Benefits Of An Online Boat Rental System Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 3164

Nowadays, there are several of online boat renting reservations which give much benefit to users. The existing of this online system can overcome the problem of availability and provide convenience to the user in renting boat. Therefore, I will created a web-based application that allowed customers to do reservation; it is also allows customers to view online. It also convenient for foreigner tourists, and travel agency to do online research, compare boat prices and make reservation before go travel. It also helps customers save a lot of time to do research on boat renting.

The existing boat rental services have overcome the problems of island hopping services. For those who unable to do reservation boat rent services give many benefits for them. With advanced in technology, it creates great opportunities to implement web-based boat rental system which improves and enhances the boat rental service operations.

Applications that use a web browser as the client front end (e.g. Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer) are generally of two types: First, to provide information only (or read-only) pages to customers, and to provide a more intimate interaction with customers. In either case, the application must interact with a server to satisfy the customer requests for data and process the customer supplied data. One of the best solutions to serve information to a customer is a Java Servlet.

A Java Servlet is to the back-end of the application and an applet is to the front end application. This means that a small self-contained object running on the application, host will service requests from the web client. This object is built using the Java language and runs in the Java Virtual Machine on the host.

Java is an advanced object oriented language appropriate for many tasks, especially communications related to World Wide Web applications. An object written in Java can communicate with databases or other objects on different servers. One or more Servlets provide the complete back end information source for a well designed web application.

Java Servlets provide a strong, secure and scalable method of providing information to client requests in a web-based application. Since Java is a compiled language there are several benefits over scripted type solutions. Code written in Java will take advantage of the multi threaded processing model, which allows one object to split a request into separate tasks and run each concurrently.

Compiled code is not human readable, it will not be written in the world, and objects written in Java must conform to a strict security model which limits communications to unknown hosts. Java enabled web servers manage the available instances of servlet objects running at any given time, and ensure a minimum delay in processing a request.

2.3.2 Java

In fact, Java language was born in 1991, initially known as OAK language. Their initial aim is to develop a platform-independent software technology, and before the advent of the Internet, OAK can be said to be unknown, and it almost died. However, the network has changed the fate of OAK.

Java also allows you to play online games, chit-chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.

By using Java, one program can be run on many different platforms. This means that you do not need to put your efforts on developing a different version of software for each platform. Because Java is easy to learn and it was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages.

Java is an object-oriented. This will allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. Java also is a platform-independent. One of the most significant advantages of Java is its ability to move easily from one computer system to another.

The ability to run the same program on many different systems is crucial to World Wide Web software, and Java succeeds at this by being platform-independent at both the source and binary levels.

2.3.3 Apache Tomcat/XML

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed under the Java Community Process.

Tomcat is a small, lightweight application server, in small and medium systems, and concurrent access to a lot of situations the user is not widely used, is to develop and debug JSP program of choice. For a beginner, it could be argued that, when a machine configured Apache server, you can use it to respond to requests for access to HTML pages. Tomcat is the Apache server is actually part of the expansion, but it is run independently, so when you run tomcat, it is actually as a separate process with Apache alone operation.

The trick here is that, when configured correctly, Apache HTML page for the service, and actually running Tomcat JSP pages and Servlet. In addition, Tomcat and IIS, Apache Web server, such as the function to handle HTML pages, while it is a Servlet and JSP container, independent of the Servlet container is Tomcat's default mode.

2.4 Database Management System

2.4.1 SQL Server Architecture

SQL Server Architecture describe how the various components work together to manage data effectively. SQL Server was originally developed by Sybase in the mid-

1980s and licensed to Microsoft until 1997. Even today, most of the core technology in SQL Server is the same as Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. There are three architecture points in SQL Server. First, it is multi-threaded, scales to multiple processors. Second, the main databases are master, model, tempdb and each database has at least one data segment and one log segment.

2.4.2 MYSQL Architecture

MySQL is an open source relational database management system. MySQL is very fast, reliable and flexible database management system. It provides very high performance and it is multi-threaded and multi-user relational database management system. MySQL is running on a network using client or server architecture environment. In other words, a central planning as a server and a variety of client programs to connect to the server request.

