What Is A Nic Card Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 4506

In an operating system during installation process the following should be important inside the PC before you start installing the operating system inside your the computer. The main category of that are ready being installed are the power supply installed,CPU installed , heat sink installed, memory installed, configure the motherboard, motherboard installed, connecting motherboard to case, floppy drive installed, configure the hard drive and CD-ROM, the video card installed, installed drive, the print assembly installed, initial boot up, configure the BIOS, test the system, prepare the hard drive, the CD-ROM driver installed and then you end with installing operating system and tidy up.

First step is to buy your window operating system where Microsoft distinguish all between full version and upgrade, upgrades always is cheap but even you ask upgrades you should have previously version already installed before you proceed and that may be done by networks. Where full version designated to be installed if there is no other version is there or even there is no true license to that version.

You may install operating system by using CD which carry software of operating system or by using hard drive which will connect directly to PC and select your operating system and start installing it from your hard drive. By using hard drive as well you may select what need sometime without installing all but also install by using the recommendation of CD as operating required ids excellence too.

Tidy Up

In windows XP and other windows need activation of copy windows and but recommendation hold off till you observe drivers finalized.

Access window XP to built firewall connects your PC and downloads the latest drivers to your PC. This will enable firewall to go control panel and then click network and internet connection then click network and then right button properties then go for advance tan and see protect my computer and network limitation or preventing accessibility to computer from the internet connection.

Then make connection to window update by post lining www.windowsupdate.com via using browser internet explorer. Even if there any facilities packs there or listed install them and make rebooting process

Also make motherboard chipset installation by its chip set drivers and understand that motherboard come with its CD drivers so you may take it and install drivers and software's from the CD and make updating via its manufacturer website. And reboot it for the next time.

Visit windows update and installing other updating key which include DirectX

Make a stance of visiting website for video manufacturer and make downloading the latest version of a video card, likely it and reboot again

Finally install the remaining hardware and for new computers also you may activate your computer by video calling, modems and other systems of internet known



Stage 1: Open cover of an Installation CD.

Unplug the printer you want to install its software to computer which will share with is so as to perform work. Make sure that you open cover of your CD ready for another step of putting it in a CD-ROM.


Stage 2: Open the CD-ROM of your computer

Open the CD-ROM of your computer and insert your CD for installation and close it, the CD will start to run automatically. If it can't run click and open my computer and select Auto run after right button your CD.


Stage3: Some question s during installation.

During CD installation you may be asked some series of well understandable questions be more carefully for your name, address and other device essential files and address where you want to preserve your file in the hard drive and even though you don't have comment leave the default set up to continue.

Stage4: Connecting PC with the Printer USB.

The time during installation remember to add a USB ports by doing so this will finish installation. After making installation you will be asked to print one page so as to test even the print will perform its task excellence. Via corresponding it will approves that the printer will function and perform the task without any conundrums.




There are two types of print devices which mostly used in a network.

i/Local print device -This is the device which attached physically to the personal computer and used only by the one logged on that computer

ii/Network Print Device- Is another print device which setted as remote access to the network. And this print device attached to the print server or in a network attached device.

Installing Network Print Devices

Printer system device can connected directly to the network by using serial and parallel port while for that time it could manage network printing servers to perform its task. Also printing services done under NT work station or server to be configured as a print server. The important work of print server is to share print device out the network and hold print spool.

The following guide lines require installing network printing as follow.

01. Print server log on locally

02The instruction from manufacturers should be followed during installing process and the print server protocol is necessary .Example of using print network device which attached to the network computer port the installation of Data link control (DLC) protocol is necessary installed. Steps to be followed:

i/ In the control panel double click the network icon

ii/In a protocol tab select it from network Protocol dialog box click the button and add it

iii/ For the side of network protocol dialog box select DLC protocol from the protocol network series.

Iv/Press OK

v/ The appropriate disk should be selected, when promoted and the location specified due to network drivers

vi/ The print server should be rebooted but before that close the network dialog and then promt it.

01. Select the printer's options. Open the print as diagram allocated in Figure 1 shows how to add printer icon and and how to make each printer being added in the printer configured system

02. Then add printer wizard as figure 1 shown by double click on add the printer icon

Figure 13-1: The Printers folder allows you to add printers, update currently configured printers, and manage print server properties.

