Wireless adhoc networks recently attracted considerable interest in the field of mobile computing. These adhoc networks have been deployed without any infrastructure support and most used medium access control protocol provide somewhat dependable unicast frames. When group traffic is delivered to a set of neighbour nodes, a packet can be unicast to each neighbour, but because of the mediums broadcast nature, such retransmissions are redundant. Repeated redundant retransmissions consume channel bandwidth and battery energy and reduce channel throughput. A more efficient approach is to broadcast a message using a multicast address, but this broadcast paradigm is not reliable in wireless link environments. Researchers have proposed many network layers multicast protocols, but mechanisms at the network layer cannot provide highly reliable for wireless adhoc networks in an efficient way. Recently, provision of multicast reliability at the medium access control (MAC) layer has received increased attention. The MAC layer is the appropriate place to provide reliability for wireless adhoc networks. Therefore, we propose a MAC protocol called CTMAC for reliable broadcasting of medium in wireless adhoc networks. Our CTMAC protocol increases the throughput among the neighbouring nodes without any congestions or network problems.
Aims and Objectives
Effort has been made on increasing the throughput of MANETs through scheduling of concurrent transmissions at the MAC layer. The existing works can be divided into two main classes.
In the first class, to improve the network throughput, additional control gaps are inserted between RTS/CTS and DATA packets for successfully scheduled transmission. Thus, neighbouring nodes have more chances to exchange their control packets during the ACG to schedule parallel transmissions.
In the second class, is to isolate the possible interference between DATA packets and ACK packets, a new ACK sequence mechanism is proposed.
CTMAC, a high-throughput media access control protocol for MANETs works on single transmission power, single channel and can be applied to most existing hardware products. Through simulation, we will evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed CTMAC with the IEEE 802.11 scheme and the MACA-P protocol. The simulation results shows that CTMAC can outperform the exiting protocols and improve the network throughput by up to 150%.
Wanrong Yu, Jiannong Cao, Xingming Zhou, Xiaodong Wang, Keith C. C. Chan, Alvin T. S.Chan, and H. V. Leong, 2008. "A High-Throughput MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Transactions On Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.135-145, January. ISSN: 1536 - 1276
This journal have presented a novel high-throughput MAC protocol, called Concurrent Transmission MAC (CTMAC), which has supported concurrent transmission while allowing the network to have a simple design with a single channel, single transceiver, and single transmission power architecture. CTMAC has inserted additional control gap between the transmission of control packets (RTS/CTS) and data packets (DATA/ACK), which has allowed a series of RTS/CTS exchanges to take place between the nodes in the vicinity of the transmitting, or receiving node to schedule possible multiple, concurrent data transmissions. To safeguard the concurrent data transmission, collision avoidance information was included in the control packets and used by the neighboring nodes to determine whether they should begin their transmissions. Also, to isolate the possible interference between DATA packets and ACK packets, an ACK sequence mechanism was proposed. Simulation results have shown that a significant gain in throughput could be obtained by the CTMAC protocol compared with the existing work including the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, which helps in getting an overview of project and a better understanding of the project. This journal also gave the clear idea about the concurrent transmission MAC and how it performs comparing other protocols, which is the major discussion in the project.
Lei Chen, Heinzelman, W.B, 2005. "Qos-Aware Routing Based on Bandwidth Estimation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume: 23, Issue: 3, pp 561-572. ISSN: 0733-8716
This journal has targeted at finding a feasible route from a source to a destination without considering current network traffic or application requirements. Therefore, the network has easily become overloaded with too much traffic and the application has no way to improve its performance under a given network traffic condition. While this may be acceptable for data transfer, many real-time applications require quality-of-service (QoS) support from the network. They believed that such QoS support can be achieved by either finding a route to satisfy the application requirements or offering network feedback to the application when the requirements cannot be met. The novel part of this QoS-aware routing protocol is the use of the approximate bandwidth estimation to react to network traffic. Their approach implemented these schemes by using two bandwidth estimation methods to find the residual bandwidth available at each node to support new streams. Results of their experiments have shown that the packet delivery ratio increases greatly, and packet delay and energy dissipation decrease significantly.
J. H. Kim and J. K. Lee, July 1999, "Capture effects of wireless CSMA/CA protocols in Rayleigh and shadow fading channels," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1277-1286, ISSN:0018 - 9545
This journal explains the extension of the classical CSMA/CD protocol that eliminates its three main drawback and they are two modes, light mode and heavy mode. The journal gives the basic idea of CSMA/CD to use minimal while performance gain is significant. The newly added priority scheme in the heavy mode allows stations to reserve bandwidth for their high priority frames and it helped to understand the CSMA/DM LAN protocol implementations.
