A Types Of Windows System Files Iexplore Exe Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 936

The iexplore.exe system file is located in the Program Files/Internet Explorer folder. This is an executable file of the program Microsoft Internet Explorer. The graphical user interface of the iexplore.exe file is composed of graphical internet pages viewed by the user. The iexplore.exe is a web browser that connects to the Internet when a user enters a URL in the address bar found on its GUI.

The wmplayer.exe system file is located in the Program Files/Windows Media Player folder. This is an executable file of the program Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player is an application for running most audio or video files.

The explorer.exe system file is located in the Windows folder. The explorer.exe file is an executable file for Windows Explorer. In the Microsoft Windows operating system, the explorer.exe file runs and has a graphical user interface that you can see when you are opening hard drives or files. Sometimes, the graphical user interface of the explorer.exe file is referred to as Windows GUI Shell or Explorer.

The calc.exe system file is located in the Windows/System32 folder. The system file calc.exe is a Microsoft Windows accessory which allows the user to make basic scientific calculations.

The cmd.exe system file is located in the Windows/System32 folder. The cmd.exe file allows access to the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt, also known as Microsoft DOS. The system file cmd.exe is a 32-bit command prompt used in Windows NT, 2000 and XP and offers disk and file maintenance functions to your computer as well as network functions.


This file is located in the Windows/System32 folder. The system file svchost.exe is the Generic Host Process for Win32 Services used for administering 16-bit based Dynamically Linked Library (DLL) files including other supplementary support applications.


The system file spoolsv.exe is located in the Windows/System32 folder. The spoolsv.exe file is described as the Spooler Sub-System Application or Windows Print Spooler Service and is the main component of the printing interfaces. The spoolsv.exe file is initialized when the computer starts, and it runs in the background until the computer is turned off.


The system file console.exe is located in the Windows/System32 folder. This file console.exe belongs to i-Catcher Console, from i-Code Systems Limited.


This system file is located in the Windows/System32 folder. The file inetcplc.dll is a DLL library used by the Internet Control Panel.


The vmmreg32.dll system file is located in the Windows folder. This system file vmmreg32.dll is a module associated with Microsoft Windows Operating System from Microsoft Corporation.

Part - b

Microsoft Management Control (MMC)

Console Root Fig.52

This is the opening window of the Microsoft Management Console. From here you may obtain your choices to add or to manage any programs.

Adding Group Policy Object Editor Fig.53

This snap-in allows you to edit Group Policy Objects which can be linked to a Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit in the Active Directory or stored on a computer.

Adding IP Security Monitor Fig.54

The IP Security monitor snap-in is used to monitor the IP Security status.

Adding Security Configuration and Analysis Fig.55

Security Configuration and Analysis is an MMC snap-in that provides security configuration and analysis for Windows computers using security template files.

Event Viewer

Using the event logs in Event Viewer, you can gather information about hardware, software, and system problems. You can also monitor Windows XP security events.

A computer running any version of Windows XP records events in three kinds of logs:

- Application Log

- Security Log

- System Log

Event Viewer (Application Logs) Fig.56

The application log contains events logged by applications or programs. For example, a database program might record a file error in the application log. Program developers decide which events to monitor.

Event Viewer (Security Logs) Fig.57

The security log records events such as valid and invalid logon attempts, as well as events related to resource use such as creating, opening, or deleting files or other objects. An administrator can specify what events are recorded in the security log. For example, if you have enabled logon auditing, attempts to log on to the system are recorded in the security log.

Event Viewer (System Logs) Fig.58

The system log contains events logged by Windows XP system components. For example, the failure of a driver or other system component to load during startup is recorded in the system log. The event types logged by system components are predetermined by Windows XP.

Task Manager

Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on your computer. It also displays the most commonly used performance measures for processes. You can see the status of the programs that are running and end programs that have stopped responding.

Task Manager (Applications) Fig.59

From the Applications segment a user may get an overall view of all the programs being executed by the Operating System.

Task Manager (Processes) Fig.60

The Processes are a list of all the system files in use.

Task Manager (Performance) Fig.61

The Performance segment gives you an idea about how your CPU is behaving at the particular moment. It gives you graphical representations and also shows you charts on the amount of CPU usage and its history. It also shows the Page File usage and its history.

Part - c

Installing Scanner

Welcome Screen for Installation Fig.62

Selecting My place of Residence Fig.63

License Agreement Fig.64

Installation in Progress Fig.65

Completing the Installation Fig.66

After Connecting the Device to the System Fig.67

Installation Completed Fig.68

Installing Printer

After Connecting Printer to the Port Fig.69

Introducing the Driver from a Specified Location Fig.70

Selecting Printer Device Fig.71

Adding Printer Device Fig.72

Completing Installation Fig.73