The figure 1 shown above shows how to add printer, make update and configure printers and managing printing properties

01. Choose my computer radio button and for the next button click it .

Second configure the port used by printer for figure 1

For print server connected with print device physically an appropriate LPT selected or COM port, even if selected more than one port, the side of window NT should print to the port provided. The file should be printed

By using add port by click it the print device connected to the network physically, and help to open dialog box print ports. By doing so you will be able to select appropriate port configuring such as digital network port, Lexmark DLC network port, or Lexmark TCP/IP port. Then click the new monitor button to be specific with the print monitor. When the port defined the list from the selected port should be available.

Figure 13-2: The Add Printer Wizard lets you configure local print devices and remote access to network printer servers.

Figure 2 shows the print wizard which allows you to configure local print devices and remote to access network print servers.


Figure 3 help to add printer wizard window, it choose the local printer port or add port button by click button for attached printer network.

03. After finish to configure port, click he followed button to display the window shown figure 4 also the specification of print manufacturers and model should be indicated so as window NT to allow printer driver to click the print device then display the list choose the disk and save the driver.


Figure 4 choose print model manufacturers device and add printer wizard.


Figure 5 the printer name added to printer wizard.

03. Press the next button to allow the printer, you will be able to see it by using control panel, you can default by using the printer local system click yes or no for the next button.

03. Also printer specification can be determined by remote user see figure 6. Via create accessible network printer to remote users, click the shared radio button and entered shared resources.

03. Along the same window, the printer will select computer via drivers through operating system. Also drivers can be downloaded to the system. This performed by if driver on the print server is normally newer than the driver s on the system.


Figure 6 sharing the network printer(s) which allow name on the print wizard. Then choose the operating systems of a computer which printer will use

03. In finalizing test the installation by testing the print device by doing that choose yes even though not choose no. Install the printer click the button and finish.

Installing Local Print Devices.

Installing local print physically the print device should connected to user computer for that computer. The system is the same as installing network printing. Where key differ in that printer shared.


Connect Printers Created on the Network System.

Through installing printers on the network system you supposed to create connection printer on NT windows system and the following step should followed as followed via the following steps.

In a control panel double click the printers icon and log on Choose the setting via using the start Menu and then choose printer option. Then open the printer option as shown. Figure 1

Add printer icon by double click button in the control panel as wizard shown in figure 2.

Choose the network printer by server radio button and then click next button.

Connect printer as figure 7 shown and choose the printer shared. Click the item share printer to which you need to make connection, when printer selected pres Ok.

Investigate even there is a default used by window application select ye s or no and then click the next button.

After that you end with complete operation system.


Figure 7 indicate the connection to print dialog box, deal with the way of Microsoft window network to share network printer.

Solve spooling problem(s)

By using control panel window NT spool of printing job, but when the service can't run the machine never spool. But even if you want to check the spooler services check utility in a control panel. Indicated down are steps of spooler to check and restart it.

01. Start with click setting of starting menu and choose control panel.

02. Then double click on service.

03. Choose the spool service as figure 8 shown, if does not read click to restart the service, the startup should start automatically.

Note: If spooler corrupted, printer start frozen can't send and print job and some print device might have garbled data. But by starting and spooler service will resolves the problems.


Figure 8; The Spooler service(s) handle print spooling


Figure 9 show the dialog box printer properties for the printer needed to be configured.

Installing and Configuring Printers.htm

Network Printer - Help and Setup Procedure


The most important and reliable set up open the Local TCP/IP port, to find for IP address printer and having access to the printer for all required.

Set the IP address of your computer, start hold down the power button for configuration for short time on look for binary bit number 32 which will display decimal numbers started by 3 dots example

Absolutely a sure that latest driver printer match with your printer system in an operating also you may find the latest printer manufacturers through web site under help of software driver downloading

In window XP start button by clicking it , setting it, printer and fax. After doing that window will open and add printer , the add printer wizard open and click the next step


Open and configure TCP/IP port this done by local and network print open which attached to computer.



05.Choose the printer port window open and select for that time and using down start up arrow called TCP/IP port.


06. The standard TCP/IP port wizard open and click it followed step, then type IP address of the printer as the configuration of the sheet required.


In this additional port completion will open and add standard TCP/IP printer port wizard. After that click finish to continue. By installing printer install will have disk button. Operating system have Not printer driver installed.



08. Install disk window open and you suppose to choose the browser button and indicate the file window open and indicate INF printer driver file.



09. Choose open window will close, after that choose Ok from the disk installed. From the new window printer model will be observed. After select what needed click next new window for that moment will open the name of the printer and you may change the default if needed, printer sharing will open do not share this printer click next and the window will open the printer test page and you select yes to make print set up printed and the final window will open completing the add printer wizard and click end/finish.