J. H. Kim and J. K. Lee, "Capture effects of wireless CSMA/CA protocols in Rayleigh and shadow fading channels," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1277-1286, July 1999. ISSN: 0018-9545
This journal mainly enhances capture effects for a wireless local area network (LAN) system in the presence of multipath, shadowing, and near-far effects. The performance of wireless media access control (MAC) protocols with Rayleigh fading, shadowing, and capture effect are analyzed. It considers carrier-sense multiple-access/collision-avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocols as the wireless MAC protocols, since CSMA/CA protocols are based on the standard for wireless LAN's IEEE 802.11 which in turn helped me to articulate the project. By t
S.-L.Wu, Y.-C.Tseng, and J.-P. Sheu, "Intelligent medium access for mobile ad hoc networks with busy tones and power control," IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1647-1657, Sept. 2000. ISSN: 0733-8716
This journal explains how to increase channel utilization in mobile ad hoc networks while avoiding the hidden-terminal and the exposed-terminal problems. Several MAC protocols, such as RTS/CTS-based and busy-tone-based schemes, have been proposed to alleviate these problems.
Muqattash and M. Krunz, "Power controlled dual channel (PCDC) medium access protocol for wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2003, Apr. 2003, pp. 470-480.ISSN: 0743-166X
In this paper, they proposed a comprehensive solution for power control in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). This solution emphasizes the interplay between the MAC and network layers, whereby the MAC layer indirectly influences the selection of the next-hop by properly adjusting the power of route request packets. This simulation results indicate that compared to the IEEE 802.11 approach, the proposed protocol achieves a significant increase in the channel utilization and end-to-end network throughput, and a significant decrease in the total energy consumption.
V. Kawadia and P. R. Kumar, "Principles and protocols for power control in wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. (Special issue on ad hoc networks), vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 76-88, Jan. 2005. ISSN: 0733-8716
This journal determines the transmit power control which is a example of a cross-layer design problem. the transmit power level affects signal quality and, thus, impacts the physical layer, determines the neighboring nodes that can hear the packet and, thus, the network layer affects interference which causes congestion and, thus, affects the transport layer. It is also key to several performance measures such as throughput, delay, and energy consumption. It helps to learn some basic principles on power control, which inform the subsequent design process.
Muqattash and M. Krunz, "POWMAC: a single-channel powercontrol protocol for throughput enhancement in wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1067-1084, May 2005. ISSN: 0733-8716
This paper presents a novel power controlled MAC protocol called POWMAC, which enjoys the same single-channel, single-transceiver design of the IEEE 802.11 ad hoc MAC protocol but which achieves a significant throughput improvement over the 802.11 protocol. Instead of alternating between the transmission of control (RTS/CTS) and data packets, as done in the 802.11 scheme, POWMAC uses an access window (AW) to allow for a series of request-to-send/clear-to-send (RTS/CTS) exchanges to take place before several concurrent data packet transmissions can commence.
T. S. Rappaport and L. B. Milstein, "Effects of radio propagation path loss on DS-CDMA cellular frequency reuse efficiency for the reverse channel," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 41, pp. 231-242, Aug. 1992. ISSN: 0018-9545
This journal describes the impact of propagation path loss and user distribution on wireless direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) spread spectrum systems is presented. A two-ray propagation model and path loss on the frequency reuses efficiency of DS-CDMA cellular radio systems.
S. Toumpis and A. J. Goldsmith, "Capacity regions for wireless ad hoc networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, New York, NY, April 2002, vol. 5, pp. 3168-3173
This journal describe the set of achievable rate combinations between all source destination pairs in the network under various transmission strategies, such as variable-rate transmission, single-hop or multihop routing, power control, and successive interference cancellation (SIC). This results help me to indicate the multihop routing, the ability for concurrent transmissions, and SIC significantly increase the capacity of ad hoc networks.
Yan Ming, Y., Timoney, J., Doyle, L. & O'Mahony, D., 2001. "Evaluation of Channel Fairness Models for Ad-Hoc Networks", In Proceedings of the First Joint IEI/IEE Symposium on Telecommunications Systems Research, Dublin, November 27th, 4pp.
This paper demonstrates the effects of unfairness performance of the IEEE 802.11 standard under a pre-computed routing scheme for two network configurations and a fixed traffic patterns. Firstly, they have examined the send rate, a quantity similar to the local throughput, for very simple chain and lattice networks with regular traffic patterns, and then they have investigated the performance of both types of fairness improvement schemes on this rate. It was intended that the results illustrates both the impacts of the traffic patterns on the performance of the link-level fairness models and also highlight the better approach to guaranteeing fairness among subscribers.
