The Introduction To Electronic Communication English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1147

INTRODUCTION: In today's American culture, people are constantly on the go. Everyone has places to go, people to see, and tasks to be done. It isn't realistic anymore to make plans in advance and expect to not communicate with people throughout the day. It isn't realistic anymore to just show up at your friend's or doctor's house without previous notice. This is where the advancement of electronic communication has come in. We now have the ability to be at least three times more productive everyday because of how we are able to use cell phones, e-mailing, and social networking sites to communicate.


a. Texting

b. Calling

c. Its affect on today's society


a. Technical purposes

i. Comprehension

ii. Connection

iii. Credibility

iv. Contagiousness

b. Personal purposes

c. How it is changing the older generations of today


a. The advantages

b. The dangers

c. The importance

CONCLUSION: Electronic communication is literally everywhere in our world and is constantly growing and changing. The most popular ways of communicating electronically are through cell phones, e-mail, and social networking sites. All of these devices used to communicate to other humans might have advantages or might have disadvantages, but all of them definitely affect the current day way of living.


Katie Gann

Phillip B. Hanney

INFOP 41: Keyboarding

September 24, 2012


In today's American culture, people are constantly on the go. Everyone has places to go, people to see, and tasks to be done. It isn't realistic anymore to make plans in advance and expect to not communicate with people throughout the day. It isn't realistic anymore to just show up at your friend's or doctor's house without previous notice. This is where the advancement of electronic communication has come in. We now have the ability to be at least three times more productive everyday because of how we are able to use cell phones, e-mailing, and social networking sites to communicate.

Cell Phones

If one was to walk down the street, probably 75% of the people on the street will be using a cellular telephone. Some will be calling, some will be texting, some will be emailing, some will be checking their Facebook, some will be simply surfing the web; the list goes on and on. Almost everyone who owns a phone uses text messaging (texting). This can be used to chat with friends, send information to employees/employers, easily read lists, addresses, and phone numbers, and endless other possibilities. Texting can even save someone's life if they are in a dangerous situation and only have the ability to text someone to let them know they need help. Using a cell phone to call is also an extremely common activity, almost as common as eating


breakfast. The best part about using a cell phone to call virtually anyone is that calling can occur in any place. Sometimes, someone could even be on top of a mountain and be able to call their mother to tell them how beautiful it is up there. A cell phone can call to businesses, landlines, and other cell phones. Texting and calling on cell phones is great and useful, but there are affects from these actions on today's society. Constantly being distracted by a device glued to people's hands can take them out of the moment they're in. Therefore, not being in the moment leads people to miss out on the changing life around them. They might miss an extremely important life-changing moment because there is a silly text they received. Texting can be extremely dangerous while driving and has caused many accidents leading to death. As you can see, communicating electronically through a cell phone has positive and negative factors but can be used responsibly when the user is wise.


A simpler way to communicate electronically is through e-mail. This particular communication is done through the computer online. Usually, e-mails are written either for technical purposes or personal purposes. Technical e-mails are usually used for business communication. They are short compositions highlighting the important facts and leaving out the "fluff" or unimportant details. In the business world, there are four

ways to communicate with effectiveness through technology:






Comprehension includes making sure the recipient of the e-mail understand the message

and its purpose; connection is finding out if it is a personal message, business message, or "doesn't matter" at all; credibility is examining if "who, what, or how" this message is sent is actually worth the time; contagiousness is all about the message's "tone (exciting, motivating, differentiating = effective)" (Albanese). E-mails written for personal purposes include anything between family members or friends. These e-mails aren't in any type of expected format or formal presentation, just a free-write with zero boundaries. Elderly people today who did not grow up in the raging electronic generation are completely stumped with these new ways of communication, especially e-mailing. Not only do they have to learn how to e-mail, but they have to learn how to use a computer, keyboard, Internet, and all the steps inside of the e-mailing site before actually writing the e-mail without any previous knowledge of how any of these systems work. It is a completely new idea for them, but with the help of all the young whipper-snappers, they are finding their way.

Social Networking

The most famous way of communicating electronically these days is the social

networking sites. These include Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google Plus, various dating sites, and numerous other sites. Just like most technology, there are advantages and disadvantages to social networking sites. Advantages of social networking sites include:

Communicating and connecting with old friends and colleagues


Easy to show of information, pictures, and other personal interests

Easy way to meet new people

The disadvantages of social networking include:

Less time around people in person

In danger of being scammed

In danger of criminals, kidnappers, or other dangerous people obtaining one's information and reaching that person, possibly hurting them

Social networking is important to the electronic communication of today because young people who are trying to become famous or sell a new idea or get a prestigious job rely on these sites to show off their extreme passions and let people sample them. Some students are trying to become professional photographers and if they didn't have a site to show their photographs, their recruiters would never understand these rising stars' talents. Social networking is like a personal showcase of who a person is.

Electronic communication is literally everywhere in our world and is constantly growing and changing. The most popular ways of communicating electronically are through cell phones, e-mail, and social networking sites. All of these devices used to communicate to other humans might be helpful, some might have advantages or disadvantages, but all of them definitely affect the current day way of living.