Automated Layout Of Labeling System Engineering Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 2291

In the project of Production Technology and Techniques, we are dealing with "Automated Mechanical System to Load the Packaging Carton in Production Technologies " The population is increases day by day, so we need high production of all the things. As a result of high production we need automated high-speed machines and techniques. Our project is a part of it. In our project we present the layout for the carton opening , sealing of top and bottom, labeling and off-loading. Due to high competitions we also take care about the cost of the whole system. From above my part is labeling and off-loading of carton. For the final cost effective layout we went through the different companies and used the technique of Loveshaw company for labeling. In which I used inkjet printer for the labeling and sketch out simple layout which is cost effective also and I also used simple mechanism for off-loading of carton.


In this project our task as group is to describe the detailed layout of automated mechanical system to load the packaging carton in production technologies. Which include a different design layout stations are as given below.

Handle the flat carton to the line

Open the flat carton and make it to the square

Close and seal the carton bottom flap

Label the carton

Close the top flap and seal the carton after packing the product

Off-load the carton from production line

From above my part is to lable the carton and off-load of carton from from the production line.

Automated layout of Labeling system

Labeling on carton : Labeling on carton is the process of printing on carton or sticking the sticker on carton. Labeling is one of the important part of carton handling because we can easily recognize the product from number of product if we label the carton. There are mainly two types by which we can get lable the carton.

Labeling by print and apply label

Labeling by direct printing on carton

And if labeling is done on four side of the carton one can easily recognize the product from any of the direction even though the cartons remain in any position.

Description of above two method :

Labeling by print and apply label : In this method first of all the printing is done on label and than the printed label apply on carton. There are number techniques and machines available for labeling by label. This method is little complicated as compared to second method. The figure shows the few examples:

A) LS-800 print and apply label system : LS-800 machine used for labeling on front side of the machine on carton. It is not used for labeling on four side of the carton.

LS-800 Print and Apply Labeling System

B) LS-800DT Print and apply label system : LS-800DT is little complicated system compare to LS-800. But it is used for labeling on the four side of the carton.

LS-800DT Print and Apply Labeling System

Labeling by direct printing on carton : Labeling by direct printing on carton means we do not need to print on the label. In this system the printing is done directly on the carton by the printer. It is an easy method compare to first method. For printing we can use different types of printer. Printer can be divided by two method

Impact printer : Impact printer produces text and images when tiny wire pins on print head strike the ink ribbon by physically contacting the paper.

Example : Dot-matrix printer

Non-Impact printer : Non-impact printer produces text and graphics on paper without actually striking the paper.

Example : Inkjet printer, Laser printer, Thermal printer.

Printers can also be categorized based on the print method or print technology.

The most popular ones are inkjet printer, laser printer, dot-matrix printer and thermal printer. Among these, only dot-matrix printer is impact printer and the others are non-impact printers.

For labeling I would like to use Inkjet printer.

# Ink-Jet printer : Inkjet printers are non-impact printers which print text and images by spraying tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper.

Currently, most inkjet printers use either thermal inkjet or piezoelectric inkjet technology. Thermal inkjet printer uses heating element to heat liquid ink to form vapor bubble, which forces the ink droplets onto the paper through the nozzle. Most inkjet manufacturers use this technology in consumer inkjet printers.

Piezoelectric inkjet technology is used on all Epson printers and industrial inkjet printers. Instead of using heating element, these printers use a piezoelectric crystal in each nozzle. The piezoelectric crystal changes shape and size based on the electric current received, and forces tiny droplets of ink onto the paper from the nozzle.

Thermal inkjet printers use aqueous ink which is a mixture of water, glycol and dyes. These inks are inexpensive but they can only be used on paper or specially coated materials. Piezoelectric inkjet printers allow the use of a wider range of inks, such as solvent inks, UV-curable inks, dye sublimation inks, and can print text and graphics on different uncoated materials.

