Assessment weighted at 100% assessing all module learning outcomes.
Prepare a management report of 3,500 to 4,000 words* on an organisation or industry-sector, in a country with which you are familiar. This report should assesses the impact of external and internal factors on the organisation/industry-sector and evaluate the organisation/industry-sector responses. (In the case of a large organisation or industry-sector it is permissible to confine your report to part of the organisation or industry-sector.)
* This wordlimit does not include tables, diagrams, appendices or references
Task 1
Describe and analyse the primary internal and external influences to which the organisation/industry-sector is subject. This first task should take about one third to one half of your overall report.
Task 2
Choose one of the following themes:
a) Demographic factors
b) Increased international financial integration
In relation to your chosen theme
See over page for guidance notes.
Guidance notes
Whichever topic you chose, you must clearly demonstrate knowledge and understanding from research and reading wider than that contained in the module pack and core textbook. You must also set your analysis in the context of points i to iii above. This is a REPORT not an essay and must be presented in report format and style. This is an academic piece of work therefore you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must acknowledge the sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University's regulations on plagiarism and must be submitted as hard copies and in electronic form (via SunSpace) for checking.
Summary Assessment Criteria
(See marking scheme for more detailed guidance)
Contemporary Developments in Business and Management (SIM337) Report
Submission date: January 2010
Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Report
Marking Scheme
Grading Criteria by Classification
First Class (70 - 100%)
Upper Second (60 - 69%)
Lower Second (50 - 59%)
Third (40 - 49%)
Fail (0 - 39%)