Internet banking means is permits the customer to perform transaction form any other terminal with access to the internet banking .internet banking is the changing the banking sector. It has always been the relationship between the banks has a great influence. Internet banking is secondary worlds web banking is used to banking transactions via a secured internet application. Internet banking included main thing is paying bill transferring funds, view personal account statement and paying down loans and mortgages. The strength of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, through the Internet than in retail financial services is vital in many other sectors of the Internet. As well as Internet banking, online banking products and services include the distribution channels. Internet banking is divided into major categories. For some example as well as cash management, wire transfer , automated transactions ,balance inquired ,downloading transaction information ,fund transfer ,bill payment ,loan applications ,investment activities ,and any other activities.
In the worlds the first internet banking introduced in united state of America since 1994.and this service developed by stanford federal credit union. The online banking services are day to day implementation developed system. And in this country united kingdom this service internet banking launched in 1983 .this facility introduced by Nottingham building society is told to have been derived from a system known as prestel it's deployed by the postal service department of united kingdom. Internet banking is a technological application of the Internet in the banking industry (Gopalkrishnan et al, 2003). Online-banking systems essentially allow individuals to perform banking activities at home and/or work through connectivity to the internet. The bank services can be accessed wherever a computer is being used with a connection to the internet. Internet banking offers different online services like balance enquiry, requests for cheque books, recording stop-payment instructions, balance transfer instructions, account opening and other forms of traditional banking services. Typically, online-banking systems are designed to be simple in scope and user-friendly. Such websites generally can be accessed 24/7 and can be accessed almost anywhere, especially with recent advances in mobile technology (Smith, 2006). Online banking in India is still a relatively new idea and it is in the early stage of development already been unveiled. Online banking will continue to have a significant effect on traditional banking service. An increasing number of financial institutions currently offer online-banking capabilities to their customers. Almost 12% of the 38.5 million internet users in India by 2005-06 were glued on to online banking and the figure was estimated to rise to 16 million by 2007-08, as per the survey conducted by IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India) in 2006
Increase customer satisfaction:
Internet banking is called cyber banking, virtual banking and online banking. internet banking allows customer to access banking service 24 hours a day 7 day a week .as for example ATMs ,internet banking empowers customer to choose when and where they conduct their banking.( by SCN Education B.V april 2001 1st editions.)
The service of Internet banking - has three components:
1: information only system.
2: electronic information transfer system.
3: fully electronic transactional system.
Here information system means general information like interest rates, branch location, bank product and there features, loan and deposit calculations are provided in the bank web site.
And secondary electronic information transfer system this system provided customer specific information in the form of account balances, transaction details and statement of account and other facilities.
And third system electronic transaction is most important .this system provided customer update online transaction. This system required high degree of security and control this system including web server secure infrastructure .this infrastructure covering computerization technology and networking and security technology and also including legal infrastructure.
Motivation for choosing the topic:
I strongly feel that having a right kind of internet banking is main motivation for consumer to bank on the internet any other influential factor modulates by bank. And also this service provided on line banking bill payment report and online bankers to conveniently access their financial information any conduct activity any time.
My learning of the topic would benefit me in the following way:-
Improve my understand on how beneficial of internet banking can be used on continuous basis.
I aspire for a career in finance my understand on the issues related to important finance related to internet banking I have a better insight into my chosen career and business risk areas will be equipped with internet banking.
Service encounter:
Internet banking service quality is the attributes of electronic banking. The perception of the customer service is provider another party. The quality of internet banking service encounter is an aspect of the entire Internet banking quality (Rowley, 2006). Using the most previous studies evaluated the quality of internet banking service encounter subjective evaluation factors such as accuracy, security, content and timeliness, aesthetics.... etc, by surveying the customer "attitude (Joseph, et al., 1999, January and Cai, 2001; Wail, 2004) . And some studies have looked at the objective evaluating factors (Miranda, 2006).
Several categories were developed and tested by researchers evaluated the quality of the categories, the site of Miranda et al. (Counting 2006) and advanced internet banking, web site content permitted speed, accessibility and navigability, the same categories of Mateos et al.(2001).
Outcome of the literature review:
The main aim of this research is to investigate customer relationship activities in e-banking among Indian bank and United Kingdom banks. It has also enabled them to offer some of their service through self service technology (SSTs).one of the newest technology provided for bank by internet banking. The purpose of this study is to find out why Indian bank customer, in particular some bank customer to whom internet banking service have already been offer or not using internet banking. (jun and cai 2001) identified services quality dimensions of i-banking this services are reliability , responsiveness , competence , courtesy , access ,communication , and also understanding the customer ,collaboration ,continuous improvement ,accuracy , timeliness ,aesthetics , security and divers features. And also suggested some dimensional are very important for internet banking (.jayawardhena 2004).
Literature review:
(Parmita Shah; Yanni Zhao; (2005)) Internet banking service qualities in the study were identified as main dimensions and capacity, reliability, accountability, performance, privacy, communications, personalization, technology updates, and logistical / technical support. The quality performance of all the strong performance is customer satisfaction. Capacity, reliability, accountability, implementation of Internet banking service quality in the privacy of the heart was found. Finally logistical or technical support for technology updates and research in two new dimensions have been found. A channel service delivery is one of the main challenges and how service quality, this research has important goals, to provide Internet banking management had a better understanding of transaction.
Dabholkar and Bagozzi (2002) said that technology can have a significant impact on service delivery and hence reducing the problems related to face to face settings. " Internet banking offers the option to provide economic and convenient services without reducing the quality of services offered to customers "
Internet banking refers to the utilization of the Internet for performing transactions and payments by accessing a bank's secure website and pertains to the application of financial services and markets through the use of electronic communication and computation (Humphrey et al. 2004).
Research methodology:
The applied method in the study is the use of comparative case study which emphasizes the implementation of e-banking in INDIA and UK. This serves as an advantage for the study to link the e-banking system in the future transactions in banking sectors. Comparative case study method can help the current study investigate the current situation in e-banking services as well as determining the level of impact among the users and the institutions serving the same idea.
Research methodology:
Data collection plan:
The case study is based on the following source of data
Primary data:
In this research for internet banking related to nearly some customer's data will be available in the form of questionnaires collected in terms of different influencing for internet banking. And internet banking is considered as dependent on awareness among customers related to studied with help of different independent variable .means the customer review of State Bank of India (SBI) , HDFC , ICICI , Bank of Baroda (BOB) and reserve bank of India (RBI) .
Secondary data:
Collection of data information from different kind of books periodical, research journals internet reference and past data, reports and newsletters and the including report for internet provided secondary data source for the study
Ethics in research:
Consideration of the ethics of e-Business has tended to focus on areas relating to the fragility of information
Collected and held electronically and transferred via computer-mediated communication. These include privacy of
Information about individuals, accuracy of information, ownership of information and intellectual property and accessibility of information held (see Mason 1986)
Main five constraints use internet banking.
1 Autonomous articulation of need-claims;
2. Bracketing of power differentials of the participants;
3. Transparency;
4. Participants should have empathetic ability in relation to different roles.
5. There should be comprehensive inclusion of all who will be affected.
Range of Services Offered by Transactional Internet Bank:
Internet banking provided basis service as well as banking services beyond balance enquiry, funds transfer and bill payment reveals. The banks nearly 41 percent of the banks provide the service of new account opened. However private sector and public sector banks interval behind foreign banks in providing this service. Similarly in respect of the services of online trading, and E-shopping the private sector banks outperformed the foreign as well as public sector banks. It is a determinant of how well the private sector banks compete with the foreign and public sector banks for business customers.
And also improve including information on the level towards which business lines- loan applications, credit card payment, financial planning, online insurance, brokerage, financial planning, linking of accounts. and including other facilities customer correspondence , insurance , investment , financial planning , market news online , trading online ,privacy statement , tax advice services it's very important for internet banking.
Features offered by INDIA bank and UK banking:
Balance information and view bank statement
Money transfer online any place
Use of credit and debit card use online
Prepaid recharge by mobile
Subscribed for mobile banking
Request a cheque book
Stop payment
Bills pay
Analysis of internet banking used by business:
Internet banking or electronic banking (online banking), including the Bank through the Internet from home, carry out operational activities. This article will compare and contrast both online and offline retail banking environment.
Internet banking provides great opportunities for the financial services industry, including:
• a large potential customer base
• Large economies of scale of investment
• the possibility of service will be delivered using the standard modular software
• Easy management software
• Universal front-end browser
• with the possibility of a good security protocol
• communication software is easy on the pre-packaged applications enable customers to communicate directly with the bank
• Instant access to all bank customers connected
• significant development prospects and low value-added
(King, McKay, Marshall, Lee and Viehland (2008)