Saluja food and spices is situated at 22 bishop road at botany downs. This business is owned by Manish saluja for the last 6 year. There are 5 workers working in at store. They provide customers services like Grocery, Calling Cards for overseas and all the basic things which are used in daily life. This is private organization so it will depend on the employer to fixed the timing of the store. Its trading hours are 09:00 am to 09:00 pm all the seven days in week. Saluja food and spices has the higher customer satisfaction from the last half of the year. Effective communication is must for any organization, as if there is weak communications process then whole things could potentially go wrong which could result in a serious problem for any organization.
In order to have good communications there needs to be a good leader in the business i.e. the manager who is well focused and can lead a team and knows how to handle a situation. From my personal observations and the interview with the current employee of Saluja food and spices, we found that the communications of the organization is very effective. One of my friend have experience in the supermarket industry it is easy for me to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization because of the background knowledge and experience of working in that particular organization.
I found Saluja food and spices are well organized and prepared organization that is on track. Each employee knows his/her responsibility and every person do his/her work with honesty. The owner of Saluja food and spices thinks it is important for employees to know what's the overall organization stands for, which means the mission and its goals. I found the overall the communication within Saluja food and spices mart is very effective.
Executive Summary:
I was required to complete a communication audit within an organization. I decided to do the audit on saluja food and spices. This shows that saluja food and spices as an organization knows their wider goals and they have a clear understanding of whom and what they are and how they plan to operate.
With modern technology such as , computers and telephones entering the organization rapidly, they have meetings to find out the best way to delicate the training of the staff which tends to be towards the full time staff.
It is clear to see that Saluja food and spices uses all forms of written communication on a day to day basis such as Emails sent in memo form and weekly and fortnightly letters that are sent to the staff.
Saluja food and spices offers a lot of support to their employees and the staffs are told them to do fun in limit. This is the culture of organization. This simply means the culture of organization is set up by their staff. The organization has both formal and informal methods but management prefer to deal with situations informally before it becomes formal because it keeps staff satisfaction levels high. Informal method means the have authority to give suggestions to managers. There are no communication barriers when it comes to gender, culture, race, greed or disabilities so there is no tolerance to any difference between the staff.
Purpose and Scope:
The main purpose of the company is be best in the business of super market, i.e. to arrange best deals for their customers by giving them lower price for all the stuff which is using by Saluja food and spices. By this they can attract more people and it will help them to expand their business.
Business Demographics:
Business demographic statistics provide an annual snapshot of the structure and characteristics of New Zealand businesses. Details are available on the number of businesses and employment by organization, both nationally and by geographical areas. These details also describe changes in business dynamics over time. Business demography statistics focus on measuring changes in the counts and characteristics of different types of businesses (e.g. small businesses, home-based businesses) and changes in the demographics of business operators .Business characteristics include topics relating to employment, growth and innovation, finance and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) involvement. As business demographic information is available from a number of different sources, it should be noted that the range of business demographics data may not be comparable in terms of scope and coverage. Users should therefore be aware of these limitations when making comparisons between data in business demography publications.
Organizational goals:
There are two types of organizational goals one short term goal and other is long term goal. For example, a car manufacturer might identify its mission as increasing market share and making a profit. Establishing goals of introducing a new model of car each year and providing the highest-quality spare parts to customers will enable it to achieve that mission.
The purposes, missions, and goals of an individual organization or its units, established through administrative processes. It includes an organization's long-range plans and administrative philosophy.
The objectives or end results become the focus of the organization's activities. Strategies are formulated and implement to assure the activities of the organization are coordinated to achieve it objectives. The word "goals" is often used interchangeably with objectives. Some of the areas in which organizations set objectives include profitability, management performance, competitive performance, productivity, and social responsibility.
Organization Culture and ethics:
Organization culture means the communication between the staff of particular organization because in some countries like NZ peoples of different countries work together so organizations made their own cultures and ethics to remove the communication barrier between the staff members who are not from same place.
Knowledge Management:
Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice.
KM is therefore about strategic and tactical issues, in part systemic and technical, but also in part about changing individual and institutional behavior.
