Becoming an attorney
Francis, Timothy B, Walter C. Jones, and Lisa J. Johnson.So You Want to Be a Lawyer: The Ultimate Guide to Getting into and Succeeding in Law School. New York: Skyhorse Pub, 2012.
In this book, the authors provide the reader with essential guidelines anybody inspiring to pursue any legal career should read irrespective of their present level of education. The authors argue that for a law student to become a successful attorney, there is the need for hard work and commitment. Besides, the writers address the major issue of ethics and principles when handling clients in the courts of law. According to them, for one to become successful in this field of law, he or she should uphold values such as integrity, honesty, and competence.
Lisnek, Paul M.The Art of Lawyering: Essential Knowledge for Becoming a Great Attorney. Naperville, Ill: Sphinx Pub, 2010.
Lisnek arguments on page 16 show how demanding it is for an individual to emerge a successful lawyer. In this book, the author argues that for one to become a successful attorney, he or she should have the ability to scrutinize the problem at hand, analyze it then come up with strategies to respond to it in a truthful and persuasive manner. According to him, attorneys are not born rather they are made. In other words, for one to become a lawyer he or she is just required to master the basic necessities of the profession and develop the art of lawyering.
Linder, Douglas O, and Nancy Levit.The Good Lawyer: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law. , 2014. Print.
According to the writers of this book, for one to be deemed a good lawyer, his or her personal characteristics should be integrated with their academic qualifications. Apart from excelling in their education while pursuing law, the leaners ought to aim at building a set of relevant skills, assertiveness, personalities, personal traits and behaviors that characterize the best attorneys.
Rogers, Brian.Career As A Lawyer. 1st ed. Print.
According to Rogers and Brian, apart from going through the usual academic process, for an individual to emerge a successful lawyer he or she should master certain skills such as reading, writing, and evaluating provided information during school and after graduation. In addition, lawyers are expected to develop other significant aptitudes like communicating clearly while speaking in public as well being able to control their tempers.
Riskin, Gerald, and David H. Maister.The Successful Lawyer: Powerful Strategies for Transforming Your Practice. Chicago, Ill.: Law Practice Management Section, American Bar Association, 2005. Print.
The writers of this book suggest that it is important for law professionals to scrutinize their individual values as lawyers at present and into the future. As law practitioners, they are supposed realistically observe the world and the contemporary global trends. For instance, by making use of scientific advances such as the Internet, they become more knowledgeable about their career hence becoming more successful.
Works cited
- Francis, Timothy B, Walter C. Jones, and Lisa J. Johnson. So You Want to Be a Lawyer: The Ultimate Guide to Getting into and Succeeding in Law School. New York: Skyhorse Pub, 2012.
- Lisnek, Paul M. The Art of Lawyering: Essential Knowledge for Becoming a Great Attorney. Naperville, Ill: Sphinx Pub, 2010.
- Linder, Douglas O, and Nancy Levit. The Good Lawyer: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law. , 2014. Print.
- Rogers, Brian. Career As A Lawyer. 1st ed. Print
- Transforming Your Practice. Chicago, Ill.: Law Practice Management Section, American Bar Association, 2005. Print.