Celebrity Fitness Is Fastest Growing Fitness Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1781

Celebrity Fitness is the fastest growing fitness company in Asia with 41,000 active members in Jakarta alone. The clubs in Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur and Penang have been getting enthusiastic, positive feedback from members. Celebrity Fitness enjoys its image as a trendy destination for the vigorous, urban and cosmopolitan community and will continue to strive to provide a multitude of high quality, exciting, and entertaining work-out experiences to our members no matter what their fitness levels are.

Goal at Fitness Center System is to introduce to Wellness, Health and Fitness Clubs the best fitness and electronics technology product and services available on the market and to create a positive environment within the fitness facility. Our aim is assist in attracting new membership sales, developing secondary profit centers and ultimately achieving higher membership retention rates.

At Fitness Center System, certain fitness and technical products can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of health and fitness operation. Embracing the fitness industry's recent advances in technology is a positive expression of the health club's commitment to the future of business and sets apart from the competition.


As competition increases, owners of health clubs, fitness studios, gyms, yoga studios, Pilate's studios, dance studios, karate studios, personal training studios and training studios are always looking for new ways to generate additional revenue. They might hire another sales rep, add a new service such as tanning, or expand their training program. Yet, rarely will an owner look at the "Celebrity Fitness Center System". The Systems function include: club management, member management, business management, gym management, fitness studio management systems; this all software's known as another way to generate revenue.

Following are the ways in which IT can generate revenue for Club facility for Celebrity Fitness:

Fitness Center System provides prescribed workouts: many members who chose to workouts their own ways or who will be out of City, the useful software should be allow members to take record for each week workouts for them; for an amount of fee, can be generating additional revenue. The member data will be save to the data base of company automatically, when the member register. Furthermore the data can be use in all of the branches.

Fitness Center System provide Retention tools: the Members who have not attend in the club for seven days or a week and also which have not used their own personal training package a week, all of this members at the risk of not staying with this club. Fitness center System can identify these members by E-mail or SMS as group regarding the consequence of staying healthy and workouts. When the certain members account did not active for a week, system will be alert and highlight the member account, to inform the company.

Fitness Center System provide Fitness assessments: The ability to record assessments is another great revenue producing feature. Simple measurements, such as body weight, body fat percentage, and resting heart rate, can be performed on a regular basis and tracked over time. Providing the ability for members to login and view this information will help to motivate them and to keep health and fitness as part of their life (and they will stay a part of club facility).

Procedure: For the first time company will be record the healthy status of the members in to the database and database will be updated each month to compare the health status of each member monthly to show the result and changes.

Gym System provide tracking member's birthday: The system of Celebrity fitness centre will trace the birthday of member and giving birthday member special discount on their own product by using member card. System of fitness centre works by trace that who is birthday on today from the database of company. Afterward the system will list out the birthday of members and company offer some discount of products by sending email to inform the member automatically. The coupon ticket of discount will save into the member card by employee help member to do it. Procedure of this function work are: System Track member information on database then list out the who is birthday today and send an e-mail to inform the member automatically and the birthday offer will work when member purchase product by using the member card.

Gym System provide online registration: Celebrity fitness centre providing the registration form on the web site for who want to get register. This function it to convenience their customer which is interest to get free trial to workout. This system work by customer key in the information of the registration and it will send to the company database for register and save it.

Fitness centre system provides online feedback: This function is providing member/non-member to ask question or give feedback to the Celebrity fitness centre easily. The system work by member/non-member fill in all of the information and click submit to send to company database. Procedure of this function are user fill in the information and click submit to send information to company.

Fitness centre provide online Schedule download: This function is providing convenient for their club member, because they can adjust the time to go for class according to the schedule. The system is work by upload the schedule to the official web site to let their member to download it from the web site. Procedure of this function is Celebrity fitness centre upload the schedule on their web site and member log on to download it to their computer.

Fitness centre provides Member accounts: Celebrity fitness centre providing member's accounts for Club members to check their membership information with the fitness centre. Furthermore, this function also records all of the activity of member in the fitness centre. This function work by fitness centre will key in the information of member on create account application and the information will save into database automatic at the time member sign up. The procedure are, employee key in the information of member and the system will search all of the information of member from the company database and show on computer screen.

There all functions are helping Celebrity fitness centre increase great revenue and opportunities on business. Besides that, system function also providing the convenient to their member regales on great service.


Fitness centre is strong to provide the convenient for customer to save the time go to the club centre and be able to get service by online. Other than that, customer is able to check the latest personal information anytime they want. For the customer that in busy, they can access by online class registration in flexible time, and the fitness centre has been provides schedule checking by online. So that, customer of Celebrity fitness centre saves the cost of going to the centre to solve their problem. On the other hand, the fitness centre system help the centre to reduce employees to control all of the things that system do, and in the same time it also help gym centre reduce the monthly cost to recruitment. The information of retention database is global. It is provided convenient to the certain class of member that using the membership on another branches. Furthermore, the Celebrity fitness centre system will list out who is not attend to the fitness centre less than a month and the employee will communicating with the member to remind the member.


Celebrity fitness centre is not available the teaching method of video on their web site for download. Teaching method of video, that can useful for the member who is not enough experience on their workout. Furthermore, fitness centre has also not available the online log in service for the member to check their personal information. For example, member cannot check the period of time they left for the gym/class. Other than that, they are not available e-commerce that let member to purchase the supplements from official web site. The online payment also is not available in celebrity fitness center officially website.


Fitness centre has the ability to provide with the complete solution for all of fitness technology needs. Gym Systems portfolio of fitness products offers club managers and owners the peace of mind that all their clubs systems can be found in one place at Gym Systems.

The one thing we love the most is that the system helps us to be a Paperless Business. All of our business information from accounts payable/receivable to memberships, assessments, training, and even logging incoming and outgoing calls for later reference are all located on one system. Having a web based system is definitely the way to go. This gives us access to our facility and how operations are functioning even when we are away from the office.



The Fitness centre is monitoring the company well by using the software systems. Besides that the paper work was decrease and save the time.


The job of employee will be easier


The fitness center is attracted a lot of customer it was the service providing is convenient to the customer.


Nowadays, technology is move fast even faster that we can imaging. The following list showing the recommendation for the celebrity fitness centre, can improve and attract the more customers to them.

Digital contracts: The traditionally way to register membership or member agreements at celebrity Fitness centre is to have the costumer physically to sign an agreement contact. The club should store the contract in the archive of the gym. A better and greener way is to have the agreement digitally signed with utilizing a digital pad signature not physically. Also in this way the all contract is more secure and more user friendly for access of them in anytime anywhere and easier that to go and find in physically in huge archive of members.

RSS feeds: RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. as an example, Celebrity Fitness Centre can have RSS feeds which produce fitness and health articles for the club member's online login Area. A member can update ever hour and member can be access to view new health and fitness articles. This will hope them to login each day to see about, what is new in health and fitness.

Videos: using the web site to upload video by higher appearance like YouTube, that can provide the effective communication to the member. A location of web site that combine all of the correlation video and providing upload authority for the member to upload video to share with other member, that can help member more understand to the workout.