With rapid changes occurring in the world around us, the world of electronics is also changing at a fast pace. The electronic industries around the world come up with new gadgets and gizmos every next day with the hope of making life a little simpler for their users. As a result, gadgets that were considered a craze and an innovation a few years back have become outdated today. As the technology employed in each new gadget changes, it is only natural that the components used in them change too. Therefore, it is a matter of little surprise that electronic components become obsolete quite fast.
Any electronic component that is not actively used in today's electronic world is called obsolete. Their obsolescence may be either because better components, meeting the same needs, are invented or simply because the gadgets for which these components were designed, are no longer in use. Consumers become increasingly demanding in a market of innumerable choices and do not want to be burdened by obsolete components or gadgets.
Once the technology of an electronic component has become obsolete, they become very hard to find in the market. However, this creates a problem for those consumers who wish to continue using their old electronic gadgets. Not all people can afford the latest gadgets simply because they are too expensive and continue to use their existing gadget. The problem arises when these gadgets breakdown and require servicing. Since they are outdated, very few electronic shops stock the components required for these gadgets and hence it becomes very hard to repair them.
Some companies maintain stocks of obscure obsolete electronic components. Certain companies even specialize in searching and supplying them for customers. Customers who wish to repair old gadgets should try to provide these companies with as much details of the obsolete electronic component as possible such as the name of the manufacturer, part number and part description. They should also inform these companies of the amount they are willing to pay for these components, the date by which they need these components and the quantity. It is always advisable to buy a little more than required because it may not be able to procure it at a later date.
Companies that deal in obsolete electronic components can be found on the Internet. Typically, these companies allow the customers to place orders online. They accept payment through credit cards or wire transfer depending on whether the customer is located in the United States or in a foreign country.
Electronic components can be broadly classified into two categories: active and passive. A passive electronic component is a component that does not require a source of energy to perform its intended function. It contributes no power gain (amplification) to a circuit or system and has no control over its actions. It does not require any input apart from a signal to perform its function. A crystal radio receiver which is an AM radio receiver, does not require any electricity and is made entirely from passive components
The three important passive electronic components are resistors, capacitors and inductors. Resistors are the most common component used in the production of electronic equipment. They are used to control current and voltage within a circuit. They are usually cigar shaped with a wire lead coming out of each end. Capacitors help to store electrical energy in the form of an electrostatic charge. They vary in size and shape and can be found in varying forms ranging from a small surface mount model to a huge electric motor cap. Inductors are used in alternating current circuits to oppose changes in the existing current. Most inductors can be identified by their "coil" appearance and a green color. A large number of these passive electronic components are used in the electronics industry in the U.S.
Even though a large quantity of these components is required on an ongoing basis, U.S.-owned passive component companies are dwindling in number due to consolidation and foreign investment in U.S. companies. An industry trend noticed is that the growing markets of the Far East are challenging the dominance of the United States in the capacitor production market.
The U.S. companies' fall from supremacy in the passive electronic component production market has lead to an increase in the price of these gadgets. As a result, a lot of cheap and inferior components have begun to flood the markets. It is always safer to buy passive electronic components from an authorized dealer. It is also advisable to buy an expensive passive electronic component that can last longer. A cheap component may be of an inferior quality and would require regular replacement.
The electronic industry is a flourishing one today due to the increasing demand for the latest electronic gadgets by many consumers. This has given a huge boost to the production of electronic components. Most companies that manufacture electronic components are required to produce in very large numbers. Companies that sell electronic components wholesale, meet the huge demands for these components more easily.
Most wholesalers sell a wide range of electronic and electrical components. They sell both active and passive components of all configurations. Some of them specifically stock and sell only obsolete or hard to find electronic components. They often sell to retail electronic stores, big companies or industries, schools, colleges (for use in the physics lab) and other institutions that need these electronic components in large numbers.
Considering the cost factor, it is better for institutions that require electronic components in large numbers, to buy wholesale. This is especially the case of certain electronic components that are very expensive. It is profitable to buy these from wholesalers as most wholesalers offer huge discounts on large orders.
Certain large companies may buy components in wholesale and then resell these supplies to smaller companies at retail prices. This is practiced when there are many small-scale companies in a certain area that require supplies of electronic components on a regular basis.
Many dealers offer retail electronic components on the Internet at wholesale prices. They can afford to do so because the overhead expenses involved in selling on the internet are very low. Many people prefer to purchase electronic components wholesale at a cheaper rate rather than paying retail prices for the same product. Some wholesale companies also allow customers to personally inspect their products before making a purchase. Most wholesalers of electronic components advertise their products in the newspapers, yellow pages or on the Internet. The dealers that advertise electronic components online accept payments from customers through credit cards or wire transfers.
The electronic industry is highly advanced today and newly invented electronic gadgets are introduced in the market every day. In recent times, many consumers have shown an inclination to buy the latest gizmos as soon as they are introduced in the market. As a result of this demand and buying frenzy, many relatively new but less advanced gadgets become outdated quite fast. Over a period of time, the components used in these outdated gadgets also become obsolete. Dealers stop stocking the components required in obsolete gadgets and gradually, they become very hard to find in the markets. Occasionally, a component may become hard to find if the company originally producing it closes down or a better version is invented and the production of the older version completely. Some electronic components are very costly and rarely bought and therefore are not stocked by retailers.
Some electronic gadgets work only when they are fitted with a particular hard- to -find component. It may be impossible to repair gadgets whose components are outdated and need to be replaced. In such cases, it becomes necessary to find these obsolete components.
A number of companies specialize in stocking hard-to-find electronic components for sale in such situations. Some of them even undertake the task of searching and supplying them to customers who place orders with them. These companies would require certain information pertaining to the hard-to-find components such as the name of the manufacturer who originally produced these components, part number and part description. A customer looking to buy such components should provide the companies with details such as the amount they are willing to pay for these components, the date by which they need these components and the quantity required.
Customers wishing to buy hard-to-find electronic components should ensure that they place their orders with reliable and authorized dealers. Some unethical dealers of electronic components have been known to supply customers with inferior goods. In such cases, the user would be stuck with worthless components that can neither be used to run their electronic gadgets nor be resold.