In March 1989, little did physicist Tim Berners-Lee know that his idea to create a “better, easier way to communicate by way of computers on a global scale would lead him to organize, along with Robert Cailliau, a systems engineer, what is commonly known as the World Wide Web.” ( In twenty short years, the web has exploded from a way to help CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) physicists share their laboratory-based computer-stored information with personal computers to a true web of communication serving the world at large. Contrary to belief in some circles, former U.S. Senator Al Gore (D-TN) did not invent the internet. That fact aside, the internet has become a facilitator for many applications; namely, communication, obtaining and dissemination of information, commerce, and entertainment.
According to the Stanford Online Report February 16, 2000 by Kathleen O'Toole, researchers at Stanford University asked each of 4000 respondents to select among a list of 17 common internet activities and tell which they did or did not do. A list of activities follows, with the highest percentage of internet users choosing email:
1. Email
2. General Information
3. Surfing
4. Reading
5. Hobbies
6. Product Information
7. Travel Information
8. Work/Business
9. Entertainment/Games
10. Buying
11. Stock Quotes
12. Job Search
13. Chat Rooms
14. Homework
15. Auctions
16. Banking
17. Trading Stocks
Email. To the outside observer, it is obvious why, even in 2000, electronic communication tops the list: communication via the internet is less expensive (no stationery, stamps or post office trips), more convenient (no hunting for addresses or getting dressed for the post office), and, in many cases, instant. Instant Messaging. Through AOL (America OnLine) and other such providers, a person can sit at his computer doing research and have a conversation (with or without video) while working on other items. This feature is great to have should there be an emergency and the worker needs to be alerted but is on the phone and unreachable that way. Group Invitations. Increasingly popular are the electronic mail communications companies that enable a person to make group invitations. These companies help one keep up with the group of friends one has invited, and who is and isn't coming to the function. Also, this way no-one is excluded and all will be aware of the gathering.
Information Exchange
Research. In addition to electronic communication, the Internet is also useful for obtaining from and disseminating information to others. Extremely popular sites for research are Google ( and the user-edited on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia ( News. For those who are looking for local, national, or world “news”, news sites such as, the New York Times on-line newspaper and web logs (“blogs”) like carry news and opinions. Inspiration. Should a person want to browse for further information or inspiration, most sites have embedded links and bibliographies that one could click and navigate. There is a wide spectrum of interest in the information on the internet. As of 3:37 p.m. Thursday, August 13, 2009, the top web information links included:
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Shopping. In regard to “clicking and navigating,” commerce is extremely easy and personally convenient for a person using the Internet. Shopping is an immediate gratification dream. There is no more need for driving from store to store, or, worse, calling store after store to comparison shop. Advertising. Stores can advertise with both popups and banners along the side of browser windows. And with sites like eBay (, and Craigslist (, a shopper need only type in what he wants on a site search engine, and there follows myriad opportunities to spend money or find business or employment immediately. Employment.,, and are among the many sites for employers to post want-ads and prospective employees to find employment leads.
Games & Movies. Probably the most time-inefficient, yet extremely addictive use of the internet is for entertainment purposes. The internet allows a person to see and post movies (, and play games that are both one person and interactive with people around the world. Social Networking. Internet social networking sites such as and keep friends and family close even if they live far away. Picture Sharing. Also, there are photo enhancing/sharing websites-,, and that help do the same.
Uses like communication, dissemination of research, commerce, and entertainment, are really what keep the Web growing and flourishing like it is now. There are more uses and the reasons people use the Internet change every day. Many people have functionally realized: as long as you have the Internet, the World Wide Web is a grab-bag full of possibilities.