the eye people see if there color blind. Well, the past of the eye is the pupil. The pupil is the center of the eye and most people that are color blind think that there going to be color blind for the rest of there life but that's not true at all when you hit the age 45 you may lose the color blindness effect and you might not. But if you got color blindness when you were born then it might never losing. In fact, if your color blind then 45% that you may lose it.
Color blindness can be hard for a person because some people make fun of the person that has it but mostly people that are color blind are very smart, but I'm not saying that people who do have color blindness are dumb I'm just saying that if a person makes fun of another person that does have color blindness then that person that has color blindness can have luck when there older.
For example: Ha ha your color blindness you're weird. Then the person that has color blindness can get an A on the test or something like that.
So now you've learned a little about color blindness. You've learned that men have it more then women, there's different types of color blindness, and etc. Thank you very much for your time. I really appreciate your consideration and for you reading my report. Hope you've learned a few things about color blindness. Hope you've had a wonderful reading this. Thank you again.