Your Role In Online Mode English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1382


The delivery of teaching at AeU is using the blended learning system as described in Chapter 2. The blended learning system employs a variety of learning modes to achieve the highest level of learning. Therefore, it is crucial that the Academic Facilitator fully understands his/her role. The role of the Academic Facilitator in the online mode is mainly to provide learning support for students. The specific roles and responsibilities are spelled out below.


The objectives of this chapter are to:

Provide an overview of the online roles of the Academic Facilitator

Explain in detail the roles and responsibilities of the Academic Facilitator in the online mode

Give ideas on how the Academic Facilitator would respond to students' enquiries or feedback from students

Academic Facilitator in Online Mode

Who is the Online Academic Facilitator

The Academic Facilitator is the online "Tutor" whose main role is to facilitate and support student learning. The Academic Facilitator needs to have sufficient knowledge and experience in the subject matter to be able to support the students' learning. However, no matter how well versed the Academic Facilitator is in the subject matter, he/she needs to be aware of the curriculum designed by the Subject Matter Expert, and should perform his/her duties according to the curriculum provided. The Academic Facilitator is, however, encouraged to provide additional information and even introduce additional materials without forgoing that provided for by the Subject Matter Expert. This is to maintain parity of learning experience between learners who register under different Academic Facilitators and to avoid non-delivery of assessed learning contents.


In the online mode, the Academic Facilitator may use several tools in the LMS, namely;

the Online Forum

the Chat

Course Announcement

The Online Forum is an asynchronous system where the course participants and the Academic Facilitators may post messages on the forum for everyone who is registered in the course can read and respond to if they wish to. The task of the Academic Facilitator is to trigger the students to interact in the Online Forum. When students begin to respond and interact with each other, the Academic Facilitator should act as a moderator in the discussion. The messages posted on the Online Forum will remain there until the forum is reset by the administrator at the end of the semester.

The Chat is a synchronous platform where the Academic Facilitator and students need to be online during a certain pre-determined period. They interact with each other by posting their message to the Chat, and all who register with in the course will be able to read and respond to if they wish to. The Chat system is similar to the Online Forum except that it is synchronous, and the postings will no longer be available for viewing once the chat session is over. Therefore, the Academic Facilitator must first agree with the students on a certain time and duration when all the students are able to be online. The activities done during the Chat session may be similar to that conducted in the Online Forum. However, this session is more suitable for you to gauge the students' ability to respond to questions and discuss issues going beyond recall and comprehension learning as this will occur synchtonously.

Some ideas for Chat sessions will be;

To require students to read an article to be discussed in the Chat session the following week

To require students to access a website to find out certain pieces of information to be discussed in the Chat session the following week

To present a Case Study with some specific tasks to be completed, and the students are to provide feedback during the Chat session in the following week

Course Announcement is a good platform for the Academic Facilitator to provide information that requires students' attention, which may not be available in the course module. The information may be such matters as:

Reminders for submission datelines

Corrections or amendments to the course module contents, face-to-face meetings etc.

Making arrangements for Chat sessions

Providing additional recommended readings

Highlighting current issues that may be applicable to the course

However, Academic Facilitators need to be aware that students may not access course announcements as often as they access their emails. Therefore, any announcements made should allow at least one week for students to access.

Working with LMS

As an overall statement, it can be said that the major role and responsibility of the Academic Facilitator in the online mode is to increase students' interaction, which may be learner-learner, learner-content or learner-Academic Facilitator. The aim is to increase the students' engagement as the more engaged the student is, the more learning that will occur. Engagement is also important to bring the students' learning to greater depth. The LMS provides the important platforms for the Academic Facilitator to achieve this. While the explanations regarding the basic functions of the Online Forum, Chat and Course Announcement have been deliberated above, the following sections will provide more tips on how to increase interaction and engagement for the students using the platforms provided.


Learner-learner interaction can be increased via the Online Forum and Chat platforms. The students need to be encouraged to engage themselves in conversation with other students to discuss matters concerning the course contents. In the Online Forum and the Chat, the main aim is to encourage the students to engage in an in-depth discussion on certain topics in the course. Therefore, the role of the facilitator includes the following:

To trigger a discussion by posting a question or a task

To ask probing questions where a student's response is incomplete or inadequate

To confirm and affirm certain points made by students

To correct mistakes, errors or misconceptions in the responses by students

To add on to the points made by students, perhaps by sharing his/her experiences or by pointing out further reading(s) for students to follow up on

In order to keep the students engaged in conversation with each other, the Academic Facilitator should regularly access the Online Forum and post his message which may be one of the above. Correcting errors or misconceptions, or adding to points made by students is a form of feedback that is vital in increasing learning. The feedback that goes on to the Online Forum will be read by all students, who may themselves have misunderstood concepts or theories.


Learner-content interaction is expected to occur in the form of students reading the Course Module. However, the online facilitation by the Academic Facilitator may enhance this type of interaction. In the Online Forum, for example, the Academic Facilitator may opt to do the following to increase learner-content interaction:

To use a quotation, a paragraph or a section from the Course Module to trigger a discussion among learners

To pick up an important concept, theory or issue from the Course Module as a basis for discussion or task performance

To ask probing questions to gauge learners' understanding of the contents of the Course Module

Learner-Academic Facilitator

Learner-Academic Facilitator interaction is a very important element in online learning. In the absence or limited face-to-face access to the Academic Facilitator, learners will need to be able to have access to the Academic Facilitator through online means. The access will be increased when the Academic Facilitator

gets engaged in the Online Forum often

arranges many Chat sessions

responds to email promptly

When the Academic Facilitator interacts with the learners, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

The Academic Facilitator represents the university and is the first point of contact for learners

Learners have expectations and will have a positive learning experience when they are met

When the Academic Facilitator interacts with the learners politely, the learners will reciprocate

Therefore, the interaction between the Academic Facilitator and the learners should satisfy the learners' needs. The Academic Facilitator should be able to do the following:

Express the Academic Facilitator's expectations of the learners

Answer enquiries regarding the course

Provide clarification for certain concepts, theories or course contents

Provide clarification for assignments and other assessment tools

Encourage learners to engage in the online and offline learning activities

Provide feedback on the learners' performance and progress

Respond to students' postings in the Online Forum and Chat sessions

Web 2.0 Technology Implementation

Apply Synchronous & Asynchronous Technology

Online Instructional Methods