2.5 Comparison between Existing Systems

2.6 Summary



3.1 Introduction

The research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. It provides us an advancement of wealth of human knowledge, disciplined thinking to observe objectively, and skills of research particularly in the age of information. The research methodology is that studying how research is done. It also defines the way in which the data are collected in a research project.

A methodology also part of important technique use to managing and controlling for research in project to achieve the specified objectives within a given time. In order to complete this research, there are four major phases involved.

3.2 Project Methodology

On this project we need found the best methodology which to easy improve , high market value in future develop on this project model . Finally were choosing Waterfall model to become planed and develop idea for this system project.

The Waterfall Model is the earliest method of structured system development and his create by Winston W. Royce in 1970 It is a highly structured development process, first used on DoD software projects in the 1970s. It is the traditional approach to software development and was derived from defense and aerospace project lifecycles now day The Waterfall Model is still common and widely used in software develop filed.

3.3 Development Phases

Requirement Analysis & Definition: All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase. Requirements are set of functionalities and constraints that the end-user expects from the system. The requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation, theses requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be development is also studied. Finally, a Requirement Specification document is created which serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model.

System & Software Design: Before build the actual coding and actual design we must to understand what we are going to create and what requirement material used to? The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and system design is prepared. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture and specifications with serve as input for the next phase of the model also.

Implementation & Unit Testing: This step is receiving system design documents, the job are divided in to the modules and started with the actual coding. When the system is first to develop in small programs we will called this units, which are integrate in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality; this is referring to as Unit Testing. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules or units meet their specifications.

Integration & System Testing: Specified as above the system is first divided in units which are developed and test for their functionalities. These units are integrated into a complete system during Integration phase and test with all the modules coordinate between each other and the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. After successfully testing the software, it will hand in to the customer.

Operations & Maintenance: This phase of "The Waterfall Model" is virtually never ending phase. Generally, problems with the system developed which are not found during the development life cycle come up after its practical use starts, so the issues related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. Not all the problems come in picture directly but they arise time to time and needs to be solved; hence this process is referred as Maintenance.

3.4 Methodology Justifications

Now in this project we will discuss how can we justification idea of waterfall model, why we choose waterfall model to be software development idea, and what advantages in waterfall model.

The waterfall model is follows a linear and strict set of stages during its development process. The waterfall model can be process model follows a particular life cycle in order to ensure success in process of software development. Important is the waterfall model have high value in software development field and now a day still a lot of software develop company used to develop they are software productions.

The advantage of waterfall model is it allows for departmentalization and managerial control, after than a schedule can be set with an end time for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the development process like a shirt in a washing machine, and theoretically, can be finish on time. Development moves from concept, through design, implementation, testing, installation, troubleshooting, and end up at operation and maintenance. Each phase of development proceeds in strict order, without any overlapping or iterative steps.

3.5 System Requirements

In this development system I will refer to the develop phase and will follow the certain requirements in order to make work more efficiently. System requirements refer to two requirements as I stated at 3.5.1 and 3.5.2

3.5.1 Hardware Requirements

In hardware part, Im using Intel? Atom? CPU N475 and 1.83GHz Processor to run the server web-base application. The amount of Random Access Memory (RAM) that is required depend on many factors such as requirement to other services, frequently accessed content files, operating system paging files and the web service application. It is recommended to have at least 1GB (Gigabyte) of RAM in order to run the application. Having more RAM (2GB or 4GB) in your server will be better as it will allow more files to be cached and reducing disk request from processor.

3.5.2 Software Requirements

In software requirement, I was using window 7 as my Operating system. In my system, I had installed apache tomcat because it contain Java Servlet container. On the other hand, I have to install Java JDK/JRE to run and compile the Java program.

3.6 Summary



4.1 Introduction

In this chapter we will discuss more in details about the design and implementation of the online reservation system. The design of the whole system and the application implementation architecture will be discussed further with visual diagrams.

4.3 System Flows

The system flows for the online reservation system will be discussed in details with the help of Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams. The purpose of Use Case Diagram is to show the functionalities provided by the system in a graphical overview in terms of actors and their goals and any dependencies between them. Main idea is to show which actor is performing for what system functions.