The inkjet head design is also divided into two main groups: fixed-head and disposable head. Fixed-head is built into the printer and should last for the whole life of the printer. It produces more accurate output than cheap disposable head. The ink cartridges for fixed head printers are also cheaper as the print head does not need to be replaced. However, if the head is damaged, the entire printer has to be replaced.

Disposable head is included in replacement ink cartridge. It is replaced each time an ink cartridge runs out of ink. This increases the cost of ink cartridges and also limits the use of high quality print head in these cartridges. However, a damaged print head is not a problem as one can easily replace it with a new ink cartridge.

Some printer manufacturers use disposable ink and disposable print head separately. The print head can last much longer than cheap disposable head and is suitable for high volume printing. However, it can also be replaced easily if the head is clogged or damaged.

Although inkjet printers are generally used in home and small businesses, some manufacturers, such as Hewlett Packard, have produced high end inkjet printers for industrial use. These professional inkjet printers are usually used to print advertising graphics or technical drawings.

Advantages of inkjet printers:

1) Low cost

2) High quality of output, capable of printing fine and smooth details

3) Capable of printing in vivid color, good for printing pictures

4) Easy to use

5) Reasonably fast

6) Quieter than dot matrix printer

7) No warm up time

MicroJet AC : I Choose this printer for the four side labeling on cartoon. The figure of

The MicroJet AC prints alphanumeric characters on corrugated as well as on other porous materials and has a throw distance greater than high-resolution printers. This printer also offers print height flexibility that is unmatched in the industry.

The MicroJet AC privides up to 45 messages in a 1 to 5 line format with a total print height of 1.9" and a maximum single character height of .9".

Get millions of characters from a single bottle of ink.

The MicroJet AC is a industrial inkjet printer that is economical, ink efficient printer that provides high speed, high resolution, flexible printing

Specifications for all MicroJets:

Power Requirements: 115 VAC at 60Hz, 230 watts max. Other voltages 220 VAC at 50Hz.

A dedicated power supply with an optional power conditioner may be required for optimum


Operation Power: Less than 24 volts.

Operation Variables: Product delay, character width, dot size, real time clock, message selection,

box count, time and date change, individual valve setting, print direction, shift code change,

expiration date changes, print line selection, pallet count, and omit slash from character zero options.

Character Set: Full ASCII 64 character upper-case set. Up to 39 character messages.

Print Direction: Forward or reverse.

Standard Features: Avalailable On:

Automatic time and date coding All

Disposable ink container LD MicroJet, MicroJet AC

2 individual user settable expiration date codes All

Self-contained steel housing LD MicroJet, MicroJet AC

Automatic pallet count and shift code changes All

Alpha-numeric incrementing All

Heavy duty mounting block and L bracket

included for simple mounting to conveyor All

Easy horizontal and vertical adjustments All

Saves print parameters with each message All

Low ink warning light All

User friendly software offers a choice of 7

languages to display instructional menus All

2 year limited warranty on valves LD MicroJet, VersaJet LC

1 year limited warranty on unit LD MicroJet

MicroJet I

Prints one line of 5 X 5 dot matrix character

11/32" (8.7mm) character height

Self-contained non contact coding system

High speed valves (5) standard

Messages Save Area = 255 (39 fixed characters per line)

Conveyor System :

The Model "CRB" is ideally used in scrap

handling and recycling operations. The

roller bed with deep troughed construction

can carry "culled" or broken glass,

cans, wood chips, aluminum, steel,

plastic stampings, etc. The "CRB" is

widely used in recycling operations as an

"Environmental Conveyor

7 belt widths

Self-cleaning tail pulley

Troughed Guard Rails

Adjustable MS-type floor supports



24 HRS.

Side mounted drive for low elevations


BELT-BlackTrackmate 533 COS. Clipper lacing.

RETURN IDLER-Adjustable 1.9 in. dia. pre-

lubricated bearings.

