Air conditioned safety helmet also characterized as Peltier Helmet is a helmet that utilizes peltier plate(also known as TEC-thermoelectric cooler in the helmet. It's a project were peltier plates are to be integrated in a motorcycle riding helmet to prove a more comfortable and pleasant wear. The Idea comes from motorcycle riders in countries having hot climate and making the experience of wearing a helmet horrible. A peltier is a thermoelectric cooler working on the principle of "Peltier effect". It is the inverse of "Seeback effect". When electricity is passed through a thermocouple temperature difference between the two junctions of the thermocouple is created. Heat from one side of the thermo cooler travels to the other side thus resulting cooling that side. It was discovered by the scientist named Peltier in 1834. There are number of thermocouples used in series which produce a considerable amount of heat. The circuit is heavily doped by adding impurities and making them a N-type semiconductor or P-type semi conductor.
Peltier has many advantages to it that makes it distinctly different from other coolers. Starting with, they produce cooling below the ambient temperature whereas as other coolers provide only with vapour phase refrigeration. These are less expensive and compact in size having no moving parts makes them reliable with no maintenances. They don't produce any noise as being solid state systems. It's available in different form and shapes making it useful in many different applications. They are capable of producing a temperature difference of 70°C but only in a condition where no heat exchange is taking place. They can work in any orientation and provide with accurate temperature requirement. By inverting the flow of the direction of the current the heating and cooling sides can be interchanged.
Tillmann Steinbrecher.(1997-2005).The Heat-sink Guide. Kingston University [Internet], Available at: (Accessed 5 November 2009).
They require high power supply which is one of the biggest downfalls of a peltier cooler. Condensation on the cooling side of the peltier is possible as they produce cooling below ambient temperature. The heat dissipated to heat-sink if not let out in the atmosphere would in turn heat the cooling element. Tillmann Steinbrecher.(1997-2005). The Heat-sink Guide. Kingston University [Internet], Available at: (Accessed 5 November 2009). Considering the application of peltier in the helmet there are number of problems to be overcome before considering it acceptably applicable to the helmet. Calculations considering the
To produce calculative and Ansys results and know how efficiently the peltier can used to maintain the required temperature inside a helmet.Starting with the basics a clear idea of the working and functions of the peltier is to be known. The considerations required while designing the size, placement etc of the peltier in the helmet. Detail study of the materials used in production of the helmet. Considering the thermal conductivity of the materials the temperature inside in the helmet is to be calculated. Further this temperature would help in producing the required practical solutions to the project. Ansys
When considering a successful completion of a project a project plan is essential. The first step in a project is to create a project plan and work according to it. Many a times it is sidelined by people to take work head-on. Neglecting the advantages of planning which has a great deal of advantage in saving time, money and labour.Duncan haughey. (2000-2009). Project planning a step by step Guide. Kingston University [Internet], Available at: (Accessed 11 November 2009). Beginning with the introduction on the 5th November 2009 to the project the overview of the project would give a head start in commencing with the project. The project plan linked with the introduction as finish to start would require a week to plan out the way the project is to be proceeded with and would act as reference to the progress of the project. The research taking up most of the project time is an essential part of the project. It consisting research on peltier and tutorials of Ansys which are yet to be concluded. The research work takes up 40 days of the total project time starting on the 2nd November 2009 to 12th February 2010 including examination break. Calculations correspond to the integration of the peltier in the helmet inclusive of heat transfer from the materials of the helmet and final temperature to be determined. A feedback controller design should be initiated by the 3rd March 2010. The reason for allotting more time is to engross detail research. With all the right data the Ansys analysis is timed from 12th to 22nd April 2010.The final report commencing on the 29th March 2010 to 12th May 2010 shows the effort made throughout the year to meet the expected results. Last but not the least the final results will determine whether the project has met the specific goals which is to be concluded by the 16th may 2010. This is done by producing a Gantt chart. The task durations and the progress timelines are denoted in a graphical representation. A Gantt chart aids in knowing the progress of the project. The Gantt chart for the project is produced in Microsoft Office project 2007: About Gantt chart (2009). Kingston University [Internet], Available at: (Accessed 25 November 2009).
Beginning with the research work the introduction of peltier has been completed in understanding the thermocouples fundamentals. It works on peltier effect which is the inverse of seebeck effect. In the seebeck effect the temperature difference between two dissimilar metals produces electric current. The scientist named Seebeck discovered this phenomenon when he formed a closed loop circuit connecting two diffrent metals having temperature difference and connecting them to a junction. This made a compass needle deflect because the circuit produced electric current which created a magnetic field. Seebeck effect.(2009).Kingston University [internet], Available at: (Accessed on 24th November 2009) The types of materials used in manufacturing of the helmet are as follows: