Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and fifth largest destination for overseas students. In 2007-2008 a total of 278 184 student visas were granted (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006). Australia has earned about 7 billion from overseas students compare to 4 billion that it earns from sales of wool. Many international students come to Australia for better and higher quality of education, for me I have came for the same reasons. It gives us internationally recognised qualification, helps to develop maturity, independence, knowledge about different other culture. This is a good thing but on the other hand many international students is facing the problem of accommodation, concession rates, safe and security, tuitions fee and many more. I think Australia takes its international student as a source of income and does not care support and care international students and takes us as a granted.
As soon as we (international students) enter in Australia, first important thing is accommodation. we have to changed habit of thinking, studying and learning to suit demand of Australian education cited in book 'Studying in Australia' p3 (1988). It is very hard to find accommodation for international students in Australia as well as in Melbourne. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 2008 states that international student in the Australia city of Melbourne is facing housing crisis, high prices and lots of rental competition. I have also faced problem of accommodation and it took nearly about three months for me to get accommodation in Melbourne. When I applied for renting a house, I have to show many documentation such as proof of income, rental references, and driving licences. It is very hard for us to provide all documents as we are new and also high price for a room or house is big problem for international student.
Furthermore international students are hooped from concession rates on trams, train and buses in Victoria. As I am international student I am paying full fair for tram, train and buses. Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (cited from Millar, 2008) states that about one hundred thousand international student bring about $3 billion a year to the economy. Further it says international student are treated as second-class citizens. We pay the same taxes as Australian, including income tax and GST but we are deprived from concession and we have to pay full fair. President of the Australian Federation of International Students, Elva Zhang (cited from Millar, 2008) states "Australian students have access to concession cards when they study overseas", but Australia does not gives concession card to its international student.
Next there is also issue about safety for international student. Recently an Indian student, Sourabh Sharma was bashed and robbed by gang on 9th may 2009 in Werribee train. The surprising thing is that it was happening all in front of passenger and nobody helped him and he got fractured check and he was left covered in blood (Millar, 2009). Now there is increasing number of international student being robbed and kicked. In this context, I think I am the best example being robbed and kicked. It was 29th April, when I was going to St Albans station at quarter past eleven in night to pick up my wife, someone in the way asked me for cigarettes. I said I had none, then he asked time and when I was looking my mobile for time, he suddenly starts punching on my face and kicking on my head. After that he drag me towards dark area and there both of them start kicking me head and robbed my wallet, mobile, monthly train ticket and everything which was with me. I report it to police. But I have to say that Police did not support me fully and I did not get anything. I experience that police does not collaborate fully with overseas student.
Work limitation is also another factor which affects international student. Student and dependent family members granted a student visa are limited to work 20 hours per week and can only work full time during formal holiday (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006). For me I have to leave my work because I was not able to work full time. Not only this, even a 20 hours work a week is difficult to get in tax. I found there is highly competition for work in market and owners are paying as low as they can. I have started my first job from 7 dollar per hour, which is unfair but reality is that and many international student are struggling for better continuation. On the other hand international students have to pay full tuitions fee which is harder to collect from limited work time. This is also serious problem today.
There is also difference in education and training opportunities between local and international student. According to Bruce (2009), "we are not able to provide our international students with the same education and training opportunities as we offer to our local students". In the University of Melbourne, local medical student are getting opportunities to take their medical training in some of the rural area while international student are tightly restricted for this opportunities (2009). This shows that although international student pay full course fee, they are not getting actually what they should get like academic support. According to The National Liaison Committee for International Students (NLC, 2008), in 2003 skilled migration requirements changed for students who are studying postgraduate qualifications. Before they were eligible for applying permanent residency (PR) from one year course but now they can not apply. This was not good news for international student and then they have to study for two years.
So From many evidence and experience, to great extend it can be said that Australia takes its international student as granted. From accommodation to daily lifestyle it is seen that international student is facing great problem. As soon as they arrive, there is problem for housing and then fair, security, job and opportunities and training they get from there university, school, or college. There should be strong law which will make international students more comfortable and safety. The contribution to Australia from international student is immense in economy of Australia and on the other hand government should also consider about international student. Although there are some law and rules which are in favour of overseas student but it is not satisfactory. It is better not to take us as granted student and should treat us as a first class citizen.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Social Trends, updated 23 July 2008 International students in Australia[email protected]/0/E0FE4ACEF9C8A65ACA25732C00207596?opendocument
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (2008) overseas students compete for Melbourne rentals Retrieved 6th May 2009 from
Book (Studying in Australia) by B. ballard, J. Clanchy. Adapting to new study pattern. P 3. First Published in 1988 by longman Cheeshire Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved on 3 May 2009
Commonwealth of Australia (2006), Australian government department of immigration & citizenship Fact Sheet 50 - Overseas Students in Australia, Retrieved 23rd march 2009 from
Fairfax digital (2009) Train gang bashes Indian student Paul Millar May 11 2009, Retrieved 15th May 2009 from
The Age company ltd ( 2007) foreign students take on state over discrimination by Adam Morton 22 September 2007 Retrieved
The National Liaison Committee for International Students (NLC, 2008). Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relation. Review of the Australian Higher Education retrieved 17th April 2009 from