American Revolution Between America And England History Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 969

The American Revolution was a war for liberty and complete independence between America and England. The war was from 1754 to 1781 years. During the American Revolution the 13 British colonies in North America refused 1st accept the British parliament and later on the British monarchy itself- claiming that the British have no right to govern them because the Americans don't even have the representation in the Parliament. . There were 3 main causes to the American Revolutionary war: politics, economy and religion.

The tension in America had begun from French and Indian war in 1754-1763. It was a war between French and British for the control of the Northern part of America. Eventually the French and Indian War motivated the British prime minister to enforce the ancient Navigation Acts in 1764 and pass out a series of bit tax acts. The Sugar Act- this act put a big tax on all imported sugar into America. After that he passed out the Stamp Act- which taxed all printed materials (books, stamps, newspapers etc), and finally the Quartering Act- this act forced all the colonists to house the British troops in their houses and provide them food & shelter. Americans started claiming: "No taxation without representation"- therefore they also started to boycott all the imported British goods into the country. In 1766 the colonial leaders sent the petition to the King George III with the request of repealing the act, the parliament agreed. Meanwhile the Parliament passes out (yet) another act "Declaratory act" which states that Britain has the right to tax the colonies any time they wish. In 1767 the Parliament passes out a Townshend act, also known as a tea act which puts the tax on all the tea imported into America. In order to prevent the outbreaks of violence, Massachusetts governor Hutchinson asked for assistance from British army, in 1768, 4,000 of British troops get send into America in order to maintain order. Despite all the efforts to keep peace, a group of angry colonists had a conflict with the British "red-coats" and it resulted as "Boston Massacre", in reality though only 5 colonists were killed, and the colonists themselves were the ones who were trying to provoke the soldiers by throwing ice and snow-balls at them. As a result of Boston Massacre, the local newspapers started to quickly spread the propaganda against British and their army "threatening" the colonists' liberty. In 1173 the British pass out the Tea Act, which was aimed to financially stabilize the British East India Company, so all the tea exported t American colonies would be heavily taxed. By this time Americans were fed up with all these acts which were heavily taxing them and taking away all their money, tea agents and merchants refused to buy anymore tea for their speculations as a response to this act. Despite all the protests, Hutchinson decided that the law should still be in power; therefore he ordered 3 British ships loaded with tea to arrive to Boston harbor. As the 2nd (after Boston Massacre) uprising the colonists on 16th December 1773 dressed up as Native Americans went into the Boston Harbor during the night and dumped all the tea into the harbor. This uprising became known as "Boston Tea Party". As a response to this uprising, Parliament passes out a series of Intolerable Acts, which forced the colonists to shut down the Boston Harbor until they would pay back the British East India Company all the damage that they have done. By doing this the British had done a fatal mistake seeing as a lot of the money received by the colonists was primarily through export, and the British gained a lot of money from colonists through importing British goods into America. The colonists decided that now it is time to openly protests, because the propaganda will not help anymore. Therefore in 1774 the "prominent colonials" met in Philadelphia at the 1st Continental Congress. The continental congress demanded King George II to repeal all the acts and to get back into friendly relationships, in order to try to "show" the Parliament that they were very determined they declared the boycott on all the British goods in the colonies.

The British forces in Boston marched to Concord on April 19th 1775 (1) to seize some of the minor colonial army uprising. The British have intercepted other colonial forces and therefore attacked the colonial army, forcing them to retreat. The Second Continental Congress decided to meet in order to discuss the situation, as their last attempt to fight for peace the colonists sent the Olive Branch Petition in which they showed their love and loyalty to the King George III. As a response George III carelessly declines the petition and declares that the colonies are officially in the state of rebellion. As a result of the second continental congress, people chose George Washington, as the major commander of the militiamen in the north. Colonists also managed to gather some money in order to build a navy for themselves, as well as training their soldiers as well as they could. By doing all of the above said the colonists managed to form a professional Continental Army which would fight the Britain quite effectively. As the battles were going on, in some place as Bunker Hill, the colonists started to "feel the taste" of freedom and independence compared to what they were forced to do while they were under the control of the British Empire. On July 2nd 1776 all of the colonial congressmen gather and officially declare their complete independence from British. Americans chose a lawyer from Virginia whose name is Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence (2), the 1st document of newly born country- The United States of America.

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