Child Development: 13-17 years old.
Physical Development
Boys and girls still exhibit markedly different levels of physical maturity as they enter middle adolescence. Girls’ rapid growth is generally tapering off, while many boys have yet to see the beginning of their much anticipated growth spurt. By the end of this period most girls will be near their adult height; boys may continue to grow until age 18 or 19.
* growth in height continues, but at a slower pace than earlier; adult height is reached by age 16 or 17
* breast development continues
* pubic hair thickens, darkens, and takes on adult triangular pattern
* underarm hair thickens
* hips widen; fat deposits in buttocks, legs, and stomach increase
* menstrual periods become regular; ovulation is established; pregnancy becomes possible
* rapid growth in height and weight
* muscles fill out and strength increases dramatically
* voice deepens
* pubic and underarm hair appears and thickens
* body hair increases
* penis, scrotum, and testes enlarge
* ejaculation and nocturnal emissions occur
Both Girls and Boys:
* always hungry; appetite is great
* need for sleep increases; may sleep quite late on weekends
* oily skin and acne may be problematic
* sweating increases
* rapid growth may cause clumsiness and lack of coordination
* sexual desires and fantasies increase
Intellectual Development
Between 13 and 16 your child’s ways of thinking about himself, others, and the world shift to a much more adult level. He enters middle adolescence with a focus on things he can experience here and now, and moves to being able to imagine the range of possibilities life holds. Expect the following changes as a progression of development rather than as age-based milestones:
* arguing skills improve (and are demonstrated often and with great passion)
* reasoning skills improve:
* begins with the ability to apply concepts...