I. Introduction
I.I. Background
This report has been written because it was asked to present its findings in a report to be presented in partial fulfilment of requirements for Marketing: Principles and Practices (SM 1010)
It was requested by School of Business & Management Linton College
It was requested on (November/22/2010).
I.II. Research Question
Select a non-profit oriented organization. Assume your group has been approached by this organization. It has appointed your group as consultants to promote its cause in the country. You need to conduct a primary and secondary research on the activities of the organization and critically analyze them. Base on your analysis; propose strategies that your group thinks may help the organization.
I.III. Objectives
The objectives of this report are to make an organizational analysis of Hospis Malaysia as the one of non-profit oriented organization in Malaysia. In this report also provided analyze of non-profit marketing that involves activities by profit which ultimately leads to donations or contributions of Hopsis Malaysia (Kotler et al, 2007, p. 400). The final objective of this report is to proposed marketing strategies with justification to that organization.
II. Finding
II.I. Company background
Hospis Malaysia is one of non-profit oriented organization in Malaysia. Hospis Malaysia was created in 1991 as a limited liability company. In 1992, Hospis Malaysia had the opportunity to help people and at that time Hospis Malaysia already has 44 patients. In 1996 the organization had own building, to be able to treat patients. In 1997 the organization began to expand, to increase their capability to help it patients. In 1998, Hospis Malaysia already had the opportunity to conduct seminars, and sent staff, doctors and nurses in training. In 2002 Hospis Malaysia collaborated with the Asia - Pacific region, the organization has appeared new and modern treatment technology. Hospis Malaysia started to work with one nurse and two doctors, today staff in the organization are 9 doctors, 4 nurses, pharmacists and occupational therapy (Hospis, 2010).
Hospis Malaysia also involved in charity work and offers its assistance and care to patients who have severe and incurable forms of the disease. Basically Hospis Malaysia was established to help those in need. Hospis Malaysia Palliative Care professionals offer patients who suffer from illnesses that restrict life. With the Hospis Malaysia, it can ease the burden of patients and therefore the services provided are very comfortable. The organization helps needy patients in the hospital and offers its services at home. Hospis Malaysia is not affiliated with any religious, political, public or private and does not distinguish anything. Hospis Malaysia provides medical services to treat, the nurse, a pharmacist, a clinical psychologist, and occupational therapists to complement the company.
II.II. Current market situation of Hospis Malaysia
II.II.I. Services and actions that offered by Hospis Malaysia for community
Hospis Malaysia is helping those in need, especially Palliative Care for patients who suffer from blocking life. The services offered are free. The Centre did not choose or distinguish the type of sex, religion, race and politics. The purpose of this center was established to help patients undergoing treatment, and finding effective solutions for the needs of patients. Hospis Malaysia interdisciplinary team is comprised of an integrated group of clinical staff working together to help patients who need treatment services. The center is always thinking of something better to improve the quality of services provided, and always put the needs and circumstances of the patient. A total of nine nurses and four doctors will make a trip of about 600 to 700 home visits each month. This visit is not being conducted in homes but also in the hospital and a medical treatment. In 2005, patients referred to Hospis Malaysia are 950 then increased in 2006, total patients referred to this center are 1183. The majority of patients referred to Hospis Malaysia are those who are suffering from cancer is lung cancer, breast and colorectal cancers. Most patients who are referred to Hospis Malaysia usually make an assessment within 48 hours after receipt of order. Assessment was made in the context of physical symptoms, emotional problems and psychological problems.
II.II.II. Hospis Malaysia's funds
Services in Hospis Malaysia are done for free. Funds raised are dependent on donations. Donations will be given by the public sector or corporations who generously gave donations to the Hospis Malaysia. At Hospis Malaysia requires high operating costs of about 1.8 million a year. This cost is included in the cost of medicines, medical equipment, training and education costs, staff salaries and the cost of public administration. Apart from the contribution made by the public sector and companies which are generous, there are also contributions made by family members of patients as a tribute to the Hospis Malaysia. Department of Health also provides funds each year, but the amount varies from year to year. Hospis Malaysia also maintains a number of activities to help raise funds. Help needed to continue running the service. HSBC Malaysia Company, Spansion KL and Sunway Group are also a lot of help. Contributions of equipment are also accepted. In addition, people can also contribute to the need to be used by the Hospis Malaysia.