Knowledge Management as a discipline has developed to a stage where real and tangible benefits are being achieved by organizations investing wisely in KM programmers. These benefits include:
Avoiding loss of commercial opportunity, and loss of knowledge when staff exit
Increasing accessibility to the organization's recorded internal knowledge
Improving information literacy of researchers, learners, administrators
Increasing the discovery, transmission and use of recorded knowledge (learning)
Increasing the dissemination of new knowledge (research)
Group Dynamics:
People involved in managing groups and group members themselves can benefit from studying theories and doing practical exercises which help them to better understand the behavior of people in groups.
When groups are combined with study of individual development, then group dynamics can also be applied to education and therapy.
People may underestimate the importance of society and group on their lives. Some persons want to do all things alone but they fail because it's hard to do it.
Meeting management:
People spend much time in meetings for the welfare of their organization or we can say that to take steps to achieve their goals.
If you are not able to attend any one of these meeting management opportunities, your meetings will not bear the fruit you desire from the time you invest in meeting. Meetings can be very productive. They can also be a waste of time. Here are some ways to improve your meeting management skill.
The management of Saluja food and spices has meetings every week so they are kept up to date and they can discuss every problem that have occurred.
• In the private sector, People who are (or might be) affected by any action taken by an organization or group. Examples are customers, owners, employees, associates, partners, contractors, and suppliers, people that are related.
• An individual or group with an interest in a group's or an organization's success in delivering intended results and in maintaining the viability of the group. Stakeholders influence programs, products, and service.
A participant in a community mobilization effort, representing a particular segment of society. School board members, environmental organizations, elected officials, chamber of commerce representatives, neighborhood advisory council members, and religious leaders are all examples of local stakeholders.
Internal Stakeholders - Market (or Primary) Stakeholders are those that engage in economic transactions with the business.
External Stakeholders - Nonmarket (or Secondary) Stakeholders are those who - although they do not engage in direct economic exchange with the business - are affected by or can affect its actions. (For example the general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups and the media)
Communication Technologies within the organization (Networks):
Equipment technology:
Saluja food and spices continuously change the technology. The training of the staff is then discussed to ensure that the right staff is allocated .The use of the equipment and from this majority of the training goes to the full time staff because they work with the equipment more than the part time staff.
Due to this, the different equipment for the products they sell requires stable communication in place. The training is then discussed between owner/manager to ensure the right staffs are allocated to the use of the new equipment.
Saluja food and spices management teams are using computers. This gives them access to all files that are necessary. Email is the main source of communication used by them. Because it is efficient for staffs are able to go about their day to day routine and pass information quickly.
Telephones are also main source of communication. The management team at Saluja food and spices has allocated store phone. This is to ensure staff, whether they are part or full time are able to communicate with the owner/manager during their shift if something occurred and they needed assistance.
Communication Barriers:
Main tactics which cause communication barriers are language accent, cultures, ethics. If we are working in a country like New Zealand where people from different countries work together. There is a possibility of communication barrier between staff.So to remove the barrier an organization have to take steps.Like made own culture of organization which is equal for all staff.
In fact, it was Belgium that served as one of the first countries where the role of language barriers in communications pattern was studied. A barrier is anything that gets in the way of clear communication between sender and receiver.
Language Barrier:
Language is the main source of communication between two persons. In every business language is the main source of communication .Nobody can do business without knowing the language of particular place.
Physical Barrier:
In physical barrier they may include Physical problems (illness, tiredness) in this case no one can concentrate on the deals. Sometimes with cold or cough you are unable to speak clearly. It will cause a great communication barrier.
From my personal observations and the interview with the current owner/manager of Saluja food and spices, I found that the communication within this organization is very effective. As members of our group have experience in the supermarket industry it was easy for me to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization because of the background knowledge and experience of working in that particular industry.
I found that the communication strategies that are in place an advantage of Saluja food and spices. Managers/owner are informed of any changes immediately by the use of emails, telephones that they each have been allocated, which is very effective as each and every one knows exactly what's happening and when. I conclude that communication play a vital role in running an organization.
1. The learner has full communication Skill towards his job.
2. I believe that a good listener will complete the task immediately.
3. Better communication always helps in resolving the organizational problems