Weather Effect In Maya Dynamics Particles Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 2938

This dissertation contains research on the study of Smoke effect, Cloud effect Rain effect in Maya Dynamics Particles. These effects play a very important role in Visual effects films. This dissertation also contains research on the compositing dynamics effects with the real time footage in a realistic form. As rain, smoke and are natural elements it's difficult to capture them, so they can be created artificially in cg and them merged at required footage. Rain effect can be used when in sequence requires rain and when the time matters and the people can't wait for the rain to occur so at that particular sequence cg rain can be used instead of the natural rain. Clods can be used when the sequence is shown from the space. Smoke effect can be used in scenes where there is lot of explosion and lot of smoke causes harm to nature so cg can be created and be used for the required scenes.

This research will be used for creating realistic effects using dynamics and compositing a cg effect with the real time footage to get a realistic effect.

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In past few years there is a drastic change in the execution of visual effects in films. Even the number films with VFX have also increased a lot. Dynamics plays a very important role in creating effects for films and commercials. As dynamics is vastly used in making films now a days this dissertation discusses about the creation of effects like smoke, rain and cloud in dynamics particles and its composition with the live footage in a realistic way.

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Research Questions

The research questions that will be answered in this dissertation are as follows:

How is vfx used in films?

How is smoke effect created in Maya dynamics?

How is cloud effect created in Maya dynamics?

How is rain effect created in Maya dynamics?

How to composite dynamics effects with the live action footage?


The main aim of the project is to create realistic cloud, rain and smoke effects in dynamics & to composite it with real time footage.

Statement of the problem

Most of the effects doesn't match with the live action footage and give a realistic effect in watching a film or a commercial.

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To create realistic cloud effect using Maya dynamics.

To create realistic smoke effect using Maya dynamics.

To create realistic rain effect using Maya dynamics.

To composite cg effect with the real time footage.

To create the effects as real as real effects.

Significance of the study

All the films mostly use dynamics in their films for the effects. The most used effects are clouds; rain and smoke are all the three are natural elements of the nature it is difficult to merge with the real time elements which are computer generated. This study helps us to create the above effects as real as the natural effects and the its composition with the real effects to finally a realistic output.

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The hypothesis of the project is to create realistic cloud, smoke, rain effects using Maya dynamics. To composite computer generated effects with the real time footage.

Chapter summary

Research methodology:

This chapter contains the type research conducted for the dissertation topic.

Review of literature

This chapter contains the source s from where the content has been taken as the reference for the dissertation project


This caapter deals with the introduction to dynamics in maya

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Smoke,cloud & rain effect

This chapter deals with the introduction to the above effects,how are they created and what are the uses of those effects

Types of rendering

This chapter deals with the different types of rendering and which type gives the better quality output.

C.G compositing

This chapter deals with this introduction of C.G compositing and types of compositing

Integration of dissertation into the project

This chapter contains the steps taken to implement research in the main project to get required output.

Analysis and research

This chapter deals with the source which were used in this dissertation

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Review of literature


Complete reference - Maya 8, by - Tom Meade Shinsku Arima

This book contains the basic information about the tools of Dynamics. Some of the effects are elaborately.

Mastering maya 8.5 :

By - john Kundert Gibbs, Mick Larrkins , Daruish Drakshan , Eric Kun Zendorf.

This book helps us to learn maya dynamics easily and create and control particles.

It also deals a particular type of Rendering which is IPR [ Interactive Photorealistic Rendering] .

Introduction Maya 2008:

By- Dariush Derakshani.

Maya Dynamics: a part of this book deals with creation of basic smoke effect and some of the effects which can created by using dynamics.

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Learning Maya 6: Maya unlimited features :

By- Shawn dunn, Prtre Gheorhhain, Scyalla Magloir,Cory,Mogk,Rob Ormond.

This book deareation of cloud,smoke and rain effects by different methods to get realistic output.

Compositing Visual effects -

By Steve Wright

This book deals with types of composting and how a C.G element is compositing with live footage by arranging in layer form to get realistic output.

The Art And Science of digital compositing :

This book deals with the vast area of digital compositing and its introduction.

Beginners guide to particles rain in maya

By- alan fergteman and eric teyggvasam.

This book deals with the creation of realistic effect.



Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems

available at -

this book contains information about the classic dynamics and it mainly discusses with the particles and the effects created by maya particles.

Visual Effects in a Digital World:

available at -

this book contains the information about the use of visual effects in the real world and the comparison of the effects

The art and Science of Digital Compositing:

available at -

This book contains information about the compositing and how a cg element can be composited with the real timefootage to get the realistic effect.

