Bigfoot is a mysterious creature that is characteristic - features very large, with feathers that cover the entire body. Bigfoot reportedly found in the regions of Canada and North America since the 19th century. In view of the trail leg is estimated weighed 400 pounds. Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch or Skunk also sometimes called monkey. Sasquatch is a legend that circulated animals in North America. Bigfoot, which means big feet are huge creatures the remnants of ancient times. Predicta...
If articulatory phonetics studies the way in which speech sounds are produced, auditory phonetics focuses on the perception of sounds or the way in which sounds are heard and interpreted. Remembering our conventional division of linguistic communication into several stages of a process unfolding between two parties, the sender of the message and its addressee, we may say that while articulatory phonetics is mainly concerned with the speaker, auditory phonetics deals with the other important p...
With the development of speech act theory, great interest has been shown in the study of specific speech acts such as greetings, compliments, refusals and apologies, and many comparative studies have been made in terms of the different kinds of speech acts mentioned above. The speech act of complaining, however, is left little touched in the fields of cross-cultural and inter-language pragmatics both at home and abroad. Complaints are common in daily communication, and the speech act of compl...
Language is the basic form of communication between human beings and in a society. As human beings, they always need communication to express their ideas to do everything; what's more as students or learners they have to speak to express their ideas to their teacher as long as learning process takes place. Speech is the first and foremost form of communication. It occupies a predominant position in enlightening the minds of the people. Information is understood and processed easily through sp...
Introduction The value of translation is based on the need to transform the original work written in a specific language, and then convert it to other languages in order to make the piece more accessible to a wider audience. Evidently, the need to translate is due to the diversity of languages in the world, whether these languages are ancient or relatively new. Another importance of translation is seen in the value of the many works that are written in languages that are not widely acceptable...
The ability to speak a language is synonymous with knowing that language because speaking is the most basic ways of human communication. Bailey and Savage (1994) said that speaking in second language has often been viewed as that most demanding of the four skills. Speaking skill is the second skill: (1) listening (2) speaking (3) reading (4) writing. Speaking conveys thought, understanding and feeling to listeners. Moreover, it can help listener understands objectives of speaker. Thus, speaki...
Narrative Analysis is a systematic procedure for the analysis of recording the naturally occurring talk produced in everyday human interaction. "Narrative" is sequence and consequence: events are selected, organised, connected, and evaluated as meaningful for a particular audience. Storytellers interpret the world and experience in it; they sometimes create moral tales - how the world should be. Narratives represent storied ways of knowing and communicating (Hinchman & Hinchman, 1997). Westby...
Public speaking skills are becoming increasingly more important for professionals nowadays, especially when persuasion is involved, since having the ability to persuade leads to convincing other people to undertake actions of the speaker�s interest. This is true even for careers in which public speaking has been historically neglected, such as Information Technology. Therefore, IT professionals must adapt and enhance their communication skills in order to have a better performance at work a...
The absolute threshold is the point where something becomes noticeable to our senses. It is the softest sound we can hear or the slightest touch we can feel. Anything less than this goes unnoticed. The absolute threshold is therefore the point at which stimuli goes from undetectable to detectable to our senses. Difference Threshold: Once a stimulus becomes detectable to us, how do we recognize if this stimulus changes. When we notice the sound of the radio in the other room, how do we notice ...
AEvaluating semantic similarity of concepts is a problem that has been extensively investigated in the literature in different areas, such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, databases and software engineering. Semantic similarity relates to computing the similarity between conceptually similar but not necessarily lexically similar terms. Currently, it is growing in importance in different settings, such as digital libraries, heterogeneous databases and in particular the Semantic W...