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols; C. Siva ram murthy, B. S. Manoj; 2004, ISBN-10: 013147023X; ISBN-13: 978-0131470231
This book explains the ad hoc wireless networks architectures and protocols which presents state-of-the-art techniques and solutions, also the fundamentals of wireless networking (wireless PANs, LANs, MANs, WANs, and wireless Internet) and goes on to address such current topics as Wi-Fi networks, optical wireless networks, and hybrid wireless architectures. It also covers Medium access control, routing, multicasting, and transport protocols.
Security for wireless adhoc networks; Farooq Anjum, petros Mouchtaris; 2007, ISBN-10: 0471756881; ISBN-13: 978-0471756880
This book focuses exclusively on the topic of security for wireless ad hoc networks, it presents the basic security concepts, strategies and techniques for securing the network. It also outlined the threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities inherent in ad hoc wireless networks. This book focuses on problems in diverse areas such as security in computer networks, wireless technologies, middleware and next generation networks.
Computer networks: a system approach; larry l. Peterson, bruce s. Davie;2003, ISBN-10: 1558608338; ISBN-13: 978-1558608337
This book describes the principles and practical implementation of computer networks and explains how networks work and detailed design issues underlying modern networks like the Internet, expanding on issues of intense recent interest, such as wireless access, multimedia, quality-of-service, and security. It also contains downloadable network stimulation lab manual that allows visualizing and experimenting with core networking technologies in direct coordination with this book's discussion. Includes all-new coverage and updated material on MPLS and switching, wireless and mobile technology, peer-to-peer networks, Ipv6, overlay and content distribution networks, VPNs, IP-Telephony, network security, and multimedia communications (SIP, SDP).
George Aggelou. (2005). dynamic routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In: George mobile ad hoc networking. p67-94. ISBN-10: 0071413057; ISBN-13: 978-0071413053
In This text book I have come across various types of dynamic routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In this text book there is a brief description about the various routing algorithms which are traditional routing protocol families for wireless networks.
Java swing; Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, Dave Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole; 2002,
ISBN-10: 0596004087; ISBN-13: 978-0596004088
Java Swing starts by describing changes from the AWT classes. It also introduces, describes and provides usage examples of the new Swing classes and interfaces. Along with the basics there are a number of complete Swing applications, including a text editor. It explains the swing basic components such as action, Graphics Context, Change Event, Headless exception, as well as the JComponent class, the heart and soul of all swing components.
Swing Hacks: Tips and Tools for Killer GUIs, Joshua Marinnaci & Chris Adamson, June 2005, ISBN-10: 0596009070; ISBN-13: 978-0596009076
Swing is powerful, and this book touches upon the entire Swing gamut-tables, trees, sliders, spinners, progress bars, internal frames, and text components. Detail is also provided on JTable/JTree, threaded component models, and translucent windows. It's ideally suited for client-side Java developers which helped me to develop a GUI application from my end.
Core Swing: Advanced Programming, Kim Topley (Prentice Hall), 2000, ISBN-10: 0130832928; ISBN-13: 978-0130832924
The Core Java Foundation Classes, providing even more sophisticated techniques for working with text, trees, and tables, creating our own Swing components; and much more. This book addressed three key topics undo/redo, drag-and-drop, and accessibility which helped me in creating a flexible and dynamic application.
UML Distilled: A brief guide to the standard object modelling language (3rd Edition), Martin Fowler, 2003, ISBN-10: 0321193687; ISBN-13: 978-0321193681
This book heavily covers UML 2 and concentrates on the parts of UML that he has found widely used in the industry, and the most useful is the UML specification, and it describes "non-normative" diagrams (ie, variations on UML which are not standard but widely used). It helped me when to use aggregation rather than association in a class diagram and also at different development methodologies and where to fit UML into them.
The Object Primer: Agile Model-Driven Development with UML 2.0, Scott W. Ambler Cambridge, 2004, ISBN-10: 0521540186; ISBN-13: 978-0521540186
It it the best book to object-oriented technology with all modeling notation rewritten in UML 2.0. The advantage of Agile Modeling (AM) helped me to understand new modeling techniques. It steers with the concepts and terminology of object technology and that allowed me to explore the various aspects of UML with object oriented technology.
Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems, Bruce Powel Douglass, September 23, 2002, ISBN : 978-0-201-69956-2
This book covers Identifying large-scale strategic decisions that affect most software elements, Managing memory and resources, Defining how objects can be distributed across multiple systems and more. Since, its unique for a real time system it guided me to address the real-time networking application and its functionality.
Complete wireless home networking, Paul Heltzel, June 2003, ISBN : 9780131461536
Engaging, conversational style, this book offers reliable advice on determining our equipment needs , then through each step of building a wireless network - installation, setup , configuration and troubleshooting. With minimal fuss it helps us to setup our wireless network fast, secure and optimized for physical environment and computing requirements.
