I'm going to develop Software for a hotel. This software will help their room booking and reservation activities. It will very useful to them as a good system to their day-today activities. In present the receptionist do this room booking and reservation system. So the receptionist is really busy at some times. So the customers have to face most difficulties at certain times. So I hope this propose is a very important software to the customers, staff and especially receptionist. So I try my best to succeed this propose.
CONTENTS page no.
Overview 04
Background 05
2.1 Main objectives 06
2.1.1 Advantages 06
2.1.2 Current problems in marketed similar system 07
2.2 Main functions of the proposed system 07
3.1 Main system flow 08
3.2 Software development methodology to be used 09
3.2.1 Collection of data and complete a literature review 10
3.2.2 Design the proposed system 11-12
3.2.3 Implementation of the system 13
3.2.4Testing and bug fixing 14-15
3.3 Software and hardware requirements needed in the development
in the proposed System 16
3.4 Project group work plan 17
"Penth house holiday resort" is near in Bolgoda Lake. It has 20 rooms. Lots of tourists are coming to visit there. But they don't have proper system to handle room reservation activities and customer details. In present
Room managers and receptionists are maintain a book for manage their information. Using a book for maintenance and reservation activities, they have faced many problems. Therefore I propose a software for
Solve these reservation problems. It can manage hotel's rooms properly. Using this Software, receptionists can find the reserved rooms and can find the details about customers who stayed in this hotel before. Basically this Software is very important to staff members like Receptionists and room managers.
Hotel Software is an in-house Windows based application used by businesses to automate their day-to-day operations such as room bookings, reservations, checking or checkout. Hotel reservation software is developed for suitable works of the following types of accommodation like Hotels, Motels and Guesthouses, University accommodation letting, Cottages, Villas, Cabins, Hostels or Any other room booking which is to be managed on a day-to-day basis. As stated in 'Harvard style' (2003), (http://www.hotelsoftwarepro.com)
In present Penth house holiday resort staff use a book for enter customer details and records. They must keep mounds of papers and books, and delay due to enter the customer details Therefore they have to waste their time and cost. Also they haven't good secured about customer details. In this globalize word many hotels used room reservation systems. Using systems many hotels can faced competitive of hotel industry.
Many types of businesses in the hotel reservations industry that uses software to make their service quality to be better: hotels, guest houses, motels, restaurants, bed and breakfast, camping, lodging, and others. Why does not the manual way, like using a book and pencil to keep records such as reservations and do a pretty good job of it all? If you want to avoid many mistakes and accidents such as the manual method, should not be used. Use high-quality software that will help all of your recording. If using software hotel booking system, you have a direct means to access all your notes with your finger. Everything is kept updated automatically, and can even be very easily printed on the spot.
How many times have you suffered from this faux pas you have to refuse a client for the previous reservation was made, but then you come to find that customers are expected to be shown and worse yet, after looking into things further, you find that the reservation was not even guaranteed. This is a prime example of what can be avoided when using the software hotel reservation system. Another great feature is the fully customizable, and most of the hotel reservation system software package can be configured to display and print in most any language. The fact is, that the way software hotel booking system automatically keep them updated, and provides quick access to any and all files and records on the spot, making a very sound investment for the industry, and is working hard for all of our reservation and notes the need reservations today. As stated in 'Harvard style' (2003), (http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Hotel-Reservation-System-Software-Or-Manual-/839256)
2.1 Main objective
Main objective of developing this software is do room booking and reservation activities in efficient manner.
2.1.1 Advantages
Can get information immediately.
User friendliness software.
Easy to maintain.
Didn't waste time
It's very easier to customer.
Better option for continuing customer relation ship.
2.1.2 Current problems in marketed similar system
We can see many reservation systems in market, but we cannot certify there security.
(Customer details)
Some marketed similar systems are not so efficiency.
2.2 Main function of the proposed system
Welcome screen
User check(Login window)
Add, Delete and Update data.
Search window (user can check unreserved rooms )
3.1 Main System - Flow
Run the program
Search data
Update data
Delete data
Add details
Search details about reserved rooms
Identify the user
Check username,
Pass word
Display message box
Click ok button
Enter user name and pass word
Display logging window
Display welcome window
If wrong
If correct
Other user
3.2 Software development methodology
Concurrent Activities
Initial Version
Final Version
3.2.1 Collection of data and complete a literature review
I got more information through internet. I search many web sites and get information about hotel reservation systems. I am developing this propose to Penth House Resort. So I talked with managers, directors, clerks, waiters and especially the receptionist. Also I talked with the customers including the foreign tourists. They told me about the failures of current system. These are following above.
Time Wasting
Less Security
High Cost for Documents and so on.
3.2.2 Design the proposed system
Use case diagram (Administrator)
Install the software
Welcome screen
Display user logging window
Enter the user name and pass word
Click ok button
Log in to the system
Display the 1st window
Add, delete and update data
Searching window
Search the data
Log out from the system
Use case diagram(other users)
Other users
Display welcome screen
Click ok button
Log in to the system
Search details about reserved rooms
Log out from the system
Install the software
Enter the user name and pass word
Display user logging window
Display Searching window
3.2.3 Implementation of the system
Editor : visual studio 2005
Database : MS access 2003
Documentation : MS word 2003
Images : Adobe Photoshop
3.2.4 Testing and bug fixing
Black box testing
Selected input
Excepted output
White box testing
Selected output
Actual output
Excepted output
3.3Software and Hardware needed in the development of the proposed system
Software requirements
Ms2 visual studio 2005
Ms Access
Ms word
Hardware requirements
Processor : Pentium iii
Ram : 512
3.4Project group work plan
Requirements definition
System and software design
Implementation and unit testing
Integration and system testing
Operation and maintenance
4. Conclusion
My proposed system will very useful to hotels to manage room reservation activities.
It will be very helpful to search information and it will be user friendliness software.
I try to create this software in my best.