Bajaj Auto is a major Indian automobile manufacturer. It is India's second largest two wheeler manufacturer and the world's 4th largest two and three wheeler maker.It is based in Pune, Maharashtra, with plants in Akurdi and Chakan in Pune, Waluj near Aurangabad and Pantnagar in Uttaranchal. Bajaj Auto makes and exports motorscooters, motorcycles and the auto rickshaw.
Over the last decade, the company has successfully changed its image from a scooter manufacturer to a two wheeler manufacturer. Its product range encompasses scooterettes, scooters and motorcycles. Its real growth in numbers has come in the last four years after successful introduction of a few models in the motorcycle segment.
The company is headed by Rahul Bajaj
Bajaj Auto came into existence on November 29, 1945 . It started off by selling imported two and three wheelers in India. In 1959, it obtained license from the Government of India to manufacture two and three wheelers and it went public in 1960. In 1970, it rolled out its 100,000th vehicle. In 1977, it managed to produce and sell 100,000 vehicles in a single financial year. In 1985, it started producing at Waluj in Aurangabad. In 1986, it managed to produce and sell 500,000 vehicles in a single financial year. In 1995, it rolled out its ten millionth vehicle and produced and sold 1 million vehicles in a year.
The four building blocks of an organisation came under the process of organising:
So first of all we will study in brief about organizing.
For the successful achievement of the objectives determined under planning it is necessary to divide the main activity in to various sub activities and determine the relationship between those persons who have to perform these activities.
The jobs of similar nature came under a particular department and the activities of different departments are adjusted or coordinated to achieve the common objective. It is to be made clear that number of persons working in an organization are more than one, for a single person there is no need of organizing.
In other words " organization is a structural framework with in which various efforts are coordinated and related to each other."
There will be no organizing in the absence of division of work. The entire work of the business or organization is divided in to departments and the work of each department are further divided in to sub works.
Division of work implies division of total task in order to lighten the total burden and promote specialization in such a way that one person does only one thing rather than doing everything himself. This helps to avoid the waste of time and effort caused by changes from one work to another.
Process of forming employees into groups to accomplish specific organizational goals . Departments can be organized according to functions workers perform, as in accounting and human resource departments; by products, as in a department store organized by retail product categories; by type of customer, as in men's wear or women's wear; or by geographic divisions.
A hierarchy is a method of displaying a characteristic structured and grouped according to individual evaluation criteria. A hierarchy is basically the different levels in any organisation, starting from the lower level up to the top level. These levels are important in any organisation to work effectively and efficiently to achieve their aim or goal.
Synchronization and integration of activities, responsibilities, command and control structures to ensure that the resources are used most efficiently in pursuit of the specified objectives. Along with organizing, monitoring, and controlling, coordinating is one of the key functions of management.
The job of employees is inter-related and interdependent on each other.Therefore their relationship must be clearly defined. There should be a clear chain of authority. The senior subordinates relationship should be established.
On analyzing the status of bajaj auto pvt ltd.,I interpret that the organizational structure of the company is quite different which made him in the best leading companies of the world.
This company is having a formal organizational structure i.e this organization is bounded by rules and regulations, as a formal structure is one in which authority,responsibility and relationships are clearly defined.It is created deliberately and it is based on division of activities so that organization objective can be achieved easily by company members.
There will be no organizing in the absence of division of work.The entire work of business is divided in to departments and the work of each department are further divided in to sub-works
In bajaj the work is divided in to various activities as
After various activities that have been designed, the activities of similar nature are group together and assigned to a particular department.
For e.g purchase of raw material, purchase of manufactured parts ,,etc..are given to purchase department and production ,stocking of goods, research activities are given to the production department. Similarly advertisements and sales can be given to the marketing department and the financial arrangements, maintenance of accounts can be put in the charge of finance department.
The grouping of activities and departmentalization has been shown below where the objective of the company is to produce motor bikes.
Various departments have been made such as:
This department handles the purchase of raw material and purchase of manufactured parts.
Manufacturing department assembles the manufactured parts that are being purchased by the purchase department.
Manufacturing department is again divided into different departments such as, one department is manufacturing tyres, other is manufacturing handles ,one is manufacturing steel body and after manufacturing all parts by different departments, these parts together were sent one department where all parts get attached and is ready for sale, then it is send to marketing department where it is ready for sale .
After completion of manufacturing process, it's the time for the promotion of the product and promotion is done by advertisements and sales and this is handle by the marketing department.
This department is taking the problems related to finance and shows the proper financial position of the company.
Every organization can be structured using a hierarchy.
Now bajaj is having a tall hierarchy.A tall hierarchy is used when we want to control the big organization.
In this hierarchical organisation employees are ranked at various levels within the organisation, each level is one above the other. At each stage in the chain, one person has a number of workers directly under them, within their span of control. A tall hierarchical organisation has many levels and the chain of command is a typical pyramid shape
A tall organisation has many levels of management and supervision. There is a "long chain of command" running from the top of the organisation eg Chief Executive down to the bottom of the organisation eg shop floor worker
A model of tall hierarchy is shown below
There is no basic distinction made between managers, executives, administrators and supervisors.But a given situation may differ considerably among various levels in an organization or various types of enterprises.
A person in a managerial role may be directing people in the sales, engineering and finance departments.All managers carry out managerial functions, however the time spent for each function may differ.
There are different levels in this organization:
Top level managers: In this type of organization, the top level managers include the board of directors. They spend more time on planning and organizing than do lower level managers. In top level of managers, conceptual, design abilities and human skills are most valuable but there is relatively little need for technical abilities, as well.
Middle level managers: The middle level of managers includes the vice president or manager of marketing or the production manager. The need for technical skills decreases but human skills are still essential.
Low level managers: Lower level managers include first level supervisors. For the supervisory level, technical skills are of great importance. Human skills are also helpful in the frequent interactions with subordinates.
Conceptual and design skills, on the other hand are usually not critical for lower level supervisors.
The activities of different departments are coordinated towards the achievement of common goal. The activities of each department and individuals are interdependent and inter-related.
Functional orgnisational structure makes the coordination easier at departments level
Business activity is a team work or the group activity so the effort of every employee must be coordinated effectively to achieve the common objectives of the enterprise. Coordination plays a very important role in the company if there is no coordination among the employees or workers they will not perform their duties well and they do not know who is doing which work so BAJAJ group has decided that there should be coordination among the employees working under this organisation and they will share there problems and difficulties with each other so that they will achieve there goal effectively.