II.II.III. Segment market of the Hospis Malaysia
Targeting those who want to be entertained and accepted in Hospis Malaysia is they who have the illness such as cancer. On behalf of Hospis Malaysia, each patient was the first and they would be treated better. If there are two patients, treatment may be different ways as each person is different. Hospis Malaysia is the real target for those who need more services. It not only offered at the center of Hospis Malaysia, but also offers home visits and in hospital. For those who cannot afford to get treatment is also very welcome at the Hospis Malaysia for treatment provided at the Hospis Malaysia is free of charge. This makes the people will not feel burdened if the disease occur. The Hospis Malaysia together to help patients to fight and try to cure diseases by providing a number of experienced doctors and several nurses.
II.II.IV. Current project of Hospis Malaysia
At this point, Hospis Malaysia has made The Day Care Centre, where patients and family members can join this Day Care Centre. It is open on Tuesday and Thursday and is open only to patients who are registered under Hospis Malaysia. It is intended to prevent the patient feeling tired in their daily activities. In this way, patients can be free from a situation of boredom and loneliness. With the existence of The Day Care Centre, the patients can interact and know each other. Conditions in a medical situation that is often associated with the tedious, so Hospis Malaysia would like to deny these opinions, having The Day Care Centre. The Day Care Centre also offers a number of activities such as seeing a few symptoms that are likely to be available by the patient. Whether symptoms are harmful to the existing disease occur or not. In addition, The Day Care Centre also shows how the medical and personal care for the way the disease can be well controlled.
Besides, there are also offerings of arts and crafts show is provided by the talented people in the arts and handicrafts. It was also one of which can be done for patients not to feel bored with their daily activities. Additionally, patients can show their talent. In addition to therapy performed in health centers, one treatment performed at the Day Care Centre is a music therapist. Sometimes, the music, we can make it as a therapy to cure a disease. In addition, the Hospis of Malaysia will conduct activities that the reaction of patients do not feel depressed and do not feel bad about the illness. Additionally, patients will be counseled on how to deal with the situation and the patient's condition at present. Visitors who have visited Hospis Malaysia service day often are impressed with the atmosphere there. This is common on a regular basis. Hospis is also available at the birthday celebration, a holiday, they had the opportunity to sing, it was lively and bands are also available.
In order to increase their increase their quality and capability to help people, Hospis Malaysia constructed a new building. This extended new building are purposed on increasing in educational activities and initiatives for organization, through formal teaching of medical professionals on the Palliative Care of patients with life-limiting illness, as well as to provide a second Day Care Room for Hospis Malaysia patients. However, this new building incur a cost of RM5 million, and Hospis Malaysia are still work on its completion and need more of funds to cover the expenses of the construction and refurbishment.
II.III.SWOT analysis (internal and external analysis)
Strengths (internal):
Provided high quality treatment for free
Hospis Malaysia is not affiliated with any religious, political, public or private and does not distinguish anything
High quality of awareness and good-quality image in Malaysia and International
Location of Hospis Malaysia is at Taman Sri Bahtera, Cheras, Malaysia (at middle of town and easy to access)
Non-intimidating atmosphere
High level of expertise, professionalism and experience of the nurses, doctors and volunteer
Flexibility of times patients can get treatment with specific needs
Weakness (internal):
Organization's funds, equipments and facilities are strongly depend on contributions and donations of the generous public and sponsorship
Not enough space to provide better service to the patients
Opportunities (external):
A market opportunities to increasing the free service treatment for the people
Opportunity for geographic expansion
Opportunity to introduce, train and educate more people to familiarize them about basic concept of palliative care
Threats (external):
People does not care with charity organization
Donators and contributors are not donates and contributes anymore
III. Conclusion
In summary Hospis Malaysia is work on charity business that helps patients with high quality services for free. As charity organization, Hospis Malaysia is strongly depending on donations and contributions from people or other organizations. In order to increase their increase their quality and capability to help people, Hospis Malaysia trying to expand their business with constructed a new building that are purposed on increasing in educational activities and initiatives for organization.
IV. Recommendations
Hospis Malaysia should stay in charity business, because many people still need high quality service that Hospis Malaysia provided to people for free. As long as people still care about others and become volunteer to help others. Also some generous people that giving donations and contributions e.g. funds and equipments, thus make Hospis Malaysia can continue work as charity organization.
Hospis Malaysia should increase its activities to advertise and promote its organization e.g. events, seminars, bazaar, etc. to make more people know about them and interested to help, this kind of activities will be increase the organization funds and people awareness. Hospis Malaysia also should do some expansion, so they can give their service to more patients.
V. Bibliography
Hospismalaysia.org, n.d., "About us", [Online], viewed 23 November 2010, Available at: <http://www. hospismalaysia.org>
Kotler, P., Brown, L., Adam, S., Burton, S., & Armstrong, G. (2007), "Marketing", 7th edn, Pearson Education Australia, Australia