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Digital Compositing In Depth: The Only Guide to Post Production for Visual Effects in Film:

available at -

book has a detailed study about the comopositing. The different types of compositing and where what type tobe used.this

Maya studio projects: by- John Wiley & Sons, 2009

The one-of-a-kind book is completely project-based. Learn the intricacies of Maya's Dynamics tools and continue to build your skills with projects that increase in complexity. A DVD is included with additional video training. Maya is the industry-leading 3D animation and effects software; Maya dynamics tools create water and other fluids, wind, fire, fur, particles, and more Build professional skills in Maya Dynamics with this project-based guide Put your skills to work by completing a series of projects on water, wind, and fire effects A DVD included with the book provides additional video training

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maya cloud effect tutorial available at:

the above link provides the step - by - step detailed procedure to create cloud effect in maya.

Maya cloud fading out of particle available at-

the information in this website helps us to create the clouds which when composted with the real time footage looks very real and will easily merge with the footage and doesn't give an odd view.

self shadowing cloud particles available at-

This website has the information about the cloud and its self shadowing. Self shadowing of particles helps us to create a very realistic cloud effect.


Water splash with fluids is available at-

Fluids is a part of Maya dynamics which helps us to create natural effects such as fire, water etc. the following link has a detailed explanation of how a splash of water is created by using Maya fluids

video tutorial -how to create water effect using maya dynamics particles

Photo-realistic rain in Maya available at-

This website helps us to create rain effect in Maya in a realistic way. There is step-by-step description of the process of creation

Hint how to create a smoke effect in a different method which looks like wispy form available at-\\729.html


information on the types of rendering and about the render passes how to render to get a realistics output available at-

Information about how to create the rain effect using maya particles in a detailed form available at-


article on cg compositing which contains the detailed study of compositing and types of compositing are discussed briefly at-


The Dynamics Pyro (smoke and fire) tools are available at-

this deals with the creation of the pyro smoke and fire effects in detail form.

This helps us to create the smoke effect in a different way than presenting it in the regular way


The Gnomin workshop - Introduction to Maya fluid effects

The one-of-a-kind book is completely project-based. Learn the intricacies of Maya's Dynamics tools and continue to build the skills with projects that increase in complexity.

Maya dynamics tools create water and other fluids, wind, fire, fur, particles, and more

Build professional skills in Maya Dynamics with this project-based guide

Put the skills to work by completing a series of projects on water, wind, and fire effects


Maya dynamics-

In this DVD, John presents the entire process of creating an outer space effects sequence. Starting with a space ship and a camera move, John takes the viewer through a step-by-step look at how to create a sequence that includes following a space ship as it breaks free of a tractor beam, launches out of planetary orbit, then flies through a field of asteroids and star birth nebula clouds. John uses Maya's Dynamics system to build elements in the shots, demonstrating their use within the shot environment. He shows how to use cloud particles as a volume surface on which to project shaders to simulate nebulas that can be both stunning backgrounds and realistic clouds that can be flown through. John also walks you through a series of simple effects that add dynamic detail to the shots: sprite-stars, tractor beams, explosions, an energy field and an asteroid field. This lecture will enable you to create fantastic outer space shots that push the scope of imagination


Division of chapters:



Maya Dynamics is a stimulation of motion through the application of principles of physics. Dynamics is used to get artificial stimulations by the help of software. It is fooling audience by non-realistic effects. The most commonly used effects are

Fire, Smoke, Sand particles, Dust particles, Ocean etc.

Overview of dynamics

Dynamics is a stimulation of motion through the application of principles of physics rather than assigning key frames to the objects to animate them. With maya dynamics you assigned physics characteristics the define how an object behaves in stimulated world. To create the objects as usual in maya and then convert them into dynamic bodies. Dynamic bodies are defined through dynamic attributes you have added to them, which effect how the objects behave in a dynamic simulation.

Dynamic bodies are affected by external forces called fields, which exert a force on them to create motion. Fields can range from wind forces to gravity and can have their own specific effects on dynamic bodies.

In maya, dynamic objects are categorized as bodies, particles, hair and fluids. Dynamic bodies are created from geometric surfaces and are used for physical objects such as bouncing balls. Particles are merely points and space with renderable properties that behave dynamically. Particles are used for numerous effects such as fire and smoke, but they are also useful in tones of other stimulations and, as such, or a specialty all in their own for professional animators. Hair consists of curves that behave dynamically such as strings. Fluids, available only in maya unlimited, or in essence volumetric particles that can exhibit surface properties. Fluid dynamics can be used for natural effects such as billowing clouds or plumes of smoke1.