The Book for wireless: a painless guide to WI-FI and broadband, John Ross, January 2008, ISBN-10: 1593271697; ISBN-13: 978-1593271695
This book covers the basics of wireless networking and broadband connectivity. It gives the specifications and details out the wireless communication and the hitch in setting it up. This helped me a lot to understand the concepts of wireless networking and also improved my knowledge towards broadband connectivity and the problems we face during the real time scenarios for factors like throughput, signal strength and lot others.
Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Sudip Misra, Isaac Woungang, Subhas Chandra Misra, 2009, ISBN-10: 1848003277; ISBN-13: 978-1848003279
Wireless ad-hoc network communication technologies have experienced a steep growth in research and significant advancements in recent times due to their important advantages. These benefits help to set-up a network fast in situations where there is no existing network set-up, or when setting up a fixed infrastructure network is considered infeasible. However, there are challenges that still need to be addressed. Hence, this book helps in routing, mobility management, congestion control and security.
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Erdal Çayirci, Chunming Rong,2009, ISBN-10: 0470027487; ISBN-13: 978-0470027486
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks gives the fundamentals and key issues related to wireless ad hoc networking, with an emphasis on security. It helped me to understand the fundamentals and key issues of the new technologies followed by comprehensive presentation on security attacks and counter measures, Covers Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, hardware aspects of secure wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and secure routing and Contains information on cryptographic primitives and electronic warfare.
Mobile ad hoc networking, Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Ivan Stojmenovic, 2004, ISBN-10: 0471373133; ISBN-13: 978-0471373131
The book covers all areas of the technology, including protocols and models, with an emphasis on the most current research and development in the rapidly growing area of ad hoc networks. The coverage of ad hoc networking trends, possible architectures, and the advantages/limits for future commercial, social, and educational applications helped me to reap its benefits and helped me to fit in to my application based on the research coordinates and implementation perspective.
Ad hoc networks: technologies and protocols, Prasant Mohapatra, Srikanth Krishnamurthy, 2005, ISBN-10: 0387226893; ISBN-13: 978-0387226897
It is concise in-depth treatment of various constituent components of ad hoc network protocols. It relates to medium access control, scalable routing, group communications, use of directional/smart antennas, network security, and power management. It helped me to reference in areas of wireless networks and computer networks which ideally resourced by managing the complex network topology.
Adaption and cross layer design in wireless networks, Volume 2, Mohamed Ibnkahala, 2008, ISBN-10: 1420046039; ISBN-13: 978-1420046038
This book enhances the concept of adaptation through a unified framework across all layers of the wireless protocol stack ranging from the physical layer to the application layer, and from cellular systems to next-generation wireless networks. It guided me in acquiring knowledge about state-of-the-art adaptation techniques and methodologies, including cross-layer adaptation, joint signal processing, coding and networking, selfishness in mobile ad hoc networks, cooperative and opportunistic protocols, adaptation techniques for multimedia support, self a "organizing routing, and tunable security services.
Handbook of algorithms for wireless networking and mobile computing, Azzedine Boukerche, 2006, ISBN-10: 1584884657; ISBN-13: 978-1584884651
Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, focuses on several aspects of mobile computing, particularly algorithmic methods and distributed computing with mobile communications capability. The algorithms and concepts are crucial for building the foundation for the design and construction of future generations of mobile and wireless networks, including cellular, wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks.
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This site presents java swing model architecture and programs, which help to program in swing tool kit.
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This site gives introduction to uml and types of uml diagrams which help to represent sequence diagrams.
This site shows some sample uml diagrams that drawn by vp-uml, such as use case, class, state machine, sequence, collaboration, activity, component, deployment, composite structure, timing, interaction overview diagram.
This site presents different java tutorials which help to regain java.
Conclusion and Future Work
CTMAC, a high-throughput media access control protocol for MANET's similar to the IEEE 802.11 scheme, CTMAC is based on a single-transceiver circuitry, and operates over a single channel for data and control packets. Unlike existing transmission power control approaches, CTMAC works on single transmission power and can be applied to most existing hardware products. Through simulation, we have evaluated and compared the performance of the proposed CTMAC with the IEEE 802.11 scheme and the MACA-P protocol. The simulation results showed that CTMAC can outperform the exiting protocols and improve the network throughput by up to 150%. To the best of our knowledge, CTMAC is the first single-channel, single-transceiver and single-transmission power protocol that increase network throughput while preserving the collision avoidance property of the IEEE 802.11 scheme. Besides tuning the parameters of CTMAC and investigating its performance under various scenarios, our future work will also address other techniques for capacity enhancement.
Future work involves the development and implementation of a much better mechanism where packets losses can be minimized and packet collision during data transmission could be decreased to the maximum extent.