BED-Roller bed with 2 in. dia. x 12 ga. unplated tread

rollers spaced every 6 in., or 12 in. mounted in 10 ga.

painted formed steel channel frame with 12 ga. painted

side guards extending 8-1/2" above belt. Sections bolt

together with splice plates.

TAKE-UP-Screw take-ups at tail pulley. Provides 4 in.

of belt take-up.

BEARINGS-Sealed, pre-lubricated, self-aligning,

cast-iron ball bearings on drive and tail pulleys.

Sealed, pre-lubricated ball bearings in tread rollers.

END DRIVE-Located on discharge end of conveyor,

chain guard on left hand side.

SPEED REDUCTION-Sealed worm gear "C" Face

speed reducer. No. 50 roller chain to drive pulley.

BELT SCRAPER-Mounted in bed section to clean

underside of return belt.

MOTOR-1 HP-208/230/460/575V-3 Ph.-60

Hz.-Totally Enclosed "C" Face.

DRIVE PULLEY-8 in. dia. with 1-3/16 in. dia. shaft

at bearings, machine crowned and fully lagged.

BELT SPEED-Constant 65 FPM.

TAIL PULLEY-6 in. dia. with 1-3/16 in. dia. shaft at

bearings-self cleaning, crowned

CAPACITY-Maximum load per linear foot of

conveyor-25 lbs. NOT TO EXCEED capacity in chart.

SNUB IDLER-Adjustable 2-1/2 in. dia. Pre-lubricated

ball bearings.

FLOOR SUPPORTS-Now supplied as optional.


FLOOR SUPPORTS-MS Type fl oor supports are

available with a wide range of adjustment. Specify top

of belt or roller elevation. One support required at

every bed joint and ends of conveyor. Holes in feet for

lagging to fl oor. Knee braces recommended above

MS-6 support.

O-RING DRIVE CHAIN-With sealed in lubricant

(Recommended for applications that do not permit

regular lubrication).

END CAP-A formed steel end cap is bolted to inside

of conveyor at tail end to keep material from falling off

end of conveyor (not available with 7 in. extended

guard rail.)

NOTE: Drive end support non-adjustable up to 16 in.


CEILING HANGERS-5/8 in. dia. x 8 ft. long

unplated rods fully threaded. Other lengths and

galvanized rods available.

BELT SPEED- Other constant and variable speeds.

V-Belt drive supplied on speeds under 17 FPM.

NOTE: Capacity affected with speed changes.

MOTORS-Energy efficient, single phase, other

characteristics. 2 HP maximum.

CENTER DRIVE-Provides 16 in. of belt take-up.

Minimum elevation 20 in. Specify location. Minimum

OAL 66 in.


magnetic starters and push-button stations. AC

variable frequency drive. (see below)

V-BELT DRIVE-V-belt supplied between motor

and reducer.

Working :

The figure shows the schematic layout of labeling. This is a very simple layout. The labeling is done with the help of four printer. As the carton comes from the erector to the conveyor-1 and transfer from the direction X to O, and passes though the support and sense by the sensor-1. Now this sensor-1 send the signal to the control panel. As its pass from the sensor-1 the printer 1 & 2 prints on the side A and B of the carton. And thus the labeling done on the two side of carton. Now this carton continues the transfer from X to O and it reaches to the conveyor-2, Which is exactly perpendicular to the conveyor-1. Now the direction of the carton changes, from XO to OY. As the direction the conveyor changes from XO to OY carton progress is towards OY direction. Now it again passes though support 2 and sense by the sensor 2. Now sensor 2 send the signal to printer 3 & 4. Printer 3 & 4 prints on the side C & D of the carton. In this way, we can get the labeling on the for side of the carton. Here, the function of the support 1 and 2 to guide the carton in such a way that the carton perfectly pass though the printer and print.

(step 1-2 ma devide karo working ne)