1Dariush, D., 2008. "Introducing Maya 2008". Boulevard (Blvd): Indianapolis, IN 46256. Available at [Accessed on 25 November 2010] p.518

Emitting particles

Typical work flow for creating a particle effect in maya breaks into two parts: motion and rendering. First you create and define the behavior of particles through emissions. An emitter in maya object that creates the particles themselves. After creating fields and adjust particle behavior with in the dynamic simulation, much as viewed due the rigid body motion, you give the particles renderable qualities to define how they look. The second aspect of the work flow defines how particles "come together". To create the desired effect, such as string2.

particle dynamics

Like rigid body objects particles are moved dynamically using collisions and fields. In shot, a particle is a point in space that is given renderable properties; that is, it can render out. When particles are used en masse, they can create effects such as smoke, swarn of insects, fire works and so on. Although particles can be an advanced and involved aspect of maya it is important to have some exposure as you begin to learn maya.

It is important to think of a particle animation as manipulating a larger system rather than as controlling every single particle in the stimulation. You control fields and dynamic attributes to govern the motion of the system as a whole3.

2Dariush, D., 2008. "Introducing Maya 2008". Boulevard (Blvd): Indianapolis, IN 46256. Available at [Accessed on 25 November 2010] p.533

3Dariush, D., 2008. "Introducing Maya 2008". Boulevard (Blvd): Indianapolis, IN 46256. Available at [Accessed on 25 November 2010] p.533

2 - using particles

2.1 - what are particles:

A particle is essentially appoint in 3d space. You animate the point indirectly using fields, forces,expressions, and occasionally some MEL scripting. Typically, particles are born from various types of emitters or emitted from surfaces or eventually textures. Once born they live for a while in the world of maya where they are acted upon by fields, collisions, surfaces, goals, expressions and sometimes MEL scripting. And they die (unless u specify that they "live forever," leaving the scene and possibly freeing some memory for more particles. Using particles is quiet different from your every day key frame style of animation ,so it takes some time getting used to.

Think of a particle as a snowflake and it all makes a scene. You don't animate the snow flakes itself; rather, you manipulate the particle/snowflake by animating the attributes of the forces that affect it - wind, gravity, and surfaces like house or ground being the most obvious. Particles can be rendered as points, multiple points. Streaks, multiple streaks, bolbby surfaces, clouds, tubes, instanced geometry, and sprites. Somme are rendered in Maya software and some in Maya hardware. in many cases , particle animations need to be composted to a scene.

A Maya particle object is a shape node with anywhere from one to several million particles. The individual particles do not transform nodes. , so you can't key frame them. The particle shape itself, however, does have a transform node, and this does have translation and other channels available foe key framing.

Animating with the particles in Maya is a vast topic. Some professionals specialize solely in particle animation the best way to understand the particle animation work flow is to dive in and get your hands dirty with some exercises.

3- creating rain effect:

3.1 - introduction

- process

7- Rendering

7.1- rendering basics

7.2- rendering with hardware and software

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8- Compositing with CGI-

8.1 - introduction

Whenever someone makes a CGI element, some one else has to composite it. In this section we look at areas where CGI elements are composted. CG compositing is where a CGI object has been created and needs to be composited into the scene.

8.2 - CGI composite:

By far the most common application of digital compositing is to composite CGI. Whether it is for $100,00 commercial or for $100 million dollar movie, the CGI was created in a computer and composited over some kind of BG image. The BG is often a live action, meaning it was shot on a film or video, but it could be CGI that was also created in computer, or it may be a digital matte painting .regardless of whether the BG came from, the digital compositor puts ita ll together and give ita final touch of photorealism. Figure (), illusion a basic CGI composite where the jet fighter was created in the computer, the BG is a live action footage, and the final composite puts the jet fighter into the BG.

Today ,CGI goes far beyond jet fighters and dinosaurs. Recent advances in the technology have made it possible to create a very wide range if incredibly realistic synthetic objects for compositing. Beyond the obvious thing such as cars, airplanes, and ramping beasts, CGI has mastered the ability to create photorealistic hair, skin cloth clouds, fog fire, and even water. It has even become common practice to use a "digital double" when you want the movie star to execute a daring stunt that is beyond even experts stunt double. It will not be long before the first "cyber thespian"

(an all CGI character) stars in what would otherwise be a live action movie. However, after all the spaceships, beasts' water and fire have been rendered, somebody is the digital compositor.

8.3 - multipass composite:

8.4 - depth composite

8.5 - particle systems.

8.6- atmospherics:

Adding atmospherics toa shot is another digital compositing effect that is done

9- CGI lighting

9.1 - matching CGI light with real time footage.

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