Q NO. 3
The Culture of organization has great impact on the leadership and the structure of an organization. There are different types of culture like Power culture, Role Culture, Task Culture and Person Culture. The organization in the case ADSL follows task culture. The management is seen as completing a succession of projects or solving problems often as part of a team. They work as a team which is reflected in a matrix organization or in projects teams and task force. In an organization of this nature, there is no dominant or clear leader. The principal concern of every one is to get the job done. In ADSL individuals are experts in their chosen area and have the ability to accomplish a particular aspect of their tasks. The organization structure of ADSL is designed to reflect the intended outcomes of project.
Organisation structure is the pattern of relationships among positions and members of the organisation. The structure makes possible the application of the process of management and creates a framework of order and command through which the activities of the organization can be planned. There are different types of organization structure like Multi-layers structure, Flat structure, Matrix Structure. ADSL has flat organization structure due to which it has relatively few layers or just one layer of management. This means that the organization has a short Chain of Command from top to bottom and wide span of control, this flat organization structure is ideal for a subsidiary like ADSL. This organization structure is necessary for task oriented organization where you can put responsibility on less people, it has following advantages,
Fewer management levels which include benefits such as lower costs as managers are generally paid more than worker, less bureaucracy and easier decision making, better team sprit, more interactions and greater communication between management and workers. But this flat organization structure of ADSL has some disadvantages as well, like function of each department. Person could be blurred and merge into the job roles of others.
Structure may limit hinder the growth of the organization and workers may have more than one manager/boss.
Q NO. 4
There are different motivation theories of management like Fredrick Winslow Taylor gave the new idea that workforce is stimulated mainly by pay, Elton Mayo introduce the Human relation School of thought and supposed that workers are not just worried about money but could be better motivated by having their social needs met at work, Abraham Maslow beside with Frederick Herzberg introduced the Neo-Human Relation school on the 1950's which focus on the psychological needs of employees, he gave a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have satisfied at work, Herzberg believed that business should motivate employees by adopting a democratic approach to management and by improving the nature and content of the actual job through certain methods.
The company is following Maslow and Herzberg theories of motivation The motivational policies used in the case are the main values of the business which are the core part of the culture throughout KBR. These include an inflexible obligation to health & safety and open and honest relationships between employees that are based on mutual respect. The company's values focus on clearness, accountability, financial responsibility and regulation. The basis of conducting business is the utmost integrity and ethics and is the foundation of KBR's day-to-day business. To grow and progress individually people are given a degree of freedom and opportunity at all level of management. These motivational policies impact greatly on the performance of workers and company as whole.