Also it describes the roles of actors in the system. On the other hand, a sequence diagram shows, different objects or processes that live at the same time as vertical lines and the messages passed between them as horizontal lines in the sequence order. This will make the processes easier to understand.

4.3.2 Sequence Diagram User Registration

Each and every user must register in order to login into the system.

Registration is simple in the online reservation System for Resorts and Hotels in the

Maldives. They can fill up their details and click the submit button and it takes only a few seconds to get registered into the system. You can see Figure 4.4 below to get a clear idea of how the sequence flows in the registration process. User Login

Users can login into the system using their User ID and Password which

they will get as they register. As users login, they will see their name on the top

corner and the login status. They can now browse and search for the room

availability from the resorts.

4.4 Database Design

The database of online reservation system for resorts and hotels in Maldives is

designed using MySQL database management system. The table structure of the

database is shown below from Table. 4.1 to Table 4.6.

4.5 Interface Design

The interface of this Online Reservation System for Resorts and Hotels in Maldives

is very important as this is the main interface where the users interact with the

system. The physical appearance of this system can be seen from this interface

design. It is necessary that the interface design must meet the requirements of the

user and makes best use of the resources along with texts, images, buttons and fields.

4.6 Summary

System design and implementation is the most important part of this project. It is

designed according to the requirements of the end users. The Use Case and Sequence

Diagrams showed a clear understanding of how the whole system works.



5.1 Introduction

This chapter will discuss about what we have achieved from this project and what has to be done for further studies. The chapter will also highlight the constraints and challenges that we faced during the development of this project. It is important to discuss the expectations from this project as well.

5.2 Achievement

The development of this project is completed successfully after several months of work. The project scope and objectives has been met as the project finished before the deadline. During the development of each phase of the project, several goals have been achieved. The best achievement that we got from this project development is knowledge about web services. We studied several methods for carrying out the project and finally decided to use the waterfall process model. To achieve the goals, the activities of this project were split into different chapters which made it easy for completing each chapter on time. For reference we have concluded a Project Gantt Chart in the next page which shows how each activity was carried on and the time schedule for each chapter. The final result of this project which is the design interface and implementation showed that all the user requirements were met. The design interface plays a major role in the development of this online reservation system. This online reservation system will be a demanding system for tourists who seek to get full information about the resorts and hotels in the Maldives. They can happily make bookings for their favorite holiday destination spot through this system. The web service architecture that facilitates its full functionality in the development of this project is a major success which cannot be avoided.

5.3 Constraints and challenges

As in every system developed there should be constraints and challenges, this system also had its own challenges to battle. The biggest challenge faced was the time allocated to do the project. The time allocated for this project was nearly enough to complete all the chapters on time.

Developing such a huge project will not be an easy job. There was a lot of hard coding done to make the perfect system but still there are some improvements that can be done to make it better. The project will be further studied for improving further developments in the future.

The main risk for this web service application project is the business impact of application failure. If the web service application fails then the whole project is at risk and there will be a lot of work to be done to make it up and running again. Other than these few challenges, there are not many constraints we faced during the development of this project.

5.4 Expectation

The expectations from this project are high as there will be a high demand from the users if the project is successful. Lets consider how many individuals from all around world will be searching for a good holiday destination spot to spend their vacation. And how many of them will be searching for a good resort especially from the Maldives. Nobody wants to waste their precious time just by going through lot of websites to find the perfect destination as time is a very important factor for everyone. They will be happy to get all the information from one website which saves a lot of time as well.

As more people register and login to the system, it will make the web services to work more slowly as there will be a lot of bandwidth taken for the high internet traffic. So we must prepare ourselves for the future to improve the web services used in the system. It is always better to be prepared for the worst because who knows what will happen in the future in this fast technology growing world.

5.5 Summary

This reservation system project has its own set of goals and achievements. There are also many constraints and challenges faced during the development of this project. As mentioned in the previous chapters, the web-based application system is built according to the requirements of the users who will use the system for their benefits. We expect the users to get the best out of this system and hope for a better one in the future.