Specifically this is another step which explains the way of sharing a folder on a computer from display a window server which is a domain part.

The instance of this are make assumption that Chief of an accountancy manage to invite you in an accounting department , The department works on main research and need the center to save the save file working . The department of marketing (sales) allows to read the file, where can't have ability to edit it or make addition of another files. So need to create folder on window server file server so as to allow accounting department sale to access the information (data)

The Folder before You share.

The time before you share folder configuration of file and folder allows avoiding restriction to access from connect to folder across the network. In addition on how to make set up of file and folder security before folder shared, the downward article show the Microsoft knowledge:

01. The system of administrator to log on computer or a members of administration panel

02. Press start, allow to point all programs, allow to point accessories and click window explorer

03. In my computer enlarge it and click drive of needed of folder which you want to create it.

04.For start file menu require new and click folder

05. Enter the name of new folder and enter it

06. For sharing and security right click the folder

07. Start share the folder

The way of configuring to Share Permission

Configuring and sharing permission

01.For the side of sharing tab click permission

02. Allow button to add

03. In and out select user group dialog box, in appropriate user account group double click.

04. For the side of completing select user and group of which you grant permission and click ok. The added group and user display the group of user name list

05. All over the group user name list find by clicking every user and group permission.

06. The time after setting click everyone group and click remove.

07. You end by clicking ok.


User can't Access File and Folder which should be able to when log locally.


When Mario a membership of a group, has deny choose for read permission, Mario can't read file or folder even though otherwise permission allow him to do that. By understanding that you should avoid using explicitly deny permission. Despite there is no other method to get specification level for what you need in permission (don't choose deny box in a deny column).

Sharing permission file and folder should be apply to resource of a drive which use NTFS file systems which both applied for user connect and share resource across the network. And all that observed when particular access of file permission allowed. Ensure you check for file and folder permission to ensure can't prevent access.


WordPad is more powerful than the side of notepad, the Microsoft conveys and makes be able processing program called WORDPAD. The WordPad provide features which is latest word processor which includes font, size, and color and so on. WordPad sustain most of the demand of the people.

The main purpose of WordPad do not used to edit text file as notepad does.


In a menu bar of a notepad you will come across with items which are familiar like file, edit and help and uniquely items like view, insert, and format. In this standard bar you may look about eleven icons which differ from each other in its performing function. Properly this help user work effectively on their work with the reason in and reason in both programmer and user.

Menu Bar

For the side of menu bar we may look the following which let it known as menu bar. Hold down <alt>key, you will see menu items especially file, view and so on and all that have a certain meaning. But the time you select <Alt>key and press any button you will choose menu. Also you may select menu by using mouse and also you can get file menu by press <Alt>F.

File Menu


Here we get a lesson that WordPad for its many categorization works the same as notepad. So note that the ". . ." at the end of several selection shows item will make a dialog box which permits you carry selection. Understand that file menu carries a combination of (ctrl+N) and so on example by holding <Ctrl> and pressing N key will enable you to start a new document within a document.

New-This help to start new document which will work within the document which haven't saved the system will enable you to save first the old system then the new one.

Open- Help to bring up existed document to WordPad view, downward side there is a dialog box which shows how to make a selection.


There is a different between dialog box and one which we get it to notepad is to look for rich text format(*.rtf) file instead of using text documents(*.TXT)

Save - during modification process of saving existing file, save require in making changes after confirming to save, it performs its work the same as save as.

Saves as - Bring dialog box up the same as open dialog box above. By doing that WordPad have ability to save new file to my documents folder.

Print - Is a standard operation used for sending information to a defaulted printer as notepad does where WordPad allow to make changes through the dialog box as indicated .


Print preview - In a WordPad to make view on your document and this you may look to print without performing to print it. On your print preview will be observed as followed.


Page Setup---- The Page Set up--- Allows user to resize page as need to be the time are going to be printed. Example make changes of your paper margin up and down of the margin of your paper


WordPad - Here will provide too quick accession to all documented which are edited by clicking the name of file needed or via type number of corresponding file system.

Send - This help the dialog box to allow Microsoft outlooks in this condition and the dialog box should look as followed.


Exit-In and out we should to know that WordPad should be saved first before we exit the WordPad as it have supposed to be

Edit Menu


In an editing Menu which contain all function will allows to make work clear as the information needed on the screen. Also allows you to know what you may do and what you can't.


Share files and printers across your network

Step 1: Getting started

By using broadband is main network which may be used by many people across the network especially sharing file printers may be used equally. Both text printing and photos ink jet can be used via sharing with the computers of the user.

Step 2: What you'll need

But before doing anything of this project make sure that the following services should be available:

Home network

Printer and

Printer server

Step 3: Create a workgroup

Make sure that you connect the computers in a work group of network so as it can interact each other.


Every computer should have a uniquely name but work group should remain consistence

O1. Make sure you start> settings>control pane>network connection>"setup home/small office network".

02.After that choose connection way and computer connected to another computer via internet network.

03.Even you are using window XP systems create setup prompted and will create floppy which can run wizard on XP system when you are in a network.

By doing that you can share files, printers and network system.

Step 4: Allow file sharing

Here you may select files and folders and share each other on your computer, but its only individual user may apply this setting.


For making sharing, right click icon to your computer and choose sharing and security, then click sharing tab to select share folder and after folder given its name all your computer content will see your content in a work group. By using default user have ability to read and access files but never you can't create changes for the folder or to add for your own. User can make changes of the file , right click the file , choose security, then sharing tab, and that will hit permission, for the side of the new window , check full control, make changes or reading program.

Step 5: Share a network printer

Network instructions come with the printer so it's easy perform work as the server such as the HP Jet Direct EW2402 which allows you to share printer with the network. Where user may use networks like Ethernet wireless USB printers it will depend only the user purpose as planned which network and which printer will user for the side of network.


Step 6: Share a standalone printer

The time you have more than one network office you may use one share with the stand alone printer across the network area as computer connected to workgroup set up for the first beginning


By using print server hp Jet Direct EW2402 ensure nice sharing across the network

Where user supposed to look for control panel> printer and fax and choose printer need to share it on files menu click sharing but don't change the name of the printer as far it will differ names with the other devices workgroup and work group name itself.

Step 7: Add the printer to the other PCs

In this time you may give other group printer sharing to access he shared printer computer should use drivers in its operating systems.

Now you can give the other printers in the group access to the shared printer, but each computer must use the drivers for its own operating system.


To add a printer sharing adds printer and PCs on and start adding printer wizard you will detect printer task and printers and faxes. Also Wi-Fi network used to share files and printers in a safe way.








What is NICs

Installing NICs


NIC card installation

Network connection Installation







Installing operating system

Tidy up




Stage 1: Open cover of an Installation CD.

Stage 2: Open the CD-ROM of your computer

Stage3: Some question s during installation.

Stage4: Connecting PC with the Printer USB.



Type of print devices

Installing network print devices

Diagrams (figures) of illustrating configuring printers across LAN network.

Solve the problems

Network printer - help and setup procedure




The folder before you share

The way of configuring to share permission

Troubleshooting (user can't Access File and Folder which be able to

When log locally)


Menu bar

File menu

Dialog box for folder

WordPad printer

Document WordPad diagram

WordPad Page set up diagram

WordPad illustration Menu


Share files and printer across your network

Step 01: Getting started

Step 02: What you will need

Step 03: Create a work group

Step 04: Allow file sharing

Step 05: Share a network printer

Step 06: Share standalone printer



By using implementation task in task2

-The list of names, location and contents of 5 major system files in window XP.

-List of the 5 major technologies available for establishing Internet connectivity

-To carry out the research on the latest windows operating system and to list its major criticism.



Windows 9X-specific files.

Registry data files.

Windows NT-based specific files.

Files systems.

Directory structures (root directory, subdirectories, and so on).


Dial- up networking

DSL networking

ISDN networking




For the information comitia International Diploma of computer studies NCC Education


Window 7 has the following criticism which majorly and namely as:

Clock management

Windows changes the real clock when switch to or from day time save time where other operating system cannot know real time clock has been changed already.

Security concerns

The system of existence of different version of windows causes some security vulnerabilities for the time being of installing and downloading. This cause poor security in devices uses for that time.

Broken backward compatibility

Compatibility is problem for some windows version as some time they can't meet the sustainability of windows.

Minimum hardware requirements

As the system of Microsoft windows come with new version windows nee higher requirement of features without offer another features of warrant as increase in size.

Windows Registry

Windows registry prefer to be differ with other due different version depending with the computer version also this cause criticism cause it's not heavily use of central Registry in Microsoft windows.

Service Pack problems

Some installing using a single installing package which causes some of problem of reversing package back.

Digital Rights Management

Due to including the restriction of multimedia playback cause the elimination open- Source hardware support.
